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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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Displaying entries 1 through 15 of 92 found.

Planatural Genesis: A Phenomenal, PhiloSophia, Propaedutic, TwinKinder, PersonVerse Endeavor

The Genesis Vision > News

Ahmed, Nafeez. “Planetary phase shift” as a new systems framework to navigate the evolutionary transformation of human civilization. Foresight. November 2024, . In this Emerald Insight journal, a British investigative journalist, author and academic contributes a rare composite, global overview by which to perceive a crucial transitional event. T

The paper advances futures study and practice by an example of a unified theoretical framework across a wide range of different ecological, social, political and economic systems. It proposes a new “collective forward intelligence” that can make sense of their trends as symptoms of a wider planetary sphere and to also construct plausible scenarios to underpin national and international decision-making. This study focusses on a transdisciplinary integration of C. S. Holling’s (search) adaptive environmental cycle with phase-transition phenomena across biology, physics and chemistry, applied on societal and civilizational scales. (Abstract)

The Genesis Vision > News

Aschwanden, Martin. Power Laws in Astrophysics: Self-Organized Criticality Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025. The author has studied observations and theoretical models of self-organized criticality systems for over 40 years as a researcher based at Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory. This latest edition follows his 2011 work Self-Organized Criticality in Astrophysics: Statistics of Nonlinear Processes in the Universe, along with many collegial projects and writings (search) before and after. For recent work see Universal Constants and Energy Integral in Self-Organized Criticality Systems at arXiv:2412.03481 (reviewed) and Testing the Universality of Self-Organized Criticality in Galactic, Extra-Galactic, and Black-Hole Systems at arXiv:2412.03499.

Research applications of complex systems and nonlinear physics are rapidly expanding across scientific disciplines. A common theme among them is the concept of “self-organized criticality systems”, which this volume presents for astrophysical phenomena such as solar flares, planetary systems, galactic and black-hole systems. The work explores why do power laws, self-organized criticality, an a universality actually exist? A highlight is a paradigm shift from microscopic concepts, such as cellular automaton algorithms, to macroscopic concepts formulated in terms of physical scaling laws.

The Genesis Vision > News

Bialek, William. Bialek, William. Moving boundaries: An appreciation of John Hopfield.. arXiv:2412.18030.. As a junior colleague at Princeton with the new physics laureate for his initial 1982 conception of neural networks, this commentary first reminisces and
then goes on to 2025 physics frontiers as it proceeds to realize an actual cognitive vitality

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton, "for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks." As noted by the Nobel committee, their work moved the boundaries of physics. This is a brief reflection on Hopfield's work, its implications for the emergence of biological physics as a part of physics, the path from his early papers to the modern revolution in artificial intelligence, and prospects for the future. (Abstract)

What is physics? The central idea is that the world is understandable, that you should be able to take anything apart, understand the relationships between its constituents, do experiments, and on that basis be able to develop a quantitative understanding of its behavior. Physics was a point of view that the world around us is, with effort, ingenuity, and adequate resources, understandable in a predictive in quantitative fashion. (10)

The Genesis Vision > News

Kelso, Scott and David Engstrom. The Squiggle Sense: The Complementary Nature and the Metastable Brain~Mind. Switzerland: Springer,, 2024. Some 18 years after their first The Complementary Nature edition, the Florida Atlantic University veteran scholars draw on many intervening advances in complex system studies to presently embellish and affirm this innate, whole scale, coincidence of opposites. Their theoretic and empirical basis is now identified as Coordination Dynamics several references below). Typical chapters such as Coordination Dynamics and the Complementary Code, Pattern Dynamics and Dynamic Patterns, Individual and Collective, Synchronization and Syncopation and Polarization and Reconciliation consider scientific and philosophical aspects and attributes.

In actual regard, the authors have achieved a strong recognition of a universal self-organized segregate/integrate criticality which is desperately needed today. For example, see Democracy and Wisdom by Kelso in Portugali 2023 (search). For the record, I received an email from David E. saying that my Natural Genesis review of their 2006 book was the best appreciation of their work that they had seen. Here next are some supporting articles.

Hancock, Fran, et al. Metastability Demystified—The Foundational Past, the Pragmatic Present, and the Potential Future. preprints202307.1445.v1.pdf.

Kelso, Scott. The Haken–Kelso–Bunz model: from matter to movement to mind. Biological Cybernetics. 115/305, 2021.

Zhang, Mengsen, et al. Topological portraits of multiscale coordination dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 339/108672, 2020.

Tognoli, Emmanuelle, et al. Coordination dynamics: A foundation for understanding social behavior. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Vol. 14/Art. 317, 2020.

Fields, Chris and Michael Levin. On the complementarity between objects and processes. Physics of Life Reviews. January 2025.

Our public penchant for polar either/or thinking is a major block to human development and understanding. In this book Kelso & Engstrøm offer a whole new way of looking at the world which draws nature’s many complementary contraries and the new science of Coordination Dynamics. In fifty brief, topical chapters, the human brain~mind is seen to give rise to a sentient faculty called the squiggle sense whereby opposites are perceived as coexisting, metastable, reciprocal tendencies. (Book)

Conclusion Hopefully, these Squiggle frames will help you engage your squiggle sense and take the complementary nature to heart. Their gist and root are a Nature, including human nature, which is essentially complementary and grounded in a Coordination Dynamics which arises from and operates in this metastablian mode. (Last chapter)

Pedia Sapiens: A Planetary Progeny Comes to Her/His Own Actual Factual Twintelligent Knowledge

A Learning Planet > Original Wisdom > World Philosophy

Krakauer, David. Exbodiment: The Mind Made Matter.. arXiv:2412.10957.. A unique entry by the SFI polyscholar and past president is worth notice as an innovative exercise in natural philosophy, broadly conceived, that courses from classical music to beehives, spider webs, chess boards and winds up with Stanislav Lem’s book Solaris whereby global matter and mentation also seem trying to figure out whatever may be going on.

Exbodiment describes mind outsourced to engineered matter and how matter reeducates mind. The constraints of exbodied matter encode elements of thought, channel decision-making, and constitute an important part of an extended computational phenotype. Here I provide an introduction and brief cultural history of exbodiment in music, natural history, cognition, and astrobiology. The "Helix of Exbodiment" is introduced to illustrate continuous feedback between mind and matter.

The (bee) hive and combs are part of the system of computation required for effective foraging. And like an abacus and a slide rule, employ persistent features of physical geometry to allow for very precise behavior. A foraging bee is part body, part collective, and part physical hive. The functional unit of navigation – analog to Chopin’s Bauza preludes and Jarrett’s Bosendorfer Koln concert — is a behavior embedded in a life-constructed physics. (3)

A Learning Planet > The Spiral of Science

Allen, Alice and Kimberly DuPrie. Ten reasons to register your software with the Astrophysics Source Code Library. arXiv:2412.19941. We cite this entry by AA, Astrophysics Source Code Library, Houghton, MI and KD, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore to convey the extent that global scientific projects presently involve and rely on deep computational programs. Altogether into 2025 a composite worldwise sapience could be viewed as learning on her/his prodigious own.

This presentation covers the benefits of registering astronomy research software with the Astrophysics Source Code Library, a free online registry for software used in astronomy research. Making your software available shows confidence in your research and makes it more transparent, reproducible, and falsifiable. Adding your code to the 3600 entries already in ASCL allows others to find your version easily, also in ADS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. (Excerpt)

The Astrophysics Source Code Library is a free online registry and repository for source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists. The ASCL is indexed by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) and Web of Science and is citable by using the unique ascl ID assigned to each code. Here next is a sample entry:

[ascl:2412.023] cogsworth: Self-consistent population synthesis and galactic dynamics simulations, Tom Wagg, et al. cogsworth merges rapid population synthesis and galactic dynamics so the code can evolve a population of stars while self- integrating their orbits.

A Learning Planet > The Spiral of Science

Barman, Kristian, et al. Large Physics Models: Towards a collaborative approach with Large Language Models and Foundation Models.. arXiv:2501.05382. We cite this entry by twenty two investigators in the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Austria because it describes a science spiral practice that blends a title array AI neural net procedures. In regard, into the 2020s global research projects could then be seen as more and more taking off on their own course. See also Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models by Kumar, Akarsh Kumar, et al at arXiv:2412.17799.

This paper seeks to scope out the development and evaluation of physics-specific large-scale foundation AI models, which we call Large Physics Models (LPMs).. LPMs can function independently or incorporate specialized tools, including symbolic reasoning modules, analyse specific experimental data and synthesizing theories and scientific literature. In regard, we identify three key pillars: Development, Evaluation, and Philosophical Reflection. Finally, Philosophical Reflection views the broader implications of LLMs in physics and what novel collaboration dynamics might arise in research. (Excerpt)

A Learning Planet > The Spiral of Science

Rong, Guoyang, et al.. 40 Years of Interdisciplinary Research: Phases, Origins, and Key Turning Points.. arXiv:2501.05001. Wuhan University, National University of Singapore and Technische University of Berlin scholars including Thorsten Koch conduct a review of the past four decades of scientific studies by which to perceive discernable advances with stages and trends. In regard, this retrospective can illuminate how our composite Earthumanity is actually proceeding to explore, test and learn by her/his sapiensphere own.

This study examines the historical evolution of interdisciplinary research (IDR) over a 40 year span. We review three distinct phases based on these trends: Period I (1981-2002), marked by sporadic and limited interdisciplinary activity; Period II (2003-2016), an emergence of large-scale IDR with with breakthroughs in and medical technology; and Period III (2017-present), where IDR became a widely adopted research paradigm. (Excerpt)

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > deep

Eacersall, Douglas, et al. The ETHICAL Framework for Responsible Generative AI Research Use. arXiv:2501.09021.. Fifteen cultural scholars mainly in Australia along with Canada, Malayasia and the Philippines post a thorough cast of behavioral standards and regulations so to insure at this early stage that trustworthy results are achieved.

The rapid adoption of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) presents both many opportunities and ethical issues that should be carefully navigated. This paper develops the ETHICAL guide as a practical guide for responsible GenAI use by way of seven key principles: Examine policies and guidelines, Think about social impacts, Harness understanding of the technology, Indicate use, Critically engage with outputs, Access secure versions, and Look at user agreements. (Excerpt)

The ETHICAL Framework presented in this article stands as a foundational resource for researchers navigating the ethical challenges associated with GenAI. While some guidelines exist, this framework progresses beyond awareness to practical action. The ETHICAL Framework explicitly equips researchers with actionable principles, providing clear guidance on ethical GenAI use in research, thereby supporting both integrity and impact. (17)

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > deep

Gifford, Alessandro, et al. The Algonauts Project 2025 Challenge.. arXiv:2501.00504. Freie Universität Berlin, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Université de Montréal, Montréal and MIT neuroscientists including Radoslaw Cichy describe an array of innovate AI adventures as a way to better understand how brains perform and may interface with computational media. An example would Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models at pub.sakana.ai/asal, second quote.

There is growing symbiosis between artificial and biological intelligence sciences: neural principles inspire new intelligent machines, which are in turn used to advance our theoretical understanding of the brain. Here we introduce the 2025 edition: How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Multimodal Movies. In collaboration with the Courtois Project on Neuronal Modelling, our aim is to bring forth a new generation of brain encoding models that generalize well by training them on large datasets of fMRI responses. (Excerpt)

Artificial Life (ALife) has not yet integrated FMs which presents an opportunity to move beyond manual design and trial-and-error to discover of lifelike simulations. The proposed approach, called Automated Search for Artificial Life (ASAL), (1) finds simulations that produce target phenomena, (2) that generate temporally open-ended novelty, and (3) illuminates an entire space of interestingly diverse versions. A major result is finding novel Lenia and Boids lifeforms, as well as open-ended cellular automata. (Sanaka MIT)

A foundation model is a deep learning model that is trained on vast datasets so it can be applied across a wide range of use cases. Generative AI applications like Large Language Models are examples. (Wikipedia)

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > deep

Gonçalves, Bernado. Passed the Turing Test: Living in Turing Futures. Intelligent Computing. Vol 3/Art 0102, 2024. We note this entry by a Center for Artificial Intelligence, University of São Paulo computer scientist for its content and his perception that such Turing devices would likely be akin to youngsters as they assimilate their environs.

The world has seen the emergence of machines based on pretrained models, transformers for their ability to produce various types of content, text, images, audio, and synthetic data. Their intelligence grows as they learn from experience, and to ordinary people, they can appear human-like in conversation. This means that they can pass the Turing test and that we are now living in one of the futures where machines can pass for what they are not. However, the learning machines that Turing imagined would pass his imitation tests were they based on the low-energy human cortex. They would be raised like human children and naturally learn the ability to deceive an observer. (Excerpt)

Bernardo Gonçalves For the past six years, my research has focused on the future of AI as envisioned by Alan Turing, the foundations and ethics of AI, and the future of machines in society & nature. I have 12+ years of R & D experience in AI and data-centric systems in academia and industry. I am a Researcher at the Center for AI (C4AI) of the University of São Paulo and a Visiting Fellow in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge University.

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > deep

Kumar, Akarsh, et al. Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models. .. arXiv:2412.17799. MIT, Sakana AI, OpenA, and Swiss AI Lab IDSIA computational imagineers describe their frontier excursions as novel approaches to juice the A Life endeavor to see how it can respectfully and beneficially open frontier pathways. See also Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models at pub.sakana.ai/asal for a companion paper.

With the recent Nobel Prize awarded for radical advances in protein discovery, foundation models (FMs) for exploring large combinatorial spaces promise to revolutionize many scientific fields. This paper presents a successful realization using vision-language FMs called Automated Search for Artificial Life (ASAL), finds generalities across a diverse range of ALife substrates including Boids, Particle Life, Game of Life, Lenia, and Neural Cellular Automata. This new paradigm promises to accelerate ALife research beyond what is possible through human ingenuity alone. (Excerpt)

A foundation model is a deep machine learning method trained on vast datasets so it can be applied across a wide range of use cases. Early examples are language models (LMs) like OpenAI's GPT. Foundation models are also being developed for fields like astronomy, radiology, genomics, mathematics, and chemistry.

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > deep

Pandey, Lalit, et al. Parallel development of object recognition in newborn chicks and deep neural networks. PLoS Computational Biology. December, 2024. Indiana University informatics researchers including Justin and Samantha Wood describe a clear correspondence between these title phases of cognitive performance by way of a novel usage of digital twins and AI learning methods. As a result, a continuity can be traced between these computational and personal occasions. In regard, here is one more instance where parallels can be drawn between AI procedures and young organisms (chicks and children). See also Parallel development of social behavior in biological and artificial fish in Nature Communications (15/1061, 2024) by this group. A further notice would then be how nature consistently uses the same pattern and process over and over everywhere.

How do newborns learn to see? We propose that visual systems are space-time fitters, meaning that visual development can be understood as a blind fitting process (akin to evolution) which gradually adapts to the spatiotemporal environments. To test whether space-time fitting is a viable theory, we performed parallel controlled-rearing experiments on newborn chicks and deep neural networks (DNNs), including CNNs and transformers. When DNNs received the same training data as chicks, the models developed common object recognition skills as chicks. We argue that space-time fitters can serve as scientific models of newborn visual systems. (Excerpt)

We present evidence for parallel development of object recognition in newborn chicks and deep neural networks. Like chicks, the models learned invariant object features from visual experiences in impoverished environments, permitting recognition of familiar objects across large, novel, and complex changes in the object’s appearance. This digital twin approach extends the reverse-engineering framework pioneered in computational neuroscience to the study of newborn vision, supporting the broader goal of building unified models of the learning machinery in brains. (26)

One of the unsolved mysteries in science concerns the origins of intelligence. By linking psychology to artificial intelligence, we aim to reverse engineer the origins of intelligence and build machines that learn like newborn animals. I am interested in a wide range of questions about the origins and nature of intelligence. I have studied the psychological abilities of diverse human adults, toddlers, infants, chimpanzees, wild monkeys, and newborn chicks. (J. Wood website)

A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > CI

, . Heyman, Jennifer, et al. Supermind Ideator: How scaffolding Human-AI collaboration can increase creativity. Collective Intelligence. December 2024.. Collective Intelligence. Volume 51, December, 2024. Nine scholars at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence including Thomas Malone, along with Max Sina Knicker, Ecole Polytechnique, France and Younes Jeddi, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco consider ways that novel deep neural net learning facilities can be availed to advance our active collaborative cognizance.

Previous efforts at creative problem-solving have included brainstorming and design thinking to record and share these ideas. Today, generative AI can suggest new methods not possible earlier. In regard, we developed a system called Supermind Ideator that uses a large language model (LLM) and adds prompts, fine tuning, and a user interface to formulate problem statements and engender solutions. This approach provides a scaffold to guide users through creative innovations so to empower groups and/or computers (“superminds”). (Excerpt)

Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

Animate Cosmos > Organic

Aschwanden, Martin. Aschwanden, Martin. Universal Constants and Energy Integral in Self-Organized Criticality Systems. arXiv:2412.03481. The veteran astrophysicist based at Lookheed Martin continues apace to discern the presence of nature’s preferred poise in every dynamic stellar and galaxy wide occasion, so it seems See also Testing the Universality of Self-Organized Criticality in Galactic, Extra-Galactic, and Black-Hole Systems by AM and Ersin Gogus at arXiv:2412.03499 for more. His new Power Laws in Astrophysics book is due in 2025. And on the same day (12/24/24) I am also logging Information structure of heterogeneous criticality in a fish school in (Scientific Reports, 14/29758, 2024) onto the site. So it seems at years end a natural recurrence in kind from stars to starlings and starfish is indeed being affirmed.

The occurrence frequency distributions of fluxes (F) and energies (E) in astrophysical observations are found to be consistent with the fractal-diffusive self-organized criticality (FD-SOC) model. This theoretical frame approximates the microscopic cellular automaton models satisfactorily with the macroscopic scaling law of classical diffusion. The universal scaling laws predict the size distributions of many celestial phenomena, such as solar flares, auroras, blazars, galactic bursts, active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts and black-hole systems. (2412.03481 Excerpt)

Future efforts on self-organized criticality may focus on (i) improved precursor background subtraction errors. (ii) inadequate fitting ranges (iii) combined fitting of power law functions and exponential fall-offs near the largest events, and (iv) small-number statistics. Other research subjects in SOC statistics are the extreme events of natural catastrophes, such as earthquakes, forest fires, wild fires, mountain slides, hurricanes, global climate changes, epidemics (Covid-19), for which SOC models have been found to be relevant. (7)

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