(logo) Natural Genesis (logo text)
A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

I. Planatural Genesis: A Phenomenal, PhiloSophia, Propaedutic, WumanWise, Participatory Endeavor

This initial overview surveys the many findings, revisions and syntheses as our nascent EarthKinder may commence to learn all about and percieve a revolutionary discovery of an organic procreative UniVerse. It opens with Homo to Anthropo Sapiens: Historic Prescience which harks back to Greece and China and onto 19th and 20th century intimations of an encoded, self-organizing vitality. A broadly inclusive section, Earthomo to Ecosmo Sapiensphere: Global Glimpses, then offers some 265 references as an in-process documentation of its advance and fulfillment. Into the 21st century, this grand achievement can newly be attributed to a further major global evolutionary transition. As a consequence, an emergent personal sapiensphere can be seen as coming to her/his own phenomenal knowledge.

Our chapter title conveys some prime signifiers about its occasion and content. As explained herein and throughout, Natural Genesis is meant to represent a radical alternative to an olden natural selection only which relegates life and people to an accidental contingency. As online in the early 2000s, the website content now spreads over eight chapters, 85 subject sections and 8,500 entries. By circa 2020 a visionary evidential veracity seems to have been attained. As not much sooner, a sufficient depth and breadth across every realm from quantum phenomena to galactic clusters, microbes to a metropolis, has been robustly filled in and fleshed out.

But a most significant distinction could be an attribution to a profoundly different kind of cerebral faculty. While the prior centuries of science (Jessica Riskin) and philosophy (A. C. Grayling) have been totally male (left brain) in particulate nature and reductive practice, an ascendant individuality would be graced by a feminine bicameral, right/left whole brain facility. By this view, our EarthWise (Sophia) sapiensphere takes on an essential semblance to a visionary mindfulness able to witness, discover, and sustain. Thus a novel ecological cosmos, a woman’s ecosmos, becomes a reality. A “wisdome” word is added to designate that its complementary, me + We = US, guidance would be genetic in textual kind.

A. Historic Prescience: Individual Homo Sapiens

As our homo to anthropo to cosmo sapience reaches its 2020 vista and vantage, it serves to take a retrospective surmise. As Jessica Riskin (2016) recounts, the majority Western scientific view held to a mechanistic, sterile, pointless model, while a persistent minority continued to avow an organic, fertile essence. An alternative (Eastern) Russian cosmology described by George Young (2012) saw human beings are written in and intended to take up and carry out future creation. But it is important to observe (see Riskin, and Grayling 2019) that everyone involved over the whole span was a man, male in gender. Thus science and philosophy has had a reductive, particulate scheme, lately come to utter naught (B. Greene 2020, Y. Harari, 2019, et al). So a salient feature becomes evident, that of its gender imbalance. At this outset, our resource website tries to report and document a revolutionary WomanWise vision of a natural genesis.

2020: As Jessica Riskin’s excellent history recounts, this long scientific project could well be viewed as an interplay between a mainstream barren, mechanical model and a persistent minority organic essence. But we went to the book’s index only to find some 700 male names over two millennia and just 5 women. Today, as the pointless accident scheme reigns, a revolutionary, wumanwise, life affirming actuality needs to be brought into salutary awareness.

Augenstein, Bruno. Complexity, Universal Libraries, DNA Sequences. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 10/6, 1999.
Benson, Michael. Cosmigraphics. New York: Abrams, 2014.
Grayling, A. C. The History of Philosophy. New York: Penguin, 2019.
Kak, Subhash. Indian Physics: Outline of Early History. arXiv:physics/0310001..
Popov, Igor. Orthogenesis versus Darwinism. International: Springer, 2018.
Riskin, Jessica. The Restless Clock: A History of the Centuries-Long Argument over What Makes Living Things Tick. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Sarasohn, Lisa. The Natural Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Young, George. The Russian Cosmists. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

View the 108 Bibliographic Entries

B. An Anthropocene Era as a Major Emergent Transitional Phase

2020: By way of these worldwise multiplex factors, an epochal, a triple Ecosmos, EarthOva and Earthuman revision about the phenomenal nature of an actual ecosmic genesis uniVerse, along with this precious Earthly abide, and our microcosmic human/wuman selves in community may just coming to fruition in our midst. But an historic impediment remains because any such considerations are blocked by a vested, Ptolemaic, male, left brain mindset which is cognitively unable to imagine and allow an extant procreative reality with an independent existence and developmental course.

In accord with the knowspherical evolutionary emergence and spiral of science which this website resource is predicated upon, at this point our select reference lists will shift to a new 2020s Earthropocene Era in the next section.

To wit, as the whole Natural Genesis content seeks to identify, report and support, the olden sterile, particulate, materialist, mindless, mechanical, accident scheme is quite being set aside for an actual lively (feminine), genetically encoded, familial reproductive procreativity. And as the ultimate Earthropic Principle and EarthOva 2021 sections (VIII. C., D) express, by way of life’s processional, quickening emergence to a super-human global acumen and knowledge, a especial Gaia alive distinction can well regain a significant central place, role and destiny.

And for a traditional reference, we cite a Chinese “anthropocosmic” wisdom which taught a triune unity of “heaven, Earth and humanity” (Tu Weiming). At this advent moment of an historic dispensation, an expansive, esteemed appreciation of individual persons can likewise accrue. If we peoples can be newly understood as (fractal) self-similar micro-universes (personVerse) with all that may imply, anoint and empower, human beings are not sinners, rather we can one and all aspire to be Winners. If men can ever stop fighting, if a vital Gaian ecological sustainability replace, we might altogether begin a new complementary, bigender cocreation for all the children’s sake.

Arthur, Wallace. Life through Time and Space. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017.

Allen, Roland and Suzy Lindstrom. Life, the Universe, and Everything – 42 Fundamental Questions. Physica Scripta. 92/1, 2017.

Capra, Fritjof and Pier Luigi Luisi. The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Cockell, Charles. The Equations of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution. New York: Basic Books, 2018.

Conway Morris, Simon. The Runes of Evolution: How the Universe Became Self-Aware. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2015.

Dick, Steven and Mark Lupisella, eds. Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4802, 2010.

Eigen, Manfred. From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Gould, Roy. Universe in Creation: A New Understanding of the Big Bang and the Emergence of Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018

Grinspoon, David. Earth in Human Hands: Shaping Our Planet's Future. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2016.

Kelso, Scott and David Engstrom. The Complementary Nature. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.

Lovelock, James. Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2019.

Nagel, Thomas. Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Nicolelis, Miguel. The True Creator of Everything. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020.

Orrell, David. Truth or Beauty: Science and the Quest for Order. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.

Pattee, Howard and Joanna Raczaszek-Leonardi. Laws, Language and Life. Berlin: Springer, 2012.

Smith, Eric and Harold Morowitz. The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Volk, Tyler. Quarks to Culture: How We Came to Be. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.

Walker, Sara, et al, eds. From Matter to Life: Information and Causality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

West, Geoffrey. Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability and the Pace of Life. New York: Penguin, 2017.

Wilson, David Sloan. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution. New York: Pantheon, 2019.

We next post a most notable 2022 scientific affirmation of a reliably encoded ecosmos uniVerse.

Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Complex and Yet Predictable: The Message of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/2, 2022. Colorado State University scientists AR, David Randall and James Hurrell comment on this award which recognizes, some 40 years after nonlinear studies of atomic to atmospheric phenomena began, three pioneer contributions. The first two recipients below dealt with climate dynamics, and the third with a stochastic basis. The four decades since have risen to a worldwise collaboration which our website seeks to document. By this late date, a robust, convergent universality can now qualify a historic, revolutionary affirmation. Across a widest breadth and depth, the natural presence of an inherent, mathematical regularity, a self-organizing source code-script everywhere does appear to be predictably in effect at every scale and instance. See also The Power of Fluctuations by Andrea Taroni in Nature Physics for November 2021.

And to reflect in turn, an actual answer about the essence and purpose of our global and celestial abide, which seems to require our aware participation, may at last be positively resolved. In closing it is said that these mathematic findings can provide an intrinsic guide for more effective “Earth System Models” by which to understand and mitigate world weather and to inform global sustainability efforts. In a wider expanse, a recorded notice of our fittest (biteracy to iteracy) reception of the nature’s operational, generative system can be carried forth to achieve much better, peaceable futures.

Syukuro (Suki) Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Georgio Parisi were awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. At first blush, it appears to recognize unrelated work in disparate fields. Upon reflection, there is a common thread running through their works. Simply put, this year’s prize in physics acknowledges that disordered systems are predictable and that systems that behave chaotically can respond predictably to changes in external parameters. Earth’s climate is one such complex system. The prize also acknowledges that the properties of disordered condensed matter are predictable using methods grounded in sound physics. (1)

Together, Manabe, Hasselmann, and Parisi have created a foundation for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems. Manabe’s work dealt with the physically based representation of key climate processes in numerical models. Hasselman showed the viability of statistical predictability in a chaotic system. And Parisi dealt with the disorder from atomic to cosmic scales, sometimes self-generated, again taking a statistical view. (3)

View the 272 Bibliographic Entries

C. Our Earthumanity Envisions an Animate, Self-Organizing, Encoded Procreativity

This subsequent An Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Cerebral, Knowsphere Cognizance Proceeds Apace, along with Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise Collaborations as a latest inclusive frontier. It will seek to gather and highlight premier contributions into the 2020s. Our intent is to identify, join and report a wide array of convergent. integral advances that brace and presage an immenient phenomenal revolution. We open with a broad array of current highlight contributions.

Alser, Mohammed, et al. Going from Molecules to Genomic Variations to Scientific Discovery. arXiv:2205.07957.
Araujo, Nuno, et al. Steering Self-Organization through Confinement. arXiv:2204.10059.
Artime, Oriol and Manlio De Domenico. From the Origin of Life to Pandemics: Emergent Phenomena in Complex Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. May 2022.
Aschwanden, Markus. The Fractality of Astrophysical Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2203.12484.
Azarian, Bobby. The Romance of Reality: How the Universe Organizes Itself to Create Life, Consciousness and Cosmic Complexity. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2022.

Ball, Philip. Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law that Leads to Disorder. Quanta. May 26, 2022.
Barzon, Giacomo, et al. Criticality and Network Structure Drive Emergent Oscillations in a Stochastic Whole-Brain Model. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/3, 2022.
Bogdan, Paul, et al. Biological Networks Across Scales. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2021.
Bowick, Mark, et al. Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter. Physical Review X. February, 2022.
Boyle, Rebecca. Astronomers Reimagine the Making of the Planets. Quanta. June 6, 2022.
Butler, Travis and Georgi Georgiev. Self-Organization in Stellar Evolution. arXiv:2202.02318.

Canup, Robin and Philip Christensen, Co-Chairs. Origins, Worlds and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 2022.
Carbone, Anna, et al. Journal of Physics: Complexity. June, 2022.
Cavagna, Andrea, et al. Natural Swarms in 3.99 Dimensions. arXiv:2107.04432.
Cejkova, Jitka and Julyan Cartwright. Chembrionics and Systems Chemistry. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.
Chanu, Athokpam, et al. Analysis of the Structural Complexity of Crab Nebula using a Multifractal Approach. arXiv:2206.04717.
Costa, Luciano. Coincidence Complex Networks. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/1, 2022. On Similarity. arXiv:2111.02803.
Czegel, Daniel, et al. Bayes and Darwin: How Replicator Populations Implement Bayesian Computations. BioEssays. 44/4, 2022.

Dambricourt Malasse, Anne, ed.. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology. International: Springer, 2022.
De Marzo, Giordano, et al. Zipf’s Law for Cosmic Structures. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 651/A114, 2021.
Domingues, Guilherme, et al. City Motifs as Revealed by Similarity between Hierarchical Features. arXiv:2204.09104.

Fontana, Walter. From Computation to Life: The Challenge of a Science of Organization. www.walterfontana.zone/writings
Frank, Adam, et al. Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process. International Journal of Astrobiology. February, 2022.
Frottier, Theo, et al. Harmonic Structures of Beethoven Quarters: A Complex Network Approach. arXiv:2201.08796.

Gagler, Dylan, et al. Scaling Laws in Enzyme Function Reveal a Biochemical Universality. PNAS. 119/9, 2022.
Garcia, Raquel, et al. Self-Similar Solutions for Fuzzy Dark Matter.
Garcia-Sanchez, Miguel, et al. The Emergence of Interstellar Molecular Complexity Explained by Interacting Networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/30, 2022. arXiv:2203.05995.
George, Ashish, et al. Functional Universality in Microbial Communities Arises from Thermodynamic Constraints. arXiv:2203.06128.
Ginsburg, Simona and Eva Jablonka. Picturing the Mind: Consciousness through the Lens of Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Gosak,, Marko, et al. Networks Behind the Morphology and Structural Design of Living Systems. Physics of Life Reviews. March, 2022.
Grossberg, Stephen. Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind. New York: Oxford University Press,, 2022.

Hausmann, Markus, et al. Laterality Entering the Next Decade: The 25th Anniversary of a Journal Devoted to Asymmetries of Brain, Behavior and Cognition. Laterality. 26/3, 2021.
Heylighen, Francis, et al. The Role of Self-Maintaining Resilient Reaction Networks in the Origin and Evolution of Life. Biosystems. Vol. 219, September 2022.
Holford, Mande and Benjamin Normark. Integrating the Life Sciences to Jumpstart the Next Decade of Discover. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2021
Hsieh, Shannon, et al. The Phanerozoic Aftermath of the Cambrian Information Revolution. Paleobiology. 48/3, 2022.
Hynes, William, et al. Systemic Resilience in Economics. Nature Physics.18/4, 2022.

Ippoliti, Xiao, et al. Observation of Time-Crystalline Eigenstate Order on a Quantum Processor. arXiv:2107.13571.

Jagiello, Robert, et al. Tradition and Invention: The Bifocal Stance Theory of Cultural Evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. April, 2022.
Jusup, Marko, et al. Social Physics. arXiv: 2110.01866.

Kelso, Scott. On the Coordination Dynamics of (animate) Moving Bodies. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/3, 2022.
Kocoglu, Cemile, et al. How Network-based Approaches can Complement Identification Studies in Frontotemporal Dementia. Trends in Genetics. 38/9, 2022.
Koksal, Elif, et al. Spontaneous Formation of Prebiotic Compartment Colonies on Hadean Earth and Pre-Noachian Mars. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.
Krenn, Mario, et al. On Scientific Understanding with Artificial Intelligence. arXiv:2204.01467.
Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2021.
Kverkova, Kristina et al. The Evolution of Brain Neuron Numbers in Amniotes. PNAS. 119/11, 2022.

Lavin, Alexander, et al. Simulation Intelligence: Towards a New Generation of Scientific Methods. arXiv:2112.03235.
Liang, Junhao and Changsong Zhou. Criticality Enhances the Multilevel Reliability of Stimulus Responses in Cortical Neural Networks. PLOS Computational Biology.. January 2022.
Liu, Jiazhen, et al. The Emergence of Polarization in Coevolving Networks. arXiv:2205.14480.

Marshall, Stuart, et al. Formalizing the Pathways to Life using Assembly Spaces. Entropy. 24/7, 2022.
Menichetti, Giulia and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. Nutrient Concentrations in Food Display Universal Behavior. Nature Food. 3/375, 2022.
Munoz, Victor and Eduardo Flandez. Complex Network Study of Solar Magnetograms. Entropy. 24/6, 2022.

Newman, Stuart. Self-Organization in Embryonic Development. arXiv:2108.00532
Nguyen, Thank, et al. Spatial Patterns of Urban Landscapes in the Indian Punjab are Predicted by Fractal Theory. Nature Scientific Reports. 12/1819, 2022.

Olse,, Stephanie, et al. The Effect of Ocean Salinity on Climate and its Implications for Earth’s Habitability. arXiv:2205.06785.
Ouellette, Nicholas. A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior. Physical Biology. 19/2, 2022.

Provata, Astero. From Turing Patterns to Chimera States in the 2D Brusselator Model. arXiv:2212.01297.

Rao, Riccardo and Stanislas Leibler. Evolutionary Dynamics, Evolutionary Forces, and Robustness: A Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Perspective. PNAS. 119/13, 2022.
Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Complex and Yet Predictable: The Message of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/2, 2022.
Ravn, Ib. Beyond Chaos and Rigidity, Flexstability. New Ideas in Psychology. August 2022.
Romanczuk, Pawel and Bryan Daniels. Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals. arXiv:2211.03879.

Sanchez-Puig, Fernanda, et al. Heterogeneity Extends Criticality. arXiv.2208.06439. August 2022.
Sarkanych, Petro, et al. Network Analysis of the Kyiv Bylyny Cycle – East Slavic Epic Narratives. arXiv:2203.10399.
Shettigan, Nandan, et al. On the Biophysical Complexity of Brain Dynamics. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.
Shishkov, Olga and Orit Peleg. Social Insects and Beyond: The Physics of Soft, Dense Invertebrate Aggregations. arXiv:2206.11129
Souza, Barbara, et al. Text Characterization Based on Recurrence Networks. arXiv:2201.06665.
Synder-Beattie, Andrew, et al. The Timing of Evolutionary Transitions Suggests Intelligent Life is Rare. Astrobiology. November, 2020.
Sormunen, Silja, et al. Critical Drift in a Neuro-Inspired Adaptive Network. arXiv:2206.10315.

Tadic, Bosiljka and Roderick Melnik. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics as a Key to Fundamental Features of Complexity in Physical, Biological and Social Networks. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.
Teuscher, Christof. Revisiting the Edge of Chaos. Biosystems. May 2022.
Tomasello, Michael. The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Tononi, Giulio, et al. Only What Exists can Cause: An Intrinsic View of Free Will. arXiv:2206.02069.
Toriumi, Shin and Vladimir Airapelian. Universal Scaling Laws for the Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Heating. arXiv:2202.01232.

Van der Kolk, Jasper, et al. Emergence of Geometric Turing Patterns in Complex Networks. arXiv:2211.11311
Vujovic, Filip, et al. Cellular Self-Organization: An Overdrive in Cambrian Diversity? BioEssays. July 2022.

Weiss, Lauren, et al. Architectures of Compact Multi-planet Systems. arXiv:2203.10076.
Wilkerson, Galen, et al. Spontaneous Emergence of Computation in Network Cascades. arXiv:2204.11956.
Wilson, Matt and Giulio, Chilibella. A Mathematical Framework for Transformations of Physical Processes. arXiv:2204.04319.
Wood, Charlie. How to Make the Universe Think for Us.. Quanta. June 1, 2022.
Wurthner, Laeschkir, et al. Bridging Scales in a Multiscale Pattern-Forming System. arXiv:2111.12043.

Yang, Vicky Chuqiao, et al. Scaling and the Universality of Function Diversity across Human Organizations. arXiv:2208.06487.

Zanin, Massimiliano and Johann Martinez. Analysing International Events through the Lens of Statistical Physics: The Case of Ukraine. arXiv:2203.07403.
Zimmern, Vincent. Why Brain Criticality is Clinically Revelant. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. August, 2020.
Zolyan, Suren. From Matter to Form: The Evolution of the Genetic Code as Semio-poiesis. Semiotica. March 2022.

View the 83 Bibliographic Entries