IV. Ecosmomics: Independent Complex Network Systems, Computational Programs, Genetic Ecode Scripts2. Biteracy: Natural Algorithmic Computation Yang, Xin-She and Joao Paulo Papa, eds. Bio-Inspired Computation and Applications in Image Processing. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. In this volume, the Middlesex University London mathematician and author is joined by a Sal Paulo State University computer scientist. As these biomimetic ways and means gain wide usage, a typical chapter is Fine-Tuning Deep Belief Networks Using Cuckoo Search. In this volume, the Middlesex University London mathematician and author is joined by a Sal Paulo State University computer scientist. As these biomimetic ways and means gain wide usage, a typical chapter is Fine-Tuning Deep Belief Networks Using Cuckoo Search. Yang, Xin-She, et al, eds. Swarm Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Computation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013. An introductory text for spontaneous optimizations due to natural, organics agencies of stochastic, evolutionary, dynamic self-emergence. As noted in this section, the way social insects and animal groupings achieve this can be a good source and guide. Swarm Intelligence is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial. SI systems consist typically of a population of simple agents or boids interacting locally with one another and with their environment. The inspiration often comes from nature, especially biological systems. The agents follow simple rules, and although there is no centralized control structure dictating how individual agents should behave, local, to a certain degree random interactions between such agents lead to the emergence of "intelligent" global behavior, unknown to the individual agents. Examples in natural systems of SI include ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, bacterial growth, fish schooling and microbial intelligence. (Wikipedia) Zarco, Mario and Tom Froese. Self-Optimization in Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Online August, 2018. In an entry edited by Claudius Gros and reviewed by Richard Watson, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México mathematicians glimpse an evidential presence even in cerebral cognitions of nature’s universal process of many relatively random states, in this case neurons, which iteratively evolve into viable “attractor configurations.” A recent advance in complex adaptive systems has revealed a new unsupervised learning technique called self-modeling or self-optimization. Basically, a complex network that can form an associative memory of the state configurations of the attractors on which it converges will optimize its structure: it will spontaneously generalize over these typically suboptimal attractors and thereby also reinforce more optimal attractors. This technique has been applied to social networks, gene regulatory networks, and neural networks, but its application to less restricted neural controllers, as typically used in evolutionary robotics, has not yet been attempted. Here we show for the first time that the self-optimization process can be implemented in a continuous-time recurrent neural network with asymmetrical connections. (Abstract excerpts) Zarcone, Ryan, et al. Analog Coding in Emerging Memory Systems. Nature Scientific Reports. 10/6831, 2020. We cite this entry by ten UC Berkeley, Stanford, IBM Research, Macronix International, and Google Brain researchers including Jesse Engel as another example, akin to Miguel Nicolelis’ neuroscience (search), of the optimum value of complementary digital byte and analog link pairings. These archetypal modes are now seen to hold across nature’s genesis, except for political elections where they remain pitted against each other, unaware of any scientific findings. Exponential growth in data generation and big data science has created an imperative for low-power, high-density information storage. This need has motivated research into multi-level memory devices capable of storing multiple bits per device because their memory state is intrinsically analog. Furthermore, much of the data they will store, along with the subsequent operations, are analog-valued. However the current storage paradigm is quantized for use with digital systems. Here, we recast storage as a communication problem, which allows us to use ideas from analog coding and show that analog-valued emerging memory devices can achieve higher capacities. (Abstract excerpt) Zelinka, Ivan. A Survey on Evolutionary Algorithms Dynamics and its Complexity. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. Online August, 2015. The Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, computer scientist also has a posting at Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam. He often organizes international conferences and edits volumes (search here and Springer) which consider and express a lively nature that employs a source code which evolves and emerges from uniVerse to humankinder. This paper, with 147 references, covers historical imaginations from Gregor Mendel in Brno, not far from Ostrava, to Alan Turing, Nils Barricelli, John Holland, and others. Lately through journals as this and voluminous book series, a worldwide research project proceeds apace. As I log this in along with Rachel Armstrong’s Vibrant Architecture (2015) phenomenal human peoples appear to be closing in on an innate genetic-like computation, which by its self-recognition can pass to a new genesis future creation. Swarm and evolutionary based algorithms represent a class of search methods that can be used for solving optimization problems. They mimic natural principles of evolution and swarm based societies like ants, bees, by employing a population-based approach in mutual communication and information sharing and processing, including randomness. In this paper, history of swarm and evolutionary algorithms are discussed in general as well as their dynamics, structure and behavior. The core of this paper is an overview of an alternative way how dynamics of arbitrary swarm and evolutionary algorithms can be visualized, analyzed and controlled. Also selected representative applications are discussed at the end. Both subtopics are based on interdisciplinary intersection of two interesting research areas: swarm and evolutionary algorithms and complex dynamics of nonlinear systems that usually exhibit very complex behavior. (Abstract) Zelinka, Ivan, et al, eds. Evolutionary Algorithms and Chaotic Systems. Berlin: Springer, 2010. From five years ago, an early volume that begins to address the turn and synthesis of complexity science with this computational dimension. It could be seen as part of the broad movement to quantify this natural program at work, and as the genesis uniVerse intends and requires, to have its dynamic utility pass to intelligent human apply and continuance. This book discusses the mutual intersection of two interesting fields of research, i.e. deterministic chaos and evolutionary computation. Evolutionary computation which are able to handle tasks such as control of various chaotic systems and synthesis of their structure are explored, while deterministic chaos is investigated as a behavioral part of evolutionary algorithms. (Springer) For stochastic algorithms, in general we have two types: heuristic and metaheuristic, though their difference is small. Loosely speaking, heuristic means ‘to find’ or ‘to discover by trial and error.’ (4) Zenil, Hector, et al. Algorithmic Information Dynamics: A Computational Approach to Causality with Applications to Living Systems.. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023. For some two decades Hector Zenil has been involved in innovative studies of natural program-like mathematics with colleagues such an Gregory Chaitin (search). See the arXiv preprint site for later entries such as Decoding Geometric Properties in Non-Random Data from First Information-Theoretic Principles (2405.07803.) This present volume with coauthors Narsis Kiani and Jesper Tegner represents a current overview, explanation and frontier. Biological systems are extensively studied as interactions forming complex networks. Reconstructing causal knowledge from, and principles of, these networks from noisy and incomplete data is a challenge in the field of systems biology. Based on an online course hosted by the Santa Fe Institute Complexity Explorer, this book introduces the field of Algorithmic Information Dynamics, a model-driven approach to the study and service of dynamical phenomena. A theoretical and methodological framework guides an exploration and generate computable candidate models able to explain complex adaptive systems from physics to cell biology to cognitive sciences. Zenil, Hector, et al. Life as Thermodynamic Evidence of Algorithmic Structure in Natural Environments. Entropy. 14/11, 2012. Zenil and James Marshall, University of Sheffield, Carlos Gershenson and David Rosenbluth, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, a younger generation of systems scholars, newly engage the deepest issue and question of what kind of abiding cosmos must there be for regnant life to observe it. By way of a novel computational physics, they show that an evident presence of information-processing, cognitive organisms implies and indeed requires an equivalently viable nature with its own algorithmic essence. As a result, the old random, insensate, accidental scheme is set aside for an inherently textual, creatively responsive reality. With Stephan Wolfram and others, the dichotomy between physics and biology is thus resolved by this witness and inclusion of this informative affinity. In evolutionary biology, attention to the relationship between stochastic organisms and their stochastic environments has leaned towards the adaptability and learning capabilities of the organisms rather than toward the properties of the environment. This article is devoted to the algorithmic aspects of the environment and its interaction with living organisms. We ask whether one may use the fact of the existence of life to establish how far nature is removed from algorithmic randomness. The paper uses a novel approach to behavioral evolutionary questions, using tools drawn from information theory, algorithmic complexity and the thermodynamics of computation to support an intuitive assumption about the near optimal structure of a physical environment that would prove conducive to the evolution and survival of organisms. We contribute to the discussion of the algorithmic structure of natural environments and provide statistical and computational arguments for the intuitive claim that living systems would not be able to survive in completely unpredictable environments, even if adaptable and equipped with storage and learning capabilities by natural selection (brain memory or DNA). (Abstract) Zhang, Chuan, et al. DNA Computing for Combinational Logic. arXiv:1807:02010. A seven person team with postings at the Lab of Efficient Architectures for Digital-communication and Signal-processing (LEADS), National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, and Quantum Information Center, Southeast University, China offer another entry to how these remarkable nucleotide helices are increasingly being found, in addition to genetic purposes, to have a natural affinity for all manner of computations. The paper is slated for publication in the Springer journal Science China Information Sciences. Future Horizons: As a non-von Neumann architecture machine, DNA computer tries to rethink the notion of computation. Operating in a parallel manner, it starts all the bio-operations from encoding information over the alphabet {A, T, G, C}. Just like the silicon-based computer performs complex calculations on a basic suite of arithmetic and logical operations, DNA has cutting, copying and many others. “Born” to solvea seven-point Hamiltonian path problem, DNA computing shows overwhelming advantages in solving hard problems, especially those problems that conventional computers cannot address. Seemingly as the smallest computer, about a kilogram of its computational substrate DNA could meet the world’s storage requirements as long as the information could be packaged densely enough. (14)
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