III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator LifescapeA. UniVerse Alive: An Organic, Self-Made, Encoded, Familial Procreativity Roepke, Gerd, et al. Heavy element abundances from a universal primordial distribution.. arXiv:2411.00535. University of Rostock, University of Heidelberg and University of Wroclaw astrophysicists provide a latest review of the natural occurrence of higher periodic table rows after the first lighter array. The full paper conveys a theoretic depth that is possible due to a global collaborative, technological sophistication. A philoSophia view comes to an evidential degree which bodes for a realization that such atomic materials with appropriate properties could not be accidental but long foreordained for our phenomenal Earthuman survey. We present a freeze-out approach to the formation of heavy elements. Applying concepts used in the description of heavy-ion collisions or ternary fission, we determine their abundances at high densities of nuclear matter. With this approach, we search for a universal primordial distribution in an equilibrium state from which the gross structure of heavy elements freezes out via radioactive. This condition is characterized by the chemical potentials of neutrons and protons. nucleosynthesis, including supernova explosions, neutron star mergers and the inhomogeneous Big Bang. (Excerpt) Rosen, Steven. The Self-Evolving Cosmos. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008. The emeritus CCNY psychologist expands on the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger to add a missing subjective phase to objective physics. By this approach, albeit by a dense argument and style, a cosmic “individuation” can be discerned. A synopsis article “Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy” can be found in Foundations of Physics, (38/6, 2008). Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa, et al. Prebiotic Systems Chemistry: New Perspectives for the Origins of Life. Chemical Reviews. 114/1, 2014. Reviewed more Systems Chemistry, Spanish scientists extensively presage a revolutionary genesis cosmos. Sahtouris, Elisabet. A Tentative Model for a Living Universe. www.ratical.org/LifeWeb. The paper is available at the LifeWeb website: click on Biophilosophy by Elisabet Sathouris. A holistic biologist critiques the mechanical model of a barren, universe where life is a fleeting tangent in light of an imminent paradigm shift to a creative, organic reality. This is visible not by material reduction but through an “integral science” which includes the entire human experience of self, world and cosmos. As a result, autopoietic systems is are seen to spontaneously generate a holoarchy of living, sentient, dynamically interactive beings. And in passing, here is an example of a woman’s sense of a much more nurturing cosmology. Instead of projecting a universe of mechanism without inventor, assembling blindly through particular, atomic and molecular collisions a few of which came magically to life and further evolved by accidental mutations, I propose that there is reason to see the whole universe as alive, self-organizing endless fractal levels of living complexity as reflexive systems learning to play with possibilities in the intelligent co-creation of complex evolving systems. (2) Salthe, Stan. Natural Philosophy and Developmental Systems. Systems Research. 18/403, 2001. A veteran biologist and philosopher perceives and recommends the return of an integral knowledge of a cosmic and earthly gestation. Natural philosophy is being revived by way of grounding it in thermodynamics and information theory. This discourse systematizes information from all the sciences so that every field of knowledge of nature supports every other as parts of a concept of general evolution. (403) Sanchez, Ignacio, et al.. Solvent Constraints for Biopolymer Folding and Evolution in Extraterrestrial Environments.. arXiv:2310.00067. We choose and place this entry by University of Buenos Aries astrochemists in our main organic ecosmos section because it well conveys an innately fertile essence on it’s own developmental course. Into this October, however might such a phenomenal biologic milieu and personal planet bearing result ever be able to dawn on us in. We propose that spontaneous folding and molecular evolution of biopolymers are two universal aspects that must concur for life to happen. These aspects a related to the chemical composition of biopolymers and depend on the solvent in which they occur. We show that molecular information and energy landscape theories allow us to explore the limits that solvents impose on biopolymers. We consider water, alcohols, hydrocarbons, halogenated, aromatic media which may take part in alternative biochemistries. Many of these solvents have been found in molecular clouds or may be expected to occur in extrasolar planets. (Excerpt) Sandefur, Conner, et al. Network Representations and Methods for the Analysis of Chemical and Biochemical Pathways. Molecular BioSystems. 9/2189, 2013. In this paper, Sandefur, University of North Carolina, Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Diseases Research and Treatment Center, with Maya Mincheva, Northern Illinois University mathematical sciences, and Santiago Schnell, University of Michigan Medical School, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, seek to define the generic interconnective dynamics of such organic phenomena, and their invigorating presence in similar fashion for all manner of biomaterial systems. That is to say, a double domain, as if implicate and explicate, an independent universality, and its manifest instantiation. May one then ever imagine a natural genotype and phenotype? Systems biologists increasingly use network representations to investigate biochemical pathways and their dynamic behaviours. In this critical review, we discuss four commonly used network representations of chemical and biochemical pathways. We illustrate how some of these representations reduce network complexity but result in the ambiguous representation of biochemical pathways. We also examine the current theoretical approaches available to investigate the dynamic behaviour of chemical and biochemical networks. Finally, we describe how the critical chemical and biochemical pathways responsible for emergent dynamic behavior can be indentified using network mining and functional mapping approaches. (Abstract) Scharf, Caleb. Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology. Sausality, CA: University Science Books, 2009. Reviewed more in Exoearths, still another take as we move closer and closer to a collaborative admission, a revolutionary Copernican realization, of a biologically fertile cosmic embryogenesis. Schwartzman, David and Charles Lineweaver. Temperature, Biogenesis, and Biospheric Self-Organization. Kleidon, Alex and Ralph Lorenz, eds. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Production of Entropy. Berlin: Springer, 2005. A cosmos that by its nature will inevitably evolve complex, cognitive living systems is said to be the accepted astrobiological paradigm. The presence of the right temperature regime on the surface of conducive planets is an imperative condition. Big bang cosmology has given us an abiotic, deterministic model for the evolution of the Universe in which, as the Universe expanded and cooled from arbitrarily high temperature, an increasingly complex series of structures emerged including life and biospheres at least on terrestrial planets around Sun-like stars. (208) Seckbach, Joseph, ed. Life As We Know It. Berlin: Springer, 2006. Volume 10 in the Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology series. An extraordinary array of insights on the incarnate insistence of living entities and systems. Please check the publisher’s web posting for its expansive table of contents. Some samples: "Life as an Unfolding Biocosmos" by Joseph Svoboda, and "The Destiny of Life in the Universe" by Julian Chela-Flores. Shapiro, Robert. Planetary Dreams. New York: Wiley, 1999. A contrast is set up between the negative materialist and positive organic positions as to whether an inherently self-organizing universe should be filled with intelligent beings. Bets are placed on the many intrinsic reasons for prolific life. Siregar, Pridi, et al. A General Framework Dedicated to Computational Morphogenesis: Part II Knowledge Representation and Architecture. BioSystems. Online November, 2018. PS and Nathalie Julen, Integrative BioComputing, France, Peter Hugnagl, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and George Mutter, Harvard Medical School post a series of papers herein, the above being the longer essay, along with A General Framework Dedicated to Computational Morphogenesis: Part I Constitutive Equations. (Online July) and Computational Morphogenesis: Embryogenesis, Cancer Research and Digital Pathology (169-170/40). We cite because an insightful attempt is made, based on efforts back to the 1990s, to formulate a structural systems biology in accord with a physical foundations. By virtue of this view, nested, fractal arrays of active entities in community appear as life’s embryonic and morphological genesis evolves and emerges.
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