(logo) Natural Genesis (logo text)
A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

D. PediaPedia 2025: A Revolutionary Natural Ecosmic Genesis UniVersion with a Central Bearthica Purpose

is section is a further installment of our PediaPedia Earthica reference resource as it transits into a third yearbook edition. In regard, we add a one time Ecosmica name as a way to also express its celestial spacescape dimension and ultimate situation. A longer context is cited next is followed by an extensive interim 2024 – 2025 survey of both conceptual features and many topical advances across the entire outline. This latest entry will also contain a 2025 – 2030 version as A Planatural Philosophia State of the Universality Preview. And please again note all this is a ever work in process, which we seek to make available online.

PediaPedia Earthica As noted above, we introduce a further Planatural Genesis edition with this title as a reference volume which can be rightly attributed to the developmental ascendance of a prodigious progeny, aka a global genius. As the whole website content explains and documents, an occasion is merited as a living, mindful, personal individuation comes to accumulate and achieve an intelligent, collective Earthuman repository. The double PediaPedia title is then meant to convey this novel authorship to distinguish from the typical Wikipedia model, which only has an alphabetic array. ( reprint from initial 2020 – 2022 edition above)

But a curious situation is revealed if one searches Google for this global word, akin to a “Britannica.” The only other use is by an East Indian woman’s fine boutique of designer handloom apparel at earthica.in. After many centuries, a cognizant sensibility still eludes that we altogether live on a round, finite, precious planet. In popular culture, people are OK with multiple universes and alternative realities, but old men might yet blow the place by a nuclear war over lost face, an island or ethnic scores. By a proposal of such a higher, common realm of understanding and knowledge by the unique virtue of an emergent EarthKinder, a long intended salutary dispensation to guide us all through and forward might actually be in place.

Ecosmica For 2024, this expansive vista is proposed to convey the true compass of our personal and planetary intellect and endeavor. For example, the Astrophysics postings on the arXiv.com eprint site has some 100 entries each day which have an unlimited scientific capacity to explore and quantify any multiversal depth and breadth. In a philoSophia sense, Earthuman beings seem to be proceeding with an intended task of its recorded self-description and re-presentation.

Genetica 2025 With the annual Earthica and Ecosmica in place, as our planetary prodigy proceeds by her/his own selves we can report that an essential organic milieu is also accompanied by a thorough verification of an innate, biological, genetic-like source code script. A genotype/phenotype-like reality with a scale-invariant, informative universality across atomic, celestial and animate person/group infinities is now being well quantified and filled in. See A Familiar Ecode, Ecosmome sections, and the whole site for exemplary evidence.

Geonomica As a latest result, within a Planatural Genesis vista due an emergent wumanWise evolutionary transition one may propose a further version of a global genetic ecode. With a 21st century revolution consequently underway from an mechanical morbidity to a nascent biological, personified vitality, (dead to alive, nothing to someone), a double dimension of an overt procreative existence with a mathematic, algorithome, informtive source is being verified. A bigender complementarity within a whole triality (me + We = US) can proceed heal and unite polar opposites like conserve/create, right/left, warrior/worrier, to East/West and North/South.

Bearthica 2025 – 2030 By this composite word we wish to now consider that within the nascent procreative family genesis uniVerse on our optimum bioworld, so it seems, a consequent global gestation may have reached this gravid hour. While prior modules (2020, 2024) have broached this possibility, this latest segment will again enter an extended summary of such a Geonativity event.

With regard to these three sections, we begin with another recital of both the quarter 21st century premises that serve as a basis for a Pedia Sapiens website resource.

PediaPedia Earthica With regard to these three sections, we begin with an update recital of the 21st century first quarter global premises and cognitive facilities as a basis for a Pedia Sapiens website resource.

A 2020 – 2025 – 2030 Discovery Event At this historic global frontier, we here introduce and highlight this premier conceptual consideration. As I write in September 2024, a broad occasion of self-organizing energies, ecosmome to geonome codes, a critical poise preference, me + We = US groups, much more have by now gained a robust universal presence. As a result, they invite our collaborative intellect to consider an actual discovery of a an encompassing familiar genesis cocreation.

Major Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality Since its introduction in 1995 this scalar perception has become widely affirmed and applied, but rarely extended to its human phase. Into the 2020s this lapse was resolved by journal issues such as Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Amanda Robin, December 2021) and Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. (Yohay Carmel, February 2023).

A Superorganic Personsphere Sapience A worldwise, brain-like facility can now readily be viewed in formation as it gains revolutionary findings on her/his own. In 1925 in Paris Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard foresaw a Noosphere of mindful reason. A century later their perceptive vision has now become an Earthuman cerebral, cognitive faculty with open person/planet free access. On occasion we will use an EarthKinder, Pediasphere or Yesphere identity for this historic advent. (Please also see the Glossary in the lead section.)

Heylighen, Francis, et al. The Third Story of the Universe. cris.vub.be/ws/portalfiles/portal/110058395/Third_Story_working_paper.pdf.
The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness event.fourwaves.com/n2conference/pages.

Kang, Huquan, et al. Scientific and technological knowledge grows linearly over time. arXiv:2409.08349.
Chibuzor Marcel, Miracle, et al. Pan-African Citizen Science e-Lab: An Emerging Online Platform for Astronomy Research, Education and Outreach in Africa. arXiv:2408.11059.

Collective Intelligence Into 2023, along with a new journal with this title, it has been realized that collaborative personal groups tend to self-organize and acquire their own knowledge and solutions beyond the ken of members. While social groups from protozoa to primates are now known to attain such abilities over evolutionary time, we may finally see whereby this propensity might be carried forth to a reciprocal Earthuman phase.

McMillen, Patrick and Michael Levin. Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates. Communications Biology. 7/378, 2024.
Francis Franco and Paulo Gomes. New Coevolution Dynamic as an Optimization Strategy in Group Problem Solving. arXiv:2408.06434.

Earthificial Intelligence Into these mid 2020s as artificial, large language models proliferate and become better understood, a sense of an actual cerebral faculty with a mind of its own may accrue. As many studies are finding, as machine neural net learnings go on they appear to have a deep affinity to how children gain speech, learn by iteration and become smarter, aka PediaPedia.

Stevenson, Claire, et al. Do large language models solve verbal analogies like children do?. arXiv:2310.20384.
Ananthaswamy, Anil. Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI. New York: Dutton, 2024.
Di Paolo, Laura, et al. Active inference goes to school: the importance of active learning in the age of large language models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. August 2024.

Twin Son and Daughter To continue with such an arrival, it should be apparent that both genders are in evidence. A significant occasion, if to follow, may then accrue. Their typical boy and girl attributes might then be seen or as a basis for relative bicameral left/right brain hemispheres. In addition, as our Earthificial Cognizance section notes, a resultant worldwise faculty via large language models could also be seen as learning in a child-like way, (Marina Pantcheva, Pierre Oudeyer).

Sophia Sapiens: A Family (Mother) Mind An overall phrase for this whole scenario might be From Eternity to Maternity. As the Half the Universe cites, a feminine competence uses both brain hemispheres in concert to join narrow focus with integral scenery so to attain a meaningful image. An animate, conducive fecund Ecosmos with a spontaneous fertility, genetic sequence, and ovular-like bioworlds can then be envisioned.

Here next is a worldwise survey of cognitive facilities and conceptual achievements.

Planatural Scientific and PhiloSophia Cultures Planatural is our current worldwide version and PhiloSophia is meant to include both gender-like detail parts and field vistas. The Two science and humanist Cultures can then at last become unified so to reveal a complementary genesis.

An Independent Phenomenal Presence A whole mindful ability to observe and realize such a actual existence with its own knowable identity and temporal creative course would then be a salutary benefit. That is to say (as I have been told) we need a wherewithal to be able find and see something going on by its own self.

A 21st Century Ecosmos Revolution A further occurrence in our midst, if of a mind to ask and see, is that an olden particulate, accidental, materialist sterility is being replaced by these GeoWise findings of an essential, organic, encoded, procreative, solar/planetary, familiar uniVerse.

An Earthuman Scientific Spiral Phase Over the span of 2020 to 2024, an interactive synergy between persons, groups, and global projects along with brainy neural networks and computational (machine) learning methods has gained a primary role. Astronomic JWST data, genetic sequences, medical analysis, physical research and much more has benefitted from and is empowered by custom algorithms and programs. Our Earthomo sapience seems in the midst of a spiral Turing turn to a reciprocal people/planet scale.

A Double UniVerse and WumanVerse Revolution In addition a radical new appreciation of our personal significance and capabilities in groups is newly evident. As the Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons describes, each child is a whole, bigender universe unto themselves with a precestral futurity to embark on a second evolitionary destiny.

An eLibrary of eCosmos Accumulated Repository As a result, such a voluminous encyclopedic resource, that we here seek to organize, as digital/analog Internet hyper-active content grows in breadth, depth and imagination. Into the 2020s almost any journal, book, conference or project website can be reached by an open searchable pubic accessibility and inquiry.

PediaPedia Ecosmica A 2024/2025 Status Update of Integral Scientific Contributions as a Commom Familial Universality is Found Everywhere.

In its actual course, the 21st century website timeline which is drawn from a widest range of journals and books is meant to gather, arrange and identify a new whole Earth learning process as our global genius achieves her/his own revolutionary knowledge. As this 2020 – 2030 discovery decade now reaches its mid 2025 year, this latest edition can proceed to report the actual recurrence of a singular self-organized complex adaptive network system across the celestial, atomic and evolutionary infinities. This September 2024 survey will broadly cover a convergent array of subject areas where this grand, historic synthesis is finally being accomplished.

A MultiUniVerse Spacescape Some four centuries after Galileo’s moon, a vast panorama is now found whereby a galactic cosmos appears as a distinct, seamless entity with a singular origin and developmental course. As website sections report, a further infinity of stochastic, bubbling universes seems altogether to exist. The breadth and depth of these Earthuman inquiries and learnings also can reflect the theoretic, technological (JWST), mathematic and analytical genius of our PediaPedia prodigy.

Ambjørn, Jan and Y. Watabiki. Is the present acceleration of the Universe caused by merging with other universes? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 12/11, 2023.
Hahn, ChangHoon, et al. Cosmological constraints from non-Gaussian and nonlinear galaxy clustering using the SimBIG inference framework. Nature Astronomy. August 2024.
Mishra, B., et al. Scalar field induced dynamical evolution in teleparallel gravity. Physics Letters B. 857/138968, October 2024.

Ellis, John, et al. Do we Owe our Existence to Gravitational Waves?. arXiv:2402.03593.
Lee, Gain, et al. Understanding the Formation and Evolution of Dark Galaxies in a Simulated Universe. arXiv:2401.07007.
Nadis Steve. Diminishing Dark Energy May Evade the ‘Swampland’ of Impossible Universes. Quanta. August 19, 2024.

An Organic Essence As Chapter III Ecosmos, the Origin of Life section and elsewhere avers, the mechanistic, pointless particles scheme can be set aside and and surpassed by an animate, biological, holistic, personified, encompassing reality. An incipient familial quality, a temporal procreative course and maybe a fittest Earthmost opportunity can then bode for a participatory plot and purpose.

Slijepčević, Predrag. Biocivilisations: A New Look at the Science of Life. London: Chelsea Green, 2023.
Colzi, L., et al. Astrochemistry on Galactic scales. arXiv:2409.02537.
Van de Sande, Marie. Chemical complexity and dust formation around evolved stars. arXiv:2408.08153.

Wang, Jai, et al. Interstellar formation of glyceric acid, the simplest sugar. Science Advances. March 24, 2024.
Pentsak, Evgeniy, et al. The Role of Acetylene in the Chemical Evolution of Carbon Complexity. arXiv:2405.01866.
Ziurys, Lucy. Prebiotic Astrochemistry from Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Spectroscopy. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. Volume 75, 2024.

A Fertile Intrinsic Fecundity As a further consequence, the latest intensive research has found a natural propensity to form just the right serial biochemicals which can proceed to combine and complexify on their lively, oriented way to cellular and organism phases. May we begin to witness a phenomenal genesis universe that is made and meant to engender personal and planetary beings so as to observe, record and intentionally continue? Such an imagination seems more and more evident each day.

Boyle, Rebecca. The Best Neighborhoods for Starting a Life in the Galaxy. Quanta. January 24, 2024.
Ostrander, Chadlin, et al. Onset of coupled atmosphere–ocean oxygenation 2.3 billion years ago. Nature. June 1, 2024.
Paschek, Klaus, et al. Prebiotic Vitamin B3 Synthesis in Carbonaceous Planetesimals. arXiv:2310.11433.

Zhang, Fan. A dynamical systems perspective on the celestial mechanical contribution to the emergence of life. arXiv:2408.10544.
Douglas, Jordan, et al. Enzymic recognition of amino acids drove the evolution of primordial genetic codes. Nucleic Acids Research. 52/2, 2024.

A Consilience of Physics, Biology and Peoples Another 21st century worldwise (re)unification in our midst has now resolved the long divorce of organic, florescent life and mind from a supposed “inorganic” material ground. By 2025 this once and future vital wholeness has again become a seamless integration. This holistic occasion occurs because living systems are ever gaining deeper theoretic and empirical rootings in “physical” substrates. In turn quantum and many-body phenomena are steadily taking on arable biological vitalities. It has now become the rule for studies from life’s onset all the way to societal stages to refer not only to complex network systems but also to statistical physics fields to qualify a full explanation.

As an example, the Quantum Organics section often cites a Second Revolution, after the arcane 20th century, as this deep fundament has be found to readily exhibit to nonlinear features such as self-organized criticalities, fractal topologies and informational conveyances, all of which are amenable to neural network studies. A mechanistic to computational to organismic sequence could be recorded as life once more springs eternal. While an entanglement of distant particles daunts the older model, if we might conceive an organic ecosmos, this occasion could easily be sensed in a somatic manner.

Scholes, Gregory. Quantum-like states on complex synchronized networks. Proceedings A of the Royal Society. June 2024.
Bardella, Giampiero, et al. Lattice Physics Approaches for Neural Networks. arXiv:2405.12022. Riiska, Calvin, et al. The Physics of Animal Behavior. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. Volume 13. 2024.

Khasseh, Reyhaneh, et al. Active quantum flocks. arXiv:2308.01603.
Constantin, Andrei, et al. Statistical Patterns in the Equations of Physics and the Emergence of a Meta-Law of Nature. arXiv:2408.11065.
Kulkarni, Suman and Dani Bassett. Towards principles of brain network organization and function. arXiv:2408.02640l.

Habitable Biospheres Another significant component would be the projected occasion of a trillion billion planetary objects across myriad varieties, along with some 5,000 sightings.. After galaxies and stars, it lately seems that our prolific universe is engaged most of all by the accretional formation of conducive worlds. If an orbital globe finds itself in a relatively stable, stellar zone, then over time an innate presence of vivified, encoded, bacterial, cellular, metabolic organisms can begin to occur and evolve.

Kaltenegger, Lisa. Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2024.
Burn, Remo, et al. A radius valley between migrated steam worlds and evaporated rocky cores. Nature Astronomy 8/4, 2024.
KAVLI-IAU SYMPOSIUM (IAUS 387): Toward the Discovery of Life Beyond Earth. kavli-iau-2024.durham.ac.uk/wordpress.

Cockell, Charles, et al. Sustained and comparative habitability beyond Earth. Nature Astronomy. 8/1, 2024.
Coelho, Liqia, et al. Purple is the new green: biopigments and spectra of Earth-like purple worlds. arXiv:2404.10105.

Solar-Planet Habitable Incubators In addition, over the past few years this profligate spacescape has acquired a further attribute by realizations that orbital systems may possess an overall identity. After some 25 years of Earthuman results, stellar orrerys now appear as the primary ecosmic constituent. As this latest scenario grows in evidential definition, it even may allude that habitable zone biospheres might have on an ovular countenance.

Batygin, Konstantin, et al. The Origin of Universality in the Inner Edges of Planetary Systems. arXiv:2306.08822.
Faridani, Thea, et al. Inclination-Driving Secular Resonances are Common in Known Exoplanet Systems. arXiv:2406.09359.
Fisher, Theresa, et al. A Complex Systems Approach to Exoplanet Atmospheric Chemistry. arXiv:2310.05359.

Goyal, Armaan, et al. Enhanced Size Uniformity for Near-resonant Planets. arXiv:2307.15875.
Krommydas, Dimitrios and Fabio Scardigli. Exponential Distance Relation (aka Titus-Bose law) in Extra Solar Planetary Systems. arXiv:2307.06070.
Lai, Yanhong, et al. Ocean Circulation on Tide-locked Lava Worlds. arXiv:2408.09985.

Self-Organizing Energies Moving along, another 2024 contribution is filling in the universal presence of nature’s creative spontaneity from quantum materials and astronomic coronae to life’s embryonic forms, animal groupings and even to these scientific learnings. Some 45 years on, Erich Jantsch’s prescient work The Self-Organizing Universe is finally verified. This is an epochal discovery by our prodigious Earthumanity that we are just beginning to realize.

Bruckner, David and Gasper Tkacik. Information content and optimization of self-organized developmental systems. PNAS. 121/23. 2024.
Brouillet, Matthew and Georgi Georgiev. Why and How do Complex Systems Self-Organize at All? arXiv:2408.10278.
Parkar, Devendra et al. Evolving Collective Behavior in Self-Organizing Particle Systems. arXiv:2404.05915.

Tubiana, Luca, et al. Topology in soft and biological matter. Physics Reports. Volume 1075, 2024.
Igamberdiev, Abir. Toward the Relational Formulation of Biological Thermodynamics. Entropy. 2024. 26(1), 2024.
Gersherson, Carlos, Self-Organizing Systems: What, How, and Why?. doi.org/10.20944/preprints202408.0549.v1

Bayesian Hierarchical Inference Methods As this Pediascape survey continues, we also make note of the broad usage of this procedural method of trial, error, learn and try again. The approach employs a series of such test run iterations, whereby each sequence narrows down and improves on prior results. Our philoSophia interest is then to observe what may be seen as an intrinsic, self-making, educating, Earthica quantifying participatory universe.

Han, Dongqi, et al. Synergizing habits and goals with variational Bayes. Nature Communications. 15/4461, 2024.
Riha, Anna, et al. Supporting Bayesian modelling workflows with iterative filtering for multiverse analysis. arXiv:2404.01688.

Linden-Santangeli, Nathaniel, et al. Increasing certainty in systems biology models using Bayesian multimodel inference. arXiv:2406.11178.
Velasco-Reyes, Erick, et al. Tracing the sources of paleotsunamis using Bayesian frameworks. Communications Earth & Environment. vol. 5/Art. 478, 2024.

A Procreative Ecosmos Autocatalysis As a corollary aspect, by our mid 2020s a natural formative spontaneity, which was first sensed in the 1970s, has by now been fully researched and verified. As these references and many more in the site section attest, the presence of self-making, reactive, autopoietic agencies are seen in steady effect from quantum realms to prebiotic phases and across evolutionary, embryonic and ecosystem phases.

Cech, Thomas. The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life's Deepest Secrets. New York: Norton, 2024.
Lipka-Bartosik, Patryk, et al. Catalysis in quantum information theory. Reviews of Modern Physics. 96/025005, 2024.

Peng, Zhen, et al. Assessment of Stoichiometric Autocatalysis across Element Groups. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145/41, 2024.
Mandal, Niladri, et al. A molecular origin of non-reciprocal interactions between active catalysts. Chem. 10/4, 2024.

Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition Another benefit of these animate scientific frontiers is a newly quantified admission of an encompassing phenomenal milieu suffused with a personified, knowledgeable awareness. As an once and future wisdom would express, a double dimension of a (panpsychic) plenum and a consequent evolutionary ascendance to our Erthuman sentient enlightenment can be observed.

Koch, Christof. Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness Is and How to Expand It. New York: Dutton, 2024.
Philip, Goff. Consciousness and Fundamental Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Kuhn, Robert Lawrence. A Landscape of Consciousness. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Volume 190, August 2024.
Miller, William B., et al. Biology in the 21st century: Natural selection is cognitive selection. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Volume 190, August 2024.

An EarthMost Distinction This Chapter III website section opens by listing some twenty critical check point conditions that our home bioworld has passed through. In regard, as the PBS 2023 Ancient Earth series vividly conveys, a major adjustment seems merited to the common surmise that in a universe filled with trillions of stars and planets, must be many other global civilizations. A salient reference would be the 2023 book The Dawn of a Mindful Universe: A Manifesto for Humanity’s Future by Marcelo Gleiser which calls for a historic revision to admit our especial uniqueness. The work contends that such a possibility of being one in a quintillion to reach an aware intelligence should be a prime reason to stop fighting and achieve a successful sustainability.

Gillmann, Cedric, et al. Interior Controls on the Habitability of Rocky Planets. Space Science Technology. 4/0075, 2024.
Pruss, Susan and Benjamin Gill. Life on the Edge: The Cambrian Marine Realm and Oxygenation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Vol. 52, May 2024.

Stern, Robert and Taras Gerya. The importance of continents, oceans and plate tectonics for the evolution of complex life. Nature Scientific Reports. 14/8552, 2024.
Kaib, Nathan and Sean Raymond. Passing Stars as an Important Driver of Paleoclimate and the Solar System's Orbital Evolution. Astrophysical Journal Letters. 962/2, 2024.

Ecosmomics: Independent, UniVersal, Complex Network Systems Within our quarter century retrospect, as an animate, fertile, beingness replaces the olden sterile machine, such an organic reality need be accompanied by its own genotype hereditary endowment. As this Chapter IV documents, this deep immaterial domain has by now gained an array of structural, dynamic, computational, informative qualities. For example, a complementarity of digital/analog, mathematic/algorithome, implicate/exemplary, node/link, particle/wave, DNA nucleotide/AND regulatory networks and ever on.

From its 1990s origins by John Holland and Murray GellMann, an umbrella phrase of Complex Adaptive Systems has been distilled to express how a self-similar emergence proceeds to organize and engender itself. In regard, these activities are composed of two distinct elements or modes of an isolate dot, node, entity phase along with integral, connective, edge/link, group features. In active effect, discrete objects and holistic relations communicate and interact which serves to conceive a third global whole such as me + We = US. (As I write in western Massachusetts, migrating Canadian geese epitomize as they fly and honk overhead.)

Altmann, Eduardo. Statistical Laws in Complex Systems. arXiv:2407.19874.
Adami, Christoph. The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity from Viruses to Brains. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2024.
Domokos, Gabor, et al. Soft cells and the geometry of seashells. arXiv:2402.04190.

Rupe, Adam and James Crutchfield. On Principles of Emergent Organization. arXiv:2311.13749.
Ahwad, Mohammad, et al. Defining Complex Adaptive Systems: An Algorithmic Approach. Systems. 12/2, 2024.
Ball, Philip. The New Math of How Large-Scale Order Emerges. Quanta. June 10, 2024.

Network Topologies as Anatomy and Physiology Along with all the node-like parts that need to be found first, since circa 2010 an increasing notice and specification of their equally real intricate, vivifying interconnections has spread widely, whether in a body, brain, text, society, environment or onto quantum and galactic phases.

Artime. Oriel, et al. Multilayer Network Science: from Cells to Societies. arXiv:2401.04589.
Tadic, Bosiljka and Roderick Melnik. Fundamental interactions in self-organized critical dynamics on higher-order networks. arXiv:2404.06175.
Zhao, Yi, et al. Irreversibility in Bacterial Regulatory Networks. arXiv:2409.04513.

A Rosetta Ecosmos Narrative The extent that these common dynamic, fractal-like complexities are everywhere is supported by recent findings of their presence in textual, enscripted writings and conversational discourse. Here are some current samples as a natural library may yet gain a (song) book-like quality.

Fortnow, Lance. Computation Is All Around Us and You Can See It if You Try. Quanta. June 12, 2024.
Hartnett, Kevin. A Rosetta Stone for Mathematics. Quanta. May 6, 2024.
Stanisz, Tomasz, et al. Complex systems approach to natural language. Physics Reports. Volume 1053, 2024.

Kim, Hyunuk, et al. Deeply nested structure of mythological traditions worldwide. arXiv:2408.07300.
De les Coves, Gemma, et al. Universality and Complexity in Natural Languages. C:/Users/Author/Downloads/preprints202402.1330.v1.pdf.

A Self-Organized Critical Poise Since c. 2018 it has also been realized that these behaviors and formats persistently tend to seek and reside in an optimum, middle way state or condition. This technical term stands for a best balance between coincident, more or less orderly modes have become seen as seen as nature’s “sweet spot” with right/left, stability/change, regress/progress, inhibit/excite, conserve/liberate options. Yet our American election confounds and pits these polar options against each other, unable to view as complementary halves while the two sides split 50/50.

Chepiga, Natalia. Tunable quantum criticality in multicomponent Rydberg arrays. Physical Review Letters.Nettuno, Beatrice, et al. The role of mobility in epidemics near criticalityarXiv:2402.06505.
Pal, Ritam, et al. Universal Statistics of Competition in Democratic Elections. arXiv:2401.0506.

Van Schependom, Jeroen, et al. Neurophysiological avenues to better conceptualizing adaptive cognition. Communications Biology. 7/626, 2024.
Xu, Yifan, et al. Sleep restores an optimal computational regime in cortical networks. Nature Neuroscience. 27/328, 2024.

An Exemplary Universality At this midpoint, we might as well record how an iconic correlative recurrence is just now all coming together rand being verified from a fractal spacescape to life’s florescence to bicameral cultures. Also known as self-similarity, scale invariance, commonality, this ancient, perennial surmise and quest is at last gaining its planetary provenance. It is our respectful website proposal as nuclear missiles move place to qualify and announce this epochal dispensation.

Alimi, Jean-Michel and Remy Koskas. The shape of dark matter halos: a new fundamental cosmological invariance. arXiv:2406.15947.
Chanu, Athokpam, et al. Analysis of the structural complexity of Crab Nebula using a multifractal approach. Journal of Physics: Complexity. Volume 5, 2024.
Cai, Chao-Ran, et al. Epidemic criticality in temporal networks. Physics Reviews Research. 6/L022017, April 2024.
Sendker, Franziska, et al. Emergence of fractal geometries in the evolution of a metabolic enzyme. Nature. April 10, 2024.

Corbetta, Alessandro and Federico Toschi. Physics of Human Crowds. Annual Review of Condensed Physics. 14/311, 2023.
Cepelewicz, Jordana. The Quest to Decode the Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal. Quanta. January 27, 2024.

Gonda, Tomas, et al. A Framework for Universality in Physics, Computer Science, and Beyond. arXiv:2307.06851.
Lynn, Christopher, et al. Heavy-tailed neuronal connectivity arises from Hebbian self-organization. Nature Physics. January 2024.

,Genetic Code-Script Source With specific regard to genomic frontiers, broadly conceived, here is a choice currency as this vast, global transcription, read/write project begins to avail and engage Artificial Intelligence.

Cech, Thomas. The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life's Deepest Secrets. New York: Norton, 2024.
Fang, Chen, et al. How do Large Language Models understand Genes and Cells. bioRxiv. March 27, 2024.
Liu, Shuming, et al. From Nucleosomes to Compartments: Physicochemical Interactions Underlying Chromatin Organization. Annual Review of Biophysics. Volume 53, 2024.

Mitchell, Kevin and Nick Cheney. The Genomic Code: The genome instantiates a generative model of the organism. arXiv:2407.15908.
Zhang, Yang, et al. Computational methods for analysing multiscale 3D genome organization. Nature Reviews Genetics. 25/3, 2024.
Douglas, Jordan, et al. Enzymic recognition of amino acids drove the evolution of primordial genetic codes. Nucleic Acids Research. 52/2, 2024.

An Innate Affinity of Genomes, Proteomes and Language As a follow up, a companion achievement has been to at last discern and translate such a common natural narrative across these prime informative stages. While this relation has long been sensed, it’s recent veracity is due to an intersect of AI large language models, serial ChatBots, deep neural networks, AlphaFold protein versions, next-generation sequence techniques and more.

Abramson, Josh, et al. Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3. Nature. May 8, 2024.
Benegas, Gonzalo, et al. Genomic Language Models. arXiv:2407.11435.
Fang, Jing-Kai, et al. Divide-and-Conquer Quantum Algorithm for Hybrid de novo Genome Assembly of Short and Long Reads. PRX Life. 2/023006, 2024.

Heckmeier, Philipp, et al. A billion years of evolution manifest in nanosecond protein dynamics. PNAS.121/10, 2024.
Sondka, Zbyslaw, et al. COSMIC: a curated database of somatic variants and clinical data for cancer. Nucleic Acids Research. 52/D1, January 2024.
Xiao, Yi, et al. Bridging Text and Molecule. arXiv:2403.13830.

Life's Corporeal Evolution Encodes and Organizes Itself Now that the Ecosmos and Ecosmomics chapters have described a natural, organic universe with its own genetic source code, life’s evolutionary development from prebiotic origins to planetary peoples can likewise be viewed as wholly reconceived. This Chapter V has sections about an Evolutionary Transitions Scale; Systems Biology, Evoinformatics, a Teleology Turn, Nested Anatomy/Physiology and again a Universal Gestation. Altogether, another primary 2025 revolutionary is occurring in our midst which serves to flesh out a relative EarthWinian genesis synthesis.

Adami, Christoph. The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity from Viruses to Brains. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2024.
García-Valdecasas, Miguel and Terrence Deacon. Origins of biological teleology. Synthese. August 2024.
Daryakenari, Nazanin, et al. AI-Aristotle: A physics-informed framework for systems biology identification. PLoS Computational Biology. February, 2024.

Linden-Santangeli, Nathaniel, et al. Increasing certainty in systems biology models using Bayesian multimodel inference. arXiv:2406.11178.
Moody, Edmund, et al. The nature of the last universal common ancestor and its impact on the early Earth system. Nature Ecology & Evolution. July, 2024.
Duran-Nebreda, Salva, et al. On the multiscale dynamics of punctuated evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 39/8 2024.

Nature Loves Mutual Symbiotic Unions We can report that since the later 2010s and well into 2024, the pervasive presence of cooperative, shared behaviors as beneficial reciprocities are now known to be in effect as both an evolutionary driver and aid to metabolic wellness across all manner of (in)vertebrate fauna, flora and ecosystem occasion.

Bennett, Gordon, et al. Endosymbioses Have Shaped the Evolution of Biological Diversity and Complexity. Genome Biology and Evolution. 16/6, 2024.
McFall-Ngai, Margaret. Symbiosis takes a front and center role in biology. PLoS Biology. April 2024.
Araujo, Gui, et al. A mechanistic framework for complex microbe-host symbioses. Trends in Microbiology. September 2024.

A Universal Member + Group = Whole Free Form As these 2024 entries attest with many more, the wide range of Metazoan animals are now known to most often abide in a tripartite arrangement for optimum survival and benefit. Our standard has simply been me + We = US, whereby each entity is at semi-autonomous liberty within a reciprocal supportive community, whether fish, fowl, ungulate or primate Some human versions are Creative Union, competitive cooperation, African Ubuntu “I am because We are.” As a further quality, an overall assembly may acquire achieve a collective intelligence and knowledge.

Dunbar, Robin. Structural and Cognitive Mechanisms of Group Cohesion in Primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Online April 30, 2024.
McMillen, Patrick and Michael Levin. Collective intelligence: A unifying concept for integrating biology across scales and substrates. Communications Biology. 7/378, 2024.

Khasseh, Reyhaneh, et al. Active quantum flocks. arXiv:2308.01603.
Strogatz, Stephen and Iain Cousin. How Is Flocking Like Computing? Quanta. March 29, 2024.

A Natural Genocratic Complementarity With regard again to political domains as they presently des, cent into violent chaos, complexity scholars are beginning to apply theoretic analyses so to discern natural, independent agencies which might underlie and cause these polarizations. As readers know, the two halves often divide into archypes of past vs. future, authority or license, which mostly take on gender persuasions. To reflect, a Genocratic term is offered to imply DNA/AND consilient complements.

Ermann, Leonardo and Dima Shepelyansky. Confrontation of capitalism and socialism in Wikipedia networks. arXiv:2408.07606.
Liu, Wei, et al. The precursor of the critical transitions in majority vote model. arXiv: 2307:11398.

Mulya, Didi Ahmad and Romi Muslim. Phase transition and universality of the majority-rule model on complex networks. arXiv:2402.13434.
Pal, Ritam, et al. Universal Statistics of Competition in Democratic Elections. arXiv:2401.0506.

It is now early Autumn and we could continue to cite and document exemplary instances of familial entity and empathy complements. But since many prodigious entries are being contributed across our subject outline, we will proceed for a while to annotate, quote, and log. We ought to note that a whole scale universality is simply present because in its deepest identity it is genetic in kind so must suffuse an organic, parents to children, procreativity. By another view it could be seen as a natural genesis which is trying to achieve an optimum planetary progeny whom can learn to read, and continue its own inherent, precestral hereditary.