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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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VIII. Earth Earns: An Open CoCreative Earthropocene to Astropocene PediaVerse

C. An Earthropocene Era: Pedia Sapience Achieves a Unified, Peaceful, BioHome with an Ecosmic Project

Prescott, Susan and Alan Logan. Larger Than Life: Injecting Hope into the Planetary Health Paradigm. Challenges. 9/1, 2018. The coauthors are global activists whose vitas merit a record below. As the Abstract says, a relative physiosphere health and welfare is an initial imperative for any societal, environmental remediation and sustainability. While an apocalyptic despair seems to beset western and middle-east lands, spreading further afield, in the Australasia span, positive futurity of persons in community motivated toward a better world is alive and well. Indeed peoples deeply require some sense of an abiding purpose and worthy destiny if life and love is to proceed and prevail. The paper is part of a collection "The Emerging Concept of Planetary Health: Connecting People, Place, Purpose and Planet," search journal. See also the 2018 Oxford Handbook of Hope, edited by Matthew Galagher and Shane Lopez, and visit the InVIVO Global Initiative for Planetary Health website.

The term planetary health, popularized in the 1980s and 1990s and born out of necessity, was consistently used to underscore that human health is coupled to the health of natural systems within the Earth’s biosphere. The interrelated challenges of climate change, massive biodiversity losses, environmental degradation, grotesque socioeconomic inequalities, conflicts, and non-communicable diseases are, mildly stated, daunting. Despite ‘doomsday’ scenarios, there is plenty of room for hope and optimism in planetary health. All over planet Earth, humans are making efforts at the macro, meso and micro scales to promote the health of civilization. Viewing the Earth as a superorganism, with humans as the collective ‘nervous system’, may help with an understanding of the ways in which experience and emotions lead to behavioral responses that may, or may not be, in the best interest of planetary health. We argue that the success of planetary health solutions is predicated on a more sophisticated understanding of the psychology of prevention and intervention at all scales. (Abstract excerpts)

Prof. Dr. Susan Prescott: Founding Director of the inVIVO Global Initiative for Planetary Health; Director of The ORIGINS Project, Telethon Kids Institute; Professor of Paediatrics, School of Medicine at University of Western Australia; Paediatric Immunologist, Perth Children's Hospital Interests: planetary health; ecological and social justice; immunology and inflammation; microbiome science; nutrition; life-course wellness.

Dr. Alan C. Logan: InVIVO Global Initiative for Planetary Health, Group of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Interests: planetary health; natural environments; nature relatedness; mind–body medicine; nutrition; social and ecological justice; placebo; microbiota; history of medicine; philosophy of biology.

Prescott, Susan and Alan Logan. Larger Than Life: Injecting Hope into the Planetary Health Paradigm. Challenges. 9/1, 2018. Reviewed more in A Viable Gaia, along with a physiosphere health and welfare which is imperative for any societal, environmental remediation and sustainability, peoples a need an ingrained sense it is all worthwhile, that a better day can actually be achieved.

Pretty, Jules. Agricultural Sustainability: Concepts, Principles and Evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 363/1491 & 1492, 2008. An article from a double theme issue on a truly systemic, intentional, biodynamic, permaculture-based, green revolution.

Primavesi, Anne. Sacred Gaia: Holistic Theology and Earth System Science. London: Routledge, 2000. A theologian who focuses on ecological issues, Dr. Primavesi is a Fellow of the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religion at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her innovative theme is to engage an autopoietic natural cosmos which innately makes itself. She applies this recursive initiative to both person and planet with the message we are responsible locally and globally for our own future fate.

Rammel, Christian, et al. Managing Complex Adaptive systems: A Co-Evolutionary Perspective on Natural Resource Management. Ecological Economics. 63/1, 2007. A collaboration from the Universities of Vienna, and Sussex, UK, proposes to extend the newly realized complex, dynamical ways (see also Graham Harris) by which ecosystems organize and scale themselves to the realm of participatory human nurturance.

Instead sustainable development is an open evolutionary process of improving the management of social-ecological systems, through better understanding and knowledge. Therefore, natural resource management systems need to be able to deal with different temporal, spatial and social scales, nested hierarchies, irreducible uncertainty, multidimensional interactions and emergent properties. (9) There is an increasing awareness in natural and social sciences that ecological, physical as well as socio-economic systems share the characteristics of CAS. Characterized by self-organization and co-evolutionary dynamics, they express large macroscopic patterns which emerge out of local, small-scale interactions. (10) Natural resource management systems as complex adaptive systems are characterized by their dynamic interdepencence across various scales and are driven by mutual interactions between institutional, ecological, technological and socio-economic domains. (12)

Rhoads, Daniel, et al. A Sustainable Strategy for Open Streets in (Post) Pandemic Cities. Communications Physics. 4/183, 2021. We cite this paper by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona and UC Berkeley (Marta Gonzalez) system geographers for its timely, appropriate content, and as an example a momentary turning from past to future, so to begin anew, by way of such intentional applications of nature’s organic principles and patterns. In another view, our path going forward can be guided by these “geonome” (urbanomic) code endowments. See also Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Self-Organization: A Dynamic 4D Modle for Redeveloping the Post-Zoning City by Daphna Levine, et al in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. (August, 2021).

Ricard, Sole. Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Conservation Biology: Scales, Attractors and Critical Points. Preprints 2023. The veteran ICREA-Complex Systems Lab, Barcelona (search) contributes an exemplary, thorough mathematic survey on how the latest complexity network sciences can be well applied and serve to unify the many cross-linked issues and perils if we are ever altogether to achieve a sustainable future.

Preserving and restoring biodiversity is a prime imperative as we face a world where planetary boundaries will soon be crossed. In regard, his global initiative needs to consider multiple scales of nonlinear complexity in space and time. A broad range of issues which affect healthy communities and habitat conservation from local features onto global network-level ecosystems. This essay outlines a synthesis of ideas guided by a complex systems view of the actual scales of nascent universal principles. (Abstract)

Embracing a complex systems approach view empowers us to view biodiversity preservation with greater foresight of the complex web of dependencies and feedback loops that sustain life on Earth. In such a world, where the fate of our planet hangs in the balance, it is vital to integrate sound scientific knowledge, forward-thinking management strategies, and global cooperation to safeguard and restore biodiversity. Such integration will require a collective effort across disciplines where our understanding of different scales will benefit from the universal patterns displayed by simple models of ecological complexity. (25)

Rifkin, Jeremy. The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013. In our calamitous age, amongst rancorous lamentations, the economic and social theorist, advisor, author (search) offers a rare visionary and practical way forward. Its five pillars are a shift to renewable energy (not back to coal), which can allow micro-power plants at each location similar to computers, appropriate energy storage, which is coordinated with Internet communications, and hybrid, electric, hydrogen car, truck, bus transports. As an engaging speaker and world traveler, these recommendations, since they make sense and there are few other workable plans, have been endorsed by the European Parliament, the Chinese government, among others. With my June 2017 Scientific American issue was included an insert about how tiny Luxembourg has fully adopted, as a matter of policy, third revolution principles as a continental hub of frontier sustainable and even space technology.

Ritchie, Hannah. Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet. New York: Little, Brown Spark, 2024. The author is a PhD Senior Researcher in the Programme for Global Development at Oxford University. As the quote says, her unique contribution over and beyond the present climate fatalism by viewing long trends, as if two paths to take, toward solvable ways to clean the plastic from oceans, don’t clear cut forests, save species, and so on by an intentional choice to do so.

In this hopeful book, data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that if we zoom out, a very different picture emerges. We’ve made so much progress on many problems that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in human history. Packed with the latest research, practical guidance, and enlightening graphics, this book will make you rethink almost everything about the environment. Hannah outlines what works, what doesn’t, and what we urgently need to focus on to reach a liveable planet for future generations.

Rosnay, Joel, de. The Symbiotic Man. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Noted elsewhere, in this regard the author suggests that a radical correction in terms of gender is needed if world civilization is to survive.

For millennia, human subsistence depended on the domestication of solar energy through agriculture. This stage in social evolution favored values of a symbiotic nature: complementarity, equilibrium, the frugal use of resources. The period of economic and industrial conquest of the last few centuries….favored ‘masculine’ values: competition, conquest, domination, and growth. The transition now embarked upon by humanity - the postindustrial or bioecological organization of an information and communications society - will require a return to ‘feminine’ values such as solidarity, complementarity, and balance, values similar to those that prevailed during the subsistence stage of humanity. (235)

Rowe, Stan. Earth Alive. Resurgence. March/April, 2003. The superorganic nature of our special planet ought to be the proper matrix of life. This British-based journal and its website has for twenty five years published some of the best practical and poetic essays on a humanely sustainable abide.

Awareness of Earth as the giver and maintainer of life, shifting the focus from organisms to the larger system that is their mutual source and support, might in time revivify and re-enchant a world that science for several hundred years has assumed to be dead.

Rozzi, Ricardo, et al, eds. Earth Stewardship: Linking Ecology and Ethics. Berlin: Springer, 2015. With several coeditors such as Baird Callicott and Mary Power, the edition cites the imperative need for a “worldwide moral revolution” if we are ever to environmentally sustain and survive. Along with conceptual theory and principles, local inputs such as Japanese indigenous biogeochemistry and Andean llamas are evoked. A real appreciation of such indigenous cultural and planetary aspects, far more vital than bottom lines, might anoint a holy planet instead of holy pollution and war.

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