(logo) Natural Genesis (logo text)
A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

5. ExoUniverse Studies: Detectable Presence, Conceptual Features

Baumgartner, Sandra and Jaiyul Yoo. Living in a Non-Flat Universe. arXiv:2205.12973. We cite this entry by University of Zurich astrophysicists as an example of our latest abilities to advance Earthuman quantifications onto entire cosmoses. In regard, the project involves both queries about physical parameters of our own universe, and beyond to consider multiverse candidates. See Separate Universe Approach to Evaluate Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum at 2205.10339 for similar work.

Recent analysis of the Planck measurements opened a possibility that we live in a non-flat universe. Given the renewed interest in non-zero spatial curvature, here we re-visit the light propagation in a non-flat universe and provide gauge-invariant expressions for the cosmological probes: the luminosity distance, galaxy clustering, gravitational lensing, and microwave background anisotropies. Our work represents the first comprehensive investigation of the cosmological probes in a non-flat universe. (Abstract)

Bouhmadi-Lopez, Mariam, et al. The Interacting Multiverse and its Effect on the Cosmic Microwave Background. arXiv:1809.09133. University of the Basque, University of Szczecin, Poland, and Ecological Station for Biocosmology, Spain move on to consider how whole cosmoses might intersect with each other in a way that might be amenable to theoretical study, along with their experimental detection. And it amazes that human beings can suddenly join on an infinitesimal bioworld to imagine and explore an entire dynamic multiverse.

We study a toy model of a multiverse consisting of canonically quantized universes that interact with each other on a quantum level based on a field-theoretical formulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. This interaction leads to the appearance of a pre-inflationary phase in the evolution of the individual universes. We analyze scalar perturbations within the model and calculate the influence of the pre-inflationary phase onto the power spectrum of these perturbations. The result is that there is a suppression of power on large scales, which can describe well the Planck 2018 data for the cosmic microwave background anisotropies and could thus indicate a possible solution to the observed quadrupole discrepancy. (Abstract)

Boyle, Latham, et al. CPT-Symmetric Universe. Physical Review Letters. 1/251301, 2018. Perimeter Institute theoretical physicists LB, Kieran Finn, and director Neil Turok can now proceed to contemplate and quantify entire cosmoses with regard to variations if certain nuclear or energetic parameters were different. See also Quintessential Isocurvature in Separate Universe at arXiv:1409.6294 for another take. Within this website view, how fantastic is it that human beings altogether are able to learn about such vistas and imaginations. There must be some auspicious reason and purpose that we can do this.

We propose that the state of the universe does not spontaneously violate CPT (see below). Instead, the universe after the big bang is the CPT image of the universe before it, both classically and quantum mechanically. The pre- and post-bang epochs comprise a universe/anti-universe pair, emerging from nothing directly into a hot, radiation-dominated era. CPT symmetry selects a unique QFT vacuum state on such a spacetime, providing a new interpretation of the cosmological baryon asymmetry, as well as a remarkably economical explanation for the cosmological dark matter. Several other testable predictions follow: (i) the three light neutrinos are Majorana and allow neutrinoless double β decay; (ii) the lightest neutrino is massless; and (iii) there are no primordial long-wavelength gravitational waves. (Abstract excerpt)

Charge, parity, and time reversal symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of physical laws under the simultaneous transformations of charge conjugation (C), parity transformation (P), and time reversal (T). CPT is the only combination of C, P, and T that is observed to be an exact symmetry of nature at the fundamental level. The CPT theorem says that CPT symmetry holds for all physical phenomena, or more precisely, that any Lorentz invariant local quantum field theory with a Hermitian Hamiltonian must have CPT symmetry.

Carlisle, Camille. Cosmic Collisions. Sky & Telescope. December, 2012. Into this 21st century what vistas have earthlings come to, what are we risen mortals altogether capable of. This article suggests that it may amazingly be possible to detect signs of other, intermeshing universes by finessing data findings from the CMB and WMAP satellites. Might we then imagine that valiant human beings have something to do with the success or failure of the entire cosmos, if by common vision, we could so witness and self-select?

Carrasco, John, et al. Cosmological Attractors and Initial Conditions for Inflation. arXiv:1506.00936. With co-authors Renata Kallosh and Andrei Linde, June 2015 post-BICEPS project theories about how a singular cosmic origin might have taken place. In regard see also The Hyperbolic Geometry of Cosmological Attractors (1504.05557) by these authors and Diederik Roest, Escher in the Sky (1503.06785) by Kallosh and Linde, and The Unity of Cosmological Attractors (1412.3797) by this team with Mario Galante. For the record, I attended Linde’s first lecture in the US at Harvard in 1983 on bubbly fractal cosmoses. For an entry by his 1980s co-founder Alan Guth see Quantum Fluctuations in Cosmology and How They Lead to a Multiverse (1312.7340). After years of conjecture and contest, aided by international collaborations and experiments along with computer analysis, by these mid 2010s a new convergent phase is underway. Companion takes could be Universality Classes of Scale Invariant Inflation by Roest and Mehmet Ozkan (1507.03603), and The Anamorphic Universe by Anna Ijjas and Paul Steinhardt (1507.03875, search). But as this website seeks to document the worldwide discovery of a creative organic universe, it ever amazes that human beings can fathom such vistas at all, yet never include themselves in this capacity as having a cosmological significance.

During the last two years, a new class of inflationary theories have been discovered: “cosmological attractors." This class is very broad, including conformal attractors [1], universal attractors with non-minimal coupling to gravity [2], and alpha-attractors [3{6], and it also incorporates many previously existing models such as Starobinsky model [7], GL model [8, 9], and Higgs inflation model [10]. Despite very different origins, all of these models make very similar cosmological predictions providing an excellent match to the latest cosmological data [11, 12]. Moreover, these models can be further extended to describe not only inflation, but also the theory of dark energy/cosmological constant and supersymmetry breaking [13]. (1506.00936, 1)

During the last 35 years inflationary theory evolved from something that could look like a beautiful science fiction story to the well established scientific paradigm describing the origin of the universe and its large scale structure. Many of its predictions have been already confirmed by observational data, see e.g. [1, 2]. And yet the development of this branch of science is not over. In this paper we will briefly remember the first steps of its development, and then relate them to a broad set of inflationary models which seem to fit observational data particularly well, and which make predictions nearly independent on the shape of their inflationary potentials. We called these theories “cosmological attractors." As we will show, this class of models is closely related to some of the pioneering in ationary models such as the simplest versions of the chaotic inflation scenario [3, 4] and the Starobinsky model [5]. But what makes these theories especially interesting is their geometric nature and super-gravity realization, bringing us back to the discussion of the Poincare disk and Escher's paintings. (1503.06785, 1)

Courtois, Helene. Finding Our Place in the Universe How We Discovered Laniakea – the Milky Way’s Home. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2018. The University of Lyon cosmic cartographer and author describes this latest epic survey (April) of our once and future galactic environs. See also for example a recent collaboration The Quasi-Linear Nearby Universe at arXiv:1807.03724. And we wonder what cosmic function are phenomenal peoples accomplishing by deeply and widely learning this?

You are here on Earth, in the solar system, in the Milky Way galaxy which itself is within the extragalactic supercluster Laniakea. How can we pinpoint our location so precisely? For twenty years, astrophysicist Hélène Courtois surfed the cosmos with an international team of researchers to map our local universe. In this book, Courtois describes this quest and the discovery of our home supercluster. She explains that Laniakea (“immeasurable heaven” in Hawaiian) contains about 100,000 large galaxies like our own, and a million smaller ones. The French edition was named the Best Astronomy Book of 2017. This MIT Press edition describes new discoveries such as the cosmic velocity web and the Dipole and Cold Spot repellers.

Hélène Courtois is a French astrophysicist specializing in cosmography. She is Professor and Vice President at the University of Lyon 1 and the director of a research team at the Lyon Institute of Nuclear Physics. She received the 2018 Scientist of the Year Award from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for her international influence. She is featured in the 2019 Nova documentary Cosmic Flows: The Cartographers of the Universe.

Cunningham, William, et al. Navigability of the Universe. arXiv:1703.09057. We enter in this section as an example of novel human abilities to theoretically consider an entire whole scale cosmos. Physicists WC and Dmitri Krioukov, Northeastern University, with Konstantin Zuev, Caltech proceed with a technical conception (search DK, Albert Barabasi) of intricate cosmic structures by way of geometric graphs and network topologies. A discernment of physiological and neural-like anatomies across the universe (search the Beatles) then becomes increasingly evident.

Random geometric graphs in hyperbolic spaces explain many common structural and dynamical properties of real networks, yet they fail to predict the correct values of the exponents of power-law degree distributions observed in real networks. In that respect, random geometric graphs in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes, such as the Lorentzian spacetime of our accelerating universe, are more attractive as their predictions are more consistent with observations in real networks. Here we study the navigability of random geometric graphs in three Lorentzian manifolds corresponding to universes filled only with dark energy (de Sitter spacetime), only with matter, and with a mixture of dark energy and matter as in our universe. We find that these graphs are navigable only in the manifolds with dark energy. This result implies that random geometric graphs in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes are as good as random hyperbolic graphs. (Abstract)

In network science and applied mathematics, random geometric graphs have attracted increasing attention over recent years, since it was shown that if the space defining these graphs is not Euclidean but negatively curved, i.e., hyperbolic, then these graphs provide a geometric explanation of many common structural and dynamical properties of many real networks, including scale-free degree distributions, strong clustering, community structure, and network growth dynamics. Yet more interestingly, these graphs also explain the optimality of many network functions related to finding paths in the network without global knowledge of the network structure.(1)

Dai, Liang, et al. On Separate Universes. arXiv:1504.00351. Liang Dai, Johns Hopkins University, Enrico Pajer, Utrecht University, and Fabian Schmidt, MPI Astrophysics enter another example of novel 2015 theoretical engagements with an evident presence of myriad other cosmoses.

The separate universe conjecture states that in General Relativity a density perturbation behaves locally (i.e. on scales much smaller than the wavelength of the mode) as a separate universe with different background density and curvature. We prove this conjecture for a spherical compensated tophat density perturbation of arbitrary amplitude and radius in ΛCDM. We then use Conformal Fermi Coordinates to generalize this result to scalar perturbations of arbitrary configuration and scale. In this case, the separate universe conjecture holds for the isotropic part of the perturbations. The anisotropic part on the other hand is exactly captured by a tidal field in the Newtonian form. We show that the separate universe picture is restricted to scales larger than the sound horizons of all fluid components. (Abstract excerpt)

Dayal, Pratika, et al. The Habitability of the Universe Through 13 Billion Years of Cosmic Time. arXiv:1606.09224. As an example of the expansive frontiers of our human quest, astrophysicists Dayal and Martin Ward, Durham University, UK, and Charles Cockell, University of Edinburgh offer considerations, as the Abstract details, of an innately conducive cosmos for fecund bioworlds and sentient Earthlings whom are just now capable of such imaginations.

The field of astrobiology has made tremendous progress in modelling galactic-scale habitable zones which offer a stable environment for life to form and evolve in complexity. Recently, this idea has been extended to cosmological scales by studies modelling the habitability of the local Universe in its entirety. However, all of these studies have focused on estimating the potentially detrimental effects of either Type II supernovae or Gamma Ray Bursts, ignoring the contributions from Type Ia supernovae and active galactic nuclei. In this study we follow different approaches, based on (i) the amplitude of deleterious radiation and (ii) the total planet-hosting volume irradiated by deleterious radiation. We simultaneously track the contributions from the key astrophysical sources for the entire Universe, for both scenarios, to determine its habitability through 13.8 billion years of cosmic time. As result of the total mass in stars (or the total number of planets) slowly building-up with time and the total deleterious radiation density, and volume affected, falling-off after the first 3 billion years, we find that the Universe has steadily increased in habitability through cosmic time. We find that, depending on the exact model assumptions, the Universe is 2.5 to 20 times more habitable today compared to when life first appeared on the Earth 4 billion years ago. We find that this increase in habitability will persist until the final stars die out over the next hundreds of billions of years. (Abstract excerpts)

De Grijs, Richard, et al. Toward an Internally Consistent Astronomical Distance Scale. arXiv:1706.07933. The 60 page paper is to appear in a Space Science Reviews collection from a 2016 Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age workshop. Its authors have postings in China, Switzerland, Spain, Japan, and Germany. We cite not so much for content as to note how fantastic is it that peoples over a minute bioworld can yet work together to quantify, measure and map the whole, vast galactic cosmos. When and however might a reflective sapiensphere be able to realize and appreciate before it is too late.

Accurate astronomical distance determination is crucial for all fields in astrophysics, from Galactic to cosmological scales. Despite, or perhaps because of, significant efforts to determine accurate distances, using a wide range of methods, tracers, and techniques, an internally consistent astronomical distance framework has not yet been established. We review current efforts to homogenize the Local Group's distance framework, with particular emphasis on the potential of RR Lyrae stars as distance indicators, and attempt to extend this in an internally consistent manner to cosmological distances. Calibration based on Type Ia supernovae and distance determinations based on gravitational lensing represent particularly promising approaches. We provide a positive outlook to improvements to the status quo expected from future surveys, missions, and facilities. Astronomical distance determination has clearly reached maturity and near-consistency. (Abstract)

Eckel, Stephen, et al. A Rapidly Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensate: An Expanding Universe in the Lab. Physical Review X. 8/021021, 2018. We enter because NIST Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland physicists allude that via the latest theories, it is may be possible in some way to experimentally study the inflationary aspects of cosmic origins. To so reflect, such an auspicious ability begs a view of we people altogether as a participatory phenomenon within a maybe self-realizing and co-creating (genesis) universe. See also Simulating the Universe by Tom Giblin, et al in Physics World for May 2017.

We study the dynamics of a supersonically expanding ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate both experimentally and theoretically. The expansion redshifts long-wavelength excitations, as in an expanding universe. After expansion, energy in the radial mode leads to the production of bulk topological excitations -- solitons and vortices -- driving the production of a large number of azimuthal phonons and, at late times, causing stochastic persistent currents. These complex nonlinear dynamics, fueled by the energy stored coherently in one mode, are reminiscent of a type of "preheating" that may have taken place at the end of inflation. (Abstract)

Freivogel, Ben. Making Predictions in the Multiverse. arXiv:1105.0244. This entry by a MIT physicist is a good summary from a decade ago as the 21st century multiuniversal vision of their bubbling occasion appeared to allow a widest array of variable parameters. Into this 2023 the latest collegial papers by McCullen Sandora et al (see herein) can proceed with their deepest material and energetic quantifications. It remains as a challenge in our humanverse discovery decade to get to the point and purpose.

I describe reasons to think we are living in an eternally inflating multiverse where the observable "constants" of nature vary from place to place. The major obstacle to making predictions in this context is that we must regulate the infinities of eternal inflation. I review a number of proposed regulators, or measures. Recent work has ruled out a number of measures by showing that they conflict with observation, and focused attention on a few proposals. Further, several different measures have been shown to be equivalent. I describe some of the many nontrivial tests these measures will face as we learn more from theory, experiment, and observation. (BF abstract)

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