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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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Genesis Vision
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Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

PediaPedia Earthica: A 21st Century Revolutionary Knowsphere Annotated Anthology SourceSite: PhiloSophia Learns by Her/His Own Self

This resource website has now been online for some twenty years by which it can serve to represent scientific, philosophic, and cultural discourse and advances over the 21st century. We note next its original name and herein a dedicated planetary attribution.

Natural Genesis: An Annotated Anthology Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe (2004 – 2020)

Planatural Genesis: An Annotated Anthology SourceSite for Our Earthuman Discovery of a ProCreative Ecosmos Hereditary UniVerse (2020 – 2030)

As a way to provide a familiar reference identity this new version is introduced and described with a PediaPedia Earthica format. At the outset, this entry will contain initial scene settings and definitions, a summary synopsis of the eight outline Chapters, a Global and Galactic glossary and salient citations over the first 2020 – 2022 period. In regard the extensive text will provide a broad status of the universe survey at the turn of the decade, with a 2022 update progress report.

The next three sections in this propaedia overview are PediaPedia Earthica 2023: An Annual Outline Review of Especial References and Yearlong Advances, PediaPedia Ecosmica 2024: Our Children’s Organic Community Garden of UniVerses Grows Greener and PediaPedia 2025: A Consilient, Self-Familiar UniVersality and an Earth Strongest Event. They are accompanied by a further review/preview as our worldwise progeny continues to learn and discovery on her/his revolutionary own.

These website titles above can well bookend the 21st century advent and enveloping formation of a global electronic, computer-based sensorium and its intense formation of a collaborative intelligence and accumulated knowledge. In the 2000s, a college catalog would be viewed, but one had go to a library to fetch a paper book. For example, in 2005 I went to Yale to view Self-Organization and Evolution of Social and Biological Systems (Hemelrijk) about inklings that similar complex phenomena is being noted from colonial microbes to hominid settlements and languages. At this time research studies still went on by individuals or small groups and articles take a year or more to get published.

Only by 2012 did scientific periodicals and ebooks begin to come online, often with access issues. Fast forward to 2023, almost every journal, volume, conference abstract are fully available. As radical difference I read last year about the first use of a “multiverse” word attributed to William James in 1895 in the International Journal of Logic (1/6). A Google minute later I was able to retrieve and print a full PDF version. How many moons does Neptune have: 14, as if one is peering into an Aleph-like point of all factual information in one place. Today vast projects in astronomy, genetics, and climate study go forth by international teams via instant communicative postings.

With respect then to this now 9,800 annotated entry, 4,800 page, 86 section website content, and as The Spiral of Science documents, an historic transitional ascent to a viable Earthumanity phase appears to be much underway. On the popular arXiv.org eprint site for March 9 we find Deep Symbolic Regression for Physics Guided by Units Constraints: Toward the Automated Discovery of Physical Laws (2303.03192) about this ongoing worldly shift and Network Theory Meets History: Local Balance in Global International Relations. (2303.03774) which cites the common presence a deep topology which underlies foreign affairs, among thousands of entries each day.

These preprint locales as the physics one above with 2.2 million items, along with bioRxiv, medRxiv, psyarXiv and others can indeed be appreciated as self-organizing complex adaptive systems whereby individual agents (researchers in every field) watch what everybody else is doing. As they respond and finesse their work projects, the whole endeavor proceeds its own, mostly unawares to the many members involved. Another case from circa 2015 to today would be how the discovery of a natural self-organized criticality clarified its theories, found an overall distinct presence to an extent, as the Ecode module above describes, that a universal discovery not due to any one person can be achieved.

PediaPedia As noted above, we introduce a further Planatural Genesis edition with this title as a reference volume which can be rightly attributed to the developmental ascendance of a prodigious progeny, aka a global genius. As the whole website content explains and documents, an occasion is merited as a living, mindful, personal individuation comes to accumulate and achieve an intelligent, collective Earthuman repository. The double PediaPedia title is then meant to convey this novel authorship and its organic, sequential outline. It can also distinguish from the typical Wikipedia model, which only has an alphabetic array.

Today one can view contributions from the Arctic University of Norway, University of Brunei, onto New South Wales, Tehran Tech, Flatiron Institute, National University of Singapore, Dharamshala, India, each with full access. A radical difference this time is that PediaPedia entries would be separate article citations as they are steadily posted online. An Oxford Reference Encyclopedia uses this approach, but without any topical organization.

EARTHICA But a curious situation is revealed if one searches Google for this word, akin to and up from a “Britannica.” The only other use is by an East Indian woman’s fine boutique of designer handloom apparel at earthica.in. After many centuries, a cognizant sensibility still eludes that we altogether live on a round, finite, most precious planet. In popular culture, people are OK with multiple universes and alternative realities, but old men might yet blow the place by a nuclear war over lost ground, an island or ethnic scores. By a proposal of such a , higher, common realm of understanding and knowledge by unique virtue of an emergent EarthKinder, a long foreseen and intended salutary dispensation to guide us all through and forward might actually be in place.

Wuman, Wumanity We suggest a simple switch of a first letter by which “human” can better represent both the bigender men and women whom altogether compose a true Wumanity.

WumanWise This novel term can then signify a whole global brain with inclusive left detail and right image halves. Since this double capacity would have more acumen (acuwomen) than a dot, node only (male) side, it is mainly designated as a feminine faculty.

Again these writings, to restate, are drafty proposals ever in process so as to gather, arrange and report active contributions in hope to resolve, unite, sustain and survive (kinder or cinder). By an historic adjustment, a vital advance would be to move and reorient our EarthMost sapient presence and promise to a higher Ecosmic relevance. A participatory, opportune, cocreative significance for a fittest, smartest Super Earth to the fate and future of an actual genesis multiUniVerse might then open toward and enlighten a phenomenal pediaVerse future.

A Natural Ecosmic Genesis UniVerse Outline Chapter Sequence

This 2023 edition will first enter a full website outline sequence with a synopsis of each chapter and notation of letter sections. In this manner, its topical storyline narrative can become evident, rather than a usual alphabetic run. The entry will then go onto a record of especial references and knowledge advances since 2020/2021 for the entire 85 subject units.

The PediaPedia Earthica title, as explained above, stands for a dedicated attribution by way of an emergent evolutionary transition to planetary individual progeny/prodigy whom can be seen as learning and gaining knowledge on her/his own. Its content is now composed of articles and books as they periodically occur, organize themselves, and by this process converge and discover. (The same format is used by the Oxford Reference Encyclopedia, sans any outline.)

Planatural Genesis: EarthKinder Finds a Revolutionary ProCreative Ecosmos Hereditary UniVerse: A 2020 - 2024 -2030 WumanWise Discovery Decade

This lead overview essay is posted as an on-going, revisable scenario survey. Included are these related surveys: An Ecode Advent; PediaPedia Earthica 2023; and PediaPedia Ecosmica 2024: An Earthuman Cumulative Intelligence Discovery Preview.

I. Our Planatural Edition: A 21st Century PhiloSophia, Earthropo Ecosmic PediaVersion.

This first chapter continues integral vista with past Historic Prescience; present Anthropocene Transition and current Earthumanity Era: A 2020s Cerebral Cyberspace Achieves a Worldwise Knowsphere Resource sections as scientific inquiry went from individual persons to group collaborations and onto a 21st century personal sapiensphere today. Another theme through the modules will be to show how their entries and content have come to exemplify a genetic source code.
II. Pedia Sapiens: A Planetary Progeny Comes to Her/His Own Actual Factual Knowledge

In this second chapter, our “PediaPaedia” edition considers the many cognizant stages and faculties by which thoughtful beings and gatherings evolved to aware sentience to wonder about this curiously awesome and awful placement. Its three historic stages are: Aboriginal Quest(ion); The Spiral of Science: Manican to American to Earthicana; and Earth Learns: Interactive Person/Planet, Self-Organizing, WorldWise Collaborations. Late additions are An Earthificial Cumulative Cognizance and Collective Global Brain Intelligences.

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

This Natural to Planatural annotated bibliography and anthology can now begin to post, engage and describe in turn the prime composite features of an actual 21st century scientific revolution in our midst. It is truly “in the air” as residing within the global Internet cyberspace, if of mind to allow and perceive. Nine main segments across atomic, astral and animate infinities, as they become unified again, report and support a phenomenal existence of a spatially independent, organic essence. An innate biological fertility is attested to which over time complexifies, evolves, develops, quickens, as if a personal gestation. Here next are the letter entries:

UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Developmental, Encoded, Self-Made, Procreativity; Quantum Cosmology, Computational Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ExoVerse Studies

An Information Computation Turn; Thermodynamics of Living Systems; Ecosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic BioVerse; Fractal SpaceTimeMatter; Anthropic, Biotropic, Earthropic Principles;

An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Spontaneity; Stellar Planetary Systems: A Stochastic Profusion of Galaxies, Solar Orrerys, and Habitable Zones; Our Fittest EarthMost Distinction: A Rarest Favorable Confluence of Life Favorable Conditions

IV. Ecosmomics: Independent, UniVersal, Complex Network Systems and a Generative Source Code-Script

Since the prior chapter described the worldwise Earthuman discovery of an independent, biological, dynamic, EcosmoVerse genesis, this subsequent entry can go on to document its multi-faceted accompaniment by an implicate, informative genetic-like ecode. Two widely ranging sections express this novel domain; A Survey of Mathematic, Dynamic, Textual, Anatomic, Program-like, Self-Similar Aspects and of Our Own HumanVerse (Epi) Genomic Heredity.

V. Life's Corporeal Evolution Encodes and Organizes Itself: An EarthWinian Genesis Synthesis

As the prior Ecosmos and Ecosmomics chapters seek to convey and evince the real presence of a natural procreative, organic universe with its own familial genetic code, life’s long, oriented, evolutionary developmental course from prebiotic origins to planetary peoples has also become wholly reconceived. Six sections: Major Emergent Evolutionary Transitions Scale; Systems Biology Integrates; Evoinformatics: A Biosemiotic Quality; A 2020s Teleology Turn; Nested Anatomy/Physiology Sequence; and Universal Gestation cover many relevant facets, along with the whole website. For all these reasons we deign to suggest and identify a 21st century genesis synthesis.

VI. Life’s Cerebral Faculties Become Complex, Smarter, Informed, Proactive, Self-Aware

Since around 2015, it is has become possible to follow up, fill in and complete life’s corporeal evolutionary aspect with a parallel procession of cerebral faculties which then engender a knowledgeable, behavioral repertoire within communal groupings. This newer chapter is a work in process, but serves to add a crucial missing feature by which to give sensory credence to a once and future orthogenesis. Three main parts are Natural Econsciousness and Ecognition; A Neural Intelligence Arises from Minimal Stirrings to our Earthuman Acumen and An Advance of Personal Agency and Adaptive Behavior in Supportive Societies.

VII. Our Earthumanity Consequence: Life’s Long Evolutionary Emergence Now Reaches a Parturient Personsphere

This seventh sequential chapter at last begins to factor in and appreciate our own, consummate, composite selves as an intended issue of a procreative, organic, ecosmic universe. Its dual parts are Human/Wuman Beings: Whole Microcosmic Individual Selves and EarthKinder: An Emergent Prodigious Personsphere. We remind that such vistas are becoming clearer in 2023, now December, since a wide and deep consilient synthesis seems much underway.

Once again, the document content of various units,, e.g. Systems Neuroscience and Complementary Civilizations, is meant to show how even our personal lives and social activities of every kind can be seen as regnant exemplars of their common genetic source.

VIII. Earth Earns: An Open Participatory Earthropocene to Astropocene CoCreative Future
This closing chapter turns to sight ahead to an epochal opening of a winfinite futurity from our especial bioworld to as far as respectful imaginations can take us. Three main sections: The Old World: Its Archaic, Polar, War Torn, Rapacious Critical Life Support Condition; Earthborne: A New Person/Planet, Local/Global Remedial Evolitionary Adventure; and An Earthropocene Era: Pedia Sapiens Can Choose a Unified, Peaceful, Viable Ecosphere seek to introduce, report and convey these grand options.

IX. Natural Genesis 2020: A Chapter, Section and Verse Synoptic Review

A Galileo, Global, Galactic Topical Glossary

As our 21st century Natural Genesis resource website becomes renamed PediaPedia Earthica, this initial 2020 – 2022 edition will gather a wide array of conceptual definitions, topical subjects, coinages, proposals and more. It is now being posted in August 2024 with current updates. The entries are much expanded upon throughout the chapters and sections. For more technical terms see the site Glossary and the introduction to Chapter IV.

Agency, Personal and Planetary As Chapter VI reports and documents, an evolutionary progression of somatic complexity, cerebral intelligence, accumulated knowledge and proactive behaviors are now seen to proceed in unison. This agency word has become its main signifier whereby one’s self-assertion in accord with supportive groupings replaces a passively state at the mercy of selection. Our bioworld progeny may have then reached the perilous verge of achieving a global, successful Earthumanity if we may altogether choose (self-select).

Animate In the UniVerse Alive, Origins of Life, Astrochemistry/Astrobiology and other sections, it has become proven that a conducive materiality, generative energy, prebiotic catalysis, life’s innate origins, a genetic-like ecode strongly imply an essential, spontaneous fertility. Wherever possible so it seems, florescent life, aware sentience and agental entities in groups spring eternal all the way to our prodigious, retrospect amazement and continuance.

Autocatalysis Into the 2020s, many references attest to nature’s insistent avail of catalytic reactivities such as prebiotic chemistries and physiologic metabolisms which serve to enhance, complexify, iterate, maintain and enliven themselves. Five decades after its notice by Stuart Kauffman, a self-making spontaneity has presently reached a wide and deep confirmation. This newly appreciated feature will be a central theme whereof human beings could be seen as ecosmic catalysts.

Autopoiesis, Ecosmopoiesis The first word was introduced in the 1980s by the Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela to stand for life’s propensity to generate and maintain its own metabolic and cognitive selves. The concept has gained acceptance over the years as it becomes increasingly verified and appropriate. The second version as applied to a celestial phase began in Renaissance natural philosophy with various conceptions.

Biteracy, Iteracy Again a new word which is meant to expand on John A. Wheeler’s “Bit to It” Participatory Universe (see section) so to better convey its original cosmic source and just now our retrospect Earthuman observance.

Bicameral, Bifocal, Bilateral These terms are meant to designate a cerebral occasion of dual but opposite, albeit reciprocal phases. As the hemispheric sides of a brain, they are characterized by complementary modes such as node/link, object/field compete/cooperate, and so on. They can also apply to governments which have two sides or houses and to cultural mores of tradition/innovation which often sort into a past or future emphasis.

CoCreativity By virtue of a rush of 21st century worldwise scientific, computational and technological abilities, Earthuman beings seem actually ordained and empowered to take up and begin a second intentional, informed ecosmic futurity.

Collective Intelligence Into 2023, it has become realized that personal collaborative groupings from meetings to teleconferences tend to self-organize so as to gain knowledge and achieve solutions beyond the ken of their members. Social groups from protozoa to primates have been consistently found to attain and benefit from such abilities over evolutionary time, but only into the 21st century has this deep propensity been recognized and availed.

Complex Adaptive Systems A popular abstract phrase (CAS) for nature’s apparent dynamic agencies as they organize and sustain themselves everywhere. The prime finding is that they are composed of two distinct elements or modes of isolate dot, node, entity and connective, edge/link, group features. In every quanta to persona to astra realm, an exemplary presence of both discrete digital, cell, DNA, entity, stellar parts and holistic wave, relational connections engage in a local interactivity has been found which then informs and engenders a triality global whole.

A Common Complementarity To follow up, this ubiquitous presence of opposite archetypal qualities merits its own affirmation. One could cite a litany of mutual reciprocities such as particle + wave, node + link, DNA + AND, neuron + axon, cell + song, me member + We community, masculine + feminine gender and so on. We advocate that the scientific veracity of this consistent middle way balance could be the premier insight.

Complementary of Civilizations In regard, a research field known as cross-cultural psychology has studied typical differences between east and west, south and north peoples since the 1970s. As a result, a wide array of global and local propensities from national policies to personal and social behaviors are seen to form bilateral but malleable individual or collective modes. A chapter, Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West, by Shinobu Kitayama and Cristina Salvador in the 2024 Annual Review of Psychology provides a definitive explanation. But this bifocal scholarship has not made it to a public awareness so the United States and China/Russia persist as polar nuclear enemies.

Consilience This apt word is defined as an integral linking of principles and properties from various disciplines so to form a comprehensive, unified integrity. In science and history, consilience means that evidence from independent sources can "converge" on a valid consensus..

Creative Union: Member + Group = Ecommunity The first phrase, among many others, arose to stand for a beneficial balance by way of mutual respects between personal and social aspects. An exemplar would be the African mode known as Ubuntu: I am because We are. That is to say, membership in a supportive assembly actually frees up and enhances one’s own liberty. Altogether, as many references record, a mutual individual/integral reciprocity appears to be nature’s fittest preference across every Metazoan scale.

E There are many more entries with this lead letter because a primary mission of our PediaPedia website resource is to rightly inform and resituate Earthica within a further evolutionary, transitional ascent from separate, warring nations so as aspire to become a stellar, galactic and maybe multiversal participant.

Earth Balance In 1992 Al Gore wrote his prescient Earth in the Balance about early signs of perilous environmental concerns to come. Some three decades later, as Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions critical to limit climate tipping risks by Tessa Moller, et al in Nature Communications (15/6192, 2024) warns, global weather cycles are now poised on a knife edge and could abruptly shift to a terminal state.

Earthality, Earthnicity If our advocacy of a next, imperative Earthropocene (also no match except for this website) allegiance these identities are proposed to enter and appreciate and this ascendant reorientation which must altogether go forth if we are to survive and succeed.

Earthernity Another new word to reflect what might occur an era after the temporal course of Eternity to Maternity if it turns out that our Super (Nova) Earthica has some unique, participatory significance to the future and fate of the universal ecosmic genesis

Earthropocene Era At once there is much dissatisfaction with the Anthropocene name after the Holocene phase for this present moment. But no replacement has been suggested at a time when only a concerted international ecosphere response to perilous climate extremes will make save and sustain. In regard, as noted through text and references, this serious term is proposed for what must involve an equitable, informed, transition to some manner of a cellular, personified organism

Earthificial Intelligence In accord with our website premise that an emergent cumulative transition is underway to a sapient personsphere, we take license to dub this aura as an Earthificial Intelligence. As artificial, Large Language Models become better understood and remediated, a sense of a true global cerebral faculty with a mind of its own may accrue. As studies are finding, as machine neural net learnings go on they have a deep affinity to how children gain speech and knowledge, aka PediaPedia.

Earthumanity, Earthuman One may suggest these composite identities and allegiances for an evolutionary emergence actually distinguished by a reciprocity of diverse contributor/accessor people members and the whole person/sapiensphere as engaged in a planatural process of forming its own accumulated knowledge repository.

EarthKinder Another new name which expands on humankind and Earthkind, surely our true heritage, to identify the ascendent spherical advent which completes and fulfills life’s major transitions progression with a novel twindividual son/daughter, so to speak.

An Earthmost Choice The olden materialist view cites a “Copernican mediocracy” whereof this Earth has no special place in, or relation to, its pointless sterility. But by virtue of a procreative genesis uniVerse, an unexpected reprieve and grand option is beginning to dawn. Our EarthVerse procession to a global sapience seems to be the rarest, good fortune confluence of some 15 to 20 check points across galactic, solar system, geochemical, and further aspects. Might our minute, fraught bioworld yet be one in a quintillion candidates? We valiant beings might altogether aspire to be the fittest, Greatest Earth, if we can come to our collective senses in time.

EarthSmart A popular way to convey our 21st century and 2020s planetary envelopment by a worldwise intelligence which has commenced to learn and gain knowledge on her/his own.

Econscious, Ecognition Composite words to identify and situate an informed awareness within a living, organic, ecological reality and essence.

Ecosmomics, Ecosmome As a worldwise sapience proceeds to find a revolutionary organic, fertile spacescape, we propose these words to denote its own, implied, biological genetic code. Chapter IV explains all this along with a long glossary of complex science subjects. (And it puts MOM back in the picture)

Ecosmos By adding an initial “e” we dub an ecological cosmos so to convey an innate organic essence. Its conducive environment then implies a deep natural fertility for biocomplex evolutionary developments.

Evolitionary By a change of one letter in evolution from u to i, we might name a radical procreative phase from old trial and error to a deliberate, respectful method by way of our own volition.

ExoUniverse In a similar way to an exoplanet, a name for the possible presence of myriad other universes than our own. Exocosmos would be another version.

Family Ecosmos This simple, apt phrase can provide some vital manner of an overall, comprehensible identity. By a common sense, it may express the historic discernment of nature’s ubiquitous, scale-invariant, human, parents to children epitome. As Ecode, AnthropoCosmic and Universality sections explain and document, the moon to mutiverse that Earthumanity has found appears to be suffused with a familiar, exemplary recurrence by which it is made and meant to be known.

Familiar, Familiarity A name and image for a whole triconic unit which self-organizes as the iconic and biconic pairs interact and commune. A survey might be particle + wave = Light, node + link = Network, DNA + AND = Genome, right + left hemisphere = whole Brain, member + group = flock, pod, herd, swarm, me/We = US, in similar effect from to stellar clusters to starfish colonies.

Family Mind While the left hemisphere, often as the male side, attends to fine detail focus, the right, complementary half, more feminine in kind, needs to be aware of items, tree so as to take in the whole scene and forest. It is this composite, bicameral faculty that we give this name to, for a person and now the Earthwise knowsphere.

Gaiability An apt word and image for a sustained global viability of an Earthropocene future.

Genlish, Genelish How curious is it that name of the most widely used language, English, can so readily be made appropriate for some manner of a genetic, geonomic vernacular it might serve us to adopt.

Geonate, GeoNativity Event A designation akin to a neonatal event whence in a procreative ecosmos, life's Earthly evolutionary gestation may have just reached its parturient planet term. If mindful to ask and witness see, this embryonic, developmental course can be appreciated as a reproductive endeavor which, I have read, is obvious to a woman,

Geonome A word which easily follows on from genome so as to represent and signify an apparent global genetic code, broadly conceived, for our EarthKinder endowment.

Great Filter Fitness Test Into 2024, this phrase (see Overbye, Hansen and Wikipedia) has come into popular use. A Google search returns sites, opinions, videos. To wit, while the universe is now known to be suffused with a plethora of planets, there are as yet no overt signs of any advanced civilizations. Where are they? It is conjectured that some sort of existential barrier might be there that they fail to pass through. Typical cases are external perils such as disease, pestilence, rogue technologies, climate extremes. But our view as the 2025 module notes, it is our own human

Incubator Solar Systems As a result, whole stellar orrerys are now found to possess an overall, mathematical character to an extent they could gain an incubator-like identity. Altogether this myriad occurrent assembly appears to be a primary ecosmic distinction.

Major Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality Since its introduction in 1995 this scalar perception has become widely affirmed and applied, but rarely extended to its human phase. Into the 2020s this lapse was resolved by journal issues such as Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Amanda Robin, December 2021) and Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B. (Yohay Carmel, February 2023).

Mellows and Fellows Since the 17th century, scientists who then were all men, became known as Fellows of the Royal Society. Although in recent years women have slowly gained entry and Nobel recognition, but are still called by this inappropriate term. Here we suggest a complementary citation by just changing one letter to enter which could convey an integral, life-friendly perspective

Multiverse The ensemble of all possible universes that might exist, most of which would not allow life and human intelligence to appear.

Noosphere A term for an emerging brain-like envelope over the earth due to the increased composite contributions of all peoples. Mainly derived from Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. See also Yesphere.

Organics A 2025 revolutionary notation now suggested as an appropriate revision from five centuries of “physics”

A Participatory UniVerse From physicist John A Wheeler, this phrase intends an emergent universe suffused with codified information which tracks from an original Bit (Byte) phase all the way to an It (sentient entities) destination. His novel theory then alludes to a quantum reality which requires a (our) retrospect observance and recognition to come into full manifestation.

Pediasphere, PediaVerse The first word is a continuance from the emergent personsphere identity below so as to convey its son/daughter individuality. PediaVerse is proposed to then represent a grand new future twinfinity cocreation.

Personsphere Another name for a major evolutionary transition which finally emerges and envelopes as a local/global individual character.

Phenomenon This term is meant to convey a mindful ability to observe and realize an actual, encompassing, independent, law-abiding existence with its own knowable identity. By this view, an innate, temporal unfoldment, an emergent, procreative process of being and becoming, appears to be going on by itself. But an impediment is the olden particulate machine version which seems cognitively (left brain) unable to consider or admit anything like a uniVerse to pediaVerse genesis If, however, such a vital witness can be achieved, every aspect of our lively occasion gains a double dimension, whereof people become intended, complementary exemplars and participants.

Planetary Progeny, Prodigy Since each level of life’s nested emergent scale is seen to achieve a new relative personal entity, this is an identity we ascribe to its spherical fulfillment. Prodigious abilities then accrue by way of her/his own worldwise sapience.

Planatural Genesis After two decades with our original title, into the 2020's we cite this expansion to indicate its novel Earthumanity attribution going forward

Planetary Patriots, Matriots
This is an attempt to move beyond the current aggressive use of the word patriotic but only on a national scale. Our actual humankinder identity and allegiance is to the whole bio/ecosphere which we altogether live upon, rather than to arbitrary local borders.

Precestry, Precestral A companion contrast to popular ancestry so to imply that a human personal being could be imagined as possessing an array of future procreative evolutionary phases. Just as all creatures before us from invertebrates to hominids have carried, it would seem, our planetary beingness within them, so we peoples ought to appreciate, in turn, the infinite micro-ecosmic potentialities that we each are graced by.

Procreative By virtue of our wumanWise Earthumanity retrospect, an ecosmic, galactic, solar system, habitable, evolutionary development, as it may become a child-bearing genesis synthesis, once more takes on likeness of a reproductive gestation. As modules herein and across the website discuss and document, we may well be in the midst and thrall of a present geonativity event at term. By these lights, it could seem that a galactic genesis needs at some singular turn to be able to receive, read, and write its own genetic ecode.

Quantome A slight change from quantum to so as to imply and give a genetic essence to this deepest animate phase

Quantum Organics As the section with this name describes, this phrase represents the 21st century revolution from older mechanical physics so as to reflect and apply to a procreative genesis.

Rescue Planet: Whence children everywhere rise up to prevent adults (old men) from destroying their sustainable, Earth Earns destiny

Rosetta Ecosmos The original Rosetta stone had the same passage etched on it in hieroglyphic, ancient Egyptian and familiar Greek languages. Our phrase intends a vast expansion to an entire genesis uniVerse whence the same contextual, complex fractal network system is evident in translateable kind at each and every instance.

Sapiensphere A word to denote an Earthumanity brain-like facility that in formation by way of self-organized neural multiplexes so to gain real knowledge by her/his own endeavor. In addition, since 2023, many computational capacities such as generational AI, Large Language Models, ChatGPT and so on have become involved. As long as an open person/planet free access, the presence of a global genius can be at anyone’s service.

Second Singularity A phrase imagined for a transfigurative event some 13.8 billion years after the first inflationary cosmic origin. As Giulio Tononi and James Lovelock, for example, have alluded, it would be achieved by an awake/aware successful planetary, knowledgeable intelligence. By virtue of this globalwise capacity, a second intentional ecosmic cocreation could then begin.

Self-Familiar This phrase is first meant to signify so many findings of a common fractal-like, correlative, affinity across every atomic, astral and animate phase. In regard, a “familiar” designation because the scale-invariant, iconic recurrence has been distilled as composed of complementary bigender archetypes which then form a unitary whole. A brief survey might be particle + wave = Light, node + link = Network, DNA + AND = Genome, right + left hemisphere = whole Brain, member + group = flock, pod, herd, swarm, me/We = US, in similar effect from to stellar clusters to starfish colonies.

Self-Organized Critical Poise A certain behavior which has become known since c. 2018 whereby complex dynamic systems tend to seek and reside in an optimum, middle way state or condition. his technical term stands for a best balance between coincident, more or less coherent, orderly modes. This vital poise then reaches a golden mean dubbed as nature’s “sweet spot” (D. Chialvo) with complementary right/left, stability/change, warrior/worrier, conserve/liberate, me/We aspects.

Social Protocell A phrase from Claes Andersson and Petter Tornbert (search) for a viable human community which far removed from but akin to the bounded protocell vesicles at life’s origin. Our specific usage is applied to an ecovillage/cohousing version, ss section.

Sophia Sapiens A phrase which avails the ancient feminine name for wisdom that is herein may distinguish a woman’s brain faculty which uses both hemispheres in integral unison so as to discern and contextual field images and meaningful content.

Symbiogenesis Into the 2020s the pervasive occurrence of beneficial mutual reciprocities has become quantified in primary effect from astronomic realms to life’s origin and all stages of a nested evolutionary, selves in societies, development. As entries herein by L. Margulis, N. Gontier, P. Slijepcevic and others attest, nature’s archetypal complementarity and familial triality is in vivifying effect from UniVerse to WumanVerse.

Teleology Turn As its Chapter V section explains and reports and explains, this overdue course correction began around 2018 when a compelling amount of evidence could no longer be ignored or denied. Conseuently, it is now acceptable to speak about personal agency and goal dirrections.

Triality A term used akin to with the dual complementarity in physics which it is lately coming into usage and could also apply to familia.

Twin Son and Daughter To continue with such an arrival, it should be apparent that both genders are in evidence. A significant occasion, if to follow, may then accrue. Their typical boy and girl attributes might then be seen or as a basis for relative bicameral left/right brain hemispheres. In addition, as our Earthificial Cognizance section notes, a resultant worldwise faculty via large language models could also be seen as learning in a child-like way, (Marina Pantcheva, Pierre Oudeyer).

Twinfinity A proposed name as our pediatric children commence upon an ordained cocreative quest and destiny

Ubuntu Universe Ubuntu is a central African word/image for village groupings distinguished by a reciprocity of free members in supportive communities. Ubuntu UniVerse might then represent a sustainable ecosmos which is beneficially suffused and sustained by this optimum, complementary abide. (see also Creative Union)

United States of Earthica To stay with this theme in the midst of the Olympics, one might suggest a relative expansion of this modular format across the almost 200 national identities. In regard, a USEful version may be achieved with future respect to the galactic evosmos. As I record on August 10, it is moving to see how much pride peoples for their own country. It would be awesome if we might altogether become proud of our precious, especial home bioworld.

Universal Evolution Just as life’s Darwinian evolution occurs on Earth, it has been proposed that a selective process of many variable candidates from which an optimum enough version can result may also hold even across the sidereal expanses. All manner of astronomic phenomena from galaxies, stars, planets, moons onto quantum and dark matter then become subject to these processes.

Universality This word has a variety of usages in physical sciences. Herein it is meant to refer to present mid 2020 findings of a consistence recurrence of the same complex dynamic network system across quantum to cultural realms, from a microbe to a metropolis.

Wisdome One e letter is added to convey that organic, viable knowledge going forward will actually be genetic in nature

Wuman, Wumanity We suggest a simple switch of a first letter by which “human” can better represent both the bigender men and women whom altogether compose a true Wumanity.

WumanWise This novel term can then signify a whole global brain with inclusive left detail and right image halves. Since this double capacity would have more acumen (acuwomen) than a dot, node only (male) side, it is mainly designated as a feminine faculty.

Yesphere A positive proposal as a substitute for the century old noosphere model from Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard so to represent an historic enveloping of the round world with reasonable knowledge.

2020 - 2022: An Initial Outline Review of Especial References and Advances

Some three years ago, this chapter was entered as a two decade 21st century survey of scientific and conceptual contributions across the full outline. It used a similar format as this 2023 – 2024 edition of salient entries and a summary paragraph of advances. In overall regard, the whole span should be appreciated within the website premise as a self-organized knowledge gaining process newly due to our ascendant Earthumanity.

This initial paragraph has neatly turned out to be written on May 8, 2022 which this year comes with several significant qualities. At once, it is the historic Victory Europe 1945 (VE) day which was the official end of this phase of World War II. This Sunday is also celebrated as Mother’s Day in many countries. In addition, May 8 is commonly known as the Buddha’s birthday.

But in this tragic, perilous Mayhem, some 77 years later, might we Earthuman peoples be able to imagine a 21st century designation as a global Victory Earth with an actual ecosmic import. Once again, a prime purpose of our annotated anthology is to respectfully identify, report and document an emergent sapiensphere knowledge about a phenomenal, revolutionary, encoded discovery in our midst. And please view all these writings as ever a work in process. In regard our Home Page paragraphs are recalled next to set the scene.

This current edition will provide a Review and Preview Introduction to our Natural to Planatural Genesis bibliographic anthology website, which was written in 2021. But our present 2020 – 2030 span seems to be an especial event when many convergent discoveries and features are coming altogether. An unexpected aspect may be a growing realization that our home Earth could be the fittest, optimum bioplanet to yet evolve this far. The biannual here leads off with a lengthy record of salient, trend settings references.

An Alphabetic Listing of 2020 - 2022 Prime References

Alser, Mohammed, et al. Going from Molecules to Genomic Variations to Scientific Discovery. arXiv:2205.07957.
Araujo, Nuno, et al. Steering Self-Organization through Confinement. arXiv:2204.10059.
Artime, Oriol and Manlio De Domenico. From the Origin of Life to Pandemics: Emergent Phenomena in Complex Systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. May 2022.
Aschwanden, Markus. The Fractality of Astrophysical Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2203.12484.
Azarian, Bobby. The Romance of Reality: How the Universe Organizes Itself to Create Life, Consciousness and Cosmic Complexity. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2022.

Ball, Philip. Physicists Rewrite the Fundamental Law that Leads to Disorder. Quanta. May 26, 2022.
Barzon, Giacomo, et al. Criticality and Network Structure Drive Emergent Oscillations in a Stochastic Whole-Brain Model. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/3, 2022.
Bogdan, Paul, et al. Biological Networks Across Scales. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2021.
Bowick, Mark, et al. Symmetry, Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter. Physical Review X. February, 2022.
Boyle, Rebecca. Astronomers Reimagine the Making of the Planets. Quanta. June 6, 2022.
Butler, Travis and Georgi Georgiev. Self-Organization in Stellar Evolution. arXiv:2202.02318.

Canup, Robin and Philip Christensen, Co-Chairs. Origins, Worlds and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 2022.
Carbone, Anna, et al. Journal of Physics: Complexity. June, 2022.
Cavagna, Andrea, et al. Natural Swarms in 3.99 Dimensions. arXiv:2107.04432.
Cejkova, Jitka and Julyan Cartwright. Chembrionics and Systems Chemistry. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.
Chanu, Athokpam, et al. Analysis of the Structural Complexity of Crab Nebula using a Multifractal Approach. arXiv:2206.04717.
Costa, Luciano. Coincidence Complex Networks. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/1, 2022. On Similarity. arXiv:2111.02803.
Czegel, Daniel, et al. Bayes and Darwin: How Replicator Populations Implement Bayesian Computations. BioEssays. 44/4, 2022.

Dambricourt Malasse, Anne, ed.. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology. International: Springer, 2022.
De Marzo, Giordano, et al. Zipf’s Law for Cosmic Structures. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 651/A114, 2021.
Domingues, Guilherme, et al. City Motifs as Revealed by Similarity between Hierarchical Features. arXiv:2204.09104.

Fontana, Walter. From Computation to Life: The Challenge of a Science of Organization. www.walterfontana.zone/writings
Frank, Adam, et al. Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process. International Journal of Astrobiology. February, 2022.
Frottier, Theo, et al. Harmonic Structures of Beethoven Quarters: A Complex Network Approach. arXiv:2201.08796.

Gagler, Dylan, et al. Scaling Laws in Enzyme Function Reveal a Biochemical Universality. PNAS. 119/9, 2022.
Garcia, Raquel, et al. Self-Similar Solutions for Fuzzy Dark Matter.
Garcia-Sanchez, Miguel, et al. The Emergence of Interstellar Molecular Complexity Explained by Interacting Networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/30, 2022. arXiv:2203.05995.
George, Ashish, et al. Functional Universality in Microbial Communities Arises from Thermodynamic Constraints. arXiv:2203.06128.
Ginsburg, Simona and Eva Jablonka. Picturing the Mind: Consciousness through the Lens of Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Gosak,, Marko, et al. Networks Behind the Morphology and Structural Design of Living Systems. Physics of Life Reviews. March, 2022.
Grossberg, Stephen. Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind. New York: Oxford University Press,, 2022.

Hausmann, Markus, et al. Laterality Entering the Next Decade: The 25th Anniversary of a Journal Devoted to Asymmetries of Brain, Behavior and Cognition. Laterality. 26/3, 2021.
Heylighen, Francis, et al. The Role of Self-Maintaining Resilient Reaction Networks in the Origin and Evolution of Life. Biosystems. Vol. 219, September 2022.
Holford, Mande and Benjamin Normark. Integrating the Life Sciences to Jumpstart the Next Decade of Discover. Integrative & Comparative Biology. 61/6, 2021
Hsieh, Shannon, et al. The Phanerozoic Aftermath of the Cambrian Information Revolution. Paleobiology. 48/3, 2022.
Hynes, William, et al. Systemic Resilience in Economics. Nature Physics.18/4, 2022.

Ippoliti, Xiao, et al. Observation of Time-Crystalline Eigenstate Order on a Quantum Processor. arXiv:2107.13571.

Jagiello, Robert, et al. Tradition and Invention: The Bifocal Stance Theory of Cultural Evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. April, 2022.
Jusup, Marko, et al. Social Physics. arXiv: 2110.01866.

Kelso, Scott. On the Coordination Dynamics of (animate) Moving Bodies. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 3/3, 2022.
Kocoglu, Cemile, et al. How Network-based Approaches can Complement Identification Studies in Frontotemporal Dementia. Trends in Genetics. 38/9, 2022.
Koksal, Elif, et al. Spontaneous Formation of Prebiotic Compartment Colonies on Hadean Earth and Pre-Noachian Mars. ChemSystemsChem. 4/3, 2022.
Krenn, Mario, et al. On Scientific Understanding with Artificial Intelligence. arXiv:2204.01467.
Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2021.
Kverkova, Kristina et al. The Evolution of Brain Neuron Numbers in Amniotes. PNAS. 119/11, 2022.

Lavin, Alexander, et al. Simulation Intelligence: Towards a New Generation of Scientific Methods. arXiv:2112.03235.
Liang, Junhao and Changsong Zhou. Criticality Enhances the Multilevel Reliability of Stimulus Responses in Cortical Neural Networks. PLOS Computational Biology.. January 2022.
Liu, Jiazhen, et al. The Emergence of Polarization in Coevolving Networks. arXiv:2205.14480.

Marshall, Stuart, et al. Formalizing the Pathways to Life using Assembly Spaces. Entropy. 24/7, 2022.
Menichetti, Giulia and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. Nutrient Concentrations in Food Display Universal Behavior. Nature Food. 3/375, 2022.
Munoz, Victor and Eduardo Flandez. Complex Network Study of Solar Magnetograms. Entropy. 24/6, 2022.

Newman, Stuart. Self-Organization in Embryonic Development. arXiv:2108.00532
Nguyen, Thank, et al. Spatial Patterns of Urban Landscapes in the Indian Punjab are Predicted by Fractal Theory. Nature Scientific Reports. 12/1819, 2022.

Olse,, Stephanie, et al. The Effect of Ocean Salinity on Climate and its Implications for Earth’s Habitability. arXiv:2205.06785.
Ouellette, Nicholas. A Physics Perspective on Collective Animal Behavior. Physical Biology. 19/2, 2022.

Provata, Astero. From Turing Patterns to Chimera States in the 2D Brusselator Model. arXiv:2212.01297.

Rao, Riccardo and Stanislas Leibler. Evolutionary Dynamics, Evolutionary Forces, and Robustness: A Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Perspective. PNAS. 119/13, 2022.
Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Ravishankara, A. R., et al. Complex and Yet Predictable: The Message of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/2, 2022.
Ravn, Ib. Beyond Chaos and Rigidity, Flexstability. New Ideas in Psychology. August 2022.
Romanczuk, Pawel and Bryan Daniels. Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Animals. arXiv:2211.03879.

Sanchez-Puig, Fernanda, et al. Heterogeneity Extends Criticality. arXiv.2208.06439. August 2022.
Sarkanych, Petro, et al. Network Analysis of the Kyiv Bylyny Cycle – East Slavic Epic Narratives. arXiv:2203.10399.
Shettigan, Nandan, et al. On the Biophysical Complexity of Brain Dynamics. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.
Shishkov, Olga and Orit Peleg. Social Insects and Beyond: The Physics of Soft, Dense Invertebrate Aggregations. arXiv:2206.11129
Souza, Barbara, et al. Text Characterization Based on Recurrence Networks. arXiv:2201.06665.
Synder-Beattie, Andrew, et al. The Timing of Evolutionary Transitions Suggests Intelligent Life is Rare. Astrobiology. November, 2020.
Sormunen, Silja, et al. Critical Drift in a Neuro-Inspired Adaptive Network. arXiv:2206.10315.

Tadic, Bosiljka and Roderick Melnik. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics as a Key to Fundamental Features of Complexity in Physical, Biological and Social Networks. Dynamics. 2/2, 2022.
Teuscher, Christof. Revisiting the Edge of Chaos. Biosystems. May 2022.
Tomasello, Michael. The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022.
Tononi, Giulio, et al. Only What Exists can Cause: An Intrinsic View of Free Will. arXiv:2206.02069.
Toriumi, Shin and Vladimir Airapelian. Universal Scaling Laws for the Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Heating. arXiv:2202.01232.

Van der Kolk, Jasper, et al. Emergence of Geometric Turing Patterns in Complex Networks. arXiv:2211.11311
Vujovic, Filip, et al. Cellular Self-Organization: An Overdrive in Cambrian Diversity? BioEssays. July 2022.

Weiss, Lauren, et al. Architectures of Compact Multi-planet Systems. arXiv:2203.10076.
Wilkerson, Galen, et al. Spontaneous Emergence of Computation in Network Cascades. arXiv:2204.11956.
Wilson, Matt and Giulio, Chilibella. A Mathematical Framework for Transformations of Physical Processes. arXiv:2204.04319.
Wood, Charlie. How to Make the Universe Think for Us.. Quanta. June 1, 2022.
Wurthner, Laeschkir, et al. Bridging Scales in a Multiscale Pattern-Forming System. arXiv:2111.12043.

Yang, Vicky Chuqiao, et al. Scaling and the Universality of Function Diversity across Human Organizations. arXiv:2208.06487.

Zanin, Massimiliano and Johann Martinez. Analysing International Events through the Lens of Statistical Physics: The Case of Ukraine. arXiv:2203.07403.
Zimmern, Vincent. Why Brain Criticality is Clinically Revelant. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. August, 2020.
Zolyan, Suren. From Matter to Form: The Evolution of the Genetic Code as Semio-poiesis. Semiotica. March 2022.

A Whole Outline Chapter and Section Progress Report to Date

I. A Natural Genesis WomanWise 2020 Vision: From Eternity to Maternity
II. Global Genius: A Emergent Planetary Prodigy Comes to Her/His Own Knowledge
III. Ecosmos: A Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Planetary Lifescape
IV. Ecosmomics: A Survey of Active Complex Network System Features
V. Life' Evolutionary Development Organizes Itself: A 2020s Genesis Synthesis
VI. Earth Life Emergence: Development of Body, Brain, Selves and Societies
VII. Our Earthuman Moment: A Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality
VIII. Earth Earn: Our Open CoCreative Ecosmocend Destiny

We open with a list of transitional EarthWise cognitive abilities and conceptual reasons by which an historic edification is now becoming possible.

1990–2020–2060: This span may be a penultimate phase as Earth life’s developmental gestation seems to reach some manner of a geonatal event.

Personsphere: major emergent evolutionary transition in individuality lately appears to be underway on a round planetary scale.

Sapiensphere: A consequent global brain faculty proceeds to learn and gain novel knowledge on her/his own.

Earthural PhiloSophia: A bicameral worldwise, cognitive awareness can then begin to achieve a descriptive explanation and real discovery.

Phenomenal Presence: A genesis ecosmos can be realized to have its own independent self-existence with a universal source code-script.

A Woman’s Wisdome: We record that all these future-friendly advances require such a reciprocal dot/connect, part/field, anima/animus whole brain faculty.

Here next is a survey of EcosmosWise findings which can be attributed to this prodigious Earthuman progeny.

A 21st Century Revolution: A particulate, materialist sterility sans people and purpose is being replaced by a fertile biological essential reality.

A Natural Genesis: An organic cocreation is being found whereof a temporal life, mind and persons in community developmental course goes forth on habitable bioworlds.

Habitable Planets: A salient ecosmological distinction is the prolific presence of myriad, contingent, ovular-like globular objects in sunny star orbital systems.

Ecosmomics: This organic milieu has necessarily been found to possess its own genetic-like code in exemplary effect from animate origins through evolutionary stages to our personal/communal/global geonomic endowment.

A Universal Correspondence: This part/Wave = Light, me/We = US, apparent bigender familiality occurs with an invariant similarity in each and every nested instance and scale.

Nature’s Sweet Spot: As a post-2015 findings, all dynamic systems such as stars, brains, climates, ecosystems, flocks, and epidemics seem to seek and settle in a self-organized criticality which balances dual more or less coherent states.

A Textual Character: After space/time and matter/energy, an informative content is lately found to distinguish as an encoded, generative script/score, prose/prosody quality.

Life's Emergent Gestation: A novel genesis evolutionary synthesis can now flesh out and describe a self-organizing, corporeal and cerebral ramifying sequence which proceeds as an oriented, quickening development.

Life’s Major Transitions Scale: A central evolutionary course is now well accepted as and defined by this nested whence each stage is seen to take on a new personal identity and a novel genetic code version.

Universal Evolution: Another feature is that a selective process from various candidates seems to be in effect even across planetary, solar, galactic, and maybe exocosmic scales.

Participatory UniVerse: A working model noted herein whereof a later result of Earthhuman-like beings has an ordained central place and purpose so to quantify, register and acknowledge.

An Intentional CoCreation: A wide array of evidential, scientific capabilities suggest that we collaborative Earthlings can begin new material and geonomic phases of a much better, sustainable futurity.

An EarthMost Significance: Since our home bioworld has passed through so many (15 – 20) critical check points, it may well be one in a quintillion that has evolved and succeeded this far, with all that portends.

To continue this opening orientation, we post a number of salient features, especial occurrences and a working uniVersion model. More highlights will be added in the 2020 section.

MEGA – Make Earth Great Always
We wish to convey that our home round planet altogether, by way of a latest flow of findings, may actually have a distinct, unitary significance of its own with regard to the fate and future of the entire Ecosmos UniVerse. But as I write in June 2021, the finite bio/noosphere remains engulfed and stressed by an intaglio of climatic and climactic crises. In 1947, Pierre Teilhard wrote The age of nations is over. The task before us, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth. Some eight decades later we are cutting it much too close. Our precious abode cannot survive and sustain when two trillion dollars wasted on global militaries each year, and while four billion peoples are ruled by some dozen dictators. It is vital that our true, cocreative value and import become a matter of ethnic and Earthling identity, pride and common mission. In timely regard, we note The Origin of Planetary Ethics in the Philosophy of Russian Cosmism by A. Bezgodov and K. Barezhev (2019).

Thinking Like a Planet: The Earth Ethic and an Ecosmos Ethic
We cite the environmentalist Baird Callicott’s oft quoted book title (search) so as to emphasize the novel 21st century premise upon which this resource site and review is based. His perceptive recommendation engages both western and eastern traditions which could lately be seen as a global hemispheric, bicameral sapiensphere. In respect, this major emergent evolutionary transition in personsphere individuality might then be appreciated as learning and gaining knowledge by her/his own self. This radical shift to an EarthWise visionary comprehension is the explanatory source for the Natural Genesis annotated anthology website content. A new July 2021 book An Internet in Your Head: A New Paradigm for How the Brain Works by Daniel Graham makes the best personal and global neuroscience case to date for this EartHuman acumen.

The Other Half of the UniVerse: A WumanWise Ecosmos
As another feature and rationale, we first note, as well known, that the past centuries and millennia have been very patriarchal, left brain biased, hyper-violent, destructive. Scientific and philosophic endeavors were for men only, see works by Jessica Riskin, David Orrell, and A. C. Grayling. At this outset, a new, inclusive name for homo humanity might help so we propose wuman and wumanity by changing one letter. By such an historic corrective, we may consider an animate, conducive Ecosmos procreation which is spontaneously fertile, genetically encoded, profusely sown with ovular-like bioworlds. By this feminine, maternal witness, life’s long evolution can be realized as an actual developmental gestation, quite at its geonatal term.

Natural PhiloSophia
To put into practice, a worldwise bicameral brain/mind capability is an implied throughout. This original 17th century, one culture, integral vista needs to be availed by turns so to join left hemisphere fine particulate focus with right side holistic imagery by way of a bigender unity. A WumanWise mindfulness may thus be able to perceive a greater genesis with an incarnate content and meaning. Another apt phrase might be Sophia Sapiens, and maybe a Mellows complement could be added to Fellows. This vital awareness, anima and animus in concert, is a critical distinction. By virtue of a whole, left + right, global erudition, if a western fixation on separate Pieces and eastern views of connective Patterns can be joined into an integral, binocular vision, they could reveal a natural genesis.

A Phenomenal Yesphere Presence
Still another whole global benefit is an ability to perceive that an encompassing Ecosmos to Earthuman abidance which can have an independent, law-abiding, identity and existence of its own. By way of its temporal unfoldment, an emergent, procreative process of being and becoming then appears to be going on by itself. But a major impediment today is that a mostly male science seems to be cognitively unable to admit, imagine, and consider such an actual presence of a uniVerse to wumanVerse genesis. This vital possibility is inconceivable and ruled out. At this late, imperiled hour, might an emergent “Earthuman Phenomenon” allow and appreciate? In respect, we might dub a wumanwise Yesphere perspective which can allow and envision.

Universality: One Complementary Genome Code
As documented in Chapter IV and throughout, a premier discovery and articulation is an actual Ecosmomic genetic code. As a result, an exemplary recurrence is now proven in place from quantum realms to neural connectomes, metabolomes, microbial films, animal groupings, literary writings and onto fractal galaxies. Thus the goal of a self-similar universality is at last fulfilled. If each particle + wave, node + link, bird + flock, reciprocal correspondence is akin to a genetic (DNA + AND) phase, then all other occasions will be genomic in kind. See also the Chap. IV entry herein for more about life’s self-organized, critically poised, sweet spot. Its organic presence could then inform a natural “Genocracy” of complementary (gender) archetypes. (The 2020 module will go onto evince and embellish the presence and importance of this discovery.)

An Earthmost Significance
With regard to our ecosmic revolution, a prior materialist view cites a “Copernican mediocracy” whereof our home bioplanet does not have any special place in, or relation to, its pointless sterility. But by virtue of a procreative genesis uniVerse, an unexpected reprieve and grand option is beginning to dawn. Our EarthVerse evolutionary emergence to a reflective global sapience seems to be the result of a rarest, good fortune confluence of some 15 to 20 check points across galactic, solar system, geochemical, and further aspects. Might our minute, fraught bioworld yet actually be one in a quintillion candidates to reach this singular moment? We valiant beings might altogether have an opportunity to be the fittest, optimum Greatest Earth, if we can come to our collective senses in time.

A Triple 21st Century Ecosmos, EarthOva and EartHuman Revolution
By way of these several collaborative advances, a triple revision about our personal, planetary and uniVersal abidance is well underway. An actual macroecosmic genesis which innately gives rise to our home bioworld and microcosmic human selves in community is just coming to its 2020s fruition. This module is thus sorted into three celestial, global and individual/societal stages and aspects.

A Procreative Ecosmos In this regard, our Natural Genesis site, by virtue of its worldwise source, is now able to identify, report and evidentially certify the actual presence of an animate, habitable, genetically encoded, familial fertility. But as such revolutions occur (Thomas Kuhn), this has not happened yet because an olden sterile, materialist, mechanical, accident scheme exists alongside the new participatory uniVerse to EarthVerse (Ecopernican) reality. As we note, a difference this time is that the epic advance is not due to one person (man), but to altogether to an integral Earthuman sapience.

Earth Front and Center As a result our own eminently habitable bioworld returns to a unique place and purpose. We first note that life’s evolutionary developmental course is lately becoming understood as an oriented, quickening, personified gestation. As the next essay section will enter, it may have just reached a geonatal term. We then refer to the Earthropic Principle and EarthOva 2021 sections (VIII. C & D) which reports an especial Gaia alive, Earthmost, self-chosen distinction with a cocreative significance and awesome destiny.

Human/Wuman Beings Moving on to our own identity, an apt referral to traditional wisdom is a Chinese “anthropocosmic” vision which also held to a triune unity of “heaven, Earth and humanity” (Tu Weiming). At this late advent of an EarthWise revelation about a truly numinous, textual, fecund nature, an expansive sense of individual persons in community can likewise accrue. At once you are yourself, but now as an intended phenomenal participant, each one of us are iconic, self-similar microcosms with all that would imply, anoint and empower.

The 2020s EarthWise Book of Naturome
A metaphoric “second” volume which would provide numinous edification about this worldly creation was often anticipated. But rather than given from above, it would be achieved by way of our own inquiry, observance, literate theory, experiment and cumulative record. The concept is traceable to Aristotle and Augustine, and to Galileo who wrote famously wrote in 1623, Philosophy is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language in which it is written. The concept was a main basis for the 17th century scientific revolution, but became set aside in the later 1800s as extant realms seemed to be more as an inanimate, mechanical spacescape and contingent evolutionary duration. REPOST

But a narrative metaphor befits a 21st century cocreative organic uniVerse. As this early 2020s philoSophia review proceeds it will describe a fertile, procreative genesis which is found to be deeply graced and informed by a textual, genetic essence. As the Organisms Evolve Rhythmic Protolanguage section (Chap. VI. C. 4) documents, learning to mark, inscribe, communicate and gain a natural literacy appears to be an evolutionary requisite. See for example Reading, That Strange and Uniquely Human Thing by Lydia Wilson in Nautilus (Issue 35, 2020), and Rediet Abede’s contribution herein about mutual prosody and prose modes. And as Deep Affinity of Genomes and Languages (IV. B. 2) reports, a cross-translation between these prime phases has been affirmed. Here some mid 2021 affirmations from the global literature (search).

Sandford, Emily, et al. On Planetary Systems as Ordered Sequences. arXiv:2105.09966. Astrophysicists ES, Cavendish Laboratory, UK, David Kipping, Columbia University and computer scientist Michael Collins, Columbia U. post a current survey of myriad exoworlds being detected across the galaxy. It is suggested that whole solar arrays seem to form a unitary geometric and mathematic network. They then apply computational linguistics via natural language processing as a way to identify a deep textual quality.

See also Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning. International: Springer Frontiers, 2021. This latest work by the University of Jena natural philosopher (search) is an opus summary of his quest to explain how life began, evolved, and developed.

Zaharchuk, Holly and Elizabeth Karuza. Multilayer Networks: An Untapped Tool for Understanding Bilingual Neurocognition. Brain and Language. Volume 220, 2021. Penn State linguists describe how connective complexities in effect across which every natural realm also provide structural topologies our languages and literatures.

GeoNativity: A 1990 - 2020 – 2050 Parturient Planet
As the Genesis Evolutionary Synthesis chapter notes, life’s developmental emergence has increasingly gained an appearance as an oriented gestation. By this view, our present Earthuman global transition could well have reached an actual "Geonate" term. A lady scholar once wrote This would be obvious to any woman. But how can this be if the whole world is beset by viral pestilence, dictators, genocides, refugees, weaponry, heat domes. By such a perception, a 1990 to 2050 span would occur over a “parturient” planet (in labor about to give birth). Its 2020 midpoint may be akin to the moment when each fetus needs to awaken from a long dream sleep to their personal self-consciousness.

As readers are aware, the “apocalypse” word is often invoked in these times. But its historic meaning from Greece was more about a beneficial transformation by way of a concurrent revelation rather than a destructive end. In this respect, our EarthWise website edition is offered as a semblance of a second “Book of Naturome” written in an ecosmomic to geonomic code-script. An alternative, PediaKinder futurity could then be envisioned, for example, as composed of metabolic networks of egalitarian, tolerant, peaceable ecovillages, a creative unity of person, community and a viable planet, indeed a Ubuntu UniVerse.

And it seems necessary to cite a common denominator for the many perils and travails, because only men are involved, whose “mandemic” (gundemic, wardemic), continues to rule and rage, while women are silenced, brutalized, enshrouded. Male academics take to writing books with Doom in their title. An easy corrective could be the word “wuman” so to include both halves of a famiiial ecosmos procreativity within a true Wumanity. This vital resolve could be the most important, but also the most difficult, mediation.

A 1990s Participatory, Bit to It, UniVersion
By virtue of the 2020s revolutionary EarthWise edition being surveyed here, we wish to enter this current scenario (Philip Ball 2018) so to begin overall considerations about a potential Ecosmos to Earthmost narrative outline and significance. In general regard, this working model broadly views sentient, Earthuman-like, beings as having a vital importance to an entire astronomic existence and future fate. In its physics form (see outline section and Quantum Organics), a temporal course runs from original particles, waves and information (bit) all the long, evolutionary, encoded way to its momentary aware, retrospective observation (it), which may be quite underway here. In accord with J. A. Wheeler’s original 1990s conception, such a recorded acknowledgement is inherently necessary so to bring the whole universe into full reality.

We are presently viewing how this possibility could assimilate and accord with a revolutionary ecosmos genesis reality. In regard, the long, contingent EcosmosVerse to EarthVerse trajectory occurs, involves and is distinguished by a passage from an initial “Biteracy” generative source (see Glossary) to an “Iteracy” mode via an eventual sentient speciesphere. As the website documents, such an immaterial, mathematic code-script proceeds along the way to spontaneously exemplify its complementary form. By this glimpse, an Ecosmomic scriptome “in-forms” and arises with life’s developmental evolution on habitable bioworlds. On a relatively fittest abode as our Gaia bioworld, it may reach a nested, worldwise progeny able to decipher, recognize, affirm its future continuance. From 2020, an additional contribution could now be an intentional achievement of a sustainable future continuance.

We next cite a timely, apropos June 2021 work, The Ascent of Information, by the Columbia University astrobiologist Caleb Scharf (search) which provides his update upon a participatory universe. Some 30 years on, the extant, temporal cosmos is distinguished by dual phases of overt physical features, and an immaterial program-like source. A developmental course is indeed traced from a Bit origin through life’s evolution to a late global literary sapience, our It reception. A novel, insightful advance then considers this emergent trajectory to have relative phenotype and genotype-like aspects. Scharf thus moves beyond algorithmic terms and gives this informative vector a “dataome” name. But while this contribution is well defined by a generative code quality, it is not meant to pass onto human agency and intent, see the book review for more.

A Second Liferacy Singularity In regard, we here enter a preview of what our nascent sapiensphere cognizance may be finding, which will be viewed more in the 2020 – 2030 - 2040 module. In some real sense we learned Earthumans an aware bioplanet can aspire to be the “It” (iteracy, fiteracy) recipients of the whole ecoVersion, informomic endowment. A vital point thus seems to be a realization that its code-script is actually genetic in kind. So we have dubbed a novel “Liferacy” word for a collective ability to learn, decipher, read, and write, so to carry forth into a new intentional genesis.

At this outset, we are trying to express the considerable opportunity of coming upon a whole uniVerse explanatory scenario with a place and purpose for our especial Earthling observant, cocreative presence. (But as a caveat, we are not trying to put a face on it, nor make excuses.) Another factor may then be involved. If to consider, it seems that any such optimum planetary (geonate) issue needs to be able to figure all this out for themselves, by their own decisive initiative. (This may be the “Great Filter” requirement.) In order to ground, orient and cover many aspects, we continue with a 2022 capsule review of website Chapters and sections.

Chapter I: A Natural Genesis 2020 Vision: A Woman’s Ecosmos Wisdome

This initial overview surveys the many findings, revisions and syntheses as our nascent EarthKinder may commence to learn all about and percieve a revolutionary discovery of an organic procreative UniVerse. It opens with Homo to Anthropo Sapiens: Historic Prescience which harks back to Greece and China and onto 19th and 20th century intimations of an encoded, self-organizing vitality. A broadly inclusive section, Earthomo to Ecosmo Sapiensphere: Global Glimpses, then offers some 265 references as an in-process documentation of its advance and fulfillment. Into the 21st century, this grand achievement can newly be attributed to a further major global evolutionary transition. As a consequence, an emergent personal sapiensphere can be seen as coming to her/his own phenomenal knowledge.

Our chapter title conveys some prime signifiers about its occasion and content. As explained herein and throughout, Natural Genesis is meant to represent a radical alternative to an olden natural selection only which relegates life and people to an accidental contingency. As online in the early 2000s, the website content now spreads over eight chapters, 85 subject sections and 8,500 entries. By circa 2020 a visionary evidential veracity seems to have been attained. As not much sooner, a sufficient depth and breadth across every realm from quantum phenomena to galactic clusters, microbes to a metropolis, has been robustly filled in and fleshed out.

But a most significant distinction could be an attribution to a profoundly different kind of cerebral faculty. While the prior centuries of science (Jessica Riskin) and philosophy (A. C. Grayling) have been totally male (left brain) in particulate nature and reductive practice, an ascendant individuality would be graced by a feminine bicameral, right/left whole brain facility. By this view, our EarthWise (Sophia) sapiensphere takes on an essential semblance to a visionary mindfulness able to witness, discover, and sustain. Thus a novel ecological cosmos, a woman’s ecosmos, becomes a reality. A “wisdome” word is added to designate that its complementary, me + We = US, guidance would be genetic in textual kind.

Chapter II. Earth Learn: A Planetary Progeny Comes to Her/His Own Knowledge

This second Chapter currently posts a 2021 retrospective of how our erudite Earth appears to be engaged in a long, collectively intelligent process (David Christian) of gaining knowledge about every aspect of this (awesome and awful) abidance whence we find ourselves. It really does take on a guise of an “autodidactic” universe, but by way of these microcosmic biosphere to noosphere phases. Via our 21st century vantage, an emergent evolutionary transition to a personal sapiensphere seems much in occurrence.

As its outline cites, indigenous encounters first glimpsed an integral, animate, mythic, mystic presence, as if by some initial holistic right brain (as every person does). The luminous endowment of a familial anthropocosmic code, as Taoist teachings evoke, was sensed early on. This feature has remained a perennial quest which may at last be fulfilled. By turns, The Spiral of Science records a later, male, left brain mid-millennia revolution to find, identify, and catalog every particulate atom, molecule, nucleotide, neuron, microbe and object. But an integral notice of an overall scheme was lost and abandoned in deep stochastic space and time.

Global Genius: A Worldwise Mindkinder brings us to today when an Earthropo Sapience is busy putting a true biological reality back together by way of adding systemic network connections between all the many pieces. In regard, we next post a capsule summary of intelligent EarthWise qualities and accomplishments. As readers know, the past two decades have gone from little online website content to all manner of books and journals. In 2005 I had to go to Yale and MIT to find paper books and a working copier. Today, every publication is available online with increasing open, free access.

2020/2021: This numerical event is notable not only for clear binocular vision, but for the perilous litany that could overwhelm us. In addition however, it is also a unique moment when our cumulative learning project, via millions of contributors and publications, seems to have reached a wide and deep evidential sufficiency. That is to say, as not earlier, their composite occasion can robustly verify and prove an animate, wholly recurrent, naturally encoded, familial ecosmos, to be fleshed out in the Ecosmo section.

Personsphere: Our guiding premise has been that a further emergent evolutionary transition to a relative super-organic, cognizant individuality is much underway. But as a caveat, we do not mean a homogenous globalization. Rather, as the Sustainable Ecovillages section conveys, and we cite later on, a next fortuitous phase could be composed of many freely creative protocellular communities in near and far symbiotic, communicative webworks.

Sapiensphere: Its leading manifestation in our daily lives is an apparent worldwise brain/mind capacity which could lately be seen as learning on her/his own. This global faculty could also be seen to form a new realm of knowledge as an accessible online, billion website facility. As a result, it can provide a novel informative, accumulated resource whose content can hence forth be availed to change and begin a much better world.

Natural PhiloSophia: This 17th century, one culture, science + philosophy integral vista ought to be activated again so to join a (male) left hemisphere fine focus with (feminine) right side holistic imagery. Altogether such WumanWise bicameral planetary mindfulness will be able to perceive an incarnate content and meaning, a woman’s wisdome. (Another phrase could conceivably be identified as Sophia Sapiens.)

A Phenomenal Presence: Another whole brain benefit is that an encompassing Ecosmos to Earthuman abidance of which we find ourselves can be seen to have a its own independent, lawful, fertile identity and self-existence of its own. By way of its temporal unfoldment, an emergent, procreative process of being and becoming appears to be well going on by itself. This philsSophia perception is not a fine point. A main impediment today is that men are cognitively incapable of admitting a greater genesis of which uniVerse and wumanVerse are an exemplary result.

A Thinking, Learning Planet At this point, we might illustrate how a worldwise sapience can be seen as coming to her/his own knowledge and discovery. One entry could be the Natural Genesis Journal Resources section with over 200 periodicals which are surveyed on a regular basis. As researchers iteratively peruse and contribution, unbeknownst until now, their composite content could be appreciated as taking on a cognitive cast of its own. The science eprint site arXiv.org posts thousands of papers from Astrophysics to Biology each day which also implies a self-learning process. Many entries such as Hidden Depths in the Local Universe: The Stellar Stream Legacy Survey (2104.06071) and Ariel: Enabling Planetary Science Across Light-Years (2104.04824) have dozens or hundreds of coauthors as an Earthuman acumen performs its vital, ordained role of quantifying an Ecosmic breadth and depth.

The Spiral of Science goes on to post papers which about a collective intelligence such as The Network Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2010.08381), Machine Learning Meets Quantum Physics (Springer, 2020), Superminds by Thomas Malone, and The Wisdom of the Network (1805.04766). The April science news cites new properties for subatomic muons (Physics Review Letters, 126/141801) by a large international team. By our natural philoSophia view, why is it that we micro/macro entities are able to do this at all. Might the big idea be that such a self co-creative reality not only requires its own descriptive record, but in some way is trying to pass on its operating (wo)manual, aka genetic endowment, going forward to whomever smartsphere can evolve far enough to figure this out by themselves.

Global Genius In this context and respect, our website endeavor seeks to identify the historic advent of a collective, accessible, online digital text and analog image worldwise eLibrary of eEarthica. These title words, for example, is from Andrew Rifkin, a NY Times environmentalist who coined it in Exploring the Roots of an Emerging-Planet Spanning ‘Mind,’ from an original citation by Pierre Teilhard. Into 2021 we want to call attention to its enveloping Q & A cerebral capacity with its own limitless memory store. Earthuman sapiens seeks to emphasize its interactive person and planetary basis. As elections ever split in half, nations hack and attack, how might such a smartsphere be admitted and availed so to reach palliative, beneficial solutions?

Chapter III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Organic Habitable UniVerse

From our late spherical vantage, the 20th century could be viewed as an exploratory, theoretic, and experimental quantification of dual atomic depth and cosmic breadth infinities, which have lately joined facets and forces as a quantum cosmology. The past 20 years could then be seen as a realization of an actual third infinity of its animate, bioplanet essence and evolutionary life-bearing connectomic course. This achievement is much due to a vivifying, integral network reconnection of all the separate object pieces. Thus a grand reunification into an evident natural self-organizing ecosmic genesis is proceeding to be fleshed out. Altogether a global collective intelligence becomes able to self-reveal, discover, and selectively choose. We next post a survey of prime advances and vistas.

Moon to Multiverse Into the 2020s, Earthomo sapiens will mark some 400 years since Galileo’s first 1620’s telescope. In his day, the Copernican heliocentric view was hardly known and in dispute. Circa 1900, our solar system remained at the center of a starry cosmos. Galaxies were not observed until the 1930s, a point of singular origin by 1965. Theoretical thought about other universes began in the 1990s, see ExoUniverse Studies. Today, maybe as a global Galileo (also a Gloria), our long quest to explore and figure out has become a worldwise collaboration. Some four centuries later, our environmental vista has expanded to myriad unitary, variant exo-cosmoses.

And to reflect, how fantastic is it that we incipient, curious Earthlings in a few years and decades can be able to explore and learn such atomic and astronomic infinities? A typical paper could be Galactic Orbital Effects on Pulsar Timing (arXiv:2103.q5314). Who are we all to explore and quantify such reaches? What could be a reason and purpose for this inherent ordained ability ever be? In some sense, individual persons in community can gain a second identity as functional, intelligent agencies of an ecosmic self-description, literary decipherment, decisive affirmation and celestial destiny. In this 2021 view, a whole uniVerse can be newly understood to have a distinct, overall identity.

As we continue to scan and report what a worldwise Learning Planet may be coming upon, a certain panorama whence microcosmic Earthlings indeed have a central relevance to a genesis macrocosm continues to gain evident validity. An April arXiv eprint paper, The Edges of the Universe by Toby Ord (2104.01191), is an example of collaborative human abilities which can quantify and describe this entire trillion galaxy expanse. Why then can a minute sentient ovoglobe be able to achieve such infinite knowledge? Another entry, The Autodidactic Universe (2104.03902) with Lee Smolin as lead theorist, considers a (e)cosmic creativity which seems engaged in its own self-education, description and informative revelation.

A Profusion of Planets: A premier 21st century astronomic finding and ecosmic addition is a natural propensity to form all various manner of orbital objects in incubator-like solar systems. A middle, conducive area may then form a habitable band wherein Gaian biospheric candidates can give rise over eons and eras to life, mind, persons, and symbiotic familial unities potentially on the way to a planetary progeny. See III. I: ExoPlanets, Solar Systems, Habitable Zones, Biosignature Census for reports about this discovery especially into 2010s.

An Organic Ecosmos: Rather than a sterile, particulate dross, material substance has now become well quantified and understood to possess an inherent self-organizing, complex, replicative, networked fertility. By these composite findings, natural matter appears to be suffused by animate propensities so that living systems seem to be contained within its essence as if a rose in a seed and a robin in an egg. Over billion year time spans, an intrinsic development proceeds to form intricate and appropriate biochemical precursors for life’s evolutionary quickening emergence on its transitional way to an observant sapience. One might qualify all the way from microbes to a metropolis, as Geoffrey West’s Scale 2017 book advises.

A further perception and benefit may accrue. It has been noted, maybe akin to how Gaian life sustaining forces have taken hold on our Earth (see above), with life so deeply written into the operative (physical, intelligent) equations, the same phenomenal process may be unfolding even on a universal scale, see e.g., Caleb Scharf’s 2016 paper herein. That is to say, might we be coming upon a vital reality as far from an old mechanical morbidity as it could be? For this reason, an Ecosmos identity is suggested to convey its dynamic ecological nature. Please see Chapter III. H: An Astrochemistry to Astrobiological Fertility and throughout for many references.

Earth Alive: A Bio-Eco-Ovo Sphere Sustains Her/His Self This title section (III. A. 2) conveys how our home planetary abide his gained these special, unique vital qualities. The Gaia self-regulating model from James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis has now been well quantified as the global systems science paradigm. But the point we want to make is that, akin to a phenomenal Ecosmos, an Earth candidate such as our own can also be appreciated to have a distinct, significant identity. In April 2021 as climate mitigation becomes a prime public concern, our unified wumankinder contribution would be to commence an intentional, respectful, ecological self-stabilization for ages of children to come.

Quantum Organics We coined this phrase to represent an array of radically new 2000 to 2020 worldwise understandings of nature’s basic phenomenal realm, which indeed has been dubbed a “second quantum revolution.” Mostly unawares, this deepest “physical” phase been found to be distinguished by the same complex network dynamic systems as everywhere else. In regard, it is equally treatable by deep neural learning methods, which are leading to many applications. For an example, Oxford University computer scientist Bob Coecke and colleagues are proceeding to study linguistic, compositional, Rosetta-like features, which quite infer an innate textual essence.

An Information Computation Turn Another shift in scientific emphasis, from John Wheeler forward into the 2010s, has been an affirmation, after space-time and matter-energy, of a primary informative, code-like content. Prime volumes noted in this section such as From Matter to Life: Information and Causality edited by Sara Walker, et al and Why Information Grows by Cesar Hidalgo convey this vivifying addition. In further regard, as well known many algorithmic versions, broadly conceived, which allude to natural computations also make insightful contribution to a programmic narrative. This approach can be traced to Gottfried Liebniz and Alan Turing, and lately to Stephen Wolfram, Gregory Chaitin, David Deutsch and Susan Stepney.

Systems Cosmology: Fractal SpaceTimeMatter The realms of “physical” matter across spatial expanses of celestial raiment, along with a temporal vector of their evolution, are now known to display the same nonlinear, self-similar complex organization as everywhere else. When this section was first posted in the early 2000s, only rare, spurious inklings of intrinsic self-similarities and self-organizing topological dynamics could be found. Two decades later, a pervasive structuration and activity has been well quantified across galactic cluster, interstellar medium, stellar coronae and more onto elemental atomic and material phases. The once formless, sterile, forbidding void can presently evince another robust instance of the one, same exemplary code. Here is still another way that an encompassing ecosmos of infinite procreative invariance is gaining its own anatomy and physiology. For a recent report see We next cite another 2021 documentary instance. De Marzo, Giordano, et al. Zipf’s Law for Cosmic Structures. by Giordano De Marzo, et al at arXiv:2105:06110.

Universal Evolution: One more recent, relevant aspect needs to be factored in. A certain selective process appears to be in effect even across planetary, solar, galactic, and onto exoCosmos realms, see III. A. 4 Universal Evolution for citations. A generic (computation-like) procedure seems to cast a range of variant candidates which are then subject to external winnowings on an astronomic scale. Broadly conceived, this modus opens to inquiries about what property or quality could appear to be optimally favored. However, a positive 2020s countermand would be the natural presence of a self-making, autopoietic, self-organizing spontaneity so to provide an oriented, informative force. See III.E. 2 An Autocatalytic, Bootstrap EcosmoVerse and throughout.

Chapter IV. Ecosmomics: A Survey of Genomic Complex Network System Sources

After Chapter 3: Ecosmos which enters many overt aspects of a newly evident organic, self-organizing, developmental genesis milieu, this multipart Chapter 4 gathers and reports upon an equally present immaterial, mathematic, code-script generative source. The main extensive text is all about the occasion of novel Complex Network System approaches and schools of study. We follow with further aspects such as Network Physics, algorithmic computation, a literary context, and just now to attain a robust proof of a constant, universal recurrence in kind.

With all this in place, the Our Own HumanVerse Genome Studies section goes on to cite and describe their formative identity as an actual genetic basis for emergent life. Altogether, this central chapter well evinces the intrinsic presence of a natural genetic code. These modules here will go on to report premier 2020 discoveries of its archetypal bigender, familial commonality which, we suggest, can provide the phenomenal, geonome-like guidance going forward that we presently do not have.

An Ecosmomic Code: As a consequent feature, we can now enter a premier realization of our EarthWise comprehension. As the long Chapter IV documents, since the 1990s a new phase of nonlinear complex network sciences, along with algorithmic computation have studied and confirmed the presence of an independent mathematic, generative domain which infuses and informs akin to genotype and phenotype. While early work was spread over many facets, the original incentive (as through history) was to uncover one, inscribed source in similar, exemplary effect at each and every stage and instance. As these efforts have clarified and converged into the later 2010s to an integral synthesis, this informative basis has arrived at a genomic context, whose essential qualities we survey next. We note Cauliflower Fractal Forms Arise from Perturbations of Floral Gene Networks. by Eugenio Azpeitia, et al in Science. (373/192, 2021).

One Naturome Code with Two Distinctive Phases An abstract phrase for these dynamic agencies has been self-organizing complex adaptive network systems. A salient finding is that they are composed of dual elements or modes with isolate dot, node, entity or connective, edge/link, group aspects. In every quanta to persona to astra realm, this immaterial phase is distinguished by both discrete digital, node, DNA, entity parts and holistic wave, relational, analog, AND, group relations.

Complementarity: A further vital insight is that these particle + wave, node + link, DNA + AND, neuron + axon, member + interaction, masculine + feminine constitute and represent archetypal identities and principles which occur as mutually reciprocal, coincident opposites. (AND = gene regulatory networks)

Triality: We adopt this word for an integral composite which these iconic and biconic interactive pairs proceed to form so as to make up an enclosed, proto-cellular unity. We can now enter particle + wave = Light, node + link = Network, DNA + AND = Genome, right + left hemisphere = Bicameral brain, member + interactivity = Flock, pod, herd, clan, community. This trionic view can convey nature’s proclivity for diverse but beneficial joinings, aka creative union, at each place and time. This beneficial quality is becoming known as an evolutionary “symbiogenesis” (see VI. B. 4, and further herein) in similar effect from starfish colonies to stellar clusterings.

Universality: As the full website expresses, this newly appreciated ecosmomic tripartite code has been found to be in manifest, iterative, overt recurrence from a fractal spacescape to bicameral civilizations. Please see Universality Affirmation (search Alexandria 2019) and throughout for much more. Also known as scale invariance, self-similarity, commonality, the occasion is a historic fulfillment of the epic quest to find a wholly consistent sign and image in kind.

An Optimum, Middle Way, Attractor Poise: This dynamic liveliness has lately been found to display a functional tendency to seek and reside at a best balance between distinct but coincident, more or less orderly, incoherent and/or coherent states. This vital preference thus becomes a golden mean “sweet spot” (D. Chialvo) confluence of both “right and left,” stability and change, entity and empathy, which are ultimately gender modes, at the same time. Although not with reference to this scientific basis, a good public expression is Rule Makers, Rule Breakers; How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World by the psychologist Michele Gelfand (search, see also MG articles) whence all manner of societal activities are seen to take on these polar phases and work best at a dynamic balance in between.

A Real Discovery of a Ecosmomic to Geonomic Code After these several affine features, a vital witness can be entered. With a universal, exemplary recurrence in phenomenal evidence from quantum realms to genomes, neural connectomes, metabolomes, animal groupings, literary writings and onto fractal galaxies, a consistent self-similarity becomes quite evident. If each DNA + AND (GRN), node + link, bird + flock complementary correspondence is necessarily akin to its genetic phase, then all other occasions can likewise be appreciated as genomic in natural kind. By virtue of this epic achievement by our Earthuman acumen, we propose that an actual discovery about this fantastic existence might just now be possible, which is wondered about later on.

V. Life's Evolutionary Development Organizes Itself: A 2020s Genesis Synthesis

With a revolutionary organic, procreative ecosmos spacescape and its natural genomic code in place, the outline and essay can move on to life’s consequent developmental evolution on habitable, conducive bioworlds. This present Earth is so far a premier instance for having engendered and brought forth our consummate personsphere sapience as it presently achieves its own, necessary edifying retrospective. A further historic revision can then accrue as this contingent, vicarious, episodic but ultimately oriented course again takes on a guise of an embryonic to a quickening gestation. By virtue of many expansions and added features noted next and in this chapter with 350 entries, a radical genesis evolutionary synthesis, possibly at geonatal term, is here proposed.

Many years have passed since 1859 and the 1950s modern, neoDarwinian version. This Chapter V opens with a litany of some 23 findings, properties, and qualities which altogether flesh out and enlighten the developmental procession. In regard, the most significant contribution is an informative, ecosmomic code script in self-organizing effect everywhere. Other salient features, for example, are a self-similar major transitions scale, cooperative, symbiotic groupings, concerted and mosaic neural ramifications, intelligent, proactive behaviors, a deep, convergent homology (nature repeats the same pattern and processes over and again), which are formed and joined by modular networks, and so on. (In this advance, and in accord with the essay point we are trying to make, might we take license and dub a Charlotte and Charles EarthWin attribution.)

For a certain example, the April 2021 issue of Interface Focus is Interdisciplinary Approaches to Dynamics in Biology so to report how a robust reconception of life’s emergent progress has been attained and quantified by way of the complex network sciences. Via our philoSophia view, papers such as Homology of Process, and Time and Space in Segmentation describe common forms and trends which persist in kind across the long creaturely course (as the whole site attests, from microbes to a metropolis). Going forward we will continue to identify its verification in the composite literature. As we log in, a June 202i issue How does Epigenetics Influences the Course of Evolution appears in the Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B (Isaac Newton’s journal from the mid 17th century). We next cite new notice and appreciations of symbiotic unions.

Major Evolutionary Transitions Scale A good instance of an historic paradigm shift ready to happen is when two models coexist side by side. As this section discusses, since its 1995 advent the perception of an episodic, nested repetition of diverse complex wholes within wholes so to form personal beings at each level has become a central tenet. But its teleological cast is at total odds with an aimless mutate and select fixation. But we see in this essay and site how it provides an axial arrangement which seems augured for our late fulfillment. For example see Did Human Culture Emerge in a Cultural Evolutionary Transition in Individuality? by Dinak Davison, et al in Biological Theory. December, 2021.

Systems Network Biology and Genetics Since the 2001 human genome sequence, a broad movement has sought to quantify and involve the equally real regulatory and vivifying connectivities between the biomolecular nucleotides. Recent endeavors factor in multiplex network topologies and involve deep neural learning methods. As the 130 sample references convey, an international effort aided by online advances in technique and computation is well on the way to an integral understanding of 3D and 4D organismic epi/genomes and metabolomes.

Deep Homology A salient property, for example, has become known by this title whence many skeletal soma and cerebral capacities can be traced in kind back to their earliest rudimentary occasion, just as an embryo and fetus develops by concerted and mosaic (modular) ramifications from its initial forms. A good example is a constant enhancement of asymmetric bicameral brain asymmetries all the way from first invertebrates through the Metazoan animal kingdoms to our Earthuman selves, as the section (VI. C. 2) documents.

An Evolutionary Intelligence Arise Another appreciation arose in the mid 2010s that life’s central course seems to be defined by complex cerebral anatomies as they become engaged in a cumulative learning process. Due to Richard Watson, Eors Szathmary (also cofounder of the MET scale) and many others, it shifts from a prior emphasis on fossil skeletons to this cognative, behavioral, informative aspect. Another vectorial attribute can thus be traced as a relative accumulated memory may grow, teach and foster a recorded literacy.

Symbiogenesis For our 2021 leading edgy essay, we note that this composite word is increasingly entered in the literature to represent a general triality (see above) whence diverse components (bacteria, starlings, peoples) benefit from mutual aid, sharing, labors, reciprocities so to form a third whole unitary identity (cell, flock, group, community). The nested recurrence of this compartmental tight/loose pattern and process is then found to engender and distinguish all manner of evolutionary progressions and organismic development.

Chapter VI. Earth Life Emergence: Development of Body, Brain, Selves and Societies

With a uniVersal genesis, an ecosmomic bigender code, and an evolutionary gestation now posted, this next extensive chapter aims to fill in a wide array of specific scales and case studies. It opens with A Further Report of Common Principles by way of eclectic examples, since this edition is meant to show how the same complementary and triune format is exemplified and epitomized in each and every phase. Nested Gestation of Communal Creatures then courses through life’s billion year habitations from mineral substrates (R. Hazen) onto appropriate, intricate biochemicals, vast bacterial colonies, resultant eukaryotic cells, myriad fauna and flora, their viable groupings toward mammalian, primate, hominid, onto we human beings and just now an Earthomo issue whom altogether can look back in amazement.

As a thousand annotated references herein convey, an invariant tripartite repetition in kind is necessarily in strong evidence. A Quickening Encephalization and Sensibility next surveys a vectorial increase in cerebral form and cognizance, a constant bicameral brain, how intelligent and resourceful all manner of entities are both individually and in unison, and how organisms proceed evolve rhythmic, effective protolanguages. Indeed, a persistent creaturely endeavor by way of dance and song, prosodic poetry and narrative prose is to gain relative communication abilities and accumulate a store of shared cultural lore. The chapter concludes with An Enhancement of Autonomous Individuality, and Universal Gestation: Phylogeny and Ontogeny. Again, as of course must be the case just as in our own lives, the one same genetic endowment provides its proscriptive self-organization. For typical instances see Organizing Principles for Vegetation Dynamics. by Oskar Franklin, et al in Nature Plants. (6/5, 2020),and Ibarra, Jose, et al. Nurturing Resilient Forest Biodiversity: Nest Webs as Complex Adaptive Systems. by Jose Iberra,t al in Ecology and Society. (25/2, 2020) in Dynamic Ecosystems.

Chapter VII. Our Earthuman Moment: An Emergent Evolutionary Transition in Individuality

This late chapter continues the ecosmos familial narrative onto our own historically manifest phenomenon. But everything changes because living, animate materiality finally reaches, attains and bursts into a modicum of its own self-conscious knowing acuity. Its present occurrence as life’s next collective global phase, whereof each nested level repeats the same symbiotic whole essence and personal identity, is arranged into similar people and planet sections. For a new reference, see Long-term Gene-culture Coevolution and the Human Evolutionary Transition. by Timothy Waring and Zachary Wood in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. May 2021.

Human/Wuman Beings: Integral Microcosmic Persons
This seven module section reports about everyone’s bodily and behavioral formative ontogeny, along with a critically self-organized cerebral cognizance as may go forth in familial, educative and social settings. From there it emphasizes a bigender brain and cognizance and the substantial presence of personal and cosmic consciousness. A prime entry is then Holf the Universe: A Woman’s Wisdome. In the past 2 decades, a revolutionary conception of what constitutes a human body, brain and identity is covered in Our Holosymbiotic Personal Selves. As many references attest, again each instance can now be seen to epitomize epitome of the one ecosmomic code.

In respect, we phenomenal peoples can become gifted with a radical new identity of universal proportions. Persons would no longer just be whom they woke up as, but are infinitely more, so as both Earthling and “Ecosmosling” at once. To follow this, each child, woman and man gains a true microcosmic place and role within in a revolutionary macrocosmic genesis. Into the 21st century and 2020s we can ascend in history from “sinners to winners.” For an example, when a girl and boy goes to school, it can be said that as they learn so does the entire creation. One could go on. Here next are some specific advances.

Systems Neuroscience: Multiplex Networks and Critical Function With some 185 entries, this large component reports how since circa 2010 by way of imaging studies in accord with innovative theories have found that multiplex connectome qualities distinguish both cerebral topologies and cognitive process. In regard, neural networks with nested layers have become a prime example of nature’s universal, genetic-like system. With this facility, neural net methods have fostered an improved brain-based Artificial Intelligence, along with a wide utility to analyze every other genesis phase from quantum to evolutionary to social commerce.

A Complementary Brain and Thought Process In a significant addition, after some half-century of intensive scrutiny our own micro-ecosmic cerebral faculty is now well proven to be distinguished by asymmetric hemispheres with bilateral archetypes of slow/fast, object/image, node/link, entity/empathy (bigender) dynamic cognizance. Writings by the British psychologist Iain McGilchrist are seen to provide a most luminous explanation. See also An Emergent Bicameral Brain for ways that this bionic faculty is rooted in a deep evolutionary continuity. For example see A Rational Reinterpretation of Dual-Process Theories. by Smitha Milli, et al in Cognition. Vol. 217, October, 2021.

Conscious Knowledge After many years and centuries of contention, this premier but immaterial quality of our aware, informed existence has now become an amenable subject of scientific investigation and confirmation. Credible integrated Information theories due to Giulio Tononi, Larissa Albantakis, Christof Koch and colleagues, along with Global Workspace models are well quantifying how our personal acumen is a regnant phenomena of an abiding natural consciousness.

Half the Universe: A Woman’s 2020 Wisdome Of crucial significance, this unit contains much evidential documentation that men and women are in actual fact not one and the same, nor have a primary/secondary status. Rather by virtue of especial feminine cognitive abilities and integrative preferences, life’s dual genders may best represent nature’s reciprocal archetypes. Men focus on particulate, nodal things, words without meaning. Women however, whose own left side has access to these details, along with a larger corpus callosum, can then cross-reference to a right holistic mode so as to visualize a meaningful, contextual image. A proper perception of such gender identities is a vital necessity if me + We = US are ever to achieve a just, wumane, sustainable future. But in December 2020, over half the world’s population are ruled by a dozen male dictators from China and Russia (hopefully no longer the USA) to Brazil, the Philippines, Belarus, North Korea and so on.

Our Holosymbiotic Selves Moving on, this module follows with still another indicative occasion of life’s common, ascendant radiation and preference for an integral, symbiotic synthesis so to ever achieve a diverse, entity member and whole composite triality as best for individual sustanencece and survival within a supportive grouping. Finally, Archetypal Psychology refers to a broadly Carl Jungian vista of a mythic, mystic sensitive wisdom whose a once and future guidance is in much need if we are ever to provide a better future for children.

EarthHuman KinderKind: A Personsphere Progeny
This double dignity chapter goes on to likewise consider an array of salient communicative, cultural, local, urban, and onto ethnic, continental, and historic phenomena. Again each area is studied so as to show how it expresses a deeper, independent, universal mathematic (algorithome) source.

A Cultural (Geonome) Code We also cite as Systems Lingusitics because, as noted widely in Iteracy: A Rosetta Ecosmos above, even our very human phase of written and spoken communicative content has been found to strongly exhibit fractal network forms and a self-organized thematic conveyance. Altogether, vitally informative personal and group messaging can be accomplished. Such a constant, manifest occasion further attests to an independent source code which seems genetic in kind. As Earth life may finally flicker into knowing sentience, our social proclivity to make cipher to alphabet markings on papyrus to paper and now through online graphic screens might achieve an ecosmic self-description and realization. We also suggest a Geonomics version for an appropriate, accompanying bigender code so to guide a middle way symbiotic society.

Complex Local to Global Network Biosocieties This is an umbrella section for many exemplary aspects of smaller and larger human habitations. The growing application of nonlinear science to the multi-faceted field of social studies has also led to a notice of a recurrent mathematical basis. Rather than one thing after another sans any deeper context, as surface events surely seem, a global vista can retrospectfully perceive how complex dynamic networked systems likewise self-organize into an exemplary, interactive shaping of groups, assemblies, settlements, villages and cities. A steady, nested scale then ranges from a few members to a metropolis. As introduced in Organic Societies earlier, bounded communities continue to form and evolve toward an organism-like cognitive coherence. As various papers report, political elections, sporting events, social media, financial commerce, to migrations, viral pandemics and even battlefield chaos, can yet be found to exhibit universal patterns and processes.

Planetary Physiosphere: Anatomics, Economics, Urbanomics Our composite societal abidances, especially in metropolitan settings, by way of material circulations, skeletal infrastructure, cognitive cultures and more now appear akin to an anatomy, metabolism and nervous system of a developing organism. As the title cites, into the 21st century human habitations from villages to cities have likewise been described as dynamic exemplars of nature’s complex, fractal, cellular, network self-organization. A consequence is that urban plannings can by guided be and proceed in an organic way, e.g., car arteries, speed limits as blood pressure, and so on, as increasingly underway.

A Complementarity of Civilizations On a planetary scale an appreciation of exemplary Complementary Civilizations, as that section (VII. B. 4) explains, could well serve. Today, news reports about harsh confrontations between the United States and Russia abound, each brandishing (nuclear) weaponry. Similarly a meeting between Chinese and American diplomats is aired as they sit at long, opposite tables as if two sides of a brain. Instead of accord they loudly dispute economic, political, and territorial issues. But if a global view is taken of nature’s genetic reciprocity in manifest effect everywhere, an Earthuman unified abidance is again graced by West and East, North and South hemispheres with their archetypal cultures.

Another benefit would be to recognize that ethnic races such as African and American in such travail, are likewise distinguished by these mutual, distinctive qualities, as II. A. 4: An Ubuntu Universe advises. A new paper, Narratives and Counternarratives on Data Sharing in Africa (arXiv:2103.01168), by Rediet Abede, a Ethiopian-American AI expert at UC Berkeley, and colleagues contends that the Global South that is graced by a different, relational culture than particulate bytes. Their essence is more about integral storytelling, drama rather than data, whereby a prosodic integrity can convey an ethical message. See also Vii. A. 5 Half the Universe: A Woman’s Wisdome for more.

Chapter VIII. Earth Earn: Our Open CoCreative Ecosmocene Destiny

With so many integral aspects being found by our special Earthomo sapience, by turns still another audacious feature can and need be identified and factored in, as several. PediaPedia sections document. The overall uniVerse (how once more amazing that we beings can imagine such things in the morning) could altogether be seen as some manner of a generative, informed self-auto-creative activity which is meant to pass on to whomever optimum, fittest planetary progeny can attain this by their own aware initiative. Into the 2020s we Earthlings, truly thinking as a planet, have gained unlimited mind over matter and energy capabilities of Ecosmic prowess and potential.

In addition to being able to quantify and learn all about quantum depths and multicosmic reaches universe, many convergent achievements augur for an ordained second “evolitionary” phase. But as a caveat, this does not portend for a technical singularity or AI computer take over. For example, see (materiality) Coming Alive by Philip Ball in Nature Reviews Physics for March 2021. The long, chancy, choosy, insensate travesty could finally end and a new cocreation by the ethical virtue and guidance of its genetic scriptome code. In other words, the world can be changed for the much better if men can ever stop fighting and women’s beneficial, empathic wisdom be allowed to endow children. (As Bishop Curry said at the royal wedding, we need love to succeed fire.) But first we have to deal with an uninformed, patriarchal, nuclear armed, climate stressed terminal state.

A. The Old World: Its Critical Life Support Condition
After this pandemic, mandemic, gundemic year, while an academic segment yet remains silent, a new resolve to face a plethora of crises is hopefully being called for and getting underway. A “let’s start all over the right way” movement is welling by virtue of a latent multi-gender, ethnic, indigenous, person/planet inclusiveness. We are not doomed as a current book title claims. By our own motive initiative we can individualy and altogether admit, recognize and mitigate climate change, end viral pestilence, foster a viable ecovilage future and more, for which better day this website offers resources.

When this section was first posted in the early 2000s, it cited a litany such as climate extremes, militarism, bogus wars, resource usage, plastics waste, energy excesses, economic corruption. Some two decades later, these perils and more have grown worse and put us in a terminal biospheric life-support condition. If not enough, a dozen or so authoritarian, barbaric, deranged dictators now rule more than half the world’s population. Current works such as The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells and Falter by Bill McKibben sound alarms, but see Elizabeth Kolbert’s Under a White Sky (February 2021) for pathways forward.

B. A New CoCreation: A Singular Wumane Evolitionary Advance
At a geonatal moment, as peoples become critically beset by pandemic, mandemic, gundemic and other perils, along with erratic weather extremes this dark to light age section opens herein with a brief survey and reference of open creative frontiers as they beckon. It then reports upon evidential signs of a novel participatory (biteracy to Iteracy) capacities of material, biological, social protocellular, and onto celestial ascendancies.

Mind Over Matter: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical Connectomics In the past years a strong global capability has been achieved by which to delve deeply into and wholly quantify any substantial title domain. Again by new instruments, computer prowess, better theories, collaboritive teams and more, an open frontier invites we curious, awesome Earthlings to begin a new evolutionary phase. This module conveys how heretofore “inorganic” phases have lately become increasingly animate, fertile, and arable. By a PhiloSophia view, what a fantastic scenario is just now revealing itself whence a valiant worldwise species on a fittest ovoworld might take up and over, as intended it seems, a second cocreative singularity.

Second Genesis: Emergent LifeKinder Proceeds to an Aware BioGenetic Phase While Mind/Matter above was about a conducive substantiality, this entry reviews how our Earthomo sapience is achieving similar insights and abilities to totally revise and recreate life’s arduous trial and error evolution in a medically guided and ethically respectful way. As the references report, all manner of genomic, cellular, metabolic, network anatomy and physiology can be healed and enhanced. A major breakthrough since 2012 is the editing ease of CRISPR genetics, which is daily roving its worth from hereditary to agriculture benefits. Indeed new ways to expand and rewrite nature’s genomic code might be seen as passing on this generative source to our Earthwise continuance.

Sustainable Ecovillages Moving on up, a naturome guide can advise a better, viable, cooperative way to live altogether in the world. As life began by way of whole protocellular vesicles, so this time an apt phase of lively abidance might be social protocells of nominally 100 members of all walks and ages, please see VIII. B. 4 Sustainable Ecovillages. Such a successful community has flourished for over 20 years in close by Amherst, MA. With a reduced economic burden, many folks work a few days a week or less so are freed up to get a life. No one directs or manages since everybody helps each other in a self-organizing way. Here is a good instance of “creative union,” also an ubuntu (I am because We are) equity, whereby a supportive group proceeds to empower and liberate. This novel animation could extend on with nested local, bioregion, continental, and biospheric networks so to form a healthy and hale continental and global personage. Here is the crucial shift from nuclear nations to an EarthKinder identity as planetary patriots.

A Organic Reciprocal Genocracy At this point, we consider some ways that these natural findings due to our learned Earthkinder could be availed to resolve everyday world (misinformed) political, military, social and cultural crises. I write in spring 2021 in the USA when right red and left blue factions are gridlocked in oppositional, defiant behaviors. We ought to ask why elections always divide in half. Within a Natural Genesis, an organic, bigender complementarity could well serve to heal and resolve public affairs. That is to say, can it ever dawn that bipolar Republicans and Democrats represent archetypal halves of a whole familial populace. Might a new name as a "femocracy" be appropriate? It could be as simple as me + We = US (United States) by which to achieve a bicameral, conserve and create, warrior and worrier, past/future viable polity so to provide a peaceable sustainability good the children.

A Viable Gaiasphere: An Earthropocene Unity: Planetary Patriots and Matriots After the whole resource site, this consummate section concerns how we peoples might altogether gain a sufficient understanding and motivation so as to heal, mitigate, sustain, and foster our rarest, great Earth bioabide. Herein we seek to report and document many ways that a worldwise cocreative, encoded genesis found by our Earthomo sapience could inform, inspire and guide a viable super-organic, entity/Earthling resolve. Along with ending the viral pandemic, it is said we need to embark upon to similarly vigorous scientific and public mission to admit and stabilize climate impacts. (And one ought to include a national barbaric male militarism.) In accord with Earthropic Principle next, a common initiative so to become a rare, fittest ecosmic center of future genesis ought to commence.

C. Great Earth: Our Especial Bioplanet can be the Fittest, Optimum Candidate
As these final Pedia Sapiens website sections enter, an unexpected turn of events and resolve could begin to imply a point and purpose with regard to our Earthuman participation. Within our revolutionary ecosmic theme, a prior, spatial (Ptolemaic, single sleep) model cites a “Copernican mediocracy” whereof this Earth, or any planet, does not have any unique place in its pointless sterility. But if a phenomenla genesis uniVerse can be newly understood as a reproductive procreation, a grand alternative may be in our sapiensphere midst. Life’s evolutionary emergence seems to be the result of and facilitated by a rarest, good fortune confluence of many astrological to solar-bioplanetary check-points, which are here given an extensive topical review and documentation. Might our minute, fraught bioworld, at once so beset and so precious, yet be one in some quintillion candidates which is able to reach this relative geonativity moment? An encompassing reality and presence may just now gain such an explanatory narrative. In regard, here could accrue a grand opportunity and challenge to be the fittest, optimum Greatest Earth, if we peoples especially men) can altogether come to our senses in time. Please refer to the 2020 - 2030 edition for new entries which add more restrictions

A Family Ecosmos Genesis Procreativity
To wit, we attempt to imagine and consider an apparent meaningful significance to these relative abstractions. Into these critical 2020s one might dare suggest, as based on this Natural Genesis website, that a comprehensible identity could be considered for an entire multiversal ecosmos. In regard, an ability by way of an internal human-like planetary acumen may be a vital requirement (as the participatory version alludes) to bring into ecosmome to geonome self-affirmed realization. An apt overall phrase might be “from eternity to maternity.”

As long foreseen, across the ages a perennial uniVerse to humanVerse correspondence, might indeed be qualified and confirmed. By turns, an “anthropocosmic” vision (Chap. II. A. 2) might expansively be appreciated as an Earthropo to Ecosmic version. A generative code-script, DNA/AND, bigender complementarity and whole Taoist triality has been found to suffuse and prescribe every stage and instance. A “pregnant” cosmos (Christian De Duve), an ovular-like Earth, and life’s sequential, quickening gestation at its gravid hour can well imply a maternal/paternal to son/daughter reproductive process with an ascendant genetic endowment. So in this regard, a daunting planetary and celestial surround may yet reveal an encompassing familiarity for both the whole macro-ecosmos and our micro-ecosmos iconic, bionic and triconic embodiment.