II. Pedia Sapiens: A Planetary Progeny Comes to Her/His Own Actual Factual Knowledge
Once again, the working premise for this website is that Homo to Anthropo to Earthomo Sapiens altogether, as a major evolutionary emergent transition to a super-organic planetary progeny, ought to and can be seen achieving her/his own worldwise revolutionary discovery. This expansive Part II will first broach many prior encounters and contemplations in their indigenous, mystic, scriptural, perennial, and philosophical expressions.
We next survey the historical, nonlinear course and rise of theoretical and experimental scientific studies, one could say from the moon to a multiverse in 400 years. Another copious chapter seeks to document this cerebral/cognitive shift from individuals (men) and small groups to a bicameral, constantly collaborative Mindkind Sapiensphere. A recent subsection in regard is Deep Neural Network Learning facilities. A further illustrative aspect is a select array of International Conferences, along with a citation of Journal Resourses now in the hundreds.
A. Aboriginal Quest(ion)
Over the past millennia as sapient human beings gained a novel awareness and facility to wonder and learn about their august being and occasion. As readers know, this multi-sensory and media endeavor took many forms, for which this five part section offers a select variety of references and testimonies.
At the outset, Mythic Animism surveys an indigenous, mystic, vista, often by wise women, of an aboriginal immersion in an awesome, numinous living, personified, magical realm. From this milieu arose in independent places a sense of a stratified creation graced by an exemplary iconic principle through which the world can be made comprehensible. An array of eastern and western receptions are noted in The Anthropocosmic Code around a central truth that micro human and macro universe are mirrors to each other as children to parents.
The Renaissance project to read the encompassing cosmos as a found testament of God’s works in accord with God’s given word in reviewed in The Book of Nature. A Rosetta Cosmos natural literacy is next proposed as a conceptual aid to ecumenical rapport. It also cites new findings that self-organizing complexities equally imbue this textual corpora. An eclectic World Philosophy module concludes with an added emphasis on African, Global South appreciations of ubuntu person/community values.
1. Indigenous Intimation: Mythic Animism
For the Maya, the Universe was an exuberant celebration of fractals. Everything repeated itself in an endless variety of forms and sizes and all things were mirror-image transformations of the same underlying life force. Douglas Gillette
Selections from a copious literature about our primal, native, mystic, shamanic, aboriginal dreamtimes whence the human psyche began in wonder and thrall to approach and narrate this fantastic spatial abode and temporal drama. Such indigenous wisdom arose from and communed with a holistic, living, energetic, personified milieu that we are in much need of remembrance and avail today. To employ a 21st century metaphor, for these early seekers this vital, spirited nature was an exemplary edification arising in a manifest way from an independent yet complementary generative source.
2020: An original, feminine brain/mind visionary wisdome ever perceives a lively personified fertility which may abide akin to a universal uterus. Far removed, if we mechanist latecomers, so cut off from this wellspring as to deny it, could again altogether ask, see, and immerse in its procreative vitality, all children might regain and look forward to a better future.
Akomolafe, Adebayo. The Trees Still Speak: The Collective Intelligence of the Natural World. Spanda Journal. Volume 2, 2014.
Burkhart, Brian Yazzie. The Physics of Spirit: The Indigenous Continuity of Science and Religion. Haag, James, et al, eds. Routledge Companion to Religion and Science.. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Eglash, Ron and Audrey Bennett. Fractals in Global Africa. Critical Interventions. Issue 9/10, 2012.
Kohn, Eduardo. How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Nelson, Melissa and Daniel Shilling, eds. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Learning from Indigenous Practices for Environmental Sustainability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Schipper, Mineke, et al. China’s Creation and Origin Myths. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. The Relative Native: Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds. Chicago: Hau Books, 2016.
Witzel, Michael. The Origins of the World’s Mythologies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
View the 55 Bibliographic Entries
2. Perennial Wisdome: An AnthropoCosmic Code
2020: As another historic reference, this section views the ancient, eternal quest for an implied emblematic, generative secret, aka magnum opus or great work, by which, if found, this Earthly presence can be revealed and healed. As various works (Raphael Patai, Yi Lin) express, a common core code can be distilled as one self, which is two, then begets three, and onto manifold recurrence everywhere. Into this 21st century, as celestial macrocosm and our cerebral microcosm truly proven to be one and the same, this Yang, Yin and Taome iconic, biconic and triconic edification can ever light and guide a our cocreative, sustainable futurity for men, women and especially children.
Chittick, William. Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul. Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 2007.
Gordon, Robin. Searching for the Soror Mystica: The Lives and Science of Women Alchemists. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2013.
Haberman, Jacob, ed. The Microcosm of Joseph Ibn Saddiq. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2003.
Jackson, William. Heaven’s Fractal Net. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 2004
Murata, Sachiko, et al. The Sage Learning of Liu Zhu: Islamic Thought in Confucian Terms. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Panikkar, Raimon. The Rhythm of Being. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010.
Sterckx, Roel. Ways of Heaven: An Introduction to Chinese Thought. New York: Basic Books, 2019.
Wang, Robin. Yinyang: The Way of Heaven and Earth in Chinese Thought and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Weiming, Tu. An “Anthropocosmic” Perspective on Creativity. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2/5, 2010.
View the 84 Bibliographic Entries
3. The Book of Naturome: A New Translation
This section will consider another way that a 21st century phenomenal knowledge can come into accord with and fulfill a familiar, numinous tradition. Two books of revelation have long been said to inform humanity’s religious encounters. One is God’s received word in the Bible, Torah, Koran; the other is God’s works in the evidences of cosmic and Earthly creation. In 1987 Pope John Paul II wrote to George Coyne, SJ, Director of the Vatican Observatory, stating that “the matter is urgent” for a rapprochement between theology and science. In the first lecture set up in response, Danish historian Olaf Pedersen advised that the best means to achieve this would be to recover the venerable concept of Nature as an intended revelation.
Philosophy is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes -- I mean the universe -- but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures. famously advised Galileo in 1623.
Such a second testament has deep roots going back to Plato, Aristotle and Augustine. Each creature was a living sign, an exemplary emblem, the worldly environment an edifying guide. The mission to limn a Divine signature and scripture motivated Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and 16th to 19th century theologians and metaphysicians. But into the later 19th and 20th century as a vicarious evolution became known along with galactic spaces, Earth, life and people became contingent accidents of its blind, entropic mechanism. As an academic postmodern despair sunk in, any sense of an incarnate narrative was abandoned.
2020: In the scope of this Natural Genesis posting, a New Translation phrase has been added. As an example we note Information-Consciousness-Reality by the Swiss physicist James Glattfelder (2019, herein), which is fully online at its Springer page. While an algorithmic future is surmised, it is proposed that into the 21st century the new nonequilibrium sciences of dynamic network complexities as they inform and self-organize might represent a second, worldwide decipherment.
Ablondi, Fred. Reading Nature’s Book: Galileo and the Birth of Modern Philosophy. New York: Peter Lang, 2016.
Armstrong, Karen. The Lost Art of Scripture. New York, Knopf, 2019.
Faltynek, Dan, et al. On the Analogy between the Genetic Code and Natural Language. Biosemiotics. April, 2019.
Glattfelder, James. Information-Consciousness-Reality. International: Springer Frontiers, 2019.
Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2022.
Lackova, Ludmilla. Folding of a Peptide Continuum: Semiotic Approach to Protein Folding. Semiotica. 233/77, 2020.
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. The Garden of Truth. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Sandford, Emily, et al. On Planetary Systems as Ordered Sequences. arXiv:2105.09966.
Sherwin, Byron. Golems Among Us. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2004
Van Schaik, Carel and Kai Michel. The Good Book of Human Nature: An Evolutionary Reading of the Bible. New York: Basic Books, 2016.
Zaharchuk, Holly and Elizabeth Karuza. Multilayer Networks: An Untapped Tool for Understanding Bilingual Neurocognition. Brain and Language. Volume 220, 2021.
View the 95 Bibliographic Entries
4. Whole World Philosophy: An Ubuntu Universe
The venerable pursuit of philosophical inquiry and conjecture has a huge, eclectic literature. This general section will gather global eastern/southern voices and visions beyond western/northern works. It will also note a once and future natural philosophy which was the original name for scientific studies in Isaac Newton’s 17th century. This vista since been set aside, but a 21st century revival is imperative says Freeman Dyson (search) to regain an integral coherence. Thus we purpose a Natural PhiloSophia genre to newly contain both Philip and Sophia within a 2020 holistic bicameral vision.
Another aspect will be the inclusion of a distinctly organic, complementary African wisdom. In this regard, contributions by Molefi Asante, Maulana Karenga, Messay Kebede, Mhlanhla Mkhize, Thomas Odhiambo and others are noted. In addition, please search across the site by way of Keywords: Africa, (Leopold) Senghor, and especially Ubuntu. We add a Ubuntu Universe subtitle because this traditional me + We (eco)village community is an icon of peaceful, sustainable creative unity that peoples everywhere so need today.
2020: As the new intro notes, this section has been a gathering place for second culture philosophies beyond Western science and scholarship. Global visions and voices offer their novel, expansive vistas as they contribute to an integral planetary mindfulness. We also include here the especially rich, vital corpus of traditional and current African wisdom. It may well be that only a me member + We webwork = US Ubuntu States mutual reciprocity will save and sustain our imperiled near and far lands. Allott, Philip. Eutopia: New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2016.
Bala, Arun, ed.. Asia, Europe, and the Emergence of Modern Science. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Cornell, Drucilla and Nyoko Muvanqua, eds. Ubuntu and the Law: African Ideals. New York: Fordham University Press, 2012.
Diagne, Souleymane Bachir. Postcolonial Bergson. New York: Fordham University Press, 2019.
Elias, Amy and Christian Moraru, eds. The Planetary Turn. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2015.
Ferry, Luc. A Brief History of Thought. New York: Harper Perennial, 2011.
Karenga, Maulana. MAAT: The Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt: A Study in Classical African Ethics. New York: Routledge, 2004.
Kebede, Messay. Africa’s Quest for a Philosophy of Decolonization. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004.
Kitcher, Philip. Philosophy Inside Out. Metaphilosophy. 42/3, 2012.
Nicholson, Daniel and John Dupre, eds. Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Verlardo, Valerio. Recursive Ontology: A Systemic Theory of Reality. Axiomathes. 26/1, 2016.
View the 105 Bibliographic Entries
B. The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana Phases
In the middle and Renaissance ages a realization slowly dawned that our aware human sapience could learn about an extant world which seems to possess discernible properties that can be investigated, written, codified, and accumulated. Thus an incipient, eclectic scientific project by exploration, theory and experiment began. This endeavor went forth from the 15th to the 20th centuries to collect, name, count, measure, test and arrange an ever wider presence of atomic depth, celestial breadth and contingent evolutionary duration. It was an arduous, fraught chronicle as readers well know. But with each expansion from creature to cosmos, human seekers vanished into insignificance. This agenda led to consequences quie opposed to the original initiative and promise. As nature was taken apart and reduced piecemeal, the world came to be more like a machine than an organism. A material, mechanical scheme took over devoid of sense or value, mind and spirit removed from matter. A first scientific revolution by way of natural philosophy and theology gave way to a second stage into the 19th century as it split into separate fields and a thousand sub-specialties. By this parcellation the living realm was disassembled, dissected and embalmed.
A reintegration began in the later 20th century when quantum physics and relativity theory began to imagine a seamless, interrelated unity. This conceptual shift is still working itself out and percolates into biological and social realms. For most of its tenure science was concerned with infinitesimal particles and infinite sidereal reaches. By means of networked computers and graphic visualizations, a “third infinity” of an oriented, recurrent, dynamic complexity and consciousness can now be perceived. The section is called The Spiral of Science because our phenomenal homo to anthropo reconstruction proceeds from individual (male) investigators to a collegial, cumulative dialogue and onto a worldwide, interdisciplinary community, noted next in Mindkind. We also wish to cite a distinction between the two cultures of scientific method and natural philosophy since they are actually two different modes and phases. This lapse has led to confusion and a public dislike and distrust of science and medical information. Experimental findings such as gravity waves, biomolecules and weather patterns are the result of arduous trial, iterate, retest, rethink and so on. Evolutionary biology has indeed found that bird wings and human arms are related forms and how whales evolved from mammals who returned to seas. But a surmise since the late 19th century that life’s developmental emergence yet has no innate code cause, oriented direction or teleologic goal has become a vested, quite erroneous conclusion.
2020: By this year an awesome array of online eprint sites and myriad journals post thousands of papers each day. A cumulative repository builds on its own agency as researchers scan, read, fill in, modify and contribute further work. Website entries across the sections have come to perceive this endeavor as a self-organizing complex network system. A worldwise collective intelligence now seems in emergent effect whereof any ecosmic breadth and atomic depth has become cognitively accessible.
On the physics arXiv.org site one can find, e.g., Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter (2006.02838) and Quantum Critical Spin-Density Waves (2006.05680). A preprint server for biology at bioRxiv.org has postings from Animal Behavior to COVID studies to Zoology. As a rule entries can have numerous, often international co-authors. By this view, our global genius seems engaged in a phenomenal task of observant universal self-quantification, written description, which altogether may be fed back to inform and achieve our KinderMind continuance.
Circa 2022, a further emergent spiral turn to a planetary Earthropo phase enhanced by AI advances is getting underway, which entries herein will report. Some examples are On Scientific Understanding with Artificial Intelligence (M. Krenn), and “Machine Scientists” Distill the Laws of Physics from Raw Data, and How to Make the Universe Think Like Us, both by Charlie Wood. Our PediaPedia 2023 entry will record more editions to this turning.
Bauer, Amanda, et al. Petabytes to Science. arXiv:1905.05116.
Berger, Bonnie. How to Succeed as a Computation Biologist in Today’s Research Climate. Cell Systems. 13/10, 2022.
Dworkin, Jordan, et al. The Emergent Integrated Network Structure of Scientific Research. PLoS One. 14/4, 2019.
Gebhart, Thomas and Russell Funk. The Emergence of Higher-Order Structure in Scientific and Technological Knowledge Networks. arXiv:2009.13620.
Gomez-Vargas, Isidro, et al. Neural Networks Optimized by Genetic Algorithms in Cosmology. arXiv:2209.02685.
Ju, Harang, et al. The Network Structure of Scientific Revolutions. arXiv:2010.08381.
Kitano, Hiroaki. Nobel Turing Challenge: Creating the Engine for Scientific Discovery. NPJ Systems Biology. 7/29, 2021.
Krenn, Mario, et al. Predicting the Future of AI with AI: A Knowledge Network. arXiv.2210.00881.
Lavin, Alexander, et al. Simulation Intelligence: Towards a New Generation of Scientific Methods. arXiv:2112.03235.
Marshall, Stuart, et al. Formalizing the Pathways to Life using Assembly Spaces. Entropy. 24/7, 2022.
Ntampaka, Michele and Alexey Vikhlinin. Toward an Understandable Machine Learning Encoder for Galaxy Cluster Cosmology. arXiv:2112.05768.
Schutt, Kristof, et al, eds. Machine Learning Meets Quantum Physics. International: Springer, 2020.
Tinetti, Giovanni, et al. Ariel: Enabling Planetary Science Across Light-Years. arXiv:2104.04824.
Renn, Jurgen. The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.
Seif, Alireza, et al. Machine Learning the Thermodynamic Arrow of Time. Nature Physics. 17/1, 2022.
View the 199 Bibliographic Entries
C. Earthica Learns: Person/Planet, Self-Educate, Collaborative Ecosmo Sapiens
We open this wumanwise sapiensphere section about how an emergent Earthumanity appears to be gaining knowledge by her/his own self with a litany list of the over 200 journals that are perused on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. A brief historical note on scientific periodicals follows.
A: Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Central Science, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, ACS Omega, ACS Synthetic Biology, Acta Astronautica, Acta Biotheoretica, Acta Informatica, Adaptive Behavior, Advances Neural Information Process Systems, Advances in Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, American Journal of Physics, American Naturalist, American Psychologist, Animal Behaviour, Animal Cognition, Angewandte Chemie International, Annalen der Physik, Annals of Physics, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Anthropocene, Anthropocene Review, Applied Informatics, Artificial Life, Astrobiology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysical Journal, Axiomathes
Annual Reviews: Anthropology, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Genetics, Genomics and Human Genetics, Linguistics, Materials Research, Neuroscience, Psychology
arXiv.org: Astrophysics, Nonlinear Sciences, Physics (History & Philosophy, Physics & Society, Popular Physics, Space), Computer Science (Computation & Language, Computational Complexity) Digital Libraries, Information Theory, Neural & Evolutionary Computing), Quantitative Biology
B: Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, bioRxiv.org, Bioinformatics, Biological Bulletin, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biological Theory, Biology Direct, Biology and Philosophy, BioEssays, BioScience, Biosemiotics, BioSystems, BMC Journals, Brain and Cognition, Brain and Language, Brain, Behavior, Evolution, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
C: Cell, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Science, ChemPhysChem, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Complexity, Complexity Digest Papers, Climatic Change, Cliodynamics: Journal of Quantitative History and Cultural Evolution, Cognition, Cognitive Processing, Cognitive Computation, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Systems Research, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, Collective Intelligence, Communicative & Integrative Biology, Communications of the ACM, Complex Systems, Communications Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, Consciousness and Cognition, Contemporary Physics, Cosmos and History, Current Anthropology, Current Biology, Current Directions in Psychological Science
Current Opinion in: Biotechnology, Behavioral Sciences, Genetics and Development, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Systems Biology
D: Database: Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, Developmental Biology
E: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth System Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution, Ecological Economics, Ecological Modelling, Ecological Complexity, Ecosphere, EMBO Reports, Environment & Planning B , Environmental Ethics, EPJ Web of Conferences, European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, European Physical Journal Special Topics, Europhysics Letters, Evolution, Evolution and Human Behavior, Evolutionary Anthropology, Evolutionary Biology
F: Foresight Journal, Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Science, Fractals, Frontiers Journals, Functional & Integrative Genomics, Futures
G: Genes & Development, Genetica, Genetics, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Genome Biology and Evolution, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, Genetic Programming Evolvable Machines, Geoscience Frontiers
H:History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Human Development
I: Icarus, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Interaction Studies, Information Sciences, Integrative Biology, International Journal of Astrobiology, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Integrative Biology, ISIS: Journal of the History of Science Society, iScience, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution
J: Journal of: Analytical Psychology, Bioeconomics, Association for Information Science and Technology JASIST, Biological Physics, Chemical Information and Modeling, Chemical Physics, Computational Biology, Computational Chemistry, Computational Social Science, Consciousness Studies, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Experimental Biology, Experimental Zoology B, Geophysical Research Planets, Informetrics, Informatics, Language Evolution, Mathematical Psychology, Molecular Evolution, Physics A: Mathematical, Physics: Complexity, Physics D: Applied Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Systems Architecture, Theoretical Biology
L: Language Learning, Language Sciences, Laterality
M: Metaphilosophy, Metode Science Studies, Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews MMBR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Minds and Machines, Molecular Biology and Evolution
MDPI Journals: Biology, Challenges, Entropy, Humanities, Informatics, Information, Life, Philosophies, Proceedings, Sustainability, Systems, Universe
N: National Science Review, Network Science, Network Neuroscience, Neural Computation, Neural Networks, Neuroscience of Consciousness, Neurocomputing, Neuroinformatics, NEURON, New Ideas in Psychology, New Journal of Physics, Nucleic Acid Research,
Nature Journals: Astronomy, Biotechnology, Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Climate Change, Computational Science, Ecology & Evolution, Genetics, Human Behavior, Machine Intelligence, Materials, Nanotechnology, Nature, Neuroscience, Physics, Scientific Reports, Reviews Genetics, Reviews Neuroscience, Npj Quantum Information
Nature Communications Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environment, Materials, Physics
O: Oikos, OMICS Journal of Integrative Biology, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere
P: Paleobiology, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Perspectives on Science, Philosophy East & West, Philosophy and Technology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Psychology, Physical Review Research, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Physica Scripta, Physics Letters B, Physics of Life Reviews, Physics Reports, Physical Biology, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Physical Review X, Physics Today, Physics World, Planetary and Space Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS, Proceedings of Science, Procedia Computer Science, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Psychological Inquiry
Public Library of Science PLoS: Biology, Computational Biology, Genetics, ONE
Q: Quantum Information Processing, Quanta Magazine, Quantum Studies, Quaternary International, Quarterly Review of Biology
R: Reports on Progress in Physics, Reviews of Modern Physics
Royal Society: Interface, Interface Focus, Philosophical Transactions A: Physical Sciences, Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, Proceedings B: Biological Sciences, Proceedings A, Royal Society Open Science
S: Santa Fe Institute Working Papers, Science, Science Advances, Semiotica, Soft Computing, Social Evolution & History, Sophia, Space Science Reviews, Soft Matter, Springer Open, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A, B, C, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Synthese, Synthetic Biology, Systems Research and Behavioral Science
T: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, Theoretical Computer Science, Theology and Science, Theory in Biosciences, Theory, Culture and Society, Topoi, Topics in Cognitive Science
Trends in: Biochemical Sciences, Biotechnology, Cognitive Science, Ecology and Evolution, Genetics, Neuroscience
W: World Futures, World Futures Review
Z: Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
Dainton, John, editor. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Volume 380/Issue 2227, July 2022. We cite this topical edition about Emergent Phenomena in Complex Physical and Socio-Technical Systems: From Cells to Societies (search Artime) to exemplify its 2020s genesis universe scope. An epic significance then accrues from being published in this oldest scientific journal dating from March 1665 with Isaac Newton as a prime mentor. The first edition had topical notes on Unusual Tides in Western Scotland and a Remarkable Spring in Paderborn, Germany. Some 357 years later, this Volume also has issues about The Future of Mathematical Cosmology, and Quantum Technologies.
In more regard, the journal Nature began in 1869 with On the Fertilization of Winter-Flowering Plants and a Natural History of British Moths. Today a May 2022 issue had a Nova Fireball cover story. Annalen Der Physik from Germany began in 1798, a 2020 issue was about Dynamic Quantum Matter. We record this heritage as another way to trace a long Science Spiral from personal rudiments to our worldwise collaborations from a moon to a multiverse. Until 2010, only paper journals, which could take a year or more to review and publish, existed. (On occasion I’ve waited a year and a half.) Nowadays, papers can immediately appear online, often in preprint form. And as an indication today, every prior issue of these original periodicals is available on its website with full PDF format.
Earth Learns:Collective Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, Intelligent Collaborations
With life’s evolution found to be a nested, recurrent sequence of whole entities, (please see Part V and throughout), its next evident, emergent transition of planetary proportions seems much underway. In regard, a metamorphosis to a diverse yet unified super-organic entity, a sapient personsphere, is variously cited. Part VII, B. EarthKinder alludes to metabiological features of anatomy, physiology and complementary cultures. What is of sure interest is the formation of a global cerebral faculty, an actual brain presently learning on its (her/his) own. Since evolution seems to repeat the same pattern at each ascendant stage, this worldwide scale seems once again to be graced by a neural network structure, hierarchical thought processes and cognitive activity.
But an ultimate consequence of achieving its own knowledge has hardly been considered. If the advent of a novel planetary locus of learning and discovery can be admitted and translated, it could gather and integrate the many fragments now at terminal odds. At a time when peoples cannot break free of ancient cycles of violence and carnage, such a common edification by a unified humanity is indispensible. We can cite one salient notice by Thomas Malone, director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (cci.mit.edu). His Superminds (2018) edition, and You Tube presentations do suggest that such a true noosphere composed of people and computers ought achieve its own palliative and creative knowledge and may be the only way we can save ourselves. And we note its “library of ecosmos” published content is the inspiration and reason for our annotated bibliography and anthology format. We have relocated reviews of international conferences over the last decade as venue examples of global meetings. Their content can give a glimpse how subject areas were advancing through the decade.
We now cite a 2022 title Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process by Adam Frank, et al as a strong endorsement of this worldwise occasion and attribution. Here are three quotes and one from the Gloval Brain Institute along with these quotes:
Intelligence is usually seen as an individual faculty. Here, we broaden the idea of intelligence as a collective group property and extend it to the planetary scale. We consider the ways in which a relative technological intelligence may represent a kind of planetary scale transition, much as the origin of life itself may be seen as a global phenomenon. Our approach follows many researchers today that the correct scale to understand key aspects of life and its evolution is planetary, beyond traditional focus on individual species. (Abstract excerpt)
A transition to planetary intelligence, as we described here, would achieve its operative presence at a global scale. Such a mindful world could steer the future evolution of Earth, acting in concert with and guided by a deep understanding of natural systems. If other civilizations that may exist in the universe undergo such a transition, we would expect to see a marked difference in their biosignatures due to a sustainable, global intelligence versus those that not been able to attain this emergent phase. (27)
We propose five properties required for a world to show knowing cognitive activity operating across planetary scales. These are: (1) emergence ,(2) dynamics of networks, (3) networks of semantic information, (4) appearance of complex adaptive systems, (5) autopioesis. Different degrees of these properties appear as a world evolves from abiotic (geosphere) to biotic (biosphere) to technologic (technosphere). (33) We see people, machines and software systems as agents that communicate via complex network links. These agents contribute their own expertise to resolving problems and challenges. Thus the skills of different agents are pooled into a collective intelligence much greater than that of its individual members. This propagation across the global network is a complex process of self-organization. It is similar to the "spreading activation" that characterizes thinking in the human brain. This process will change the network by reinforcing useful links, while weakening less useful ones. So it can be said that the network learns and becomes more intelligent. (Global Brain Institute)
2020: By this bidecadal year, a novel online informative sapiensphere could be seen in place to an extent that it has commenced to learn on its (her/his) own. Again, this perception is the conceptual basis of this resource site. As we human persons contribute to and daily avail, an accessible global repository of accumulated knowledge can become apparent. In wider regard, as an ecosmic (genomic) source may at last reach its conscious recognition, this vast content can be feed back to salve, heal, and enhance the valiant beings it arose from. A specific, crucial case may be its biological and medical application to cure and bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. As 214 select references to date may convey, it would serve me + We = US to become aware of its salutary presence, a novel Earthomo dispensation we so need.
Bak-Coleman, Joseph, et al. Stewardship of Global Collective Behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118/27, 2021.
Dankulov, Marija, et al. The Dynamics of Meaningful Social Interactions and the Emergence of Collective Knowledge. Nature Scientific Reports. 5/12197, 2015.
Floridi, Luciano. The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Frank, Adam, et al. Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process. International Journal of Astrobiology. February, 2022.
Gebhart, Thomas and Russell Funk. The Emergence of Higher-Order Structure in Scientific and Technological Knowledge Networks. arXiv:2009.13620.
Graham, Daniel. An Internet in Your Head: A New Paradigm for How the Brain Works. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021.
Heersmink, Richard and John Sutton. Cognition and the Web: Extended, Transactive, or Scaffolded. Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Scientific Philosophy. 85/1, 2020.
Heylighen, Francis and Marta Lenartowicz. The Global Brain as a Model of the Future Information Society. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 114/1, 2017.
Malone, Thomas. Superminds. Grand Haven, MI: Brilliance Publishing, 2018.
Momennejad, Ida. Collective Minds: Social Network Topology Shapes Collective Cognition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. December 2021.
Noriega-Campero, Alejandro, et al. The Wisdom of the Network: How Adaptive Networks Promote Collective Intelligence. arXiv:1805.04766.
Robin, Amanda, et al. Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. December 2021.
Sloman, Steven and Philip Fernbach. The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone. New York: Riverhead Books, 2017.
Wang, Yingxu, et al. On the Philosophical, Cognitive and Mathematical Foundations of Symbiotic Autonomous Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. August, 2021.
Zurn, Perry and Danielle Bassett. Network Architectures Supporting Learnability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. February, 2020.
As a note,the first few pages are citations about international conferences which were moved from another section.
View the 255 Bibliographic Entries
1. Earthificial Cumulative Cognizance: AI Large Language Models Learn Much Like a Child
This is a new section posted in 2017 to survey and report this “artificial intelligence” or AI turn from a machine computation scheme to new understandings that biological brains as they fluidly form, think, perceive, and gain knowledge can provide a much better model. This revolution parallels and is informed by neuroscience findings of cerebral node/link modularity, net communities, rich hubs, multiplex dynamics of neuron/synapse topologies and emergent cognizance. A prime quality is their self-organized, critically poised, self-corrective, iterative education, and especially their achievement of pattern recognition, as we people do so well. “Deep” means several interactive network layers or phases are in effect, rather than just one level or “shallow” AI.
Another consequence is an increasing use of “artificial” neural net (ANN) techniques to handle vast data inputs from worldwide astronomic, quantum, chemical, genetic and any other research realms. They are also aid studies of life’s organismic physiologies and evolutionary course, along with social media, behavioral, traffic, populace, and economic activities. Bayesian methods of sequentially optimizing probabilities for good enough answers are often used in concert. These citations survey this growing collaborative advance, see e.g. Quantum Codes from Neural Networks (Bausch). They also bode well for another window on the discovery of a natural universality (section IV. B) as brains, genomes, quantum phenomena, creatures, societies, literary corpora, and all else become treatable by the one, same exemplary “-omics” code.
And in accord with our website premise that an emergent cumulative transition is underway to a sapient personsphere, we take license to dub this movement as an Earthificial Intelligence. If scientists and scholars are presently applying neural architectures and capabilities to advance their local and global projects, these endeavors could appear as the evidential guise of a bicameral noosphere. Rather than an invasive technical artifice and/or singularity which might take off by itself, this prodigious progeny could be appreciated as learning and educating on her/his own.
Since c. 2015 a revision from ineffective machine methods to a biological, human brain based approach has gone foward. It is notable that “artificial” neural nets have found much analytic utility from quantum to galactic studies, which is indicative of nature’s common recurrence. The year 2023 has seen a rush of Large Language Model and ChatGPT applications with capabilities and concerns. In August I heard Eric Schmidt say on TV that a root issue is the absence of any philosophic guidance. In regard then, into early 2024 I have come across several entries (herein Michael Frank, Marina Pantcheva, Claire Stevenson, Levi DeHaan, Azzurra Ruggeri, Pierre Oudeyer) which perceive a general similarity between how the LLM content seems to form and operate and the inquisitive trials and triumphs by which children learn to speak and gain knowledge.
I next refer to our own 2020s venue as PediaPedia Earthica whose occasion is attributed to a major evolutionary transition in individuality (see V. A section) as life’s emergent scale ascends to a consummate personsphere stage. We have been using names such as planetary progeny, prodigy, EarthKinder for this novel presence and a global sapiensphere. To follow this theme, an actual identity can be proposed as this composite Earthwise intelligence (EI) educates her/his self.
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) application that uses natural language processing to create human-like conversational dialogue. It can respond to questions and compose written content such as articles, social media, essays and emails. ChatGPT is a form of generative AI, a tool that lets users enter prompts to receive images, text or videos. GPT means "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," which refers to how it processes requests and formulates responses. It is trained with reinforcement learning through human feedback that rank the best responses.
Bahri, Yasaman, et al. Statistical Mechanics of Deep Learning. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. 11/501, 2020.
Bausch, Johannes and Felix Leditsky. Quantum Codes from Neural Networks. New Journal of Physics. 22/023005, 2020.
Botvinick, Matthew. Realizing the Promise of AI: A New Challenge for Cognitive Science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26/12, 2022.
Chantada, Augusto, et al. Cosmological Informed Neural Networks to Solve the Background Dynamics of the Universe. arXiv:2205.02945.
Hayasaki, Erika. Women vs. the Machine. Foreign Policy. Jan/Feb, 2017.
Krenn, Mario, et al. On Scientific Understanding with Artificial Intelligence. arXiv:2204.01467.
Manyika, James, ed. AI & Society. Daedulus. Spring 2022.
Mitchell, Melanie. What Does It Mean to Align AI with Human Values? Quanta. December 13, 2022.
Ohler, Simon, et al. Towards Learning Self-Organized Criticality of Rydberg Atoms using Graph Neural Networks. arXiv:2207.08927.
Russell, Stuart. Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control. New York: Penguin, 2020.
Sejnowski, Terrence. The Deep Learning Revolution. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2018.
Spraque, Kyle, et al. Watch and Learn – A Generalized Approach for Transferrable Learning in Deep Neural Networks via Physical Principles. Machine Learning: Science and Technology. 2/2, 2021.
Tzachor, Asaf, et al. Artificial Intelligence in a Crisis Needs Ethics with Urgency. Nature Machine Intelligence. . 2/365, 2020.
Weng, Kangyu, et al. Statistical Physics of Deep Neural Networks. arXiv:2212.01744.
Wood, Charlie. How to Make the Universe Think for Us. Quanta. June 1, 2022.
View the 113 Bibliographic Entries
2. Collective Local/ Global Brain Intelligences
In November 2022, we introduce this new section which could not have been added sooner. Two prime, content-based occasions are the online presence of a dedicated Collective Intelligence journal, see J. Flack herein, and a 25th Anniversary: Looking Forward special issue of Trends in Cognitive Science (26/12, December 2022) with many general CI entries, see M. Botvinick below.
The occasion has a timely relevance because our website, whose working premise from the early 2000s has been that a further emergent planetary phase of composite, collaborative studies could be seen as learning on her/his own self.. Some names could be a prior Noosphere, a Knowsphere, maybe a Yesphere. After two intense decades, it is increasingly evident that our Earthumanity has attained an enveloping mental cognizance. A prime consequence is a vast accumulated elibrary information repository that is mostly accessible to everyone. As these present years are beset with plagues, war crimes, weather crises, social chaos, a tragic litany, peoples in pain and despair need to appreciate a concurrent advent of such a palliative, salutary, ordained resource.
Baltzerson, Rolf. Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Collective Intelligence. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Botvinick, Matthew. Realizing the Promise of AI: A New Challenge for Cognitive Science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26/12, 2022.
Centola, Damon. The Network Science of Collective Intelligence.. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26/11`2022,
Duarte, Denise, et al. Representing Collective Thinking through Cognitive Networks. Journal of Complex Networks. 10/6, 2022.
Flack, Jessica, et al. Editorial to the Inaugural Issue. Collective Intelligence. August, 2022.
Ha, David and Yujin Tang. Collective Intelligence for Deep Learning. Collective Intelligence. September, 2022.
Millhouse, Tyler, et al. Frontiers in Collective Intelligence: A Workshop Report. arXiv:2112.06864.
Rajaram, Supama. Collective Memory and the Individual Mind. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26/12, 2022.
Stepney, Susan. Computing with Open Dynamical Systems. ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9475943.
View the 25 Bibliographic Entries