(logo) Natural Genesis (logo text)
A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

B. PediaPedia Earthica 2023: An Annual Outline Review of Especial References and Yearlong Advances

Natural Genesis (2003): An Annotated Anthology Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe: 2003

Planatural Genesis (2023): An Annotated Anthology SourceSite for Our Earthumanity Discovery of a ProCreative Ecosmos Hereditary UniVerse

This next Annual and Preview, three years into the eventful decade, will begin with an initial orientation and survey of notable mindful attributes, followed by topical 2023 advances from universe to us. A subsequent yearlong paragraph array: A 2020 - 2023 KinderMind Survey of Notable Convergent Advances and Syntheses then covers in more depth. We realize there is steady redundancy in these various postings but it may well serve to convey a trendy progress. We here also record that our new PediaPedia Earthica attribution then provides a good venue for such sequential, timeline reviews and previews.

Here is an array of transitional EarthWise cognitive abilities and conceptual reasons by which an historic edification is just now becoming possible.
1990–2020–2030-2060 This span may be a penultimate phase as Earth life’s developmental gestation seems to reach some manner of a geonatal event.

Personsphere A major emergent evolutionary transition in individuality lately appears to be similarly underway as a round planetary phase.

Sapiensphere: A consequent global brain faculty proceeds to learn, educate and gain novel knowledge on her/his own.

Planatural PhiloSophia A bicameral worldwise, cognitive awareness can then begin to achieve a descriptive explanation and real discovery.

A PediaMedia Knowledge Repository provides a vast eLibrary of eCosmos factual edification which can be fed back to salve and save.

Phenomenal Presence A genesis ecosmos can be realized to have its own independent self-existence with a universal source code-script.

A Woman’s Wisdome We record that all these future-friendly advances require such a reciprocal dot/connect, part/field, anima/animus whole brain faculty.

21st Century Ecosmos Revolution A particulate, materialist sterility sans people and purpose is being replaced by a real EarthWise discovery of an essential, organic, procreative. solar/planetary, self-select, genesis uniVerse.

We move on to of prime scientific findings as our Earthumanity begins to learn by her/his own cumulative intelligence. See also the prio 2022 part of the lead essay above for longer writings.

Natural Genesis An organic cocreation is being found whereof a temporal life, mind and persons in community developmental course goes forth on habitable bioworlds.

Habitable Planets A salient ecosmological distinction is the prolific presence of myriad, contingent, ovular-like globular objects in sunny star orbital systems.

Ecosmomics This organic milieu has necessarily been found to possess its own genetic-like code in exemplary effect from animate origins through evolutionary stages to our personal/communal/global geonomic endowment.

A Universal Correspondence This part/Wave = Light, me/We = US, apparent bigender familiality occurs with an invariant similarity in each and every nested instance and scale.

Nature’s Sweet Spot As a post-2015 findings, all dynamic systems such as stars, brains, climates, ecosystems, flocks, and epidemics seem to seek and settle in a self-organized criticality which balances dual more or less coherent states.

A Textual Character After space/time and matter/energy, an informative content is lately found to distinguish as an encoded, generative script/score, prose/prosody quality.

Life's Emergent Gestation A novel genesis evolutionary synthesis can now flesh out and describe a self-organizing, corporeal and cerebral ramifying sequence which proceeds as an oriented, quickening development.

A Major Transitions Scale A central evolutionary course is now well accepted as and defined by this nested whence each stage is seen to take on a new personal identity and a novel genetic code version.

Universal Evolution: Another feature is that a selective process from various candidates seems to be in effect even across planetary, solar, galactic, and maybe exocosmic scales.

Participatory UniVerse A working model noted herein whereof a later result of Earthhuman-like beings has an ordained central place and purpose so to quantify, register and acknowledge.

An Intentional CoCreation A wide array of evidential, scientific capabilities suggest that we collaborative Earthlings can begin new material and geonomic phases of a much better, sustainable futurity.

An EarthMost Significance Since our home bioworld has passed through so many (15 – 20) critical check points, it may well be one in a quintillion that has evolved and succeeded this far, with all that portends.

A 2020 - 2023 KinderMind Survey of Notable Convergent Advances and Syntheses

This litany gathers sequential contributions and achievements which are generally keyed to the website outline. It begins with recent Earthuman procedural and conceptual aspects and moves on to an extensive recount of certain subject realizations as continue to come altogether.

Collective Intelligence In 2023 and earlier, along with a new title journal, an actual observation that all manner of personal collaborative groupings both close by and worldwise are capable of self-organizing and producing an overall knowledge and solutions. See also, for example, a special January 2024 issue of Perspectives in Psychological Science in this regard.

An Earthuman Scientific Ascent Since 2023 was a year of intense AI innovation, its reach fostered an historic interactivity between persons, groups and brain-based neural networks with machine learning methods. Many aspects from astronomic JWST data to genetic sequences to physical research began to develop integral programs to run on their own under supervision. Thus a planetary individual/computational cerebral/cognitive phase is now underway.

We next post a select gathering of 2020 to 2023 achievements as our planetary prodigy proceeds to learn by her/his own self

An Organic Procreative Ecosmos In UniVerse Alive, Origins of Life, Astrochemistry/Astrobiology and other section, it has become sufficiently evident that a conducive materiality, generative energies and a prebiotic catalysis possess an essential, innate, spontaneous fertility. Wherever possible, florescent life and aware beings spring eternal all the way to our prodigious amazement.

Transdisciplinary Convergences We note an novel merger of Quantum/Classical Organics, Physics/Biology Consilence, Systems Physics/Chemistry, Fractal SpaceTimeMatter, MultiVerse Studies and more as instances where a convergent unity has just now became possible.

Habitable Stellar Planetary Systems As the 21st century prolific catalog of these widely diverse globular objects grew into the thousands, it is lately been perceived and quantified that whole solar orrerys can have an overall mathematic cohesion. After many centuries, in a revolutionary genesis universe they can well take on an appearance as incubators for life’s evolution and emergence in preferential zones.

A Self-Organizing UniVerse Four decades after Erich jantsch’s book with this title, a strong confirmation due to our composite global genius of its robust actual validity needs to be stated. As we record at length here, an intrinsic formative process is found to be in effect everywhere from atomic to proteomic to astronomic stages. For a new integral survey, see On Principles of Emergent Organization by Adam Rupe and James Crutchfield at arXiv:2311.13749.

Autocatalytic Processes Become Well Quantified By this 2023 year a confluence of new references attest to the steady insistence of catalytic reactions that impel biochemistries and metabolisms to enhance, complexify, iterate, and enliven themselves. Some five decades after its notice (Stuart Kauffman, others) a natural animate spontaneity is just now reaching a wide and deep confirmation.

An EarthMost and Ecosmost Significance As the Our Life in Person Distinction: A Rarest Planetary Confluence of Favorable Evolutionary Conditions section documents, our precious home bioworld has passed through some 20 decisive check points. In regard, its occasion may quite be one in a quintillion able to sustain and develop to a global awareness. We now refer to the 2023 review of The Dawn of a Mindful Universe by Marcelo Gleiser which describes and endorses an historic revision from long prior expectations of myriad Earth analogs to a possible especial uniqueness.

In his latest timely edition, the Dartmouth cosmologist proceeds to report radical new findings about habitable conditions over the temporal eons. As the PBS 2023 Ancient Earth series vividly implies, a major adjustment to the common surmise that in a universe filled with billions of stars and planets, there surely must be other sentient worlds. A realization is now dawning that our valiant, precarious abode may be a rarest instance because of its narrow, just so, survival through so many perils and close calls.

Complex Adaptive Systems Everywhere I visited the Sante Fe Institute in 1987 as it began their novel nonlinear studie, when an incentive and goal was to decipher, distill and express the natural salience of a singular, independent ecode. The years since for me involved many conferences, libraries, meetings from my home base in Amherst, MA. Please see Chapter IV: Ecosmomics and An Ecode Advent above for many glossary descriptions and a timeline research sequence.

A common abstract phrase (CAS) for these dynamic agencies as they organize themselves has become the title above. The prime finding is that they are composed of two distinct elements or modes of isolate dot, node, entity and connective, edge/link, group features. In every quanta to persona to astra realm, an exemplary presence of both discrete digital, cell, DNA, entity parts and holistic wave, relational connections engage in a local interactivity which informs and engenders a third global whole.

Network Topologies as an Anatomy and Physiology The theoretic and empirical study of these pervasive connectivities remains an intense collaborative project. A rush of current simplical, multiplex and metaplex contributions portends their consistent occurrence from quantum and galactic to corporal, neural and societal realms. Going forward, we mention Cemile Kocoglu, Dino Pitoski, Albert Barabasi, Siddhartha Mukherjee and others who avail these qualities for better medical diagnosis.

A Self-Organized Critical Poise as an Optimum Preference Since around 2015, it has become evident that as these proactive behaviors proceed to engender manners of an ecosmic genesis, they tend toward and reside in an optimum, middle way attractor condition. Its technical term above stands for a constant best balance between coincident, more or less orderly, incoherent and/or coherent modes. This vital poise then reaches a golden mean whieench has been dubbed as nature’s “sweet spot” (Dante Chialvo). In its practice at once a reciprocity of both “right and left,” stability and change, entity and empathy, conserve and create and ever on is achieved.

A Common Complementarity To follow up from these prior features, a ubiquitous presence of opposite archetypal qualities merits its own affirmation. One could mention a litany of particle + wave, node + link, DNA + AND, neuron + axon, cell + song, me member + We interaction, masculine + feminine and so on in mutually beneficial reciprocities. On a global scale one may note Tradition and Invention: A Bifocal Stance Theory (Jagiello), Beyond Chaos and Rigidity, Flexstability (Ravn) and the lengtjy Complementary Civilizations section.

An Exemplary Universality As the extensive website content from galaxies to Gaia conveys, by these mid 2020s this generic veracity has been sufficiently found and quantified in iterative, overt, vivifying recurrence from a fractal spacescape to life’s florescence to bicameral cultures. Also known as self-similarity, scale invariance, commonality, this long sought, epochal realization is just becoming apparent, which we want to communicate.

An Innate Affinity of Genomes, Proteomes and Language Now in a narrative genre, 2023 saw an array of diverse literacies such as AI large language models, ChatBots, deep neural networks, protein AlphaFold and on to amenable, next-generation, genomic sequences. We cite DNA language models as powerful predictors of genome-wide effects (Benegas). A consilient ability to translate, Rosetta-like, across these diverse modes comes altogether (maybe Genelish).

A Convivial Symbiogenesis We can report that since the later 2010s and onto 2023, cooperative, shared behaviors as mutually beneficial reciprocities have been found in effect as an evolutionary driver and metabolic wellness across all manner of fauna and flora and every biological and ecosystem instance.

Familiarity To round out this source module, we propose this name and image for a constant trionic composite which self-organizes as the iconic and biconic pairs interact and commune. A brief survey might be particle + wave = Light, node + link = Network, DNA + AND = Genome, right + left hemisphere = whole Brain, member + group = flock, pod, herd, swarm, me/We = US, in similar effect from to stellar clusters to starfish colonies.

Life’s Evolutionary Developmental Emergence While a genesis scenario grows more evident by way of field, theoretic, and empirical studies, a 21st century worldwise veracity has not yet reached an integral statement and acceptance. A vested mindset still rejects anything going on at all. It lacks an attribution to a person or group (maybe EarthWinian), and it remains to factor in a generative code script. But in Chapter V, the Major Transitions, Systems Biology and Teleology Turn sections do fill in significant contributions. But an historic, parallel expansion of life’s long course has occurred since the late 2010s to include cerebral faculties along with proactive behaviors, which is conveyed in Chap. VI next.

The Major Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality Scale Goes Global Since its introduction in 1995 this scalar perception has become widely affirmed and applied, but rarely extended to its human phase. Into the 2020s this lapse has been resolved by dedicated journal issues such as Major Evolutionary Transitions by Amanda Robin, et al in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (December 2021) and Human Socio-Cultural Evolution by Yohay Carmel, et al in the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. (February 2023).

Life’s Cerebral Cognizance Becomes Complex, Smarter, Informed, Verbal, Proactive, Self-Aware As our Earthumanity proceeds to gain her/his own knowledge, a second Cerebral and Behavioral evolutionary procession, over and above, has become widely researched and quite evident. The boney somatic organisms of Chap. V are now accompanied by brainy neural complications, personal agency, viable groups and ciphered languages. Our Chap. VI title reports these further qualities two main sections: A Neural Encephalization from Minimal Stirrings to an Earthuman Acumen and Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies. Notably in later 2023 a composite volume Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will by Kevin Mitchell, a Trinity College Dublin neuroscientist, provides a thorough explanation of both aspects.

A Neural Encephalization from Minimal Stirrings to an Earthuman Knowsphere By way of our current worldwise retrospect, the long, viviparous progression of life and mind has now been tracked as a distinct, continuous ramification from earliest sensory rudiments through a sequential scale of complex architectures, relative intelligence, stored memories, knowledge-gain, cooperative behaviors. In regard, cognitive faculties are found to avail modular functions, bilaterality, concerted orientation and mosaic diversity, neocortex abilities, multiplex networks and more. A number of special Royal Society journal issues have appeared and just now Basal Cognition edited by Pamela Lyon and Ken Cheng in Animal Cognition (November 2023).

Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies As myriad in/vertebrate creatures then proceed to evolve, develop and quicken they become capable of personal abilities and communal activities. A resultant arrow of intelligence and information has become paired with a knowing self-consciousness so as to foster a shared public agency. Two subsections cover the animal capabilities from slime molds onward and upward and vital communications from gestures and grunts to written languages. Dedicated issues such as Agency in Living Systems, edited by Armin Moczek and Sonia Sultan, in Evolution & Development (25/6, 2025) report this 2020s procreative genesis revolution.

Complementary Cultures and Civilizations A research field known as cross-cultural psychology has studied characteristic differences between east and west, south and north peoples since the 1970s, as references herein convey. As a result, a wide array of global and local propensities from national policies to personal and social behaviors are seen to form bilateral but malleable opposite individual or collective modes. In a latest regard, a chapter, Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West, by Shinobu Kitayama and Cristina Salvador, University of Michigan and Duke University psychologists, in the Annual of Psychology (January 2024) provides a strongest definitive explanation to date.

But this bifocal scholarship has not made it to a public awareness so the United States and China/Russia persist as polar nuclear enemies. As the next Bicameral Religions section cites, an archaic regional conflict flares along similar lines. But if these very evident complements could be seen to actually compose a planetary (geonomic) version of nature’s independent, common, familiar ecode then the all children might be able to heal and sustain the Earth. (Might one imagine a geriarchy to pediarchy generational shift?)

Our MicroEcosmic Personal Selves By 2023 our title can post this expansive addition so to record this actual significance. Please see the section introduction for more. In regard, we cite four women and four men whose scientific work and personal profile appears on the Quanta Magazine online site. In a time still beset by archaic beliefs, this awesome expansion (sinners to winners) can inspire and empower a turn from war to peace as Earthlings embark on an ordained project of ecosmic self-description, realization, record and affirmation.

A Multitalented Scientist Seeks the Origins of Multicellularity. February 21, 2024. Cassandra Extavour, Harvard University evolutionary geneticist
To See Black Holes in Stunning Detail, She Uses ‘Echoes’ Like a Bat. February 12, 2024. Erin Kara, MIT astrophysicist
Starfish Whisperer Develops a Physical Language of Life. January 11, 2023. Nikta Fakhri, MIT biophysicist
The Physicist Who Glues Together Universes. May 25, 2023. Renate Loll, Radboud University mathematical cosmologist
The Mathematician Who Finds the Poetry in Math and the Math in Poetry. January 12, 2024. Sarah Hart, Gresham College, London

Andreas Wagner Pursues the Secrets to Evolutionary Success. August 15, 2023. University of Zurich evolutionary biologist
An Explorer of Abyssal Depths Looks to Oceans on Other Worlds. June 7, 2023. Chris German, Woods Hole marine geochemist
An Applied Mathematician with an Unexpected Toolbox. March 1, 2023. Lek-Heng Lim, University of Chicago
Geneticist Awarded Nobel Prize for Studies of Extinct Human Ancestors. October 3, 2022. Svante Paabo, MPI Evolutionary Anthropology

Mind Over Matter/Energy, Space/Time: An Open Future As references in this substantial section, Quantum Organics, and throughout the site document, as nuclear warheads now rage, by 2024 it is vital to record and highlight that our intelligent Earthumanity knowsphere has apparently attained a limitless capacity to learn all about and then act upon physical principles, chemical materialities, thermodynamic forces, galactic vistas across any micro, midway or macro realm. Key factors are the occurrence of advanced (AI)computation, instruments, satellites, along with collaborative projects, daily postings and so on. By these lights and abilities, we valiant peoples seem to have an intrinsic relevance and ordination to begin a new unified, near and far Earthropocene cocreation.

This 2023 edition reviews the interim span when three years is a lengthy span at the present rate of global progress. As a PediaPedia Earthica resource, it now enters the main content for each and all of the 86 topical units.

A. Ecode 2023: EarthKinder Discovers a Universal, Independent Ecosmome to Geomome Exemplary Endowment.

Barjuan, Laia, et al. Optimal navigability of weighted human brain connectomes in physical space. arXiv:2311.10669.
Beggs, John. The Cortex and the Critical Point: Understanding the Power of Emergence. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Beiro, Mariano, et al. Signs of Criticality in Social Explosions. arXiv:2305.01944.

Chen, Lei, et al. Metallic Quantum Criticality Enabled by Flat Bands in a Kagome Lattice. arXiv:2307.09431
Ciaunica, Anna, et al. Nested Selves: Self-Organization and Shared Markov Blankets in Prenatal Development in Humans. PsyArixiv Preprints, May 2023.
De Kemmeter, Jean-Francois, et al. Self-Organized Criticality Explains the Emergence of Irregular Vegetation Patterns in Semi-arid Regions. rXiv:2307.14083.

Faber, Justin and Dolores Bozovic. Criticality and Chaos in Auditory and Vestibular Sensing. arXiv:2311.02280.
Li, Xiu-Juan, et al. Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality Phenomena in Prompt Phase of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts. arXiv:2303.06667.
Ortez, Ronaldo and John Rundle. Correlated Avalanche-Burst Invasion Percolation: Multifractal Origins of a Characteristic Self-Organized Critical System. arXiv:2303.10272.

Proverbio, Daniele, et al. Buffering in Cell Regulation Motifs Close to Criticality. arXiv:2212.08600.
Rao, Ankit, et al. Self-Assembled Meuromorphic Networks at Self-Organized Criticality in Ag-hBN Platform. arXiv:2301.01619

B. PediaPedia Earthica: A 2023 Proposal as Our KinderMind Learns to Read and Write on Her/His Own


A. Historic Prescience: Individual Homo Sapiens

Duerr, Patrick and Abigail Holmes. The Discovery of the Expanding Universe: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions. arXiv:2312.06593.

B. Anthropocene Sapiensphere: A Major Emergent Transitional Phase

C. An Earthumanity Era: A Global Cognizance Proceeds as a Knowsphere by Her/His Bicameral Self

2023 As a follow up to the reference litany that leads this section, we enter these new selections. As Philip Ball, Franco Fabbro, Stephen Grossberg attest, our composite website survey of an ascendant worldwide, self-organized repository could be seen to be reaching a genesis synthesis.

But we are not there yet as nuclear war and climate disaster threatens and peoples suffer everywhere. We respectfully post this educational, informative resource as a way to sight and guide a better, light age, future for children.

Aerts, Diederik and Massimiliano de Bianchi. The Nature of T ime and Motion in Relativistic Operational Reality. arXiv:2307.04764.
Ball, Philip. Organisms as Agents of Evolution: A New Research Review. templeton.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Biological-Agency_1_FINAL.pdf.
Franco, Fabbro. Biological and Neuroscientific Foundations of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2023.

Gleiser. Marcelo. The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future. New York: HarperOne, 2023.
Grossberg, Stephen. Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind.New York: Oxford University Press,, 2022.
Grudic, Michael, et al. Does God Play Dice with Star Clusters? arXiv:2307.00052.
Hallatschek, Oskar, et al. Proliferating Active Matter. Nature Reviews Physics. May 2023.

Hickey, Raymond. Life and Language Beyond Earth. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Kahn, Jennifer. The Man Who Turned the World On to the Genius of Fungi. New York Times. June 6, 2023.
Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2022.
Lewton, Thomas. She Turns Fluids into “Black Holes” and “Inflating Universes.” Quanta. December 12, 2022

Montgomery, Beronda. Following the Principles of the Universe: Lessons from Plants on Individual and Communal Thriving. Integrative and Comparative Biology August 2023.
Musser, George. Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation. London: Macmillan, 2023.
Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Complex and Yet Predictable: The Message of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/2, 2022.
Wood, Charles. Starfish Whisperer Develops a Physical Language of Life. Quanta. January 11, 2023.


A. Aboriginal Quest(ion)

1. Indigenous Intimation: Mythic Animism

2. Perennial Wisdome: An AnthropoCosmic Code

3. The Book of Naturome: A New Translation

Blumenberg, Hans. Readability of the World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022.

4. Whole World Perceptive Observances: An Ubuntu Universe

Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. Computational Natural Philosophy: A Thread from Presocratics through Turing to ChatGPT. arXiv:2309.13094.
Popova, Maria. The Mirror of Enigmas: Chance, the Universe, and the Fragile Loveliness of Knowing Who We Are. themarginalia.org. June 21, 2021.
Salom, Igor. 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics and the End of Mechanistic Materialism. arXiv:2308.12297.

B. The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana Stages

Dawid, Anna, et al. Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences. arXiv:2204.04198.
Hasan, Farhanul, et al. Filaments of The Slime Mold Cosmic Web and How They Affect Galaxy Evolution. arXiv:2311.01443.
Kitano, Hiroaki. Nobel Turing Challenge: Creating the Engine for Scientific Discovery. NPJ Systems Biology. 7/29, 2021.

Krenn, Mario, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies. Physical Review A. 107/010101, 2023.
Leung, Henry and Jo Bovy. Towards an astronomical foundation model for stars with a Transformer-based model. arXiv:2308.10944.
Meyer, Eric and Ralph Schroeder. Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.

Pontzen, Andrew. The Universe in a Box: Simulations and the Quest to Code the Cosmos. New York: Riverhead Books, 2023.
Tenachi, Wassim, et al. Deep symbolic regression for physics guided by units constraints: Toward the automated discovery of physical laws. arXiv:2303.03192.

Wang, Hanchen, et al. Scientific discovery in the age of artificial intelligence. Nature. August 2, 2023.
Wood, Charlie. How to Make the Universe Think for Us. Quanta. June 1, 2022.
Zenil, Hector, et al. The Future of Fundamental Science Led by Generative Closed-Loop Artificial Intelligence. arXiv:2307.07522.

1. Earthificial Intelligence: A Deep Neural Network Local/Global Computational Phase

Bundy, Alan, et al. Introduction to Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. Philosophical Transactions A. June 2023.
Chen, Luyao, et al. AI of Brain and Cognitive Sciences: From the Perspective of First Principles. arXiv:2301.08382.
Dawid, Anna, et al. Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences. arXiv:2204.04198.

Metz, Thomas and Robert Ewing, co-chairs. Decoding the Molecular Universe -- Workshop Report. arXiv:2311.11437.
Mitchell, Melanie. What Does It Mean to Align AI with Human Values? Quanta. December 13, 2022.

Ouyang, Siru, et al. Structured Chemistry Reasoning with Large Language Models. arXiv:2311.09656.
Pedreschi, Dino, et al. Social AI and the Challenges of the Human-AI Ecosystem. arXiv:2306.13723.

C. Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise, Collaborations

Graham, Daniel. An Internet in Your Head: A New Paradigm for How the Brain Works. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021.
Frank, Adam, et al. Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process. International Journal of Astrobiology. February, 2022.
Okamura, Keisuke. Atlas of Science Collaboration, 1971-2020. arXiv:2308.16810.

Robin, Amanda, et al. Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. December 2021.
Romanovskaya, Irina. Planetary Biotechnospheres, Biotechnosignatures and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. International Journal of Astrobiology. September 2023. .

Watson, Richard and Michael Levin: The Collective Intelligence of Evolution and Development. Collective Intelligence May 2023.
Zonker, Johannes, et al. Insights into drivers of mobility and cultural dynamics of African hunter–gatherers over the past 120 000 years. Royal Society Open Science. November 2023

1. Collective Global Brain Intelligence

As the section introduction explains, this is a new section posted in 2023 because its topical content has expanded and gained a wider public recognition. As a result, a new Collective Intelligence journal with prominent editors and advisors is now online. While social groups from protozoa to peoples consistently attain these viable abilities over evolutionary time, it seems that only in the 21st century and late 2020s that this propensity has been carried forth to a worldwise Earthuman personsphere.

Baltzerson, Rolf. Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Collective Intelligence. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Cao, Hung, et al. Fostering new vertical and horizontal IoT applications with intelligence everywhere. Collective Intelligence. 2/4, October 2023.
Duarte, Denise, et al. Representing Collective Thinking through Cognitive Networks. Journal of Complex Networks. 10/6, 2022.

Fernandez, Luis and Lucas Lacasa. An effective theory of collective deep learning. arXiv:2310.12802.
Galesic, Mirta, et al. Beyond Collective Intelligence: Collective Adaptation. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface. March 2023.
Garcia, David, et al. The Psychology of Collectives. Perspectives on Psychological Science. December 2023.

Levy, Pierre. Semantic Computing with IEML. Collective Intelligence. 2/4, October 2023.
Thieu, Thoa and Roderick Melnik. Social Human Collective Decision-making and Applications with Brain Network Models. arXiv:2307.05731.
Watson, Richard and Michael Levin: The Collective Intelligence of Evolution and Development. Collective Intelligence May 2023.


A. UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Self-Made, Encoded, Personal Procreativity

Artime, Oriol and Manlio De Domenico. From the Origin of Life to Pandemics: Emergent Phenomena in Complex Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. May 2022.
Bisbas, Thomas, et al. α-enhanced Astrochemistry: the Carbon cycle in extreme galactic conditions. arXiv:2312.03237.
Canup, Robin and Philip Christensen, Co-Chairs. Origins, Worlds and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 2022.

Egbert, Matthew, et al. Behavior and the Origin of Organisms. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. May 2023.
Ianeselli, Alan, et al. Physical Non-Equilibria for Prebiotic Nucleic Acid Chemistry. Nature Review Physics. January 2023.
Kocher, Charles and Ken Dill. The prebiotic emergence of biological evolution. arXiv:2311.13650.

Liao, Qinqli, et al. Density Functional Theory Calculations on the Interstellar Formation of Biomolecules. arXiv:2310.14488.
Oberg, Karin, et al. Protoplanetary Disk Chemistry. arXiv:2309.05685.
Wu, Qin Tong, et al. The Role of Low-energy Electrons in the Extraterrestrial Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules. arXiv:2312.02180.

1. Quantum Organics in the 21st Century

Artiaco, Claudia, et al. Efficient Large-Scale Many-Body Quantum Dynamics via Local-Information Time Evolution. arXiv:2310.06036.
Aguado, Ramon, et al. When matter and information merge into “Quantum.” Communications Physics. Sept. 22, 2023.
Datta, Chandan, et al. Catalysis of entanglement and other quantum resources. Reports on Progress in Physics. 86/11, 2023.

Dowling, Ned, et al. Process Tree: Efficient Representation of Quantum Processes with Complex Long-Range Memory. arXiv:2312.04624.
Economou, Sophia and Edwin Barnes. Hello Quantum World. A First-year University Course in Quantum Information Science. arXiv:2210.02868.
Engelhardt, G., et al. Photon-resolved Floquet theory in open quantum systems. arXiv:2311.01509.

Hilario, Espinós, et el. Invariant-based control of quantum many-body systems across critical points. arXiv:2309.05469.
Pseiner, Johannes, et al. Quantum interference between distant creation processes. arXiv:2304.03683.
Xiang, Ya-Xin, et al. Self-Organized Time Crystal in Driven-Dissipative Quantum System. arXiv:2311.08899.

2. A Consilience as Physics and Biology Grow Together: Active Matter

Armengol-Collado, Josep-Maria, et al.Epithelia are multiscale active liquid crystals. Nature Physics. September 2023.
Lewton, Thomas. She Turns Fluids into “Black Holes” and “Inflating Universes.” Quanta. December 12, 2022.
Nguyen, Thank, et al. Spatial Patterns of Urban Landscapes in the Indian Punjab are Predicted by Fractal Theory. Nature Scientific Reports. 12/1819, 2022.

Ouellette, Nicholas. A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior. Physical Biology. 19/2, 2022.
Ribeiro, Tiago, et al. Scale-Free Dynamics in Animal Groups and Brain Networks. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. January 2021.
Romanczuk, Pawel and Bryan Daniels. Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals. arXiv:2211.03879.

Simpson, Kevin, et al. Spatial biology of Ising-like synthetic genetic networks. BMC Biology. 21/Art.185, 2023.
Wood, Charles. Starfish Whisperer Develops a Physical Language of Life. Quanta. January 11, 2023.

3. Earth Alive: A Cellular GaiaSphere Sustains Her (His) Own Viability

Arthur, Rudy and Arwen Nicholson. A Gaian Habitable Zone. arXiv:2301.02150.
Bertrand, Philippe and Louis Legendre. Earth, Our Living Planet: The Earth System and its Co-evolution with Organisms. International: Springer Frontiers, 2021.

Irrgang, Christopher, et al. Towards Neural Earth System Modelling by Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Earth Systems Science. Nature Machine Intelligence. August 2021.
Passion for Earth: A New Era for Geoscience. en.sif.it/courses/passionforearth2022.

Vilovic, Iva, et al. Variations in climate habitability parameters and their effect on Earth's biosphere during the Phanerozoic Eon. arXiv:2308.08470.
Yang, Yi and Xiaodong Song. Multidecadal Variation of the Earth’s Inner-Core Rotation. Nature Geoscience. January 2023.

4. Universal Evolution: A Celestial Expanse

Hickey, Raymond. Life and Language Beyond Earth. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Press University, 2023.
Jackson, Holly, et al. Using Heritability of Stellar Chemistry to Reveal the History of the Milky Way. arXiv:2011.06453.

Sokolowski, Thomas, et al. Deriving a genetic regulatory network from an optimization principle. arXiv:2302.05680.
Zurek, Wojciech. Emergence of the Classical from Within the Quantum Universe. arXiv:2107.03378.

B. Our Whole Scale EcosmoVerse Description Project

Berezhiani, Lasha, et al. The Complex Galactic Dynamics of Dark Matter Superfluidity. arXiv:2212.10577.
Bromonte, Joseph and Nirmal Raj. Dark matter in compact stars. Physics Reports. December 2023.

Dupuy, Alexandra and Helene Courtois. Watersheds of the Universe: Laniakea and Five Newcomers in the Neighborhood. arXiv:2305.02339.
Park, Myeonghun and Pankaj Saha. Primordial Cosmic Complexity. arXiv:2212.13723.

1. Quantum Cosmology Theoretic Unity

Bousso, Raphael and Geoff Pennington. Holograms in Our World. arXiv:2302.07892.
De Hero, Jaume, et al. Finite-time cosmological singularities and the possible fate of the Universe. Physics Reports. Volume 1034, September, 2023.
Goldenfeld, Nigel. There’s Plenty of Room in the Middle: The Unsung Revolution of the Renormalization Group. arXiv:2306.06020.

Trachenko, Kostya. Properties of Condensed Matter from Fundamental Physical Constants. Advances in Physics. March 2023.
Wood, Charlie. The Physicist Who Glues Together Universes. Quanta. May 25, 2023.

2. Systems Physics: Self-Organization

In 2010 this new section was given a novel Systems Physics title as a way to include this fundamental field along with others such as systems biology and genetics making the 21st century spiral shift. By 2023 the advance has spread and infused to an extent that its subject content appears throughout the website modules. Please also see Common Code, Networks, Universality, Consilience and more.

Ceron, Steven, et al. Programmable Self-Organization of Heterogeneous Microrobot Collectives. PNAS. 120/24, 2023.
Kresic, Ivor, et al. Generating Multiparticle Entangled States by Self-Organization of Ultracold Atoms. arXiv:2208.10111.
Pyo, Andrew, et al. Proximity to Criticality Predicts Surface Properties of Biomolecular Condensates. PNAS. 120/23, 2023.

Rovelli, Carlo. The Relational Interpretation of Quantum Physics. arXiv:2109.09170.
Wolfram, Stephen. Multicomputation: A Fourth Paradigm for Theoretical Science. stephenwolfram.com (2022 writings)

3. Supramolecular Systems Chemistry

Cejkova, Jitka and Julyan Cartwright. Chembrionics and Systems Chemistry. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.
Maskara, Nishad, et al. Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with Reconfigurable Quantum Processors. arXiv:2312.02265.

Nicolaou, Zachery, et al. Prevalence of Multistability and Nonstationarity in Driven Chemical Networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. June 2023.
Raucci, Umberto, et al. Interactive Quantum Chemistry Enabled by Machine Learning, Graphical Processing, and Cloud Computing. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. 74/313, 2023.

4. Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere as Complex, Network Systems

Anand, Shashank Kumar, et al. Self-similarity and vanishing diffusion in fluvial landscapes. PNAS. 120/51, 2023.
Cheraghalizadeh, J., et al. Simulating Cumulus Clouds Based on Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2211.06111.
Tiberiu, Gabriel and Alexandru Nicolin. Motifs in seismic networks: Romania, Italy, United States of America, and Japan. arXiv:2308.05193.

5. ExoUniverse Studies: Detectable Presence, Conceptual Features

Baumgartner, Sandra and Jaiyul Yoo. Living in a Non-Flat Universe. arXiv:2205.12973.
Elhatisari, Serdar, et al. Alpha-alpha Scattering in the Multiverse. arXiv:2112.09409.
Mastromarino, Claudio, et al. Properties and Observables of Massive Galaxies in Self-Interacting Dark Matter Cosmologies. arXiv:2212.01403.

Sandora, McCullen, et al. Multiverse Predictions for Habitability: Planetary Characteristics. arXiv:2302.12376.
Vidotto, Francesca. Time, Space and Matter in the Primordial Universe. arXiv:2207.13722.
Wood, Charlie. Why This Universe?. Quanta. November 17,, 2022.

C. The Information Computation Turn

This original section has also lately become spread out into Chap. IV. A. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computation and Chap. VI. A. Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition. Please refer there for more current references in this regard.

Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. Morphological Computing as Logic Underlying Cognition in Human, Animal, and Intelligent Machine. arXiv:2309.13979.
Ghavasieh, Arsham and Manilo De Domenico. Statistical Physics of Network Structure and Information Dynamics. Journal of Physics: Complexity. February, 2022.

Kulkarni, Suman, et al. Information Content of Note Transitions in the Music of J. S. Bach. arXiv:2301.00783.
Wolfram, Stephen. Multicomputation: A Fourth Paradigm for Theoretical Science. stephenwolfran.com.

1. A CoCreative Participatory UniVerse

Xerxes Arsiwalla, et al. Pregeometry, Formal Language and Constructivist Foundations of Physics. arXiv:2311.03973.
Lewton, Thomas. Black Holes will Eventually Destroy All Quantum States, Researchers Argue. Quanta. March 7, 2023.
Scharf, Caleb. The Ascent of Information: Books, Bits, Genes, Machines, and Life’s Unending Algorithm. New York: Riverhead Books, 2021.

E. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Living Systems

Ahmed, Moaathe, et al. Holographic Dual of Extended Black Hole Thermodynamics. arXiv:2302,08163.
Ball, Philip. Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law that Leads to Disorder. Quanta. May 26, 2022.

Kastner, Ruth. The Arrow of Time is Alive and Well but Forbidden Under the Received View of Physics. arXiv:2311.11456.
Kondepudi, Dilip, et al. From Dissipative Structures to Biological Evolution: A Thermodynamic Perspective. Dambricourt Malasse, Anne, ed. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology. International: Springer, 2022

Poudel, Ram, et al, eds. Thermodynamics 2.0: Bridging the Natural and Social Sciences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. July 2023.
Wolfram, Stephen. The Second Law: Resolving the Mystery of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Online: Wolfram Media, 2023.

1. Life's New Open Quantum Informative Resource Thermoversion

Buchholz, Detlev and Klaus Fredenhagen. Arrow of Time and Quantum Physics. Foundations of Physics. September, 2023.
Binder, Felix, et al, eds. Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime. International: Springer, 2021.
Bowick, Mark, et al. Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter. Physical Review X. February, 2022.

Dann, Roie and Ronnie Kosloff. Unification of the First Law of Quantum Thermodynamics. arXiv:2208.10561.
Elouard, Cyril, et al. Extending the Laws of Thermodynamics for Autonomous Quantum Systems. PRX Quantum. 4/020309, 2023.
Wilson, Matt and Giulio, Chilibella. A Mathematical Framework for Transformations of Physical Processes. arXiv:2204.04319.

2. Cosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic, Bootstrap Self-Made UniVerse

Into the 2020s, by this year a confluence of new references herein attest that persistent catalytic activities impel biochemical and metabolic reactions to enhance, complexify, iterate, and enliven themselves. Some five decades after its first notice (Stuart Kauffman, others) this animate spontaneity is just now reaching a robust confirmation. As a result, the innate occasion of an self-making, auto-creative ecosmos gains one more strong evidential grounding.

Once again at mid course, the working premise of this now Planatural Genesis resource website is the presence of such an independent, actual organic procreativity. Our PediaPedia Earthica version is founded on the further ascent of a global individuality whom quite seems to be learning on her/his bicameral own. As this Earthumanity endeavor proceeds, its output can be seen to occur by way of online publications which, in some self-organizing manner, convey these revolutionary advances. (We note that its format is similar to the Oxford Reference Encyclopedia.)

Baum, David, et al. The ecology–evolution continuum and the origin of life. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. November 2023.
Datta, Chandan, et al. Catalysis of entanglement and other quantum resources. Reports on Progress in Physics. 86/11, 2023.

Gagrani, Praful. et al. The geometry and combinatorics of an autocatalytic ecology in chemical and cluster chemical reaction networks. arXiv:2303.14236.
Froese, Tom, et al. From Autopoiesis to Self-Organization: Toward an Enactive Model of Biological Regulation. bioRxiv. June 9, 2023.

Howlett, Michael and Stephen Fletcher. From autocatalysis to survival of the fittest in self-reproducing lipid systems. Nature Reviews Chemistry. August 2023.
Peng, Zhen, et al. The Hierarchical Organization of Autocatalytic Reaction Networks and its Relevance to the Origin of Life. PLOS Computational Biology. September, 2022.

F. Systems Cosmology: Fractal SpaceTimeMatter

Aragon-Calvo, Miguel. Hierarchical Reconstruction of the Cosmic Web. arXiv:2308.16186.
Aschwanden, Markus. The Fractality of Astrophysical Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2203.12484.
Butler, Travis and Georgi Georgiev. Self-Organization in Stellar Evolution. arXiv:2202.02318.

Grudic, Michael and Philip Hopkins. The Opacity Limit. arxiv:2308.16268.
Korsaga, Marie, et al. Disk galaxies are self-similar: the universality of the HI-to-Halo mass ratio for isolated disks. arXiv:2307.01035.

Toriumi, Shin and Vladimir Airapelian. Universal Scaling Laws for the Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Heating. arXiv:2202.01232.
Wilding, Georg, et al. Persistent Homology of the Cosmic Web. arXiv:2011.12851.

G. Anthropic, Biotropic, Earthropic Principles

Grudic, Michael, et al. Does God Play Dice with Star Clusters? arXiv:2307.00052.

H. An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Spontaneity

Bisbas, Thomas, et al. α-enhanced Astrochemistry: the Carbon cycle in extreme galactic conditions. arXiv:2312.03237.
Canup, Robin and Philip Christensen, Co-Chairs. Origins, Worlds and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 2022.
Claringbold, Alastair, et al. Prebiosignature Molecules can be Detected in Temperate Exoplanet Atmospheres with JWST. arXiv:2306.02897.

Fisher, Theresa, et al. A Complex Systems Approach to Exoplanet Atmospheric Chemistry arXiv:2310.05359.
Gwenaelie, Dufour and Steven Chamley. New Bistable Solutions in Molecular Cloud Chemistry: Nitrogen and Carbon Autocatalysis. arXiv:2304.14477.
Koksal, Elif, et al. Spontaneous Formation of Prebiotic Compartment Colonies on Hadean Earth and Pre-Noachian Mars. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.

Liao, Qinqli, et al. Density Functional Theory Calculations on the Interstellar Formation of Biomolecules. arXiv:2310.14488.
Paschek, Klaus, et al. Prebiotic Vitamin B3 Synthesis in Carbonaceous Planetesimals. arXiv:2310.11433.

Taniguchi, Kotomi, et al. Carbon-Chain Chemistry in the Interstellar Medium. arXiv:2303.15769.
Wu, Qin Tong, et al. The Role of Low-energy Electrons in the Extraterrestrial Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules. arXiv:2312.02180.

I. Stellar Planetary Systems: A Stochastic Profusion of Galaxies, Solar Orrerys, and Habitable Zones

Ancient Earth. pbs.org/wgbh/nova/series/ancient-earth/
Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro, editor in chief. Protostars & Planets VII. Tempe: University of Arizona Press, 2023.
Lingam, Manasvi, et al. Planetary Scale Information Transmission in the Biosphere and Technosphere: Limits and Evolution. arXiv:2309.07922.

Madhusudan, Nikku, ed. ExoFrontiers: Big Questions in Exoplanetary Science. Online:IOP Science Books, 2022.
Mishra, Lokesh, et al. A Framework for the Architecture of Exoplanetary Systems. arXiv:2301.02374.
Romanovskaya, Irina. Planetary Biotechnospheres, Biotechnosignatures and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. International Journal of Astrobiology. September 2023.

Scharf, Caleb and Olaf Witkowski. Rebuilding the Habitable Zone from the Bottom Up with Computational Zones. arXiv:2303.16111.
Yang, Sheng, et al. The stability of unevenly spaced planetary systems. arXiv:2308.16798.

J. Our Fittest EarthMost Distinction: A Rarest Favorable Confluence of Life Favorable Conditions

Ancient Earth. pbs.org/wgbh/nova/series/ancient-earth/
Balbi, Amedeo and Adam Frank. The Oxygen Bottleneck for Technospheres. arXiv:2308.01160.
Erdmann, Weronika, et al. How the Geomagnetic Field Influences Life on Earth. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. 51/231, 2021.
Fremont, Emeline, et al. Atmospheric Escape From Three Terrestrial Planets in the L 98-59 System. arXiv:2312.00062.

Gleiser. Marcelo. The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity's Future. New York: HarperOne, 2023.
Joirot, Sarah. A race against the clock: Constraining the timing of cometary bombardment relative to Earth's growth. arXiv:2309.03954.
Martin, Rebecca and Mario Livio. Asteroids and Life: How Special is the Solar System?. arXiv:2202.01352.

O'Callaghan, Jonathan. A Solution to the Faint-Sun Paradox Reveals a Narrow Window for Life. Quanta Magazine. January 27, 2022.
Olson, Stephanie, et al. The Effect of Ocean Salinity on Climate and its Implications for Earth’s Habitability. arXiv:2205.06785.
Way, M. J.. et al. Large-scale Volcanism and the Heat Death of Terrestrial Worlds. arXiv:2204.12475.


Bianconi, Ginestra, et al. Complex Systems in the Spotlight: Next Steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 4/010201, 2023.
Baronchelli, Andrea. Shaping New Norms for Artificial Intelligence: A Complex Systems Perspective. arXiv:2307.08564.
PLoS Complex Systems. plos.org/complex-systems-research-journal.

Sawicki, Jakub, et al. Perspectives on Adaptive Dynamical Systems. arXiv:2303.01459.
Tadic, Bosiljka and Roderick Melnik. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics as a Key to Fundamental Features of Complexity in Physical, Biological and Social Networks. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.

A. 21st Century Innate, Mathematic, Familial, Anatomic, Textual Features

1. Network Physics: A Vital Interlinked Anatomy and Physiology

The theoretic and empirical study of these pervasive connectivities remains an intense collaborative project. A rush of current simplical, multiplex and metaplex contributions portends their consistent occurrence from quantum and galactic to corporal, neural and societal realms. Going forward, we mention Cemile Kocoglu, Dino Pitoski, Albert Barabasi, Siddhartha Mukherjee and others who avail these qualities for better medical diagnosis.

Berner, Rico, et al. Adaptive Dynamical Networks. arXiv:2304.05652.
Boccaletti, Stefan, et al. The Structure and Dynamics of Networks with Higher Order Interactions. Physics Reports. Vol. 1018, 2023.
Fronczak, Agata, et al.. Scaling Theory of Fractal Complex Networks: Bridging Local Self-Similarity and Global Scale-Invariance. arXiv:2306.13751.
Nathalie Gontier and Anton Sukhoverkhov. Reticulate evolution underlies synergistic trait formation in human communities. Evolutionary Anthropology. 32/1, 2021.

Khanra, P., et al. Endowing Networks with Desired Symmetries and Modular Behavior. arXiv:2302.1548.
Kocoglu, Cemile, et al. How Network-based Approaches can Complement Identification Studies in Frontotemporal Dementia. Trends in Genetics. 38/9, 2022.
Miranda, Manuel, et al. What Is in a Simplicial Complex? A Metaplex-Based Approach to Its Structure and Dynamics. Entropy. 25/12, 2023.

Pitoski, Dino, et al. The Complex Network Patterns of Human Migration at Different Geographical Scales: Network Science meets Regression Analysis. arXiv:2310.14922.
Rozum, Jordan, et al. Boolean Networks as Predictive Models of Emergent Biological Behaviors. arXiv:2319.12901.
Zitnik, Marinka, et al. Current and future directions in network biology. arXiv:2309.08478.

2. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computations

The endeavor to perceive a natural mathematic animation can be traced back to Alan Turing in the 1950s and to Gottfried Leibniz in the 1700s. Into our global 21st century and these 2020s, many digital/analog versions spread across a wide mathematical spectrum. We cite an array of advocates below, and also note Susan Stepney, George Dyson, Laura Schaposnik, and Tanya Latty.

Coecke, Bob. Compositionality as We See it Everywhere Around Us. arXiv:2110.05327..
Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. Morphological Computing as Logic Underlying Cognition in Human, Animal, and Intelligent Machine. arXiv:2309.13979.
Krause, Andrew, et al. Recent Progress and Open Frontiers for Turing’s Theory of Morphogenesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. November, 2021.

Newman, Stuart. Form, function, mind: what doesn't compute (and what might). arXiv:2310.13910.
Richardson. Alex, et al. Learning spatio-temporal patterns with Neural Cellular Automata. arXiv:2310.14809.
Wolfram, Stephen. The Physicalization of Metamathematics and Its Implications for the Foundations of Mathematics. arXiv:2204.05123.

3. Iteracy: A Rosetta Ecosmos Textuality

This topical module, along with sister sections The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Protenomes and Language and Earthificial Intelligence, are beginning to achieve and report many wide-ranging recognitions of an innate, natural, informative narrative. Herein, its more computational, program-like aspects are often considered. So into 2023 an actual presence of a scripted literacy may once and future become apparent and legible. We also refer to The Book of Naturome above for a traditional Readability aspect.

Budel, Gabriel, et al. Topological Properties and Organizing Principles of Semantic Networks. arXiv.2304.12940.
Kenna, Ralph, et al. A Narrative Network Analysis of the Poems of Ossian. arXiv:2306.16953.
Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2022.

Nefdt, Ryan. Biolinguistics and Biological Systems: A Complex Systems Analysis of Language. Biology & Philosophy. March 2023.
Pardo Pintos, Alejandro, et al. Cognitive Forces Shape the Dynamics of Word Usage. arXiv:2201.04739.
Soares, Eduardo, et al. Beyond Chemical Language: A Multimodal Approach to Enhance Molecular Property Prediction. arXiv:2306.14919.

4. Universality Affirmations: A Critical Complementarity

Batygin, Konstantin, et al. The Origin of Universality in the Inner Edges of Planetary Systems. arXiv:2306.08822.
Bialek, William and Jousha Shaevitz. Long time scales, individual differences, and scale invariance in animal behavior. arXiv:2304.09608.
De, A., et al. Non-equilibrium Critical Scaling and Universality in a Quantum Simulator. arXiv:2309.10856.

Ge, Xiaofei, et al. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics of RNA Virus Evolution. arXiv:2204.08627.
Kauffman, Stuart, et al, eds. The Principle of Dynamical Criticality. Entropy. December, 2022.
Notarmuzi, Daniele, et al. Universality, Criticality and Complexity of Information Propagation in Social Media. arXiv:2109.00116.

Plenz, Dietmar, et al. Self-Organized Criticality in the Brain. arXiv:2102.09124.
Sherman, Nicholas, et al. Universality of Critical Dynamics with Finite Entanglement. arXiv:2301.09681.
Zamponi, Nahuel, et al. Scale-Free Density and Correlations Fluctations in the Dynamics of Microbial Ecosystems. arXiv:2206.12384.

5. Common Code: A Further Report of Reliable, Invariant Principles

Ashish, George and James O’Dwyer. Universal abundance fluctuations across microbial communities, tropical forests, and urban populations. PNAS. 120/44, 2023.
Fronczak, Agata, et al. Scaling Theory of Fractal Complex Networks: Bridging Local Self-Similarity and Global Scale-Invariance. arXiv:2306.13751.
Gagler, David, et al. Scaling Laws in Enzyme Function Reveal a New Kind of Biochemical Universality. PNAS. 119/9, 2022.

Jensen, Henrik. Brain, Rain and Forest Fires. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 2/032002, 2021.
Sanchez-Puig, Fernanda, et al. Heterogeneity Extends Criticality. Frontiers of Complex Systems
Rozum, Jordan, et al. Boolean Networks as Predictive Models of Emergent Biological Behaviors. arXiv:2319.12901.

West, Bruce, et al. Fractal structure of human and primate social networks optimizes information flow. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. May 2023.
Wheeler, Jennifer and Kit Yu Jaren Chan.. The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Large-scale Phenomena Arising from Small-scale Biophysical Processes.. Integrative and Comparative Biology. September, 2023.

B. Our Own HumanVerse Genome Studies

1. Paleogenomics, Archaeogenomics: Natural Ancestry

Lee, Juhyeon, et al. Genetic Population Structure of the Xiognu Empire at Imperial and Local Scales. Science Advances. 9/15, 2023
Orlandi, Ludovic, et al. Ancient DNA Analysis. Nature Reviews Methods. February 2021.
Vignieri, Sacha, ed. The Zoonomia Project. Science. 380/356, 2023.

2. The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Protenomes and Language

Now in a narrative genre, 2023 saw an array of diverse literacies such as AI large language models, ChatBots, deep neural networks, protein AlphaFold and on to amenable, next-generation, genomic sequences. We cite DNA language models as powerful predictors of genome-wide effects (Benegas). A consilient ability to translate, Rosetta-like, across these diverse modes comes altogether (maybe Genelish).

Benegas, Gonzalo, et al. DNA language models are powerful predictors of genome-wide variant effects. PNAS. 120/44, 2023.
Consens, Micaela, et al. To Transformers and Beyond: Large Language Models for the Genome. arXiv:2311.07621.
Flam-Sherperd, Daniel, et al. Atom-by-atom protein generation and beyond with language models. arXiv:2308.09482.

Majewski, Maciej, et al. Machine Learning Coarse-Grained Potentials of Protein Thermodynamics. arXiv:2212.07492.
Marin, Frederikke, et al. BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on biologically meaningful tasks. arXiv:2311.12570.

Romero-Romero, Sergio, et al. Exploring the Protein Sequence Space with Global Generative Models. arXiv:2305.01941.
Truong, Timothy and Tristan Bepler. PoET: A Generative Model of Protein Families as Sequences of Sequences. arXiv:2306.06156
Zolyan, Suren. From Matter to Form: The Evolution of the Genetic Code as Semio-poiesis Semiotica. March 2022.

3. Whole Genome Regulatory Systems: DNA + AND

Baysoy, Alex, et al. The technological applications of single-cell multi-omics. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. September, 2023.
Hu, Mengzhou, et al.. Evaluation of large language models for discovery of gene set function. arXiv:2309.04019.
Misteli, Tom. The Self-Organizing Genome: Principles of Genome Architecture and Function. Cell. 183/1, 2020.

Pollen, Alex, et al. Human-specific genetics: new tools to explore the molecular and cellular basis of human evolution. Nature Reviews Genetics. September 2023.
Roman-Vicharra, Cristhian and James Cai. Quantum Gene Regulatory Networks. arXiv:2206.15362.


While a genesis scenario grows more evident by way of field, theoretic, and empirical studies, a 21st century worldwise veracity has not yet reached an integral statement and acceptance. A vested mindset still rejects anything going on at all. It lacks an attribution to a person or group (maybe EarthWinian), and it remains to factor in a generative code script. But in Chapter V, the Major Transitions, Systems Biology and Teleology Turn sections do fill in significant contributions.

Ball, Philip. How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023
Corning, Peter, et al, eds. Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.
Crocker, Justin, et al. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Predicting Evolutionary Biology. Philosophical Transactions B. 378/1877, April 2023.

Deichmann, Ute. Self-Organization and Genomic Causality in Models of Morphogenesis. Entropy 25/6, 2023.
Gallo, Elisa, et al. The Core & Periphery Hypothesis: A Conceptual Basis for Generality in Cell and Developmental Biology. arXiv:2306.09534.
Meincke, Anne Sophie. The Metaphysics of Development and Evolution
From Thing Ontology to Process Ontology.
Human Development. May 2023.

Raipal, Hardik, et al. Quantifying Hierarchical Selection. arXiv:2310.20386.
Salazar-Ciudad, Isaac, and Hugo Cano-Fernandez. Evo-Devo Beyond Development: Generalizing Evo-Devo to All Levels of te Phenotypic Evolution. BioEssays. March 2023.
Vujovic, Filip, et al. Cellular Self-Organization: An Overdrive in Cambrian Diversity? BioEssays. July 2022.

A. A Major Emergent Evolutionary Transitions Scale

Since its introduction in 1995 (Maynard Smith, Szathmary) this model perception has become well applied, but rarely extended to its human phase. Into the 2020s this has changed with two dedicated journal issues: Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations by Robin, Amanda Robin, et al in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (December 2021) and Human Socio-Cultural Evolution in Light of Evolutionary Transitions by Yohay Carmel, et al in Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. (February 2023). However the scale has not yet come to public notice where it could provide a vital planatural philosophy.

Andersson, Claes and Tamas Czaran. The Transition from Animal to Human Culture: The Social Protocell Hypothesis. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. February, 2023.
Carmel, Yohay, et al. Human Socio-Cultural Evolution in Light of Evolutionary Transitions. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. February 2023.
Nonacs, Peter, et al. Social Evolution and the Major Evolutionary Transition in the History of Life. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. December, 2021.

Robin, Amanda, et al. Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. December, 2021.
Townsend, Cathryn, et al. Human Cooperation and Evolutionary Transitions. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. February, 2023.
Waring, Timothy and Zachary Wood. Long-term Gene-culture Coevolution and the Human Evolutionary Transition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. May, 2021.

B. Systems Biology Integrates: Genomes, Networks, Symbiosis, Deep Homology

Bogdan, Paul, et al. Biological Networks Across Scales. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2022.
Holford, Mande and Benjamin Normark. Integrating the Life Sciences to Jumpstart the Next Decade of Discovery. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2021.

Kumar, Suresh, et al. Deep Learning in Computational Biology. arXiv:2310.03086.
Nuno de la Rosa, Laura and Gerd Muller, eds. Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide. International: Springer, 2021.

C. Evoinformatics: A Biosemiotic Code Quality

Caetano-Anolles, Gustavo. Agency in Evolution of Biomolecular Communication. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. May 2023.
Code Biology 2022. codebiology.org/conferences/Olomouc2022.
Deacon, Terrence. How Molecules Became Signs. Biosemiotics. October 2021.

Pagni, Elena and Richard Simanke, eds. Biosemiotics and Evolution: The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism. Switzerland: Springer, 2022.
Svorcova, Jana and Anton Markos. Closures as a Precondition of Life, Agency and Semiosis. Biosemiotics. February, 2023.
Taborsky, Edwina. Rational Decision Making in Biological Systems. Biosystems. April, 2022.

D. A 2020s Teleology Turn: Life’s Evomic Development of Personal Purpose

This overdue course correction began around 2018 much due to Peter Corning’s encouragement As a result, the British Linnean Society sponsored a major conference since the evidence could no longer be ignored. Many papers noted herein where published in its prestigious journal. In 2023, they were collected in Evolution "On Purpose:" Teleonomy in Living Systems in the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology (MIT Press).

Clawson, Wesley and Michael Levin. Endless Forms Most Beautiful 2.0. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. August, 2022.
Corning, Peter, et al, eds. Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.

Heylighen, Francis. The Meaning and Origin of Goal-Directedness: A Dynamical Systems Perspective. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. July, 2022.
Love, Alan and Max Dresow. Organizing Interdisciplinary Research on Purpose. BioScience. 72/4, 2022.
Newman, Stuart. Self-Organization in Embryonic Development. arXiv:2108.00532.

E. A Nested Anatomy/Physiology Sequence of Members in Whole Groups

1. The Origins of Life

Bartolucci, Giacomo, et al Sequence self-selection by cyclic phase separation. PNAS. 120/43, 2023.
Babajanyan, Sanasar, et al. Coevolution of reproducers and replicators at the origin of life and the conditions for the origin of genomes. PNAS. 120/14, 2023.
Bisbas, Thomas, et al. α-enhanced Astrochemistry: the Carbon cycle in extreme galactic conditions. arXiv:2312.03237.

Egbert, Matthew, et al. Behavior and the Origin of Organisms. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. May 2023.
Ianeselli, Alan, et al. Physical Non-Equilibria for Prebiotic Nucleic Acid Chemistry. Nature Review Physics January 2023.
Kocher, Charles and Ken Dill. The prebiotic emergence of biological evolution. arXiv:2311.13650.

Rennie, John and Allison Parshall. Inside Ancient Asteroids, Gamma Rays Made Building Blocks of Life. Quanta. January 4, 2023.
Silke, Asche, et al. What it takes to solve the Origin(s) of Life: An integrated review of techniques arXiv:2308.11665.

2. Microbial Colonies

George, Ashish, et al. Functional Universality in Microbial Communities Arises from Thermodynamic Constraints. arXiv:2203.06128.
Macktoobian, Matin. Self-Organizing Nest Migration Dynamics Synthesis for Ant Colony Systems. arXiv:2210.03975.
Shishkov, Olga and Orit Peleg. Social Insects and Beyond: The Physics of Soft, Dense Invertebrate Aggregations. arXiv:2206.11129/

Shpurov, Ivan and Tom Froese. Evidence of Critical Dynamics in Movements of Bees inside a Hive. Entropy. 24/12, 2022.
Zamponi, Nahuel, et al. Scale Free Density and Fluctuations in the Dynamics of Large Microbial Ecosystems. arXiv:2206.12384.

3. Cellular Holobiont Symbiogenesis

Frolov, Nikita, et al. Self-Organization of Microtubules: Complexity Analysis of Emergent Patterns. arXiv:2305.00539.
Igamberdiev, Abir, et al, eds. Symbiogenesis and Progressive Evolution. Biosystems. April, 2021
Mitchison, Timothy and Christine Field. Self-Organization of Cellular Units. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. Volume 37, October, 2021.

Mukherjee, Siddhartha. The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human. New York: Scribner, 2022.
Rackaityte, Elze and Susan Lynch. The human microbiome in the 21st century. Nature Communications. 11/5256, 2020.
Roughgarden, Joan. Holobiont Evolution: Population Theory for the Hologenome. American Naturalist. April 2023.

Vicente, Filipe and Alba Diz-Munoz. Order from Chaos: How Mechanics Shape Epithelia and Promote Self-Organization. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. March 2023.
Wang, Yingxu, et al. On the Philosophical, Cognitive and Mathematical Foundations of Symbiotic Autonomous Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. August, 2021.

4. Multicellular Fauna and Flora Organisms in Transition

We continue with a major emergent transition emphasis for this copious creaturely metazoan section. (I saw a show about a friendly platypus last eve.) Over and again cellular life is now realized to persistently come together amongst all land, sea and avian species toward personal, intelligent, communal collectives. Life is now known to evolve on an oriented, developmental ascent by way a member/group beneficial cooperativity. In 2023, a natural knowledge forms and flourishes in our prodigious PediaPedia resource.

Autorino, Camilla and Nicoletta Petridou. Critical Phenomenon in Embryonic Organization. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. Vol. 31, September 2022.
Bozdag, Ozan, et al. De Novo Evolution of Macroscopic Multicellularity. Nature. May 10, 2023.
Gosak, Marko, et al. Networks Behind the Morphology and Structural Design of Living Systems. Physics of Life Reviews. March, 2022.

Herron, Matthew, et al, eds. The Evolution of Multicellularity. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2022.
Merle, Melody, et al. Precise and Scalable Self-Organization in Mammalian Pseudo-Embryos. arXiv:2303.17522.
Niklas, Karl and Stuart Newman, eds. Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press, June 2022.

Skocelas, Katherine, et al. The Evolution of Genetic Robustness for Cellular Cooperation in Early Multicellular Organisms Holler, Silvia, et al, eds. The 2022 International Conference on Artificial Life. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Self-organization in Biology-Freiburg Spemann-Mangold Centennial Symposium. cibss.uni-freiburg.de/news-and-events/event/event-details/100y-spemann-mangold.

5. Cooperative Societies

Cooney, Daniel, et al. Evolutionary Dynamics Within and Among Competing Groups. arXiv:2209.02063.
Gomez-Nava, Luis, et al. Fish Shoals Resemble a Stochastic Excitable system Driven by Environmental Perturbations. Nature Physics. May 2023.
Heffern, Elleard, et al. Phase Transitions in Biology: From Bird Flocks to Population Dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. October 2021.

Ioannou, Christos and Kate Laskowski. A Multi-scale Review of the Dynamics of Collective Behavior from Ontogeny to Evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. February 2023.
Ouellette, Nicholas. A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior. Physical Biology. 19/2, 2022.

Puy, Andreu, et al. Self-similarity of Turning Avalanches in Schooling Fish. arXiv:2309.16455.
Romanczuk, Pawel and Bryan Daniels. Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals. arXiv:2211.03879.
Sar, Gourab Kumar and Dibakar Ghosh. Flocking and swarming in a multi-agent dynamical system. arXiv:2312.06383.

6. Dynamic Fractal Network Ecosystems

Forgoston, Eric, et al. Stability and Fluctuations in Complex Ecological Systems. arXiv:2306.07447.
Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo, et al. Spatial Patterns in Ecological Systems: From Microbial Colonies to Landscapes. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. 6/3, 2022.
Sheldrake, Merlin. Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our FuturesNew York: Random House, 2021.

Siteur, Kown, et al. Phase-separation Physics Underlies New Theory for the Resilience of Patchy Ecosystems. PNAS, 120/2, 2023.
Vandermeer, John, et al. New Forms of Structure in Ecosystems Revealed with the Kuramoto Model. Royal Society Open Science. February, 2021.
Villegas, Pablo, et al. Evidence of Scale-free Clusters of Vegetation in Tropical Rainforests. arXiv:2301.05917.

7. Multiple Ancestries of Homo Sapiens

Abbas, Mahmoud, et al. Human dispersals out of Africa via the Levant. Science Advances. 9/40, 2023.
Fernandez-Lopez, Javier, et al. Understanding Hunter-Gatherer Cultural Evolution Needs Network Thinking. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. August, 2022.

Zimmer, Carl. Ancient Human Relatives Buried their Dead in Caves, New Theory Claims. New York Times. June 5, 2023.
Zonker, Johannes, et al. Insights into drivers of mobility and cultural dynamics of African hunter–gatherers over the past 120 000 years. Royal Society Open Science. November 2023.

G. Universal Gestation: Phylogeny and Ontogeny

Kohsokabe, Takahiro and Kunihiko Kaneko. Dynamical Systems Approach to Evolution–Development Congruence. Journal of Experimental Biology B. February, 2021.
Levit, Georgy and Uwe Hossfeld. Self-Organization Meets Evolution: Ernst Haeckel and Abiogenesis. Dambricourt Malasse, Anne, ed. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology. International: Springer, 2022.
Uesaka, Masahiro and Naoki Irie. Beyond Recapitulation: Past, Present and Future. Journal of Experimental Zoology B. 338/1-2, 2022.


A. Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition

Bridle, James. Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022.
Chalmers, David. Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy. New York: Norton, 2022.

Models of Consciousness 2022. mcs-community.org/events/moc-3-2022.
Musser, George. Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation: Why Physicists are Studying Human Consciousness and AI to Unravel the Mysteries of the Universe. London: Macmillan, 2023.
Webb, Richard, ed. Consciousness. New Scientist Essential Guide. Volume 12. 2022.

B. A Neural Encephalization Proceeds from Minimal Stirrings to an Earthuman Acumen

Ball, Philip. The Book of Minds: How to Understand Ourselves and Other Beings from Animals to AI to Aliens. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022.
Bechtel, William and Leonardo Bich. Using neurons to maintain autonomy: Learning from C. elegans. Biosystems. October 2023.
Callier, Vivianne. Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved before Animals Did. Quanta. June 3, 2022.

Changeux, Jean-Pierre, et al. A Connectomic Hypothesis for the Hominization of the Brain. Cerebral Cortex. 31/5, 2021.
Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Metazoa: Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021.
Kverkova, Kristina, et al. The Evolution of Brain Neuron Numbers in Amniotes. PNAS. 119/11, 2022.

Lacalli, Thurston. An Evolutionary Perspective on Chordate Brain Organization and Function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. December 2021.
Miller, Jacob and Kevin Weiner. Unfolding the Evolution of Human Cognition. Trends in Cognitive Science. August, 2022.
Roumazeilles, Lea, et al. Longitudinal Connections and the Organization of the Temporal Cortex in Macaques, Great Apes, and Humans. PLoS Biology. July, 2020.

Smaers, Jeoroen, et al. The Evolution of Mammalian Brain Size. Science Advances. 7/18, 2021.
Zacks, Oryan and Eva Jablonka. The evolutionary origins of the Global Neuronal Workspace in vertebrates. Neuroscience of Consciousness. Volume 1, 2023.

1. Intelligence Evolution and Knowledge Gain as a Central Course

Czegel, Daniel, et al. Bayes and Darwin: How Replicator Populations Implement Bayesian Computations BioEssays. 44/4, 2022.
Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. Morphological Computation and Learning to Learn in Natural Intelligent Systems and AI. arXiv:2004.02304

Jablonka, Eva and Simona Ginsburg. Learning and the Evolution of Conscious Agents. Biosemiotics. September, 2022..
Watson, Richard, et al. Connectionist Approaches to the Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. March 2022.

3. Laterality: A Bicameral Brain Emerges with the Nested Scales

Furtak, Marcin, et al. The Forest, the Trees, or Both? Hierarchy and Interactions between Gist and Object Processing during Perception of Real-world Scenes. Cognition. Vol. 221, April, 2022.
Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Integration, Lateralization, and Animal Experience. Mind & Language. 36/2, 2021.
Gunturkun, Onur, et al. Brain Lateralization: A Comparative Perspective. Physiological Reviews. 100/1019, 2020.

Hausmann, Markus, et al. Laterality Entering the Next Decade: The 25th Anniversary of a Journal for Asymmetries of Brain, Behavior and Cognition. Laterality. 26/3, 2021.
Milli, Smitha, et al. A Rational Reinterpretation of Dual-Process Theories. Cognition. Vol. 217, October, 2021.
Seoane, Luis. Evolutionary paths to lateralization of complex brain functions. arXiv:2112.00221.

1. Animal Intelligence and Sociality

Gunturkun, Onur, et al. Why birds are smart. Trends in Cognitive Science, December 2023.
Kelly, Debbie and Stephen Lea. Animal Cognition: A 25th Anniversary Special issue. Animal Cognition. December 2022.
Lyon, Pamela and Ken Cheng. Basal cognition: shifting the center of gravity (again). Animal Cognition. November, 2023.

Moroz, Leonid. Chemical cognition: chemoconnectomics and convergent evolution of integrative systems in animals. Animal Cognition. November, 2023.
Yong, Ed. An Immense world: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us. New York: Random House, 2022.
Zacks, Oryan, et al. The Futures of the Past: The Evolution of Imaginative Animals. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 29/3-4, 2023.

2. Organisms Evolve Rhythmic Protolanguage Communication

Belyk, Michel and Steven Brown. Perception of Affective and Linguistic Prosody. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 9/9, 2021.
Benitez-Burraco, Antonio and Ljiljana Progovac. Reconstructing Prehistoric Languages. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Volume 1824, March, 2021.
Chen, Zhuo and John Wiens. The Origins of Acoustic Communication in Vertebrates. Nature Communications. 11/369, 2020.

Hartmann, Stefan and Michael Pleyer. Constructing a Protolanguage: Prehistoric Languages in a Grammar Framework. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Volume 1824, 2021
Hickey, Raymond. Life and Language Beyond Earth. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Kirby, Simon and Monica Tamariz. Cumulative cultural evolution, population structure and the origin of combinatoriality in human language. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. December, 2021.
van der Burght, Constantin, et al. How Theory and Methodology Shape Experiments in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 35/12, 2023.

C. A Central Course of Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies

Ball, Philip. Organisms as Agents of Evolution: A New Research Review. templeton.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Biological-Agency_1_FINAL.pdf.
Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana. Morphological Computation and Learning to Learn in Natural Intelligent Systems and AI. arXiv:2004.02304.
Gordon, Deborah. Collective behavior in relation with changing environments: Dynamics, modularity, and agency. Evolution & Development. 25/6, 2023.

Jablonka, Eva and Simona Ginsburg. Learning and the Evolution of Conscious Agents. Biosemiotics. September, 2022
Linz, David, et al. From descent with modification to the origins of novelty. Zoology. 143/125836, 2020.
Mitchell, Kevin. Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023.

Nadolski, Erica and Armin Moczek. Promises and limits of an agency perspective in evolutionary developmental biology. Evolution & Development. 25/6, 2023.
Tomasello, Michael. The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Watson, Richard. Agency, Goal-Directed Behavior, and Part-Whole Relationships in Biological Systems. Biological Theory. November, 2023.


A. Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons

1. Systems Physiology and Psychology: Somatic and Behavioral Development

Cantor, Pamela and David Osher, eds. The Science of Learning and Development. London, Routledge, 2021.
Crespi, Bernard. Pattern Unifies Autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry. February, 2021.
Dehaene, Stanislav. How We Learn. New York: Viking, 2020.
Lu, Jackson, et al. A Socioecological-Genetic Framework of Culture and Personality. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 74, January 2023.

Stanger, Ben. From One Cell: A Journey into Life's Origins and the Future of Medicine. New York: Norton, 2023.
Suparna Choudhury, et al. A Neuroecosocial Perspective on Adolescent Development. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology. Volume 5, December 2023.
Zhu, Meng and Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz. Principles of Self-Organization of the Mammalian Embryo. Cell. 183/6, 2020.

2. Systems Neuroscience: Multiplex Networks and Critical Function

Bolt, Eric, et al. Fractal Basins as a Mechanism for the Nimble Brain. arXiv:2311.00061.
Deco. Gustavo, et al. The arrow of time of brain signals in cognition. Network NeuroScience. 7/3, 2023.
Lindsay, Grace. Models of the Mind: How Physics, Engineering and Mathematics Have Shaped Our Understanding of the Brain. New York: Bloomsbury Sigma, 2021.

Pang, James, et al. Geometric constraints on human brain function Nature. 618/566, 2023.
Ponce-Alvarez, Adrian, et al. Critical Scaling of Whole-Brain Resting-State Dynamics. Communications Biology. June 2023.
Rao, Rajesh, et al. Active Predictive Coding: A Unifying Neural Model for Active Perception, Compositional Learning, and Hierarchical Planning. Neural Computation. 36/1, 2023.

Summerfield, Christopher and Kevin Miller. Computational and Systems Neuroscience: The next 20 years. PloS Biology. September, 2023.
Walter, Nike and Thilo Hinterberge. Determining states of consciousness in the electroencephalogram based on spectral, complexity, and criticality features. Neuroscience of Consciousness. Volume 1, 2022.
Xu, Yiben, et al. Interacting spiral wave patterns underlie complex brain dynamics related to cognitive processing. Nature Human Behavior. 7/1196. 2023.

3. A Complementary Brain and Thought Process

Rajagopalan, Chandramouli, et al. Deep learning in a bilateral brain with hemispheric specialization. arXiv:2209.06862.
Sun, Weinan, et al. Organizing Memories for Generalization in Complementary Learning Systems. Nature Neuroscience. July, 2023.

4. Conscious Integrated Information Knowledge

Albantakis, Larissa, et al. Integrated information theory (IIT) 4.0: Formulating the properties of phenomenal existence in physical terms. PLoS Computational Biology. October 2023.
Butlin, Patrick, et al. Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Science of Consciousness. arXiv:2308.08708.
Ginsburg, Simona and Eva Jablonka. Picturing the Mind: Consciousness through the Lens of Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.

5. Half the UniVerse: A Woman's 2020 Wisdome

Giangravé, Claire. Pope Francis asks theologians to ‘demasculinize’ the church. America Magazine. November 30, 2023.
Hipolito, Ines, et al. Enactive Artificial Intelligence: Subverting Gender Norms in Robot-Human Interaction. arXiv.2301.08741.
Pandey-Pommier, Mamta, et al. Status of Women in Astronomy: A need for advancing inclusivity and equal opportunities. arXiv:2311.15364.

Siapha, Anastasia. Towards a Feminist Metaethics of AI. arXiv:2311.14700.
Szocik, Konrad and Rakhat Abylkasymova. Feminism and Gender in Thinking about Extraterrestrial Intelligence. International Journal of Astrobiology. February 2023.
Vidotto. Francesco. How could science be different? Ask a feminist!. fqxi.org/competitions/home.

6. Our Holosymbiotic Personal Selves: Ancestry/Precestry

Bolis, Dimitris and Leonhard Schilbach. I Interact Therefore I Am: The Self as an Historical Product of Dialectical Attunement. Topoi. 39/2, 2020.
Ciaunica, Anna. The Relational Self: Basic Forms of Self-Awareness. Topoi. 39/2, 2020.
Heersmink, Richard. Varieties of the Extended Self. Consciousness and Cognition. September, 2020.
Laland, Kevin and Amanda Seed. Understanding Human Cognitive Uniqueness. Annual Review of Psychology. 72/689, 2020.

Moura, Joelson, et al. Theoretical Insights of Evolutionary Psychology. Evolutionary Biology. January, 2020.
Rackaityte, Elze and Susan Lynch. The human microbiome in the 21st century. Nature Communications. 11/5256, 2020.
Roughgarden, Joan. Holobiont Evolution: Population Theory for the Hologenome. American Naturalist. April 2023.
Vidotto, Francesca. Time, Space and Matter in the Primordial Universe. arXiv:2207.13722.

B. EarthKinder: A Personsphere Progeny

1. A Cultural (Geonome) Code : Systems Linguistics

Chomsky, Noam and Andrea Moro. The Secrets of Words. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2024.
Fabbro, Franco. The Nature and Function of Languages. 7/4, 2022
Gontier, Nathalie, et al. Introduction: Language and Worldviews. Topoi. 41/3, 2022.
Heintz, Christophe and Thom Scott-Phillips. The Evolutionary and Cognitive Foundations of Human Communication. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. January 2022)

Hickey, Raymond. Life and Language Beyond Earth. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Schlenker, Philippe. What It All Means: Semantics for (Almost) Everything. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2024.
Yamazaki, Makoto, et al, eds. Quantitative Approaches to Universality and Individuality in Language. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2023.

2. Complex Local to Global Network Biosocieties

Boon, Eva, et al, eds. Foundations of Cultural Evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. May, 2021.
Contoyiannis, Y., et al. Self-Organized Criticality in an Epidemic Spread Model. arXiv:2004.00682.
Corbetta, Alessandro and Federico Toschi. Physics of Human Crowds. Annual Review of Condensed Physics. 14/311, 2023.

Nathalie Gontier and Anton Sukhoverkhov. Reticulate evolution underlies synergistic trait formation in human communities. Evolutionary Anthropology. 32/1, 2021.
O’Madagain, Cathal and Michael Tomasello. Shared Intentionality, Reason-Giving and the Evolution of Human Culture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. December, 2021.

Sarkanych, Petro, et al. Network Analysis of the Kyiv Bylyny Cycle – East Slavic Epic Narratives. arXiv:2203.10399.
West, Bruce, et al. West, Bruce, et al. Fractal structure of human and primate social networks optimizes information flow. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. May, 2023.

3. Planetary Physiosphere: Anatomics, Economics, Urbanomics

Baccini, Peter and Paul Brunner. Metabolism of the Anthroposphere.
Corbetta, Alessandro and Federico Toschi. Physics of Human Crowds. Annual Review of Condensed Physics. 14/311, 2023.
Gonzalz, Leonardo, et al. Modeling an Urban Highway: A Statistical Physics View. arXiv:2208.13620.

Portugali, Juval, ed. Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2022
Tirico, Michele, et al. Morphogenesis of Street Networks: A Reaction-Diffusion System for Self-Organized Cities. arXiv:2111.03544.
Turker, Meliksah and Haluk Bingol. Multi-Layer Network Approach in Modeling Epidemics in an Urban Town. European Physical Journal B. February, 2023.

4. A Complementarity of Civilizations

Buckley, Chris. Bristling Against the West, China Rallies Domestic Sympathy for Russia. New York Times. April 4, 2022.
Henrich, Joseph and Michael Muthukrishna. The Origins and Psychology of Human Cooperation. Annual Review of Psychology. 72/207, 2020.

Kitayama, Shinobu and Cristina Salvador. Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 75, January 2024.
Zhang, Junze and Bojie Fu. Eco-Civilization: A complementary pathway rooted in theory and practice for global sustainable development. Ambio. 52/12, 2023.

5. Bicameral World Religions

Giangravé, Claire. Pope Francis asks theologians to ‘demasculinize’ the church. America Magazine. November 30, 2023.

6. Contrasts of Religion and Science

Luminet, Jean-Pierre. Big Bang Cosmology and Religious Thought. arXiv:2305.19273.

7. Systems History: Personal and Planetary Individuation

Christian, David. Future Stories. New York: Little, Brown, 2022.
Diaz-Diaz, Fernando, et al. Network Theory meets History: Local Balance in Global International Relations. arXiv:2303.03774.
Kushwawa, Niraj and Edward Lee. Discovering the mesoscale for chains of conflict. PNAS Nexus. 2/7, 2023.

Mastrandrea, R., et al. Coalitions in International Litigation: A Network Perspective. arXiv:2306.02203.
Turchin, Peter. End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites and the Path of Political Disintegration. New York: Penguin Press, (June) 2023.
Zanin, Massimiliano and Johann Martinez. Analysing International Events through the Lens of Statistical Physics: The Case of Ukraine. arXiv:2203.07403.


A. The Old World: Its Violent Critical Life Support Condition

Hansen, James, et al. Global warming in the pipeline. Oxford Open Climate Change, 3/1, 2023.
Kolbert, Elizabeth. Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future. New York: Crown, 2022.

Perlroth, Nicole. This is How They Tell Me The World Ends.New York: Bloomsbury, 2023.
Polgreen, Lydia. In a Report From a Distant Border, I Glimpsed Our Brutal Future. New York Times. August 24, 2023.

1. This Human Impact Anthropocene Stage

Jorgensen, Peter, et al. Evolution and sustainability: gathering the strands for an Anthropocene synthesis. Philosophical Transactions B. November 2023.
Koster, Emlyn. Public-minded Reflections from the Anthropocene Working Groop Meeting in Germany. Episodes. 46/2, 2023.

Rockstrom, Johan, et al. Safe and Just Earth system boundaries. Nature. May 31, 2023.
Waring, Timothy, et al. Characteristic processes of human evolution caused the Anthropocene and may obstruct its global solutions. Philosophical Transactions B. November 2023.

2. Global Climate Change as a Complex Dynamical System

Yao, Qing, et al. Emergence of Universal Scaling in Weather Extreme Events. arXiv:2209.02292.

B. Earthborne: A New Person/Planet, Local/Global Evolitionary Future

1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical Connectomics

Aguado, Ramon, et al. When matter and information merge into “Quantum.” Communications Physics. Sept. 22, 2023.
Brown II, Charles. Mimicking Matter with Light. Scientific American. June 2023.
Kaku, Michio. Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.

Merchant, Amil, et al. Scaling deep learning for materials discovery. Nature. November 29, 2023.
Pereverzev, Sergey. Dark Matter Searches and Energy Accumulation and Release in Materials. arXiv:2212.13964.
Peplow, Mark. Skeleton Crew Nature. 618/21, 2023.

Raabe, Dierk, et al. Accelerating the design of compositionally complex materials via physics-informed artificial intelligence. Nature Computational Science. March 2023.
Reddy, Aidan, et al. Artificial Atoms, Wigner Molecules, and an Emergent Kagome Lattice in Semiconductor Moiré Superlattices. Physics Review Letters.

2. Second Genesis: Emergent LifeKinder Proceeds to an Aware BioGenetic Phase

Alfonzo, E., et al. New additions to the arsenal of biocatalysts for noncanonical amino acid synthesis Current Opinion Green Sustainable Chemistry. December 2022.
Davies, Jamie and Michael Levin. Synthetic Morphology with Agential Materials. Nature Reviews Bioengineering. 1/1, 2023.
Flani, Yuval and John M. Seddon. ‘Cell mimicry: bottom-up engineering of life’. Interface Focus. August, 2023.

Maniscalco, Sabrina, et al. Quantum Network Medicine. arXiv:2206.12405.
Romesberg, Floyd. Discovery, implications and initial use of semi-synthetic organisms with an expanded genetic alphabet/code. Philosophical Transactions B. January 2023.
Stuart-Fox, Devi, et al. Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in Bioinformed Sustainable Materials. Communications Materials. 4/80, 2023.

3. Sustainable Ecovillages: Social Protocell Communities

Foster, Sheila and Christian Iaione. Co-Cities: Innovative Transitions Toward Just and Self-Sustaining Communities. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Kothari, Ashish. A Tapestry of Alternatives. Scientific American. July, 2022.

4. A Complementary Genocracy: me + We = US

Fu, Feng and Daniel Rockmore. Too little, too late -- a dynamical systems model for gun-related violence and intervention. arXiv:2312.04407.
Jagiello, Robert, et al. Tradition and Invention: The Bifocal Stance Theory of Cultural Evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. April, 2022.

Liu, Wei, et al. The precursor of the critical transitions in majority vote model with the noise feedback from the vote layer. arXiv:2307:11398.
Pal, Ritam, et al. Universal Statistics of Competition in Democratic Elections. arXiv:2401.0506.

5. A Viable Gaia: Planetary Patriots and Matriots in an Earthropocene Era

Geels, Frank, et al. System transitions research and sustainable development: Challenges, progress, and prospects. PNAS. 120/47, 2023.
Giannarese, Adam, et al. Reconfiguration of Amazon’s Connectivity in the Climate System. arXiv:2307.05505.
Hasan, Md. Tarek, et al. An Artificial Intelligence-based Framework to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of Bangladesh. arXiv:2304.11703.

Hoehler, Tori, et al. The Metabolic Rate of the Biosphere and its Components. PNAS. 120/25, 2023
Shannon, Geordan, et al. Planet.Health: An Ecosystem Approach to Imagine and Coordinate for Planetary Health Futures. Challenges. September 2023.

Sole, Ricard and Simon Levin. Ecological Complexity and the Biosphere: The Next 30 Years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. July, 2022.
Stuart-Fox, Devi, et al. Challenges and opportunities for innovation in bioinformed sustainable materials. Communications Materials. 4/80, 2023.

Xu, Yipeng, et al. Revive, Restore, Revitalize: An Eco-economic Methodology for Maasai Mara. arXiv:2309.07165.
Zelenski, John, et al. Nature Connection: Providing a Pathway from Personal to Planetary Health. Challenges. 14/1, 2023.

As the years go by, here is another whole PlaNatural Genesis outline table of contents for especial 2024 select references.


A. Ecode 2023: EarthKinder Discovers a Universal, Independent Ecosmome to Geomome Exemplary Endowment.

B. PediaPedia Earthica: A 2023 Proposal as Our KinderMind Learns to Read and Write on Her/His Own


A. Historic Prescience: Individual Homo Sapiens

B. Anthropocene Sapiensphere: A Major Emergent Transitional Phase

C. An Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Global Cognizance Proceeds as a Knowsphere by Her/His Bicameral Self


A. Aboriginal Quest(ion)

1. Indigenous Intimation: Mythic Animism

2. Perennial Wisdome: An AnthropoCosmic Code

3. The Book of Naturome: A New Translation

4. Whole World Perceptive Observances: An Ubuntu Universe

B. The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana Stages

1. Earthificial Intelligence: A Deep Neural Network Local/Global Computational Phase

C. Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise, Collaborations

1. Collective Global Brain Intelligence


A. UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Self-Made, Encoded, Personal Procreativity

1. Quantum Organics in the 21st Century

2. A Consilience as Physics and Biology Grow Together: Active Matter

3. Earth Alive: A Cellular GaiaSphere Sustains Her (His) Own Viability

4. Universal Evolution: A Celestial Expanse

B. Our Whole Scale EcosmoVerse Description Project

1. Quantum Cosmology Theoretic Unity

2. Computational Systems Physics: Self-Organization

3. Supramolecular Systems Chemistry

4. Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere as Complex, Network Systems

5. ExoUniverse Studies: Detectable Presence, Conceptual Features

C. The Information Computation Turn

1. A CoCreative Participatory UniVerse

E. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Living Systems

1. Life's New Open Quantum Informative Resource Thermoversion

2. Cosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic, Bootstrap Self-Made UniVerse

F. Systems Cosmology: Fractal SpaceTimeMatter

G. Anthropic, Biotropic, Earthropic Principles

Grudic, Michael, et al. Does God Play Dice with Star Clusters? arXiv:2307.00052.

H. An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Spontaneity

I. Prolific ExoWorlds, Galactic Dynamics, Solar Orrerys Habitable Zones, Biosignatures

J. Our EarthMost Occasion: A Rarest Confluence of Favorable Features and Close Calls


A. 21st Century Innate, Mathematic, Familial, Anatomic, Textual Features

1. Network Physics: A Vital Interlinked Anatomy and Physiology

2. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computations

3. Iteracy: A Rosetta Ecosmos Textuality

4. Universality Affirmations: A Critical Complementarity

5. Common Code: A Further Report of Reliable, Invariant Principles

B. Our Own HumanVerse Genome Studies

1. Paleogenomics, Archaeogenomics: Natural Ancestry

2. The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Protenomes and Language

3. Whole Genome Regulatory Systems: DNA + AND


A. A Major Emergent Evolutionary Transitions Scale

B. Systems Biology Integrates: Genomes, Networks, Symbiosis, Deep Homology

C. Evoinformatics: A Biosemiotic Code Quality

D. A 2020s Teleology Turn: Life’s Evomic Development of Personal Purpose

E. A Nested Anatomy/Physiology Sequence of Members in Whole Groups

1. The Origins of Life

2. Microbial Colonies

3. Cellular Symbiogenesis Holobiont

4. Multicellular Fauna and Flora Organisms

5. Cooperative Societies

6. Dynamic Fractal Network Ecosystems

7. Multiple Ancestries of Homo Sapiens

G. Universal Gestation: Phylogeny and Ontogeny


A. Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition

B. In the 2020s, a Cogntive Course from First Stirrings to Our Earthuman Acumen is Being Defined

1. Intelligence Evolution and Vital Knowledge Gain as a Central Advance

2. >u>The Evolution of Cerebral Form and Cognizance

3. Laterality: A Bicameral Brain Emerges with the Nested Scales

4. Animal Intelligence and Sociality

5. Organisms Evolve Rhythmic Protolanguage Communication

D. A Creative Union of Free Personal Agency in Reciprocal, Supportive Societies


A. Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons

1. Systems Physiology and Psychology: Somatic and Behavioral Development

2. Systems Neuroscience: Multiplex Networks and Critical Function

3. A Complementary Brain and Thought Process

4. Conscious Integrated Information Knowledge

5. Half the UniVerse: A Woman's 2020 Wisdome

6. Our Holosymbiotic Personal Selves: Ancestry/Precestry

B. EarthKinder: A Personsphere Progeny

1. A Cultural (Geonome) Code : Systems Linguistics

2. Complex Local to Global Network Biosocieties

3. Planetary Physiosphere: Anatomics, Economics, Urbanomics

4. A Complementarity of Civilizations

5. Bicameral World Religions

6. Contrasts of Religion and Science

7. Systems History: Personal and Planetary Individuation


A. The Old World: Its Violent Critical Life Support Condition

1. This Human Impact Anthropocene Stage

2. Global Climate Change as a Complex Dynamical System

B. Earthborne: A New Person/Planet, Local/Global Evolitionary Future

1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical Connectomics

2. Second Genesis: Emergent LifeKinder Proceeds to an Aware BioGenetic Phase

3. Sustainable Ecovillages: Social Protocell Communities

4. A Complementary Genocracy: me + We = US

5. A Viable Gaia: Planetary Patriots and Matriots in an Earthropocene Era