Cerebral Cortex
The outer layer of the bilateral hemispheres composed of grey matter concerned with coordination of higher central nervous system function.
Complex behavior now found to be characterized by predictable periodic domains along with much sensitivity to initial or external conditions.
Chimera State
Also noted in Chapter IV, this phrase from the later 2010s cites a tendency complex systems to reside at a dynamic poise between less or more order. This condition is distinguished by being in both modes at the same time. We note that the term differs from its biological usage whence a creature may have two distinct genomes.
A method of classifying organism into groups (taxa) based on recency of common descent as judged by the possession of shared, derived characteristics. Variously known as Systematics.
Closed System
An isolated system that cannot exchange matter and energy with its surroundings.
In general accord with a participatory universe vision, a notice circa 2020 going forward that human beings, individually and as a collective Earthomo sapience, seem to be ordained and empowered to take up and begin a second intentional future genesis.
Complex Adaptive System
A generic term to represent the communicative interaction of many free agents, guided by common protocols, from which emerges a nested scale of whole entities.
Another term for parallel distributed processing in the brain made up of many links between functional neurons or elements in a cerebral or artifactual circuit.
The integral linking together of principles and properties from different disciplines so as to form a comprehensive, overarching theory.
In evolution, a process where features such as eyes or intelligence consistently appear in independent lineages and different environmental conditions.
Critical Complementarity
Another phrase for self-organized criticalities and also chimera whence both reciprocal phases, say order/disorder or particle/wave, exist at the same time. Such a system is not only poised in between two modes, but exists in both states at the same time.