A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
An Annotated Anthology Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Cosmic Code
Nested Evolution
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

As a collaborative work in progress, we invite suggestions of books, articles and websites, (best if annotated). If selected for inclusion, the sender will be noted. Please email to:

The universe is progressing in a direction toward greater intelligence, conscious awareness, & self-understanding. The dark universe becomes gradually more lit up with consciousness. David Grinspoon

David Grinspoon

PediaPedia Earthica: A ProPaedia Introduction to an Annotated Bibliography and Anthology Resource as a Our Global Genius Comes to Her/His Own Phenomenal, Revolutionary, Natural Knowledge. This reference resource seeks to report and document a collaborative 21st century realization of an evident biological, genetic, ecosmic uniVerse whereof Earthuman beings have a vital place and purpose. By mid 2024, it contains some 10,000 entries across 86 topical outline sections and 5,000 text pages. The project has been online since 2004 and by these 2020s has been given a Planatural Genesis identity.

A new lead essay is PediaPedia Earthica: A ProPaedia WorldWise Annotated Bibliography and Anthology SourceSite. This first entry will provide an extensive 2020 – 2022 content and citation survey. Yearbooks begin with 2023 as An Annual Outline Review of Especial References and Yearlong Advances, while 2024 is PediaPedia Ecosmica: Our Children’s Organic Community Garden of Universes Grows Greener. After that will be PediaPedia Bearthica 2025 - 2030: An EarthKinder Preview of a Family Ecosmos Genesis at a Geonativity Choice

However a prime difference is a dedicated attribution to the 21st century occasion of an emergent evolutionary transition in individuality on a planetary scale. As a result, a personsphere sapience seems to have attained a collective, consilient, intelligence and knowledge on her/his own due to self-organizing contributions by peoples everywhere. A significant finding is an ecosmome to geonome code as reported in the An Emergent Ecode section and Chapter III. The website editor is Arthur Fabel (real name) who draws upon many years of scientific, environmental, and organization projects, technical writings, book editing (National Awards), and public presentations.  

The essence of the mind is consciousness. It emerged early during evolution and ontogeny appears to follow the same process as phylogeny. The development of consciousness is a progressive, stepwise, structural and functional evolution of multiple intricate components. Nelly Padilla, Hugo Largercrantz

Nelly Padilla, Hugo Lagercrantz

Let’s visualize all the people living in peace. Let’s carry the clearest vision of a peaceful world. And do it with a spirit of fun and joy. War is over if you want it. Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono

View a keynote presentation made at Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic on October 14, 2005. The conference was organized by the Center for Dialogue between Science and Religion of the Cyril-Methodius Theological Faculty. An earlier version of this talk was presented at Marist College on May 14, 2005.