(logo) Natural Genesis (logo text)
A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

D. PediaPedia Genomica 2025: A Familiar Ecosmic Hereditary UniVerse with a Worthy Earth Future

Welcome to this springtime 2024 composite essay as a work in process. It will be drafty for a while as I move segments in, out and around. But as this year, and decade, takes on terminal urgency as if some great filter planetary occasion, we ought to get on with it. We begin again with a glossary of title and subject terms.

PediaPedia We repost our 2023 introduction about a Planatural Genesis edition, 20 years on, as a reference volume attributed to the developmental ascendance of a prodigious progeny. As the whole website content explains and documents, a lively, mindful, individuation quite achieves a “yesphere” Earthuman acumen. One can now view contributions from the Arctic University of Norway, University of Brunei, New South Wales, Flatiron Institute, Dharamshala, India. But a radical difference from earlier encyclopedias is a natural organic outline with learned entries composed of article citations as they serve to self-organize themselves and are posted each day.

Earthica But a curious situation is revealed as we try to cite its prodigious global source, akin to a “Britannica.” This name would seem evident, bit if one Google’s it, the only return is an Indian woman’s boutique of handloom apparel in India at earthica.in. After many centuries, a cognizance still eludes that human beings (men) live on a finite, round, now much imperiled bioplanet. By a proposal of this higher phase due to an emergent Earthumanity learning on her/his distinct own, we offer this PediaWise resource as a salutary dispensation to help guide us through to a better light age.

Ecosmica For 2024, this expansive vista is proposed to convey the true compass of our personal and planetary intellect and endeavor. For example, one might view the Astrophysics postings on the arXiv.com eprint site, about 100 each day, which seem to have an unlimited scientific capacity to explore and quantify any multiversal depth and breadth. In a philoSophia sense, Earthuman beings seem to be engaged in an intended task of recorded self-description and re-presentation.

Genomica 2025 With our annual Earthica and Ecosmica in place, as our global genius proceeds by her/his own selves, we seek to report this verification of an essential organic presence and reality accompanied by an innate, biological, genetic-like source code script. A scale-invariant implicate universality across the atomic, celestial and animate person/group infinities has only been sufficiently quantified and filled in and over the past year or two. This entry will say much more about it, but we want to recognize its historic, luminary achievement.

ProPaedia We dub a new composite word that can be suitable for a prodigious planetary reference. The original Greek root version is “propaedeutic” which means an invitation to learning, study, education. For the 15th Britannica edition in 1974, Mortimer Adler used a shorter “propaedia” name for its introductory volume. Now in these 2020s and in accord with its Kinder mindkind occasion, the middle P is capitalized for this reason and to distinguish from its prior use.

Familiar This common word can provide us with several apt connotations. Our prime usage is to convey the historic, substantial discovery and discernment of one, constant, scale-invariant, three part epitome. As Ecode, AnthropoCosmic and Universality sections explain and document, this moon to mutiverse placement that we peoples have come to find ourselves is graced by a once and future, infinitely recurrent exemplars. It is familial because it is composed of iconic, archetypal male and female, animus or anima, entities or components. Altogether in a dynamic form and flow they become a parental mother/father and children son/daughter unity.

Procreative By virtue of our wumanWise Earthumanity retrospect, an ecosmic, galactic, solar system, ovoworld evolutionary development as a genesis synthesis, is once more taking on likeness of a reproductive gestation.

Ecosmos Hereditary UniVerse By just putting an “e” in front of cosmos, a sense of an astronomic ecosystem may be illumed. And “V” as a capital letter for its celestial raiment would convey a biophysical essence with a double genotype and phenotype viability. In this regard, life’s long arc from uniVerse to EarthVerse could well be seen as a familial passage of an ecosmome to geonome endowment.

Worthy Earth Future We are now closing on apparent inklings to share about a plot and point to the whole natural narrative. As a historic realization dawns that our nascent pediasphere may well be the only sapient, literate, adept civilization to get this far, then an audacious opportunity to be a self-chosen bioplanet and begin a new cocreation can be an outcome. But first we need pass through the great filter (below) to become truly “civilized.”

As springtime arrives this initial 1.0 edition will post a gathering of relevant components and features such as its decadal occasion, major global transition, a son/daughter persona, an elibrary of ecosmos, philoSophia vistas and so on. It’s main contribution will be a 2025 state of the genesis universe with prior Reviews and pediascope Previews an update paragraph for each of the 86 topical subjects. In regard, to make it accessible, it will be posted somewhat in outline form to be filled in apace.

I. 2020 - 2030: Our Decisive Self-Discovery Opportunity
II. EarthKinder: A Major Whole World Transition to a Planetary Progeny
III. PediaPedia Earthica, Ecosmica Comes to Her/His Own Knowledge

IV. Genomica 2025: A Website Outline Scientific Achievement Review
V. A ProPaedia Preview: A Planatural PhiloSophia State of the Universality

VI. Earth Strong: Awake, Alive, Fittest, Self-Select, Geonomic, Sustainable
VII. An Astropocene Era: An Evolitionary, Twinfinity, CoCreative Destiny

I. 2020 - 2030: Our Decisive Self-Discovery Opportunity

In a 21st century and 20th century conceptual context, it quite seems that a consummate Earthsphere and indeed epic evolutionary moment in time has been reached. In regard, scientific pursuits over this span have proceeded from individuals, groups and onto global collaborations. As we survey many periodicals in the course of an annotated anthology, by these mid 2020s a broad and deep scale-invariant similarity of one iconic complementary whole system has just now been found everywhere from quantum and astral realms through life’s long course to our Earthuman cultures. This entry will consider its scientific, philosophic, cultural and civilizational aspects in modules to follow.

Our Great Filter Fitness Test Into 2024, this phrase (see Overbye 2024, Hansen and Wikipedia) has come into popular use. A Google search returns many sites, opinions, videos. To wit, while the universe is known to be suffused with a plethora of planets, there are as yet no overt signs of advanced civilizations. Where are they? It is conjectured that some sort of barrier could exist that they fail to pass through. Typical cases are external perils such as disease, pestilence, rogue technologies, climate extremes, maybe meteors, which close the window.

But in this cruel April, several horrific conflicts reach the incendiary point of reckless nuclear threats as eastern and western polarities square off (Friedman 2024). So the real existential danger may be our own selves as a male warhead obsession with weaponry, military caprice, ego power, regressions. ethnicity, on and on. Unless men can come to their aware senses to realize the terminal madness they are engaged in, our rarest especial opportunity will be forever wasted. Later on we will pose an Earth Strong resilience along with an Ecosmic significance.

A GeoNativity Event As our Planatural Genesis introduction notes and the website explains, life’s long evolution appears to take on an actual identity as an orthogenetic development. As one may follow this procreative theme, an array of consequent features might illume and define. As references by Karin Schwab, Hugo Largercrantz, Jean-Pierre Changeux and others cite, it has been recently found that at some point in the birth/hatch process each fetus awakens from a long dream sleep to their own self-consciousness. In an oviparous case, each hatchling has to break their shell by their own initiative. Another quality for any organism would be the reception, in some assimilated, readable form, of their own familial genetic code endowment. Still another occasion would later be visual perceptions of their maternal, parental visage.

A Second Earthmost Self-Selective Singular Event We deign to muse about a real occurrence of a second singularity by these terms. It serves we Earthlings to be able to realize such an august possibility. (I write as the nuclear missiles of April are rattled and a cycle of revenge goes on.)

II. EarthKinder: A Major Whole World Transition to a Planetary Progeny

We move on to introduce the substantial basis for the above title and the main website premise, as the final, crowning global fulfillment of life’s emergent, nested, quickening wo/manifestation. As a consequence, a regnant individuality may come into beingness, accompanied by a cerebral faculty and learned cumulative erudition.

A Superorganic Personsphere In regard, we refer to the Major Evolutionary Transition section (Chap. V., Sect. A) for special issues on Social Evolution and the Major Evolutionary Transition in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2021) and Human Socio-Cultural Evolution in Light of Evolutionary Transitions in Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B (2023) Each edition describes life's proven developmental ascent from genetic and cellular stages onto organisms, groups and at last our inguistic cultures. An Earthumanity or Earthomo Sapiens identity is suggested as a beneficial reciprocity between peoples and planet. OK

Twin Son and Daughter To continue with such an arrival, it should be apparent that both genders are in evidence. A significant occasion, if to follow, may then accrue. Their typical boy and girl attributes might then be seen or as a basis for relative bicameral left/right brain hemispheres. In addition, as our Earthificial Cognizance section notes, a resultant worldwise faculty via large language models could also be seen as learning in a child-like way, (Marina Pantcheva, Pierre Oudeyer).

An Earthuman Sapiensphere As a consequence, an equivalent brain-like facility proceeds in formation by way of self-organized neural multiplexes to gain real knowledge by her/his own endeavor. In addition, since 2023, many hyper-active “artificial intelligence” capacities have come into wide usage such as generational AI, Large Language Models, ChatGPT. In 1925 in Paris Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard foresaw an enveloping Noosphere of mindful reason. A century later their perceptive vision, and others, has indeed come into an Internet cyberspace reality. By its open person/planet free access, the presence of a global genius can be at anyone’s service. But reasonable behavior we surely do not have.

Sophia Sapiens: A Woman’s Ecosmos For these reasons, an ecological reproductive spacescape with an encoded fecund fertility (From Eternity to Maternity) ought to be considered. As the Half the Universe section cites, a feminine competence uses both brain hemispheres in concert to join narrow focus with integral scenery so as to attain a meaningful image. Past centuries have been patriarchal, left brain, hyper-violent. Science and philosophy were for men only, search J. Riskin, D. Orrell, A. C. Grayling. At this outset, we propose an inclusive wuman and wumanity by changing one letter. As an overdue corrective, an animate, conducive fecund Ecosmos with a spontaneous fertility, genetic sequence, and ovular-like bioworlds can be envisioned.

Collective Intelligence Into 2023, along with a new journal with this title, it has been realized that all manner of personal collaborative groupings from meetings to teleconferences tend to self-organize themselves so to gain a knowledge and solutions beyond the ken of disparate members. While social groups from protozoa to primates are so moved attain such abilities over evolutionary time, only in the 21st century and 2020s that this propensity is being recognized and carried forth to a worldwise Earthuman personsphere. See also, for example, a special January 2024 issue of Perspectives in Psychological Science on this occasion.

An Earthmost Center As this revolution in our midst fills in and comes together, a referral to Universal Evolution, Stellar Planetary Systems and Our Earthmost Distinction sections will document an epochal revision about extraterrestrial civilizations. Even though some billion trillion exoworlds may exist, recent studies have found that their emergence over time is so fraught with perils that it may be the incredible case that only our home bioplanet has made it this far.

III. PediaPedia Earthica, Ecosmica Comes to Her/His Own Knowledge

Planatural Scientific and PhiloSophia Cultures In regard, an aware, child-like curiosity is invited so as to join both exploratory science and holistic humanities. Planatural is our current worldwide version and PhiloSophia is meant to include both gender-like detail parts and field vistas. And a corollary is a necessity to remember and allow again the presence of an independent phenomenal reality with its own course.

An Independent Phenomenal Reality A grand benefit would be a whole mindful ability to observe and realize the actual independent existence with its own knowable identity and temporal course, so to allow and perceive a geowise revolutionary vision. That is to say (as I have been told) we need a wherewithal to be able see something dynamic and formative going on by its own self. Every facet of our occasion then gains a double dimension, whereof people become exemplary participants.

An Earthuman Scientific Spiral Phase Over the span of 2020 to 2024, an interactive synergy between persons, groups, and global projects along with brainy neural networks and computational (machine) learning methods has gained a primary role. Astronomic JWST data, genetic sequences, medical analysis, physical research and much more has benefitted from and is empowered by custom algorithms and programs. Our Earthomo sapience seems in the midst of a spiral Turing turn to a reciprocal people/planet scale. As our Earthifical section then records, all manner of ethical safeguards need be in effect.

21st Century Ecosmos Revolution As a result, an olden particulate, accidental, materialist sterility is being replaced by a phenomenal GeoWise discovery of an essential, organic, encoded, procreative, solar/planetary, genesis uniVerse with a self-select Earthmost center. In this year of tragic travail it is a grand opportunity and challenge that an epic, proven, familiar presence be gathered altogether, robustly proven and provide a vital narrative.

A Double UniVerse and WumanVerse Revolution An especial notice that this essay is not only about an environmental surround even as it reaches a multiversal expanse. In addition a radically new appreciation of human beings with regard to our individual selves in near and far to groupings is newly evident. As the Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons section describes, each child is a whole, bigender universe unto themselves with a precestral futurity to embark on a second evolitionary destiny.

An eLibrary of eCosmos Accumulated Repository, To cite a phrase, has formed in voluminous occurrence as digital/analog Internet hyper-active content grows in breadth, depth and imagination. Into the 2020s an open searchable pubic accessibility to billions of websites can educate and inform as a daily dialogue. As I scan, nowadays microEcosmic wuman beings wherever they are can write and contribute sophisticated papers based on the latest science. As a contribution, here next is Part IV as a State of the UniVersality.

IV. Genomica 2025: A Website Outline Scientific Achievement Review

Planatural Genesis: EarthKinder Glimpses a Revolutionary ProCreative Ecosmos Hereditary UniVerse: A 2020 - 2030 Geonate Self-Discovery Decade

A. Ecode 2023: EarthKinder Discovers a Universal, Independent Ecosmome to Geomome Exemplary Endowment.

The present entry is a circa 2018 – 2024 review and preview as an EarthSmart personsphere seems to reach a new phase of an integral convergent synthesis which closes on an actual discovery. This Planatural resource online since 2002 now covers 5,000 text pages with some 9,500 references across 85 sections. After the new, extensive Introduction above, here we enter another, latest survey with a current recital of its premises and rationales as a drafty, synoptic, outline proposal, so to ever gather so many aspects into natural narrative edification.

B. PediaPedia Earthica 2023: An Annual Outline Review of Especial References and Yearlong Advances

C. PediaPedia Ecosmica 2024: EarthKinder Continues to Realize, Record and Affirm an Inherent Purpose

I. Our Planatural Edition: A 21st Century PhioSophia, Earthomo Ecosmic KIinderkind Version

This first chapter continues integral vista with past Historic Prescience; present Anthropocene Transition and current Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Cerebral Cyberspace Achieves a Worldwise Knowsphere Resource sections as scientific inquiry went from individual persons to group collaborations and onto a 21st century personal sapiensphere today. Another theme through the modules will be to show how their entries and content have come to exemplify a genetic source code.

A. Historic Prescience: Individual Homo Sapiens

As Jessica Riskin’s excellent history recounts, this long scientific project could well be viewed as an interplay between a mainstream barren, mechanical model and a persistent minority organic essence. But we went to the book’s index only to find some 700 male names over two millennia and just 5 women. Today, as the pointless accident scheme reigns, a revolutionary, wumanwise, life affirming actuality needs to be brought into salutary awareness.

B. Anthropocene Sapiensphere: A Major Emergent Transitional Phase

C. An Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Cerebral Cyberspace Achieves a Worldwise Knowsphere Resource

This subsequent An Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Cerebral, Knowsphere Cognizance Proceeds Apace, along with Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise Collaborations as a latest inclusive frontier. It will seek to gather and highlight premier contributions into the 2020s. Our intent is to identify, join and report a wide array of convergent. integral advances that brace and presage an imminent phenomenal revolution. We open with a broad array of current highlight contributions.


In this second chapter, our “PediaPedia” edition considers the many cognizant stages and faculties by which thoughtful beings and gatherings evolved to aware sentience to wonder about this curiously awesome and awful placement. Its three historic stages are: Aboriginal Quest(ion); The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana; and Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise Collaborations. Current additions are An Earthificial Cumulative Cognizance and Collective Global Brain Intelligences.

A. Aboriginal Quest(ion)
At the outset, Mythic Animism surveys an indigenous, mystic, vista, often by wise women, of an aboriginal immersion in a numinous, personified, magical realm. From this milieu arose a sense of a stratified creation graced by an exemplary iconic principle by which the world can be made comprehensible. An array of eastern and western receptions are noted in The Anthropocosmic Code around a central truth that micro human and macro universe are mirrors to each other as children to parents. The Renaissance project to read the encompassing cosmos in accord with God’s word in reviewed in The Book of Nature. It also cites new findings that self-organizing complexities equally imbue this textual corpora. An eclectic World Philosophy module concludes with an emphasis on African, Global South appreciations of a Ubuntu person/community Universe.

1. Indigenous Intimation: Mythic Animism

2. Perennial Wisdome: An AnthropoCosmic Code

3. The Book of Naturome: A New Translation

4. Whole World Philosophy: An Ubuntu Universe

As the new intro notes, this section has been a gathering place for second culture philosophies beyond Western science and scholarship. Global visions and voices offer their novel, expansive vistas as they contribute to an integral planetary mindfulness. We also include here the especially rich, vital corpus of traditional and current African wisdom. It may well be that only a me member + We webwork = US Ubuntu States mutual reciprocity will save and sustain our imperiled near and far lands.

B. The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana Stages
Over the span of 2020 to 2024, an interactive synergy between persons, groups, and myriad global projects from genetics to galactics has become intense. Along the way an epic advance in technique commenced as brainy neural networks and computational (machine) learning methods began to gain a primary role. Astronomic JWST data, DNA sequences, medical analysis, physical research and much more has benefitted from and is empowered by custom algorithms and programs. Our Earthomo sapience seems in the midst of a spiral Turing turn to a reciprocal people/planet scale. But as our Earthifical section records, all manner of ethical safeguards need be in effect.

From a huge corpus nowadays, for example Krenn, Mario, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies by Mario Krenn, et al in Physical Review A. (107/010101, 2023), The Universe in a Box: Simulations and the Quest to Code the Cosmos by Andrew Pontzen (Riverhead Books, 2023, Scientific discovery in the age of artificial intelligence by Hanchen Wang, et al in Nature (August 2, 2023) and How to Make the Universe Think for Us. How to Make the Universe Think for Us by Charlie Wood in Quanta (June 1, 2022).

C. Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise, Collaborations

In regard, we cite a 2022 title Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process by Adam Frank, et al as a strong endorsement to date of this worldwise occasion and attribution. Here are two quotes, followed by select entries.

Intelligence is usually seen as an individual faculty. Here, we broaden the idea of intelligence as a collective group property and extend it to the planetary scale. We consider the ways in which a relative technological intelligence may represent a kind of planetary scale transition, much as the origin of life itself may be seen as a global phenomenon. Our approach follows many researchers today that the correct scale to understand key aspects of life and its evolution is planetary, beyond traditional focus on individual species. (Abstract excerpt)

A transition to planetary intelligence, as we described here, would achieve its operative presence at a global scale. Such a mindful world could steer the future evolution of Earth, acting in concert with and guided by a deep understanding of natural systems. If other civilizations that may exist in the universe undergo such a transition, we would expect to see a marked difference in their biosignatures due to a sustainable, global intelligence versus those that not been able to attain this emergent phase. (27)

We note in broad survey Atlas of Science Collaboration, 1971-2020 by Keisuke Okamura at arXiv:2308.16810, Planetary Biotechnospheres, Biotechnosignatures and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Irina Romanovskaya in International Journal of Astrobiology (September 2023), and The Collective Intelligence of Evolution and Development by Richard Watson and Michael Levin in Collective Intelligence (May 2023).

1. Earthificial Intelligence: A Deep Neural Network Local/Global Computational Phase
Since c. 2015 a revision from ineffective machine methods to a biological, human brain based approach has gone foward. It is notable that “artificial” neural nets have found much analytic utility from quantum to galactic studies, which is indicative of nature’s common recurrence. The year 2023 has seen a rush of Large Language Model and ChatGPT applications with capabilities and concerns. In August I heard Eric Schmidt say on TV that a root issue is the absence of any philosophic guidance. In regard then, into early 2024 I have come across several entries (herein Michael Frank, Marina Pantcheva, Claire Stevenson, Levi DeHaan, Azzurra Ruggeri, Pierre Oudeyer) which perceive a general similarity between how the LLM content seems to form and operate and the inquisitive trials and triumphs by which children learn to speak and gain knowledge.

2. Collective Global Brain Intelligence

This is a new section posted in 2023 because its topical content has expanded and gained a public recognition. As a result, a Collective Intelligence journal with prominent editors and advisors came online. See also a special January 2024 issue of Perspectives in Psychological Science in this regard. It has been realized that all manner of personal collaborative groupings from meetings to teleconferences tend to self-organize themselves so to gain a knowledge and solutions beyond the ken of disparate members. While social groups from protozoa to primates are moved attain such abilities over evolutionary time, only just now is this propensity is being recognized on a human scale.

Here are some current examples: Beyond Collective Intelligence: Collective Adaptation by Mirta Galesic, et al in Journal of the Royal Society: Interface (March 2023), The Psychology of Collectives by David Garcia, et al in Perspectives on Psychological Science (December 2023) and Levy, Pierre. Semantic Computing with IEML by Pierre Levy in Collective Intelligence (2/4, October 2023).

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet Incubator Lifescape

This Natural to Planatural annotated bibliography and anthology can now begin to post, engage and describe in turn the prime composite features of an actual 21st century scientific revolution in our midst. It is truly “in the air” as residing within the global Internet cyberspace, if of mind to allow and perceive. Nine main segments across atomic, astral and animate infinities, as they become unified again, report and support a phenomenal existence of a spatially independent, organic essence. An innate biological fertility is attested to which over time complexifies, evolves, develops, quickens, as if a personal gestation.

Here next are the Letter entries: UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Developmental, Encoded, Self-Made, Procreativity; Quantum Cosmology, Computational Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ExoVerse Studies, An Information Computation Turn

Thermodynamics of Living Systems; Ecosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic BioVerse; Fractal SpaceTimeMatter; An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Spontaneity; Stellar Planetary Systems; Our Fittest EarthMost Distinction

A. UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Self-Made, Encoded, Personal Procreativity

As this section, Origins of Life, Astrochemistry/Astrobiology, Ecosmomics and elsewhere document, an organic, procreative ecological cosmos has now become sufficiently evident. Aspects such as a conducive materiality, generative energies and a prebiotic catalysis possess and convey an essential, spontaneous fecundity. Wherever possible, florescent life and aware beings spring eternal all the ovogenesis way to our prodigious amazement.

But a comparison of these old and new moribund machine to an innate organic fertility views, it is important to note that our ascendant EarthVersion is distinguished by a deep dimension of an immaterial, mathematic, genomic-like source. Particles may be “pointless, “peoples” are surely not. By the mid 2020s, we can admit an animate, innately fertile, “pregnant” (C. de Duve) emergent development as it comes altogether in our knowsphere midst. The work ahead requires that all these findings be coalesced into a definitive synthesis.

From the Origin of Life to Pandemics: Emergent Phenomena in Complex Systems by Oriol Artime and Manlio De Domenico in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (May 2022), Physical Non-Equilibria for Prebiotic Nucleic Acid Chemistry by Alan Ianeselli, et al in Nature Review Physics (January 2023), The prebiotic emergence of biological evolution by Charles Kocher and Ken Dil at arXiv:2311.13650 and Origins, Worlds and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology by Robin Canup and Philip Christensen, Co-Chairs (National Academy of Sciences, 2022).

1. Quantum Organics in the 21st Century

A second quantum revolution phrase has arisen because it is lately realized that this deepest, contextual realm seems to be actually suffused by the same network, self-organized, complexities as everywhere else. The advance was fostered by a global project to achieve superfast quantum computers, along with finding that neural network methods are applicable. Nonlinear phenomena such as self-organized criticalities and chimera states are also present. Another aspect is a notice of quantum-like effects in biological organisms, cognition and behavior. As a further result, the olden quantum-classical divide is being erased due to better understandings of each domain. An issue remains because the 20th century version of unintelligible opaqueness is still in place. But altogether within a nascent ecosmos genesis, it may be appropriate to propose a new “quantum organics” identity.

From a vast literature in this section, Mind Over Matter, and our new quantum age, here are three instances: When matter and information merge into “Quantum” by Ramon Aguado, et al in Communications Physics (Sept. 22, 2023), Hello Quantum World. A First-year University Course in Quantum Information Science by Sophia Economou and Edwin Barnes at arXiv:2210.02868 and Finding Universal Structures in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics via Persistent Homology by Damiel Spitz, et al ay arXiv:2001.02616.

2.A Consilience as Physics, Biology and Persons Become One

Aa another historic 21st century worldwise synthesis in our midst, the long separation of organic, evolving life and mind from a supposed “inorganic” material ground is well on its way to a seamless, unified integration. This holistic occasion occurs as living systems gain deeper theoretical rootings in “physical” phases whence in turn quantum and many-body phenomena gain biological vitalities. By this 2024 it has become the rule for studies of life’s onset to social stages to not only refer to complex network systems but also to statistical physics for explanations. For some typical items, see Complex Systems in the Spotlight: Next Steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics by Ginestra Bianconi, et al in Journal of Physics: Complexity (4/010201, 2023), A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior by Nicholas Ouellette in Physical Biology (19/2, 2022), and. Starfish Whisperer Develops a Physical Language of Life by Charles Wood in Quanta (January 11, 2023).

3. Earth Alive: A Cellular GaiaSphere Sustains Her (His) Own Viability

After some decades of critical doubt, worries and an off-putting image, a biospheric, life-sustaining, superorganic envelope has now become the basic conceptual guide for Earth systems science. This newly quantified self-regulating process is seen to influence and control Earth’s mineral surface, atmospheric compositions, temperature regimes and more so to maintain a favorable, billion year milieu for life’s evolutionary development to our consequent sapiensphere observance.

Earth, Our Living Planet: The Earth System and its Co-evolution with Organisms by Bertrand, Philippe and Louis Legendre. (Springer Frontiers, 2021) is a book length review and A Gaian Habitable Zone by Rudy Arthur and Arwen Nicholson at arXiv:2301.02150 set a solar scene. As our Earth Strong module below will consider, an Earthropocene era ought to consider practical ways to intentionally continue this wellness.

4. Universal Evolution: A Celestial Expanse

Into the 2010s, a wider astronomic notice of a general Darwinian process which forms many contingent starry and global candidates so that a winnowing process might attain an optimum result has occurred. Its evidence is being found from quantum phenomena to cosmic and multiversal domains, far beyond a biological version. While albeit harsh, capricious, and excessive, it appears to be the way of beings and becomings. In regard, this “natural selection” writ large will be a key factor because it may hold for vicarious habitable planets in stellar incubators. Out of some quintillion estimated worlds, it is beginning to dawn that our home bioplanet may very well be the fittest of them all. A new work, Life and Language Beyond Earth by Raymond Hickey (Cambridge, 2023), gives a general overview.

B. Our Whole Scale EcosmoVerse Description Project

After Universe Alive modules above, here we survey a more physical vista that has expanded from Galileo’s moon to an infinite multiUniVerse, along with an atomic, particulate, quanta materiality. Into these 2020s, an international astronomy by way of satellite telescopes, sophisticated instrumentation, analytic techniques, computational AI, has revealed a trillion galaxies, each with billions of stars and a quintillion worlds in and out of habitable zones. Streaming 3D videos of intersecting galaxies, black holes, gravitational waves now informs and illustrates our awesome achievement. As the Astrophysics section of the arXiv eprint site posts some 100 entries each day, there seems to be no limit to what individual and collective Earthumanity is able to explore, delve into, quantify and record. Going forward we wonder whom are these fantastic beings as they carry out this apparent task of ecosmic self-description. A philosophia point could add that an entire uniVerse might have a knowable identity and temporal course of its own which we valiant participants are made and meant to find and take from here.

1. Quantum Cosmology Theoretic Unity

This title phrase arose in the 1980s when it was realized that mathematic phenomena at the universe’s point of origin had a quantum physical nature. Into the 21st century an evidential synthesis across this widest micro to macro expanse has been well worked out. Issues and nuances may remain over the inflationary moment, but as Planck satellite results affirm, the theoretical basis is seen as basically validated. It can now be said that our collective human inquiry has been able to find and quantify a wholesome space and time unification including our credulous selves. See The Unsung Revolution of the Renormalization Group by Nigel Goldenfeld at arXiv:2306.06020, and The Physicist Who Glues Together Universes (Renate Loll) by Charlie Wood in Quanta (May 25, 2023).

2. Computational Systems Physics: Self-Organization

While systems biology and chemistry have become distinct research endeavors, this title phrase, which should be equally obvious, has not come into use (no hits on Google). This section went online in the mid 2000s for incipient views to scope out the actual presence of an inherent self-making processes at every spatial and temporal phase. Four decades after Erich Jantsch’s book A Self-Organizing Universe, a strong confirmation due to our composite global genius of its robust validity needs to be stated from atomic to proteomic to astronomic stages. For a latest affirmation, see On Principles of Emergent Organization by Adam Rupe and James Crutchfield at arXiv:2311.13749.

A companion aspect of an innate vital spontaneity has become known by an Active Matter phrase whence all kinds of colloidal, particulate, cellular movements become orderly and self-propelled . A textbook treatment,Soft Matter: Concepts, Phenomena, and Applications. by Win van Saarloos, et al (Princeton University Press, 2024) has just been published. Altogether here is one more perspective upon a natural dynamic liveliness due to common codings gains a broad and deep expression.

3. Supramolecular Systems Chemistry

In recent regard, another advance is underway whereby physical substance is found to possess an essential spontaneity to evolve and develop into organic precursors. We cite, for example, the work of the University of Glasgow chemist Leroy Cronin and his extended group to quantify life’s deep tap roots into an innatwly fertile cosmos. As the references note, this primal field now reaches into life’s origins, artificial chemistry, computational methods, reaction networks, autocatalysis and astrochemistry. See, e.g., Programmable Simulations of Molecules and Materials with Reconfigurable Quantum Processors by Nishad Maskara, et al at arXiv:2312.02265 and Interactive Quantum Chemistry Enabled by Machine Learning, Graphical Processing, and Cloud Computing by Umberto Raucci, et al in Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. (74/313, 2023).

4. Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere as Complex, Network Systems

A universally encoded, invariant, self-similar pattern and process has even been found in effect across all mannerl of geologic landforms, seismic earthquakes, oceanic seas, forests from roots to canopies, along with atmosphere phenomena including the rain in Spain. The benefit of these intrinsic mathematical findings would be better understandings, and forewarnings to mitigate, and manage. We note Simulating Cumulus Clouds Based on Self-Organized Criticality by J., Cheraghalizadeh, J., et al at arXiv:2211.06111 and Motifs in seismic networks: Romania, Italy, United States of America, and Japan by Gabriel Tiberiu and Alexandru Nicolin at arXiv:2308.05193. A future project would be to fully integrate this dimension into planning processes, a daunting task which would involve super computers and AI methods.

5. ExoUniverse Studies: Detectable Presence, Conceptual Features

In 1983 I attended Andrei Linde’s first US public lecture at Harvard where he spoke of bubbling fractal universes. But as the 21st century began, cosmic multitudes beyond our own remained a theoretical conjecture. Into the 2010s, due to Fred Adams, McCullen Sandora and others, expansive insights along with detectable inklings now indicate a spatial and temporal array of universes. Several entries consider whole cosmoses with regard to variable elemental contents and parameters. As a result, this relative mutiscape is thought to span a wide contingent range to an extent that some selective process may be going on. How fantastic is it that in a few centuries our sentient worldly sentience can yet explore and achieve such infinite knowledge. Who are we after all, and for what purpose can we learn this?

C. The Information Computation Turn

This original section has also lately become spread out into Chap. IV. A. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computation and Chap. VI. A. Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition. Please refer there for more current references in this regard. But we do note here a latest 600 page volume The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains Christoph Adami (Princeton University Press. 2024).

1. A CoCreative Participatory UniVerse

A rising conceptual presence into the 2010s has been physical theories which are seen to require sentient human-like beings whom in turn can observe, recognize and affirm the procreative, encoded universe from which they arose. In a popular form due to J. A. Wheeler, an original informative Bit code evolves and emerges to an It literacy which in turn can serve to record, affirm and bring the whole temporal scenario into full regnant reality. To follow this theme, we Earthlings have a special significance to the fate and future of an ecosmic genesis. That is to say since human beings can rightly be viewed as a personified universe, our Earthomo peoples become cocreative participants. We note Pregeometry, Formal Language and Constructivist Foundations of Physics by Xerxes Arsiwalla, et al at arXiv:2311.03973 and The Ascent of Information: Books, Bits, Genes, Machines, and Life’s Unending Algorithm. by Caleb Scharf (Riverhead Books, 2021).

E. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Living Systems

As some 100 diverse references now attest, this venerable scientific endeavor to learn all about nature’s energies as they may animate a genesis uniVerse now extends beyond a second entropic law to find intrinsic non-equilibrium life-bearing formative forces at work across every phase. There is work still to be done such as homing in on a phenomenal basis and how to integrate with human activities. For example, see Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law that Leads to Disorder by Philip Ball in Quanta (May 26, 2022) and The Arrow of Time is Alive and Well but Forbidden Under the Received View of Physics by Ruth Kastner at arXiv:2311.11456.

1. Life's New Open Quantum Informative Resource Thermoversion

This fledgling field is an intersect of thermodynamic theory, a work in conceptual progress, with quantum phenomena as it reconceives itself via complex dynamic systems, has led to a flurry of insightful syntheses. We note Unification of the First Law of Quantum Thermodynamics by Roie Dann and Ronnie Kosloff at arXiv:2208.1056 and Arrow of Time and Quantum Physics,by Detlev Buchholz and Klaus Fredenhagen in Foundations of Physics. (September, 2023).

2. Cosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic, Bootstrap Self-Made UniVerse

By this 2023 year a confluence of new references attest to the insistent presence of catalytic reactivities that impel prebiotic biochemistries and physiologic metabolisms to enhance, complexify, iterate, maintain and enliven themselves. Some five decades after its notice (Stuart Kauffman) a natural animate, self-making spontaneity is just now reaching a wide and deep quantified confirmation. For example The ecology–evolution continuum and the origin of life by David Baum, et al in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. (November 2023), Catalysis of entanglement and other quantum resources by Chandan Datta, et al in Reports on Progress in Physics. (86/11, 2023) and The geometry and combinatorics of an autocatalytic ecology in chemical and cluster chemical reaction networks by Praful Gagrani, et al at arXiv:2303.14236. convey the physical and classical breadth of nature’s robust creative agency.

F. Systems Cosmology: Fractal SpaceTimeMatter

When this section was first posted in the early 2000s, only rare, spurious inklings of an intrinsic topological self-similarity and of self-organizing dynamics could be found. Two research decades later, a definitive presence of these structural and temporal features has been well quantified across galactic clusters, interstellar medium, stellar coronae, webworks and onto quantum phenomena, atomic elements and material phases. The olden formless, sterile, forbidding voids can now evince another robust instance of one, same vivifying ecode basis just as everywhere else. Here is a small sample: The Fractality of Astrophysical Self-Organized Criticality by Markus Aschwanden at arXiv:2203.12484, Disk galaxies are self-similar: the universality of the HI-to-Halo ratio by Marie Korsaga, et al at arXiv:2307.01035 and Universal Scaling Laws for the Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Heating by Shin Toriumi and Vladimir Airapelian at arXiv:2202.01232.

G. Anthropic, Biotropic, Earthropic Principles

Since the 1970s, a notice has grown of finely-poised natural phenomena and parameters with ideal properties so that living systems can form and human beings evolve and appear. Quite at odds with the pointless accident view, their actual presence accords with an ordained natural genesis. See Natural Intelligence and Anthropic Reasoning by Predrag Slijepcevic in Biosemiotics (July, 2020) for a latest, symbiotic view.

H. An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Spontaneity

An initial notice that cold, dark outer space yet contains an apt array of precursor biochemicals came in the 1980s. Into the 21st century, by way of satellites, spectroscopy, computational methods and more, a profusion of complex biomolecules which are vitally suitable for life’s evolution were being found. By these 2020s, a spontaneous material fertility seems to be “pregnant” (Christian De Duve) with living systems on their circuitous way to us.

We note Prebiotic Astrochemistry from Astronomical Observations and Laboratory Spectroscopy by Lucy Ziurys in Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (Volume 75, 2024). Looking ahead in a PediaScope view, a concerted endeavor to achieve a thorough coherence to establish an actual spontaneous fertility on the way to our comprehension would be in order.

I. Stellar Planetary Systems: A Stochastic Profusion of Galaxies, Solar Orrerys, and Habitable Zones

Into the 2010s, the collaborative astronomical community by way of satellite telescopes, instrumental techniques, computational analysis and more carried out decadal projects to take a near and farther ecosmic census. An emphasis was a search for Earth-like analogs by atmospheric “biosignatures” to imply a favorable, lively environment. Now in the mid 2020s, a catalog of all diverse exoplanetary objects has reached 5,000. A new perception is that solar systems could have an overall mathematic cohesion. In a revolutionary genesis universe wherein they could be incubators for life’s evolution and emergence in conducive zones.

This significant frontier section has over 200 references, here are a few: Protostars & Planets VII. Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, editor in chief. University of Arizona Press, 2023, ExoFrontiers: Big Questions in Exoplanetary Science. Nikku, Madhusudan, ed. IOP Science Books, 2022, A Framework for the Architecture of Exoplanetary Systems by Lokesh Mishra, et al at arXiv:2301.02374 and Rebuilding the Habitable Zone from the Bottom Up with Computational Zone by Caleb Scharf and Olaf Witkowski at arXiv:2303.16111.

J. Our EarthMost Occasion: A Rarest Confluence of Favorable Features and Close Calls

After the above sections which altogether express a 21st century fertile, profligate ecosmos, we will review an awesome new appreciation of our Earthly import. As the PBS 2023 Ancient Earth series vividly implies, a major adjustment is underway to the common surmise that in a universe filled with billions of galaxies, stars and planets, surely there must be other sentient worlds. But a realization is dawning that our precious but precarious abode may be a rarest instance to evolve this far by its narrow survival through so many close calls. We refer to a 2023 work The Dawn of a Mindful Universe by the senior cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser which describes and endorses this historic revision from prior expectations of to a possible especial uniqueness. Akin to our Earth Strong proposal, he says that this finding could provide a vital incentive for a sustainable future.

Here is an eclectic list about these vicarious perils: The Oxygen Bottleneck for Technospheres by Amedeo Balbi and Adam Frank at arXiv:2308.01160, The Best Neighborhoods for Starting a Life in the Galaxy by Rebecca Boyle in Quanta (January 24, 2024), Interior Controls on the Habitability of Rocky Planets by Cedric Gillmann, et al in Space Science & Technology (4/0075, 2024). Passing Stars as an Important Driver of Paleoclimate and the Solar System's Orbital Evolution by Nathan Kaib and Sean Raymond in Astrophysical Journal Letters. (962/2, 2024). Life on the Edge: The Cambrian Marine Realm and Oxygenation by Susan Pruss and Benjamin Gill in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (Vol. 52, May 2024). We will consider much more about this wholly unexpected turn in A 2030 Vista and Earth Strong sections to follow.

IV. Ecosmomics: Independent, UniVersal, Complex Network Systems and a Genetic Code-Script Source

General IntroductionThis central chapter will portray the genomic basis of a 21st century animate revolution by sorting into 2000, 2010, and 2020 phases. It also contains a topical glossary for over 30 features. We do this to convey a scientific ascent from homo to anthropo and Earthropo sapience, along with how this subject field went through stages of early, disparate, individual takes onto a maturing clarity and coalescence. At present a distilled, convergent synthesis is proceeding to discover a common, gender-based, naturome code with node, dot, entity and link, relate, group complements, which then compose a viable family, flock, me + We = US wholeness.

2024: Since Chapter III reported an imminent worldwise Earthuman discovery of an independent, biological, dynamic, EcosmoVerse genesis, this subsequent entry can go on to document its organic multi-faceted accompaniment by an implicate, informative genetic-like ecode. Two widely ranging sections are then gathered to express this novel domain: A Survey of Mathematic, Dynamic, Textual, Anatomic, Program-like, Self-Similar Aspects and of Our Own HumanVerse (Epi) Genomic Heredity. Here are some overview references, including new contributions from this year, see also A Familiar Ecode: An Ecosmome to Geonome Critical Complementarity is Being Found Everywhere above for another summary review and collection.

Ahwad, Mohammad, et al. Defining Complex Adaptive Systems: An Algorithmic Approach. Systems. 12/2, 2024.
Artime, Oriol and Manlio De Domenico. From the Origin of Life to Pandemics: Emergent Phenomena in Complex Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. May 2022.
Bianconi, Ginestra, et al. Complex Systems in the Spotlight: Next Steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 4/010201, 2023.

Baronchelli, Andrea. Shaping New Norms for Artificial Intelligence: A Complex Systems Perspective. arXiv:2307.08564.
Cepelewicz, Jordana. The Quest to Decode the Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal. Quanta. January 27, 2024.

Rosas, Fernando, et al. Software in the natural world: A computational approach to emergence in complex multi-level systems. arXiv:2402.09090.
Sanchez-Puig, Fernanda, et al. Heterogeneity Extends Criticality. arXiv.2208.06439.
Tadic, Bosiljka and Roderick Melnik. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics as a Key to Fundamental Features of Complexity in Physical, Biological and Social Networks. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.

A. A Survey of Mathematic, Dynamic, Textual, Anatomic, Program-like, Self-Similar Aspects

Within this composite chapter all about our Earthwise perception of a consequent genetic ecode script domain, this topical section will first document how a Network Physics structures nature’s anatomy and physiology. Biteracy then considers this computational, algorithmic aspect, while A Rosetta Ecosmos Literacy reports how even our human verse and voice can be traced to complexity phenomena. With this in place, Universality Affirmations can describe the premier 2020 achievement of realizing, discerning and deciphering a common. iconic bigender complementarity and familial triality.

1. Network Physics: A Vital Interlinked Anatomy and Physiology

The theoretic and empirical study of these pervasive connectivities remains an intense collaborative project. A rush of current simplical, multiplex and metaplex contributions portends their consistent occurrence from quantum and galactic to corporal, neural and societal realms. An especial application is to flesh out an organismic anatomy and physiology such as Nathalie Gontier’s reticulate evolution. Going forward, we mention Cemile Kocoglu, Dino Pitoski, Albert Barabasi, Siddhartha Mukherjee and others who avail these qualities for better medical diagnosis. An early 2024 exemplar is Multilayer Network Science: from Cells to Societies by Oriel Artime, et al at arXiv:2401.04589.

2. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computations

A parallel, companion endeavor to complex systems science is an active field of computational studies. From Alan Turing’s morphogenesis to Stephen Wolfram’s cellular automata, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic’s informational view and George Dyson’s analog/digital codings, a natural genesis is known to involve and be suffused by algorithm-like programs. As they work their way, some manner of iterative optimization process seems to be going on. The endeavor to perceive a natural mathematic animation can be traced to Gottfried Leibniz in the 1700s while into our global 21st century, we can cite an array of approaches by Susan Stepney, Laura Schaposnik, Wolfgang Banzhaf and Tanya Latty.

For example this year Evolution beats random chance: Performance-dependent network evolution for enhanced computational capacity by Manish Yadav, et al (arXiv:2403.15869) and Software in the natural world: A computational approach to emergence in complex multi-level systems by Fernando Rosas, et al (arXiv:2402.09090). Once again these versions would be served by common terminologies and integrations so to unify and facilitate the current, intentional passage of nature’s genetic source code onto our cocreative way.

3. Iteracy: A Rosetta Ecosmos Textuality

This topical module, along with sister sections The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Protenomes and Language and Earthificial Intelligence, are beginning to achieve and report many wide-ranging recognitions of an innate, natural, informative textuality. This copious Chapter IV gathers its nonlinear complexity, network, computational, linguistic aspects along with an array of genetic features. Many studies have quantified that even our vernacular languages and written literature are reflections of nature’s independent complex, fractal, informative systems.

In regard, an intrinsic textual literacy is expressed from quantum compositions through the evolution of a relative accumulated knowledge repository to our alphabetic paper volumes and online ebook/ejournal modes. See Language models for quantum simulation by Roger Melko and Juan Carrasquilla in Nature Computational Science (4/1, 2024) and especially Complex systems approach to natural language by Tomasz Stanisz, et al in Physics Reports (Volume 1053, 2024.)

4. Universality Affirmations: A Critical Complementarity

From the 1960s general systems theory, the Santa Fe Institute in the 1980s, and many more complexity groups and departments, the nonlinear science project, broadly conceived, has had an incentive to find a common source code in reliable self-similar, exemplary, kind everywhere. As A Familiar Ecode above and the whole website, can now attest to, only into these 2020s due to myriad global collaborations can an actual distillation, articulation and fulfillment begin to be achieved. As an instance we next note recent findings of a self-organized critical poise as an optimum preference.

Since around 2015, it has become evident that as these complex adaptive systems organize themselves, they tend toward and reside in a, middle way, reciprocal attractor condition. Its technical term above, along with chimera dynamics, stands for a constant best balvaliant benefactors.ance between coincident, more or less orderly, incoherent and/or coherent modes. Dante Chivalo (search) has dubbed this as nature’s “sweet spot”. In its practice at the same while a reciprocity of “right and left,” stability and change, entity and empathy, conserve and create reach a best proactive state. We will say much more about this grand consilience as it reveals a genomic familiarity from uniVerse to us.

Here are a few items from a vast literature about this epic occasion: The Origin of Universality in the Inner Edges of Planetary Systems by Konstantin Batygin, et al at arXiv:2306.08822, Long time scales, individual differences, and scale invariance in animal behavior by William Bialik and Jousha Shaevitz at arXiv:2304.0960, Non-equilibrium Critical Scaling and Universality in a Quantum Simulator by De, A., et al at arXiv:2309.10856, The Principle of Dynamical Criticality by Stuart Kauffman, et al in Entropy (December, 2022) and Universality, Criticality and Complexity of Information Propagation in Social Medi by Daniele Notarmuzi, et al at arXiv:2109.00116.

5. Common Code: A Further Report of Reliable, Invariant Principles

Since there are so many signs of a thorough confluence across the quantum, celestial and personal vitality infinities, here is an additional collection. As Universality Affirmations above and elsewhere have reported, an archetypal complementarity and integral triality has been found in exemplary presence from digital + analog = source program, node + link = network, feminine + masculine = family and ever on. To continue, a self-similar ecosmos rises from particle + wave = light, left + right brain = cognizant knowledge all the way to me + We = US.

Already this year we note Phase transitions in self-gravitating systems and bacterial populations by Pierre-Henri Chavanis, et al in Physical Review E (109/014118, 2024), Pattern recognition in the nucleation kinetics of non-equilibrium self-assembly by Constantine Evans, et al. Nature. (625/500, 2024) and Synergistic signatures of group mechanisms in higher-order systems by Thomas Robiglio, et al at arXiv:2401.11588. From 2023, we note Universal abundance fluctuations across microbial communities, tropical forests, and urban populations by George Ashish and James O’Dwyer in PNAS (120/44, 2023) and Scaling Theory of Fractal Complex Networks: Bridging Local Self-Similarity and Global Scale-Invariance by Agata Fronczak, et al at arXiv:2306.13751

B. Our Own HumanVerse Genome Studies

By the year 2000 full genome sequencings were becoming possible, but the prior point gene to trait or malady model was still in place. Circa 2010, it was realized that much more was going on beyond discrete nucleotides. As the presence of complex gene regulatory networks was realized as they joined the biomolecular components. A notice of “epigenetic” influences beyond the genome added a further interactive dimension. A whole scale approach dubbed “genome wide association studies” came to view genetic influences, broadly conceived, all the way to natural and social environs. By 2020, TV documentaries such as The Gene by Ken Burns based on Siddhartha Mukherjee’ book, The Gene Doctors about medical applications, and CRISPR: The Realities of Gene Editing as now readily doable, were being aired. But the prime 21st century advance is a public awareness of how pervasively our lives, broadly conceived, are the ordained result of this generative source.

1. Paleogenomics, Archaeogenomics: Natural Ancestry

As a result of steady advances in DNA sequence techniques, into the 2010s it has become possible for our Earthhomic sapience to recover and recreate the hominid and primate lineages from when we came. As the project gained capabilities it became able to genetically reconstruct prior migration tracks, ethnic mixings, ancient settlements, animal domestications, and onto linguistic, artifactual and cultural mores. Frontier projects are proceeding to fill in past creaturely evolutions for canine and equine species and even onto invertebrates. For the latest progress view the PBS show Hunt for the Oldest DNA (Google February 2024) about Eske Willerslev and Cambridge University colleagues. Four papers such as Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia from their work appeared in Nature (January, 11, 2024).

2. The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Protenomes and Language

As 2023 became a year when an array of AI style large language models, ChatBots, deep neural networks, protein AlphaFold were found to be amenable for next-generation, genomic sequences. A consilient ability to translate in kind from one to another across diverse textual modes quite implies a common grammar and syntax. Thus from G. Liebniz to N. Chomsky, the concept of a universal alphabetic narrative is at last being filled as an epochal 2020s event. Here is a further major achievement which bolsters a familiar, Rosetta ecosmos universality. This is what our Pediaedia Genomica title is meant to convey.

Benegas, Gonzalo, et al. DNA language models are powerful predictors of genome-wide variant effects. PNAS. 120/44, 2023.
Sondka, Zbyslaw, et al. COSMIC: a curated database of somatic variants and clinical data for cancer. Nucleic Acids Research. 52/D1, January 2024.
Truong, Timothy and Tristan Bepler. PoET: A Generative Model of Protein Families as Sequences of Sequences. arXiv:2306.06156.

3. Whole Genome Regulatory Systems: DNA + AND

As international genetics research advanced the 2010s, an approach called ‘genome-wide association studies” or GWAS arose so as to view, represent and treat entire genomes. Further expansions involved “epigenetic” influences beyond a nucleotide basis, along with community, ethnic, regional, and environmental aspects. By so doing integral genomes became understood as self-organized, networked, critically poised composite entities. As a result, genomes, along with neural connectomes, become akin to other natural and social phases within a nascent ecosmos Omicsphere. The references below are meant convey how a spiral shift is to apply AI large language neural net learning methods to this premier informative phase

V. Life’s Corporeal Evolution Encodes and Organizes Itself: An Earthwinian Genesis Synthesis

As the prior Ecosmos and Ecosmomics chapters seek to convey and evince the real presence of a natural procreative, organic universe with its own familial genetic code, life’s long, oriented, evolutionary developmental course from prebiotic origins to planetary peoples has also become wholly reconceived. Six sections: Major Emergent Evolutionary Transitions Scale; Systems Biology Integrates; Evoinformatics: A Biosemiotic Quality; A 2020s Teleology Turn; Nested Anatomy/Physiology Sequence; and Universal Gestation cover many relevant facets, along with the whole website. For all these reasons we respectfully suggest and seek to identify a 21st century genesis evolutionary synthesis.

While an emergent development scenario becomes evident by way of field, theoretic, and empirical studies, a worldwise veracity has not yet reached an integral statement and acceptance. A vested mindset still rejects anything going on at all. It lacks an attribution to a person or group (maybe EarthWinian), and it remains to factor in self-organizing forces and a generative code script. But in Chapter V, the Major Transitions, Systems Biology and Teleology Turn sections achieve significant contributions. But a new factor since the late 2010s is a parallel expansion of life’s long course to include cerebral faculties (encephalization) along with proactive behaviors, knowledge gain and more which is covered in Chapter. VI.

Altogether a 2024 once and future vista seems to reveal an embryonic gestation since a distinctive feature is an increase in personal agency. A pediawise collaborative project is quite called for to intentionally to gather all these older and newer Earthwinian findings and qualities into a grand realization. Here are some recent works in regard.

Adami, Christoph. The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2024.
Ball, Philip. How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023

Corning, Peter, et al, eds. Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.
Meincke, Anne Sophie. The Metaphysics of Development and Evolution: From Thing Ontology to Process Ontology. Human Development. May 2023.

A. A Major Emergent Evolutionary Transitions Scale

Since its introduction in 1995 (Maynard Smith, Szathmary) this model perception has become well applied, but rarely extended to its human phase. Into the 2020s this has changed with two dedicated journal issues: Major Evolutionary Transitions and the Roles of Facilitation and Information in Ecosystem Transformations by Robin, Amanda Robin, et al in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (December 2021) and Human Socio-Cultural Evolution in Light of Evolutionary Transitions by Yohay Carmel, et al in Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. (February 2023). However the scale has not yet come to wider public notice or appreciation where it could provide a vital planatural philosophy. Along with a Genesis Synthesis cited above, this nested recurrence which to achieve a new individuality and code version at each stage would provide a skeletal form.

Andersson, Claes and Tamas Czaran. The Transition from Animal to Human Culture: The Social Protocell Hypothesis. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. February, 2023.
Townsend, Cathryn, et al. Human Cooperation and Evolutionary Transitions. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. February, 2023.

B. Systems Biology Unites: EvoDevo, Genomes, Cells, Networks, Symbiosis, Homology, Inherency

Since the 2001 human genome sequence, a broad movement has sought to quantify and involve the equally real regulatory and vivifying connectivities between the biomolecular nucleotides. Recent endeavors factor in network topologies and involve deep learning methods. As the 160 topical entries convey, an international effort aided by online advances in technique and computation is well along with an integral understanding of 3D and 4D organismic epi/genomes and metabolomes. Into the 2020s we have added evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) references as these phases come together again, along with an emphasis on network anatomy and physiology everywhere, homology recurrences and a growing sense of inherency as life's forms and functions seem to arise on cue from deep physical and biochemical sources.

C. Evoinformatics: A Biosemiotic Code Quality

2020: By way of a Biosemiotics book series (Springer), a journal by this name, international conferences and advocates such as Marcello Barbieri, Jesper Hoffmeyer and Ludmila Lackova an informational, communicative presence and role has been found and articulated for many code versions beyond genes alone. An array of microbial, cellular, metabolic sensings, signings and relative cross-talk across evolutionary organisms has been well scoped out and confirmed.

D. A 2020s Teleology Turn: Life’s Evomic Development of Personal Purpose

2024 This overdue course correction began around 2018 much due to Peter Corning’s encouragement As a result, the British Linnean Society sponsored a major conference since the evidence could no longer be ignored. Many papers noted herein where published in its prestigious journal. In 2023, they were collected in Evolution "On Purpose:" Teleonomy in Living Systems in the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology (MIT Press).

E. A Nested Anatomy/Physiology Sequence of Members in Whole Groups

1. The Origins of Life

Across some 182 entries by April 2024, our geowise retrospective of the precursor biochemical, replicant, metabolic, protocellular, autocatalytic occasions of life, senses and evolvement is well along. By any light, a spontaneous, oriented fertility seems to occur wherever possible on its incarnate own. Into the 21st century, animate life, developmental gestation, and our Earthomo presence becomes deeply rooted in an increasingly conducive ecosmos. Current projects involve a novel factoring in independent self-organizing agencies and network topologies. In regard to a phenomenal organic procreation, these origins research findings provide a significant verification.

Here is a small sample of this major conceptual synthesis Coevolution of reproducers and replicators at the origin of life and the conditions for the origin of genomes by Sanasar Babajanyan, et al in PNAS (120/14, 2023), Behavior and the Origin of Organisms by Matthew Egbert, et al in Origins of Life and Evolution of BiospheresNucleic Acids Research. (52/2, 2024). Here are some more entries and 2024 work.

Ianeselli, Alan, et al. Physical Non-Equilibria for Prebiotic Nucleic Acid Chemistry. Nature Review Physics January 2023.
Purvis, Graham, et al. Generation of long-chain fatty acids by hydrogen-driven bicarbonate reduction in ancient alkalne hydrothermal vents. Communications Earth & Environment. 5/30, 2024.

2. Microbial Colonies

This substantial, omnipresent prokaryote bacterial stage has lately been found and quantified found across organismic, biofilm, human microbiome, medical, ecosystem phases. Since the 2000s it’s presence has become an iconic occasion of nature’s universal, self-organizing, fractal-like, complexifying dynamics whose vast corpus is consistently added to. In regard, their dynamic, responsive, communal activities are seen to epitomize how colonies survive and thrive by quorum sensing, symbiotic assemblies, a relative intelligence (slime molds) and much more.

Around 2015, the section content was expanded to include social insects which it seems manifest the same ubiquitous patterns and processes. Into 2024 we note Bumblebees socially learn behaviour too complex to innovate alone by Alice Bridges, et al in Nature (March 2024) and Emergent predictability in microbial ecosystems by Jacob Moran and Mikhail Tikhonov at arXiv:2403.19372.

3. Cellular Symbiogenesis Holobiont

Another bidecadal advance with regard to cellular formations and whole organisms has been the persistent proof that mathematic self-organizing processes indeed have a primary generative role. The collegial NIH scientist Tom Misteli is a leading researcher in this regard. In addition, anatomy and physiology are now braced by dynamic network topologies which interconnect all the prior parts. Into the 2020s a “Universal Symbiogenesis” is finally being allowed and admitted in primary effect from astronomic realms to life’s origin and all stages of a nested evolutionary, selves in societies, development. As entries herein by L. Margulis, N. Gontier, and P. Slijepcevic and others attest, nature’s archetypal complementarity and familial triality is in vivifying effect from UniVerse to WumanVerse.

4. Multicellular Fauna and Flora Organisms

We continue with a major emergent transition emphasis for this copious creaturely metazoan section. (I saw a show about a friendly platypus last eve.) Over and again cellular life is now realized to persistently come together amongst all land, sea and avian species toward personal, intelligent, communal collectives. Life is now known to evolve on an oriented, developmental ascent by way a member/group beneficial cooperativity. In 2023, a natural knowledge forms and flourishes in our prodigious PediaPedia resource. The Evolution of Multicellularity by Matthew Herron eds, et al (CRC Press, 2022) and Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution by Karl Niklas and Stuart Newman, eds. (MIT Press, 2022) are recent collections broadly about this major emergence.

5. Cooperative Societies

In most species, individual creatures live together in communal, communicative groupings for much survival advantage. By this view life moves on to still a further integrative transition. While 20th century evolution texts tended to view animal entities as engaged in rank, fittest, survivalist competitions, many studies as noted now find an equally present, more significant proclivity for mutually beneficial behaviors. As a result, a compete and cooperate version moves on to a preferred reciprocity of semi-autonomous members within a fluidly coherent assembly. Airborne bird flocks such as starlings are an iconic image, but this mutuality extends across Metazoan lineages even to invertebrates.

With this member in group wholeness in place, a crucial attribute can be observed. By many names such as competitive coherence, creative union, ubuntu village, and social protocell, at liberty entities within an interactive group membership reveals an optimum complementary balance. For our own Earthmost futurity it would behoove we peoples (as elections destructively pit me versus We) to appreciate and practice this universal, exemplar that serves life from microbes to ecovillages. Simply put, our very survival and futurity could depend on a wumanwise appreciation of me + We = US local and global communities.

Ioannou, Christos and Kate Laskowski. A Multi-scale Review of the Dynamics of Collective Behavior from Ontogeny to Evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. February 2023.
Khasseh, Reyhaneh, et al. Active quantum flocks. arXiv:2308.01603.
Ouellette, Nicholas. A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior. Physical Biology. 19/2, 2022.

6. Dynamic Fractal Network Ecosystems

As many citations attest, a prime essence of a one genetic-like code universality is that its self-organizing complex network system can be found in visual effect everywhere. Indeed, even Charles Darwin’s tangled bank metaphor for prolific diverse biotas has become amenable to this analysis. Across all environs from deserts to glaciers, equator to poles, all manner of vegetation densities, predator-prey, keystone species, coral reef, are now known to guided by and exhibit archetypal patterns and processes. From aboriginal vision, shamanic, indigenous sensitivities to infosphere 21st century insights, if we have a mindfulness to observe our environmental abide can appear and teach as a natural revelation.

7. Multiple Ancestries of Homo Sapiens

An historic, expansive revision with regard to our sapient pedigree is occurring in the later 2010s and 2020s by way of novel abilities to sequence ancient, hominid DNA, as specifically reported in Paleogenomics section above.. The tree-like branchings based on fossil bones are steadily being pruned and redrawn by Neanderthal cross-breedings, homo Naledi find and back to Australopithecus and great ape primates. But today in the main, an oriented procession toward intelligence, awareness, knowledge gain by capable creatures in viable groupings is persistently evident.

G. Universal Gestation: Phylogeny and Ontogeny

A century and half of research studies after Ernst Haeckel’s 1870s popular recapitulation views, the 60+ entries herein have by now been studied, quantified and affirmed in their latest versions. Today it is evident that not only is life’s long somatic individual and evolutionary course suffused by homologous affinities, in addition cerebral, linguistic and societal phases are found to exhibit historic parallels.

VI. Life’s Cerebral Faculties Become More Complex, Smarter, Informed, Proactive, Self-Aware

Since around 2015, it is has become possible to follow up, fill in and complete life’s corporeal evolutionary aspect with a parallel procession of cerebral faculties which then engender a knowledgeable, behavioral repertoire within communal groupings. This newer chapter adds a crucial missing feature by which to give a sensory facility and credence to the real semblance of a once and future orthogenesis. Its three main parts are Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition; A Neural Intelligence Arises from Minimal Stirrings to our Earthuman Acumen and An Advance of Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies.

As our Earthumanity proceeds to gain her/his own knowledge, a second Cerebral and Behavioral evolutionary procession, an encephalization, has become well verified with regard to several aspects so that by 2024 it becomes a vital complement. The skeletal somatic organisms of Chap. V can now be accompanied and completed by brainy neural connectomes, personal agency, viable member groups, ciphered languages and shared/stored knowledge. Notably in later 2023 a composite volume Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will by Kevin Mitchell, a Trinity College Dublin neuroscientist, provides a thorough book length explanation.

A. Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition

A perennial, mystic, more Eastern belief is a fundamental aura of panpsychic consciousness. Into the 21st century, a global brain scientific recovery, verification and acceptance is at last being accomplished, along with a philosophical basis. As a result, this original, minded milieu from which sequential scales of relative awareness, intelligent knowing and our manifest selves arise is being quantified and qualified.. In this vein, another aspect would be that we microcosmic Earthly beings achieve some measure of the animate macrocosmos looking back upon itself, so as to self-recognize, realize and begin a cocreative, evolitionary future.

Although long at odds with a physical mechanism model, into the 2010s and 2020s due to a confluence of neuroscientific advances aided by philosophic engagements, a pervasive mindfulness from universe to human beings is now a valid subject. Along with contributions such as integrated information theory (see VII, A, 4), a recovery of panpsychism, and signs of acute intelligent behavior across all natural realms, an ecosmic econsciousness has gained veracity as it may come to awaken and affirm itself by way of our Earthuman agency.

Chalmers, David. Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy. New York: Norton, 2022.
Musser, George. Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation: Why Physicists are Studying Human Consciousness and AI.. London: Macmillan, 2023.

B. A Neural Encephalization from Minimal Stirrings to an Earthuman Cognizance

This new section is meant to report and convey a current appreciation that life’s evolution is equally distinguished by a progressive emergence of cerebral, cognitive and knowledgeable abilities. By these lights their integral perception can well define an actual developmental gestation. And once again, as we seek to show, at each stage and instance, the bigender naturome code is manifestly evident, especially with regard to archetypal gender complements.

By 2024, our worldwise retrospective, Earth life’s viviparous developmental course is seen to proceed by a distinct, continuous ramification from earliest neural rudiments to sequentially complexify brain architectures, enhance cognitive acumens and promote cooperative behaviors. Cerebral faculties are found to avail both modular functions with an interplay of concerted orientation and a mosaic diversity of relative neocortex abilities, altogether within multiplex networks. A number of dedicated Royal Society journal issues have appeared and along with Basal Cognition edited by Pamela Lyon and Ken Cheng in Animal Cognition (November 2023). Looking ahead, an overall consolidation of all these various sensory, behavioral, lawful liberty, informative aspects so to achieve a parallel genius evolutionary synthesis is merited.

Ball, Philip. The Book of Minds: How to Understand Ourselves and Other Beings from Animals to AI to Aliens. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022.
Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Metazoa: Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021.
Molnar, Ferenc, et al. Predictability of cortico-cortical connections in the mammalian brain. Network Neuroscience. January 2024.

Intelligence Evolution and Knowledge Gain as a Central Course

Since 2015 we have been able to report a growing scientific basis that as life evolves it does so by a directional emphasis on neural system qualities more than somatic anatomy. An implication is that a developmental course seems to be oriented to and involved with becoming smarter by way of more knowledge. Along with reference name citations, Eors Szathmary is a main theoretical advocate for this endeavor. Once again, a nested, recurrent reciprocity can take on the guise of a quickening emergence.

Jablonka, Eva and Simona Ginsburg. Learning and the Evolution of Conscious Agents. Biosemiotics. September, 2022.
Watson, Richard, et al. Connectionist Approaches to the Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. March 2022.

1.Laterality: A Bicameral Brain Emerges with the Nested Scales

Another significant 21st century verification is the steady presence of a bilateral, hemispheric, archetypal cerebral faculty across every Metazoan creaturely domain. A bicameral brain has been commonly attributed to our human phase since the 1970s, but any occasion in other species was not known. Since the 1990s research studies have now found a reliable consistency throughout mammalian, avian, reptilian, aquatic kingdoms and even onto insects and invertebrates. It is surmised that a reciprocal ability to peck for seeds which fed to the left side while the left view which goes to the right half scans the sky is an optimum dual process for evolutionary survival. In regard this binocular quality of dot focus and holistic image to left and right hemispheres then seems to hold and continue for all species.

C. Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies.

As somatic complexity, proactive cerebral intelligence and represented knowledge proceed in unison by way of an evolutionary progression, another directional attribute becomes evident whereby each organism attains a sense of self-awareness and personal identity. A corollary, as Cooperative Societies reports, is that a “semi-autonomous” aspect as a symbiotic member of viable groupings also best serves oneself. From our global moment, an arc of an emergent genesis can take a form and function as a florescent individual and collective selfhood. And we may have just in these reached the consummate but perilous verge of a global Earthumanity able to altogether recover and learn all this.

As myriad in/vertebrate creatures then proceed to evolve, develop and quicken they become capable of personal abilities and communal activities. A resultant arrow of intelligence and information becomes paired with a knowing self-consciousness so as to foster shared communities. Two subsections cover the vast range of animal capabilities from slime molds to primates and peoples and communicative modalities from gestures and grunts to enscripted languages. Dedicated journal issues such as Agency in Living Systems, edited by Armin Moczek and Sonia Sultan, in Evolution & Development (25/6, 2025) and Concepts of Agency in Biological Theory edited by Lenny Moss (March 2024) report this 2020s procreative genesis revolution.

Mitchell, Kevin. Free Agents: How Evolution Gave Us Free Will. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023.
Tomasello, Michael. The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.

1.0 Animal Intelligence, Persona and Sociality

As the section image bookends, a revision has taken place since the early 1990s when animals were seen as instinctive, dumb beasts. Today all great and small creatures are known to possess an intelligent sentience, personality, clever behaviors, quorum senses, empathy, salutary groupings and more. Rather then anthromorphic concerns as before, it seems that animals have quite a human-like array of cognitive and communal qualities. By this novel vista, it appears as if an independent, common cognitive and social repertoire extends through life’s evolutionary fauna and flora from the earliest neural occasions. And we want to record that many contributions have been made by wise women scientists such as Lori Marino, Jennifer Mather, Nicola Clayton, Tanya Latty, and Suzanne Simard.

Gunturkun, Onur, et al. Why birds are smart. Trends in Cognitive Science. December 2023.
Kelly, Debbie and Stephen Lea. Animal Cognition: A 25th Anniversary Special issue. Animal Cognition. December 2022.
Yong, Ed. An Immense world: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us. New York: Random House, 2022.

2. Organisms Evolve Rhythmic Protolanguage Communication

Our linguistic sapience is often seen as a definitive human quality. But into the 2010s by way of novel techniques aided by international studies, a precursor course across primate, and hominids onto to early creaturely rudiments is now being recovered. A notable finding is that many expressions began with a holistic, prosody, musical basis, aided by communal dance. In sequence, later versions added discrete, hieroglyph, alphabetic aspects. Research efforts consider gestural signs, meaningful utterances, how grunts became grammar and so on. If traced to bacterial quorum sensings by chemical and/or electrical means, one can perceive an inherent propensity for Earth life’s evolutionary procession to gain a relational vision and voice.

Hickey, Raymond. Life and Language Beyond Earth. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

VII. Our Earthuman Ascent: A Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality

This seventh sequential chapter at last begins to factor in and appreciate our own, consummate, composite selves as an intended issue of a procreative, organic, ecosmic universe. Its dual parts are Human/Wuman Beings: Whole Microcosmic Individual Selves and EarthKinder: An Emergent Prodigious Personsphere. We remind that such vistas are becoming clearer into since a wide and deep consilient synthesis seems much underway. Once again, the document content of various units such as Systems Neuroscience and Complementary Civilizations, is meant to show how even our personal lives and social activities of every kind can be seen as obvious exemplars of their common genomica source ecode.

A. Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons

In our passage from life’s intrinsic origins to an episodic developmental emergence we have seen how complex network systems are manifestly at work across every prior stage and instance. This next section continues to report how the universal bigender complementarity in its iconic particulate, nodal (male) and relational, connected (feminine) modes are once more in procreative play in all aspects of our own phenomenal personification.

In Integral Human Persons will consider how human beings appear as a true microcosmic exemplar, now set in a temporal procreation. The six subsections span our individual formation and growth of bodily self-organization, cerebral cognizance and behavioral mores and onto informed awareness, iconic gender identities, and a novel symbiotic selfhood.

1. Systems Physiology and Psychology: Somatic and Behavioral Development

As the section introduction surveys, here is still another instance whence every aspect of our lifelong infant, youngster, adolescent anatomy, physiology, neurologic and behavioral repertoire has been reconceived, deepened and explained by way of the ubiquitous self-organizing dynamic complexity sciences.

Systems Neuroscience: Multiplex Networks and Critical Function

This large component is about how the brain’s maturation and active cognizance is understood to arise from a dynamic sequence of intricate multiplex modules, communities, hubs, and linkages. . In regard, this sensory system has been dubbed a “connectome” akin to other -omic phases. A further quality is a tendency to seek and reside at an optimum self-organized critical balance of more and less coherence. Another version is a “chimera” process which goes on as the two states occur the same time. As an overall consequence, our human cerebral faculty and cognitive function become a truly essential, iconic microcosm.

Bolt, Eric, et al. Fractal Basins as a Mechanism for the Nimble Brain. arXiv:2311.00061.
Deco. Gustavo, et al. The arrow of time of brain signals in cognition. Network NeuroScience. 7/3, 2023.
Summerfield, Christopher and Kevin Miller. Computational and Systems Neuroscience: The next 20 years. PloS Biology. September, 2023.

3. A Complementary Brain and Thought Process

For example, conversational language is facilitated by both script and score modes. Along with literal speech and alphabetic text, a left brain specialty, a right side rhythmic prosody is needed for communicative discourse. Once more, these modes appear in a melodic to linguistic evolutionary sequence. In sum, a litany of agent and relation, entity and empathy, network node and link, physical particle and wave, conservative or liberal and ever on continues to occur and be affirmed. That is to say as above so below, each and everyone of us is a true exemplary uniVerse.

Ryali, Srikanth, et al. Deep learning models reveal replicable, generalizable, and behaviorally relevant sex differences in human functional brain organization. PNAS. 121/9, 2024.
Varley, Thomas and Jousha Bongard. Evolving higher-order synergies reveals a trade-off between stability and information integration capacity in complex systems. arXiv:2401.14347.

4. Conscious Integrated Information Knowledge

The Integrated Information phrase was added to the title to represent this popular mathematic explanation for how our daily yousphere arises by way of a parallel, episodic reinforcement of complexity and consciousness. In a broad view this tandem interaction graces both our own senses and tracks an evolutionary ascent to our worldwise moment. Another main model is known as the Global Workspace Theory wherein thoughts are collected so to gain aware notice. As the Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition section also conveys, a once and future sense of an actual ecosmic mindfullness which finds its self-observance in phenomenal human beings is at last affirmed.

5. Half the UniVerse: A Woman's 2020 Wisdome

We reach this most important subject of human gender studies. Again we do not seek to define or categorize, but to respectfully seek and consider an incarnate guidance by way of a phenomenal universe to human bigender complementarity. As the yin/yang Tao image ever depicts, the certain roles or modes are actively malleable. One might cite warrior or worrier, particle or wave, node/link, the list goes on, while a future for children lies in the balance. If a whole bicameral sapiensphere can come to her/his own Sophian wisdome, these polarities might be resolved by a viable me + We = US, fellows + mellows = knowledge. And so on to a familiar triality.

6. Our Holosymbiotic Personal Selves: Ancestry/Precestry

By 2023 our title can post this title addition so to record this expansive significance. Please see the entire section introduction for much more. In regard, we cite the infinite imaginations of four women and four men whose scientific work and personal profile appears on the Quanta Magazine online site. In a time still beset by archaic beliefs and terminal carnage, an awesome macrocosmic (sinners to winners) identity can inspire and empower a turn from war to peace as Earthlings may embark on an their project of ecosmic self-description, realization, record and affirmation. Once again we make note of note a double uniVerse and wumanVerse revolution.

Ciaunica, Anna. The Relational Self: Basic Forms of Self-Awareness. Topoi. 39/2, 2020.
Roughgarden, Joan. Holobiont Evolution: Population Theory for the Hologenome. American Naturalist. April 2023.

B. EarthKinder: A Personsphere Progeny

The six Integral Persons sections of Chapter VI, Earth Life Emergence, expressed how common, genome-like self-organizing forms and functions can be seen to underlie, impel and distinguish a nested evolution from original stirrings to our emblematic selves. A further, sequential transition may be seen in process to a super-organic likeness of a planetary progeny. Earth as a finite globe confines our hyper-interconnected humanity into a whole somatic and cerebral physiosphere, along with a collaborative global knowledge. This multipart section covers a linguistic cultural code, human societies as complex adaptive systems, their anatomy and metabolism, east/west and south/north civilizations, as also evident in world religions. The stage is then set to consider, in retrospect, how even world macrohistory may be found to exhibit generic networks and a transitional individuation.

1. A Cultural (Geonome) Code: Systems Linguistics

As we continue to show how complex network systems inform and apply to every natural and social realm, this section reports that our literate cultures and conversational dialogue is now known as an exemplary instance. Many studies have parsed textual books and communicative speech so as to reveal fractal, self-organized, network similarities. We wonder if our Earthomo emergent transition might be endowed with a “geonome” lingua franca for an accumulated knowledge repository, an Earthropocene sustainability and ecovillage communities.

2. Complex Local to Global Network Biosocieties

This is an umbrella section for smaller and larger human habitations whereby the application of nonlinear science and statistical physics has likewise discerned a common mathematical basis. In respect, EarthKinder seems to avail a worldwide evoscope to perceive how complex dynamic systems self-organize an exemplary shape and interaction of groups, assemblies, settlements and cities. A steady, nested scale then ranges from members to a metropolis. As introduced in Cooperative Societies earlier, bounded communities ever evolve and emerge toward a composite organism-like cognitive coherence. As entries convey, an implicate mathematic format is also ingrained from political elections, sporting events, social media, financial commerce, to migrations, and battlefields.

3. Planetary Physiosphere: Anatomics, Economics, Urbanomics

While cities swell and suburbs sprawl, a commonwealth of analytic and holistic studies have found that our habitations from villages to neighborhoods to urban areas to represent another epitome of nature’s organic, fractal, network complexities. Together with cellular automata, this intense phase of human beings and behaviors indeed gains a broad and deeper coherence. As a result, into the 21st century many references turn to an increasing biological perception in terms of metabolic function, cellular processes, waste reduction, informative nervous systems, health and disease, and so on. From Frank Lloyd Wright, Jane Jacobs, Christopher Alexander, many others, an architectural trend toward organic, ethical designs and dynamics has gone forth. In our post-pandemic, post war, (rescue planet) societies this vitality need become a planning inspiration and guide.

Baccini, Peter and Paul Brunner. Metabolism of the Anthroposphere Cambridge: MIT Press, 2024.
Corbetta, Alessandro and Federico Toschi. Physics of Human Crowds. Annual Review of Condensed Physics. 14/311, 2023.
Portugali, Juval, ed. Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2022

4. A Complementarity of Civilizations

As a subject concern, a research field known as cross-cultural psychology has studied typical differences between east and west, south and north peoples since the 1970s, as references herein convey. As a result, a wide array of global and local propensities from national policies to personal and social behaviors are seen to form bilateral but malleable relative individual or collective modes. In a latest regard, a chapter, Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West, by Shinobu Kitayama and Cristina Salvador, University of Michigan and Duke University psychologists, in the Annual of Psychology (January 2024) provides a strongest definitive explanation to date.

But this bifocal scholarship has not made it to a public awareness so the United States and China/Russia persist as polar nuclear enemies. As the next Bicameral Religions section cites, an archaic regional conflict flares along similar lines. But if these very evident complements could be seen to ultimately compose a planetary (geonomic) version of nature’s independent, common, familiar ecode then children might be able to heal and sustain the Earth. (Might one imagine a geriarchy to pediarchy generational shift?)

7. Systems History: Personal and Planetary Individuation

A novel 21st century approach is the Big History vista founded in the 2000s by the Australian historian David Christian. The intent is to expand and join our late, momentary human phase into the cosmic evolutionary processes it actually arose from. An insightful contribution has been to distinguish its primary driver as the constant florescence of collective intelligences and acquired knowledge. In the meanwhile, an array of science scholars, David Krakauer, Jessica Flack. Peter Turchin, Geoffrey West, Neil Johnson amd others are engaging how even this most far removed, chaotic realm, can yet reveal an implicate inherency of statistical active matter and complex network systems.

Christian, David. Future Stories. New York: Little, Brown, 2022.
Zanin, Massimiliano and Johann Martinez. Analysing International Events through the Lens of Statistical Physics: The Case of Ukraine. arXiv:2203.07403.

VIII. Earth Earns: An Open Participatory Earthropocene to Exosmocene Cocreativity

This seventh sequential chapter at last begins to turn to sight ahead to an epochal open futurity from our especial bioworld to as far as respectful imaginations can take us. Three main sections: The Old World: Its Archaic, Polar, War Torn, Rapacious Critical Life Support Condition; Earthborne: A New Person/Planet, Local/Global Remedial Evolitionary Adventure; and An Earthropocene Era: Pedia Sapiens Can Choose a Unified, Peaceful, Viable Ecosphere seek to introduce, report and convey these grand options we all seem made and meant to embark upon.

A. The Old World: Its Archaic, Polar, War Torn, Rapacious Critical Life Support Condition

When this section was first posted in the early 2000s, it cited a usual litany of climate change, militarism, resource usage, plastics waste, energy excesses, guns, economic corruption. Into the 2020s, these perils have worsened to an extent that we are in a terminal life-support condition. If not enough, today some fifty authoritarian, dictators, warlords, oligarchs, TV icons, have come to rule more than half the world population. Vast fires, pestilences, super storms, arctic meltings, compounded by a viral pandemic daunt and overwhelm. Read The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells and Falter by Bill McKibben for trenchant views. Greta Thunberg shouts “our house is on fire.” A main intent of this whole resource website is to gather and highlight alternative paths - peaceable ecovillages, an organic Earthropocene era, a participatory purpose.

1. This Human Impact Anthropocene Stage

We wish to here and now propose a more representative Earthropocene era above, beyond and encompassing a this earlier individual and composite homo/anthropo stage. But a revolutionary shift from an old age of a materialist, purposeless scheme, barbarism, greed, male power, nuclear nations, brutalized women is immediately imperative. In March 2024, a scientific study group could not agree on a definition, so maybe this span need be scraped in between the Holocene and some global, cellular, viable, Pediatric futurity.

2. Global Climate Change as a Complex Dynamical System

This is new subsection added in 2011 about how the hyper-complex intricacy of wild world weather, traced from paleological times, is also being quantified by the same nonlinear critically self-organizing, network dynamics as everywhere else. In regard, "global warming" phase is a misnomer for these nonlinear currents portend abrupt, tipping point, catastrophic change as more likely. It would serve climate scientists, under siege from well-funded deniers, to describe themselves say as “physicians of the planet” as they provide wellness and illness reports. See the Geosphere, Hydrospehre, Atmosphere section for further entries.

B. Earthborne: A New Person/Planet, Local/Global Evolitionary Future

Now for some good news. This multi-phase section proceeds from physical matter and genomic curation onto personal well-fare, protocell ecovillages, an organic democracy, so to reach a sustainable ecosphere. The Evolution to “Evolition” phase is meant to convey an epochal singularity in the precarious course of ecosmic and biological development from myriad candidates to a self-selected volitional, informed, cocreative, diversity and unity.

1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical Connectomics

As references in this substantial section, in Quantum Organics, and elsewhere document, by 2024 it is vital to record that our intelligent Earthumanity knowsphere seems to have attained a limitless capacity to learn all about physical infinities, chemical materialities, thermodynamic forces, galactic vistas, across any micro, to macro realm. Key components are advanced (AI)computation, instruments, satellites, along with collaborative projects, daily postings and so on. By these lights and abilities, valiant peoples acquire an intrinsic relevance and ordination to begin a new unified, near and far super Earth nova cocreation.

2. Second Genesis: Sentient LifeKinder Transitions to a New Intentional, BioGenetic Questiny

While Mind Over Matter reviews new abilities to fathom and restart an animate physical creation, Second Genesis will advise about natural palliative and positive genetic and biological capabilities. At the outset as these potentials suddenly open and beckon we cite and remind of ethical concerns which need play a guiding role. As evolution may finally reach its parturient geonatal term, our collective cognizance can help mitigate, revise, and enhance life’s genotype source and phenotype cellular beingness. Life’s arduous contingent phase, a cobbled, tinkered, brutal yet an oriented development, at last might reach its intended curative and creative resolve and fulfillment. A Second Genesis phrase can represent a successful passage of the parental ecosmome bigender endowment to our future kinderkind edification.

3. Sustainable Ecovillages: Social Protocell Communities

As the extended introduction cites, by way of 21st century findings about an organic genesis whose developmental emergence proceeds by nested symbiotic member/group cellular unions, a next appropriate phase can be sighted. At our consequent whole Earth moment, appears that supportive communities of a nominal one hundred at liberty members might be an appropriate “social protocell” version.

4.A Complementary Genocracy: me + We = US

In this Chapter VIII about a better future informed and guided by a a newly found universal genetic-like, bigender code, a public segment in most need is that of local and national political elections everywhere. As we sadly know, this social domain is torn apart, rent in half by bipolar fixations locked in mutual, violent conflict. How obvious for anyone to realize that the two opposite halves are nature’s archetypical, critically poised, fe/male complements. Thus we dub al Genocracy name for its actual genetic occasion.

Jagiello, Robert, et al. Tradition and Invention: The Bifocal Stance Theory of Cultural Evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. April, 2022.

C. An Earthropocene Era: Pedia Sapiens Can Choose a Unified, Peaceful, Creative, Ecosphere Future

After some 85 chapters, sections and subsections we reach an Earthwise imperative to achieve a liveable habitat Earthica (MEGA Make Earth Great Always) for children’s sake.. This module and the whole site is concerned with how to gain a knowledgeable awareness and decisive initiative to heal, mitigate, stabilize and foster our rarest, unique bioabide. As the viral pandemic may wind down, another intense effort is called for to admit and mitigate climate change. One example from Ecovillages above could be an interlinked local/continental/global profusion of these “protocellular” communities.

But in April 2024, two incendiary, senseless wars edge toward a nuclear holocaust, along with a runaway climate. Our next three PediaPedia Genomica sections: A 2030 Preview: A Familiar Hereditary UniVerse with an Earthuman Purpose, Earth Strong: Awake, Mindful, Unified, Considerate, Self-Chosen, Sustainable and An Astropocene Era: An Evolitionary, Twinfinity CoCreative Destiny, will respectfully attempt by May month to glimpse and propose some pathways to a better light age.

Ritchie, Hannah. Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet. New York: Little, Brown, Spark, 2024.
Zelenski, John, et al. Nature Connection: Providing a Pathway from Personal to Planetary Health. Challenges. 14/1, 2023.

V. A ProPaedia Preview: A Planatural PhiloSophia State of the Universality

Now that our 2024 update is in place, this forward looking edition will gather topical features and subjects to begin to wonder about an integral image, a knowable picture and incarnate meaning that our twin pediasphere sapience might in fact have found. At the outset, it serves to restate nature’s phenomenal presence as it appears to be an independent familial procreative reality. By these lights, an epochal 21st century ecosmic revolution can be perceived as much underway on its own. A long litany of relevant conceptual aspects will follow so as to introduce and place online. Again all these items are drawn from our Planatural Genesis resource, and generally align with the chapters.

Multiple Universes Some five and four centuries after Copernicus and Galileo our human abide has vastly expanded from an Earth, sun and moon to a vast dynamic infinity of starry galactic ecosmoses.

A Whole Universe Within this fantastic occasion, its entire spacescape and timeline scenario from an inflationary point may be considered to have a distinct, comprehensible identity and agenda of its own.
Physics, Biology and People Become One A common coherence and theoretic attribution has been filled in and exemplified from societies and selves to complex network systems onto statistical and quantum origins.
An Organic, Animate Fertility In regard, rather than an olden mechanist sterility, nothing at all, an essential, personified, liveliness with familial beings and becomings is newly evident. Wherever possible, florescent life springs eternal on its ordained course to our prodigious amazement.

Habitable Biospheres A trillion billion profusion of myriad planetary objects has been found since 2000. If an orbital globe finds itself in a conducive, stable, stellar, zone, then vital, encoded, bacterial, cellular, metabolic organisms can form and evolve.

Unitary Solar Systems As a result, whole stellar orrerys are now found to possess an overall, mathematical character to an extent they could gain an incubator-like identity. Altogether this myriad occurrent assembly appears to be a primary ecosmic distinction.

Self-Organizing Energies Certain modes such as thermal, quantum, gradiential spontaneities form and flow along some oriented, arrow-like continuum An insistent fertility as if a pregnancy thus proceeds on its inspired, informed flora and fauna, roots to roses, embryos to lives and loves orthogenetic course.

Universal Evolution Just as life’s Darwinian evolution occurs on Earth, it has been realized that a selective process of many variable candidates from which an optimum enough version can result seems to hold even across the sidereal expanses. All manner of celestial phenomena from galaxies, stars, planets, moons onto quantum and dark matter are then subject to these processes.

An EarthMost Distinction This section opens by listing some twenty critical check point conditions that our precious home bioworld has passed through. As the PBS 2023 Ancient Earth series vividly conveys, a major adjustment seems merited to the surmise that in a universe filled with trillions of stars and planets, must be many other sentient worlds. But we refer to the 2023 book The Dawn of a Mindful Universe by Marcelo Gleiser (herein) which endorses an historic revision to our especial uniqueness. As a consequence we may be one in a quintillion able to reach a global awareness, which is advanced as a prime reason to stop fighting and achieve a successful sustainability.

An Ecosmome Genetic Ecode Here is another premier Earthsmart endeavor and accomplishment which has not been factored into a 21st century epochal discovery. If such an organic, familial vitality can in truth replace lumpen mechanism, then by definition it will be accompanied by its own genotype/phenotype-like code script endowment. As Chapter IV reports, double digital/analog, mathematic/material, implicate/exemplary versions are expressed, along with DNA nucleotide, AND regulatory networks so as to b whole genomes. Here once more are some salient aspects.

Complex Adaptive Systems An umbrella phrase for these dynamic agencies as they vivify and organize which are composed of two distinct elements or modes as isolate dot, node, entity and connective, edge/link, group features. In every instance discrete objects and holistic relations engage in interactivities which serves to engenders a third global whole. In brief, me + We = US.

Network Topologies as Anatomy and Physiology Another ubiquitous quality since c. 2010, along with all the parts found first, is their equally real active webworks, whether in a body, brain, environ or galaxy. A 2024 corollary defines (I. Couzin) a common triality of member, flock and viable unit.

A Self-Organized Critical Poise Another typical dynamic behavior has become known since c. 2018 whereby systems tend to seek and reside in an optimum, middle way state or condition. Its technical term stands for a best balance between coincident, more or less orderly modes which is seen as nature’s “sweet spot” with complementary right/left, stability/change, warrior/worrier, conserve and liberate aspects.

An Exemplary Universality As the extensive website content conveys, by these mid 2020s this iconic veracity has been sufficiently found and quantified in correlative recurrence from galaxies to Gaia, a fractal spacescape to life’s florescence to bicameral cultures. Also known as self-similarity, scale invariance, commonality, an epochal realization of this ancient quest is just now becoming apparent.

An Innate Affinity of Genomes, Proteomes and Language Since 2023, an a natural narrative such as AI large language models, serial ChatBots, deep neural networks, protein AlphaFold and next-generation genomic sequences arose and interspersed. A consilient ability to translate, Rosetta-like, across these diverse modes begins to bode for some manner of Genelish or Earthese.

Life's Corporeal Evolution Encodes and Organizes Itself As the Ecosmos and Ecosmomics chapters describe a natural, organic universe with its own genetic source code, life’s evolutionary development from prebiotic origins to planetary peoples is also being wholly reconceived. This Chapter V has main sections for an Evolutionary Transitions Scale; Systems Biology; Evoinformatics; A Teleology Turn; Nested Anatomy/Physiology; and Universal Gestation which altogether serve to flesh out a nascent EarthWinian genesis synthesis.

A Natural Symbiosis We can report that since the later 2010s and well into 2024, the pervasive presence of cooperative, shared behaviors as mutually beneficial reciprocities have been found in effect as an evolutionary driver and metabolic wellness across all manner of fauna and flora and every biological and ecosystem instance.

Life’s Cerebral Cognizance Becomes Complex, Smarter, Verbal, Self-Aware, Proactive As our Earthumanity proceeds to gain her/his own knowledge, a second Cerebral and Behavioral evolutionary procession over and above has since c. 2015 become widely researched and quite evident. The boney organisms of Chap. V are now graced by brainy neural complications, personal agency, viable groups and ciphered languages.

Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition A consequence of these scientific studies in an animate milieu, many of which are by feminine care givers, is a qualified and by now quantified (once and future) admission of a pervasive knowledgeable sentience. It may well be that some essence of a pediaWise and multiVersal facility might suffuse and be tapped into for one’s benefit and illumination.

Personal Agency and Behavior in Supportive Societies As myriad in/vertebrate creatures proceed to evolve, develop, learn and quicken they become capable of individual abilities and communal activities. A central trajectory of encephalization, intelligence and information engenders a knowing self-consciousness. Creaturely capabilities from slime molds arise through the Metazoan categories and communications from gestures and grunts to written languages.

Our MicroEcosmic Personal Selves As this Essay and Chapter unit contributes, a double revolution for both the whole universe and for human peoples is actually in concurrent occasion. Each individual, by themselves and in collaboration, can quite aspire to and realize they possess a precestral infinity. By this view, a central surmise and theme will be this total revision from sinners to winners.

Complementary Cultures and Civilizations As this module gathers and attests, a research field known as cross-cultural psychology has studied salient traits between east and west, south and north, since the 1970s. As a result, many global and local propensities from national policies to personal and socia behaviors are seen to form bilateral but malleable individual or collective modes. But this bifocal scholarship has not made it to the public so the United States and China/Russia persist as polar nuclear enemies.

Mind Over Matter/Energy, Space/Time As references in this substantial section, Quantum Organics, and the entire site document, by 2024 it is vital to realize and confirm that our erudite Earthumanity knowsphere seems to have attained a limitless capacity to learn about and then act upon physical principles, chemical materialities, thermodynamic forces, galactic vistas and all else across any micro, midway or macro realm. By these bright lights, we valiant Earthlings could have an intrinsic relevance and ordination to begin a new unified, near and far Astropocene cocreation.

We have now coursed through a 2024/2025 topical array from uniVerse to pediaVersion (Eternity to Maternity). By way of our philoSophia globalscope here we will respectfully seek to glimpse a semblance of a meaningful narrative. But one more auspicious factor need be entered. An epochal revision about the prevalence of habitable galaxies, stars and planets has recently taken on a life of its own. Since it seems that our own abode has incredibly managed to pass through 20 or more critical check points, an awesome conclusion might be that our valiant occasion, at term, might well be the (one and only) fittest Earthmost opportunity.