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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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A. An Emergent Ecode: An Ecosmome to Geonome Complementary Endowment is Found Everywhere

Chen, Lei, et al. Metallic Quantum Criticality Enabled by Flat Bands in a Kagome Lattice. arXiv:2307.09431.. As the quotes convey, Rice University Center for Quantum Materials, Vienna University of Technology and SUNY Stony Brook physicists including Jennifer Cano and Silke Paschen delve deeply into these substantial realms and scientific features to reveal still another exemplary statement of nature’s optimum self-organized balance. See also Quantum Criticality Enabled by Intertwined Degrees of Freedom by this group for a broader version in PNAS. (120/30, 2023.)

Strange metals arise in a variety of platforms for strongly correlated electrons, ranging from the cuprates, heavy fermions to flat band systems. We study a Hubbard model on a kagome lattice so as to construct a Kondo lattice description. We identify a Mott transition with a quantum critical point at which quasiparticles a strange metallicity emerges. Our theoretical work opens up a new route for realizing beyond-Landau quantum criticality and novel quantum phases that it nucleates. (Excerpts)

For the first time, we have theoretically realized a metallic quantum critical point enabled by the flat bands of a kagome lattice, with properties that parallel the well established strange metallicity of heavy fermion systems. (28) Our findings also reveal new interconnections among a variety of correlated electron platforms, and point to new platforms for beyond-Landau quantum criticality. (30)

Chen, Luyao, et al. AI of Brain and Cognitive Sciences: From the Perspective of First Principles. arXiv:2301.08382. Sixteen Chinese length scholars under the auspices of the AI of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Research Group, Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, and Beijing University post an array of chapters, per the first quote, in an effort to advance AI abilities by better appreciations of how our own cerebral faculties have actually formed and well function. Our main interest is Criticality: Bringing New Perspectives to the Brain and AI, which gathers and presents an extensive, latest survey as this realization lately gains a wide, quantified acceptance. The two longer quotes are from this section.

This paper collects six such first principles summarized by the research team, “AI of Brain and Cognitive Sciences”, in the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI). They are attractor network, criticality, random network, sparse coding, relational memory, and perceptual learning. On each topic, we review its biological background, fundamental property, potential application to AI, and future development.

The framework of criticality is a powerful tool to understand and analyze complex systems because many systems in physics and nature are in a critical state. In the past 20 years, researchers found that biological neural networks in the brain operate close to a critical state, which provides a new perspective on studying brain dynamics. It is known that the critical state is important for brain activities/functions because it optimizes numerous aspects of information transmission, storage, and processing. In addition, some brain diseases are believed to be related to the deviation from the critical state, which also opens a new window for diagnosing and treating these diseases. In the field of artificial intelligence, the framework of the critical state is used to analyze and guide both the structural design and weight initialization of deep neural networks, suggesting that operating close to a critical state may be considered one of the fundamental principles governing computations in neural networks. (9)

The critical state gives us a new perspective to study biological and artificial neural networks. At present, the framework of criticality has not only been used to understand neural dynamics and brain diseases but also to analyze the operation of deep neural networks and guide the design for further improvement. Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we know that the critical state of the network can be controlled by some simple control parameters, such as branching ratio, spectral radius, and input-output Jacobian singular values. This makes it possible to analyze or tune the overall behavior of complex networks through statistics that are easy to observe. We believe that the framework of criticality will play an even more important role in helping us better understand the constraints applied to artificial neural networks and to design better architectures as well as dynamical rules to improve its performance in complex information processing. (14)

Cheraghalizadeh, J., et al. Simulating Cumulus Clouds Based on Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2211.06111. University of Mohaghech Ardabili, Iran and ETH Zurich physicists advance recent findings that even such weather conditions can be found to take on and exhibit this intrinsic phenomenal preference. In regard, this widespread, exemplary occasion of a SOC viability strongly indicates an independent source which is universally inl manifest effect.

Recently it was shown that self-organized criticality is an important ingredient of the dynamics of cumulus clouds (Physical Review E, 103(5), 2021). Here we introduce a new algorithm to simulate cumulus clouds in two-dimensional square lattices, based on the cohesive energy of wet air parcels and a sandpile-type diffusion of cloud segments. We observed that the cloud fields that we obtain from our model are fractal, with the outer perimeter having a fractal dimension. (Excerpt)

Ciaunica, Anna, et al. Nested Selves: Self-Organization and Shared Markov Blankets in Prenatal Development in Humans.. PsyArixiv Preprints, May 2023. We review this post by AC, University of Lisbon, Michael Levin, Tufts University, Fernando Rosas, University of Sussex, and Karl Friston, University College London (search each) as they move on to a unique perception that life’s embryonic stage can be rightly viewed as a self-organizing process. Into 2023, this occasion becomes evident within a biological self-making milieu and a newly fertile physical basis. So once more, along with Autorino and Petridou, a true evolutionary gestation takes credence as a genesis synthesis.

The immune system is a central component of organismic function in humans. This paper addresses self-organisation of a biological system in relation to — and nested within — an other biological system in pregnancy. Indeed, the hierarchical relationship in pregnancy reflects an earlier autopoietic process in the embryo by which the number of individuals in a single blastoderm is determined by cell-cell interactions. Specifically, we consider the role of the immune system in biological self-organisation in addition to neural/brain systems that furnish us with a sense of self. In pregnancy, two immune systems need to exchange resources and information to maintain viable self-regulation of nested systems. We then propose mechanisms that scaffold tise complex relationship through the lens of the Active Inference, with a focus on shared Markov blankets. (Abstract excerpt))

Ciss, Mamadou, et al. Description of the Cattle and Small Ruminants Trade Network in Senegal.. arXiv:2301.11784. We cite as another instance by Senegalese, French and British system veterinaries of how a mature awareness of common, implicate nonlinear lineaments in universal effect can provide an implicate guidance even for the distribution and maintenance of indigenous herd animals.

Livestock mobility of small and large ruminants, is a main pillar of production and trade in West Africa. These movements cover several thousand kilometers and connect the whole West African region. But this activity also leads to the diffusion of many animal and zoonotic diseases. In this paper, we present a procedure based on temporal network theory to identify possible sentinel locations using two indicators: vulnerability (i.e. the probability of being reached by the disease) and time of infection (i.e. the time of first arrival of the disease). (Excerpt)

Dresp-Langley, Birgitta. The Grossberg Code: Universal Neural Network Signatures of Perceptual Experience. Information. 14/2, 2023. A Strasbourg University, Center for National Scientific Research neuroscholar (search) post a succinct review of Stephen Grossberg’s opus Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain (2022) along with a detailed, sequential expansion of its integral invariance from universe to us as we learn. See also her paper The Weaponization of Artificial Intelligence: What the Public Needs to be Aware Of in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (6/115484, 2023).

Two universal functional principles of Grossberg’s Adaptive Resonance Theory decipher the brain code of all biological learning and adaptive intelligence. Low-level representations of multisensory stimuli in their immediate environmental context are formed on the basis of bottom-up activation and under the control of top-down matching rules that integrate high-level, long-term traces of contextual configuration. These universal coding principles lead to the establishment of lasting brain signatures of perceptual experience in all living species, from aplysiae to primates. They are re-visited in this concept paper on the basis of examples drawn from the original code and from some of the most recent related empirical findings on contextual modulation in the brain, highlighting the potential of Grossberg’s pioneering insights and groundbreaking theoretical work for intelligent solutions in the domain of developmental and cognitive robotics. (Abstract)

Faber, Justin and Dolores Bozovic.. Criticality and Chaos in Auditory and Vestibular Sensing.. arXiv:2311.02280.. While these dual inner ear aspects have been known as critically attuned for some time, here, re UCLA neurophysicists provide a latest theoretic and empirical verification. With regard to our website content, still another strong, functional instance is noted where even i the way we hear sounds and keep steady resides in a optimum self-organized critical state.

The auditory and vestibular (sense of balance) systems exhibit a high temporal acuity and frequency selectivity, allowing us to make sense of the noisy world around us. Since this acoustic environment spans several orders of magnitude in amplitude and frequency, these complementary activities rely on nonlinearities, power-law scaling, chaos, and dynamical systems theory, with many relevant phenomena described by critical behavior. (Excerpt)

Frolov, Nikita and Alexander Hramov. Self-Organized Bistability on Scale-Free Networks. arXiv:2211.06111. In this litany of SOC occurrences, Center for Neurotechnology and Machine Learning, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, scientists identify still another instance by way of extreme human cerebral states which takes on this double bilateral dynamic mode. (by whatever lights then might such endemic findings be applied to cease insane warfare)

A dynamical system approaching the first-order transition can exhibit a critical behavior known as self-organized bistability SOB which can switch between oexisting states under self-tuning of a control parameter. Here, we theoretically explore an extension of the SOB concept on the scale-free network which originates from facilitated criticality macro- and mesoscopic levels. The spatial self-organization and temporal self-similarity of the critical dynamics then replicates epileptic seizure recurrences. Thus our proposed conceptual model can deepen the understanding of emergent collective behavior behind neurological diseases. (Excerpt)

Gao, Chong-Yu and Jun-Jie Wei. Scale-invariant Phenomena in Repeating Fast Radio Bursts and Glitching Pulsars. arXiv:2401.13916. As the Abstract says, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei astrophysicists report a seemingly ubiquitous tendency for active astronomical phenomena to persist in a dynamic self-similar criticality. See also Distributions of energy, luminosity, duration, and waiting times of gamma-ray burst pulses with known redshift detected by Fermi/GBM at arXiv:2401.14063 and The Self-organized Criticality Behaviors of Two New Parameters in SGR J1935+2154 at arXiv:2401.05955.

The recent discoveries of a glitch/antiglitch accompanied by fast radio burst (FRB)-like bursts from the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154 have revealed the physical connection between the two. In this work, we study the statistical properties of radio bursts from the hyperactive repeating source FRB 20201124A. We confirm that the probability density fluctuations of energy, peak flux, duration, and waiting time well follow the Tsallis q-Gaussian distribution. Similar scale-invariant property can be found in PSR B1737--30's glitches. These statistical features can be well understood within the same physical framework of self-organized criticality systems. (Excerpt)

Ge, Xiaofei, et al. Self-Organized Critical Dynamics of RNA Virus Evolution. arXiv:2204.08627. We cite this entry by Tsinghua University, Beijing and University of Paris researchers amongst a rush of nonlinear COVID studies which show how its etiologies can be deeply modeled complex network science. Once again, even in highly stressed, variegated disease pandemic, these mathematic dynamics seek and reside at a default condition poised between more or less relative order. A payoff would be that the past two intense years of such findings could result in methods to identify, prevent and control future epidemics

Studies of RNA virus (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) evolution are vital for understanding molecular evolution and medicine development but so far remain insufficient. Here, we characterize the RNA virus evolution as a physical system with absorbing states and avalanche behaviors. This approach maps biological data (e.g., phylogenetic tree and infection) to a general stochastic process which enables researchers to verify a self-organized criticality underlying RNA virus evolution. We find that SARS-CoV-2 exhibits scale-invariant avalanches as mean-field theory predicts. The lineages that emerge from such critical evolution coincidentally also match the Delta variant. (Abstract excerpt)

Guan, Shaohua. Universal scaling relation and criticality in bacterial metabolism and growth. arXiv:2308.04776. Four Chinese Academy of Sciences system theorists deftly apply the latest criticality findings so to perceive their optimum invariant occasion across life's earlier phases. Into mid 2923, the evidence grows broadly stronger by the weekly postings

The metabolic network plays a crucial role in regulating bacterial metabolism and growth, but it is subject to inherent molecular stochasticity. In this study, we employ a maximum entropy approach to investigate the universality in various constraint-based metabolic networks of Escherichia coli. Our findings reveal the existence of universal scaling relations across different nutritional environments and metabolic network models, similar to the universality observed in physics. By analyzing single-cell data, we confirm that bacterial metabolism operates close to the state with maximum Fisher information, which serves as a signature of criticality. This critical state provides functional advantages such as high sensitivity and long-range correlation. Moreover, we demonstrate that a metabolic system operating at criticality achieves an optimal balance between growth and adaptation, thereby serving as a survival strategy in fluctuating environments. (Abstract)

Jensen, Henrik. Brain, Rain and Forest Fires: What is Critical about Criticality: In Praise of the Correlation Function. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 2/032002, 2021. The veteran Imperial College London mathematician (search) reviews the field of self-organized criticality studies form Per Bak in 1987 to the later global 2010s, which are now seen as entering a new phase of robust veracity. A vital nuance is then distilled that such natural propensities, especially for cerebral activities, tend more to oscillate around a poise point rather than be set in place. (But I must say that a definition of Correlation Function also seems quite malleable.)

We present a brief review of power laws and correlation functions as measures of criticality and the relation between them. By comparing phenomenology from rain, brain and the forest fire model we discuss the relevant features of self-organisation to the vicinity about a critical state. We conclude that organisation to a region of extended correlations and approximate power laws may be behaviour of interest shared between the three considered systems. (Abstract)

The similar behaviour shared between so Many different systems indicates that the basic ingredients of dynamics driven by load, spreading and relaxation will tend to organize towards configurations poised near some kind of onset of (correlated) percolation. The buildup of spatially extended structures, which then abruptly collapse through release of precipitation, neuronal firing or fires respectively in the three cases discussed, keeps turning “over critical” configuration into under “under critical” ones. (9)

It is often suggested that the reason the brain operates at or near a critical point is the hypersensitivity of this state, indicated by the divergence of the susceptibility. This seems reasonable, but there may even be reasons why the brain does not sit exactly in a critical state. It has been suggested that operating in the region across the critical point may have a computational advantages for the brain in terms of combining high data storage capability in the sub-critical region with increased information transfer in the super-critical region. (9)

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