I. Planatural Genesis: A 21st Century Revolutionary, PhiloSophia, Earthumanity, Organismic EditionC. A Collective Earthtropocene Intelligence Begins to Find a Self-Organizing Personal Procreation Czegel, Daniel, et al. Bayes and Darwin: How Replicator Populations Implement Bayesian Computations. BioEssays. 44/4, 2022. DC and Eors Szmathary, Institute of Evolution, Budapest, Hamza Glaffar, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Joshua Tenenbaum, MIT, continue their project to perceive and identify life’s developmental emergence as mainly a cerebral, cognitive learning advance. It is argued that every organism across all Metazoan domains must be primarily able to be aware of and predict their ever-changing environs. By this view, bodily evolution (Darwin) and proactive mind (Bayes) need proceed in a parallel way. Here, this 2020s version is informed and braced by probalistic, iterative, cognitive models or versions. Writ large, once again an outline of a self-educating, making, affirming, autocatalytic participant reality can become evident as a complementarity of past reference and open future. Bayesian learning theory and evolutionary theory both formalize adaptive competition dynamics in variable environments. What do they have in common and how do they differ? In this paper, we discuss structural and process analogies at a computational and an algorithmic-mechanical level. We point out mathematical equivalence and isomorphism between Bayesian update and replicator dynamics. We discuss how these mechanisms provide similar ways to adapt to stochastic conditions at multiple timescales. We thus find replicator populations to encode regularities so as to predict future environments. As a notable result, a unified view of the theories of learning and evolution can be achieved. (Abstract) Czegel, Daniel, et al. Novelty and Imitation within the Brain: A Darwinian Neurodynamic Approach to Combinatorial Problems. Nature Scientific Reports. 11:12513, 2021. DC, Eors Szmathary, Marton Csillag, and Balint Futo, Institute of Evolution, Budapest, along with Hamza Glaffar, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory post a latest version of their studies of life’s creaturely evolution as most involved with progressively gaining intelligence and knowledge so to best survive. See also Bayes and Darwin: How Replicator Populations Implement Bayesian Computations by this collegial team in BioEssay. (44/4, 2022.) Efficient search in combinatorial spaces, such as those of possible action sequences, linguistic structures, or causal explanations, is an essential component of intelligence. Based our prior work, we propose that a Darwinian process, operating over sequential cycles of imperfect copying and selection of neural informational patterns, is a promising candidate. In teacher and learner settings, we demonstrate that the emerging Darwinian population of readout activity patterns can maintain and continually improve upon existing solutions A novel analysis method, neural phylogenies, is then proposed that displays the unfolding of the neural-evolutionary process. (Abstract excerpt)
da Costa, Luciano.
On Similarity.
We cite this 2021 entry by the senior University of Sao Paulo complexity theorist (search) as a way to record his steady flow of wide-ranging, collegial papers since the early 2000s. Another reason is a present burst of studies over a topical span from enzymes to texts and cities. By this work, along with many other worldwide contributions, 21st century nonlinear systems science altogether seems to have reached an integral convergence. Into the 2020s, a consistent natural recurrence of common patterns and processes, forms and flows, has now become quite evident everywhere. The neural criticality hypothesis states that the brain may be poised in a critical state at a boundary between different types of dynamics. Many studies show that critical systems tend to exhibit optimal computational property. Here, we provide an account of the mathematical and physical foundations of criticality. We then review and discuss recent experimental studies so to identify important next steps to be taken, along with connections to other fields. (2111.02803 excerpt)
Dambricourt Malasse, Anne, ed.
Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology.
International: Springer Frontiers,
The editor is a senior paleo-anthropologist at the French National Center for Scientific Research. The volume appears in a new Springer series Evolutionary Biology: New Perspectives (search Richard Delisle) and can represent a latest, strongly evident affirmation of this missing innate, common source force for life’s oriented, emergent development. In regard the work well serves to establish an absent, animating, informative, genome-like basis which can at last inform, explain, qualify and brace a valid 2020s genesis synthesis within a revolutionary ecosmos uniVerse. A new evolutionary synthesis is proceeding to integrate the scientific models of self-organization in occurrence since the later 20th century as based on the laws of physics, thermodynamics, and mathematics. This book shows how self-organization is by now integrated across a 21st century span from life’s origins to our human phase. The first part attends to the modern observations in paleontology and biology, with prior presciences such as Immanuel Kant, d’Arcy Thompson, Henri Bergson, and Ilya Prigogine. The second part views emergent evolutionary models drawn from the complexity sciences, the non-linear dynamical systems, fractals, attractors, epigenesis, and other system approaches such as embryogenesis-morphogenesis phenomena. (Publisher) Daniels, Bryan, et al. Identifying a Developmental Transition in Honey Bees Using Gene Expression Data. bioRxiv, November 7, 2022. A latest paper by Arizona State University and Banner Health, Phoenix complexity theorists including Robert Page describes how dynamic genome studies now reveal critically poised bistable states even in this prescriptive phase. This –omic occurrence of self-organized criticalities can well establish nature’s 2020s universal preference for this optimum poise. See also Social Networks Predict the Life and Death of Honey Bees by Benjamin Wile, et al in Nature Communications 12/1, 2021 and Self-Organization and the Evolution of Division of Labor by R. Page and Sandra Mitchell in Apidologie (29/1, 1998). In many organisms, interactions among genes lead to multiple functional states, while other interactions can transition into new modes, maybe by way of critical bifurcations in dynamical systems. Here, we develop a statistical theory to identify a bistability near a transition event from gene expression data. We apply the method to honey bees where a known developmental occurrence between bees performing tasks in the nest and leaving to forage. Our approach is able to predict the emergence of bistability and link it to genes involved in the behavioral transition. (Abstract excerpt) Del Santo, Flavio and Nicolas Gisin. Creative and geometric times in physics, mathematics, logic, and philosophy. arXiv:2404.06566. University of Geneva natural scholars offer an insightful way so as to appreciate something constructive going on by itself. The phrase “creative time” is drawn from Henri Bergson a century earlier. We propose a distinction between two concepts of time that play a role in physics: geometric and creative. The former is the time of deterministic physics and merely parametrizes a given evolution. The latter is characterized by real change, i.e. novel formation when a non-necessary event becomes occurs in an indeterministic physics. This allows us to cite a naturalistic presence as the moment that separates the potential future from the determined past. We discuss how these two concepts find applications in classical and intuitionistic mathematics and in classical and multivalued tensed logic. (Abstract). Ellis, John, et al. Ellis, John, et al. Do we Owe our Existence to Gravitational Waves?. arXiv:2402.03593. John Ellis, Kings College London, Brian Fields, Center for Advanced Studies of the Universe, University of Illinois, and Rebecca Surman, University of Notre Dame engage a novel imagination, akin to Simon Conway Morris, which is not constrained by the vested verdict that no other reality exists on its own. Rather by way of an integral vista, certain celestial elements and conditions can be seen to have a necessary relation to our considerate presence, This is not “anthropic” as much as an ability to perceive independent phenomena without which human beings could not be here. Our point is that just a mindfulness to allow the very possibility, which has been excluded for the past male century, can reveal an innately animate genesis. Two heavy elements essential to human biology are thought to have been produced by the astrophysical r-process, which occurs in neutron-rich environments: iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormones that affect many physiological processes, and bromine is essential for tissue development. Collisions of neutron stars (kilonovae) have been identified as sources of r-process elements including tellurium, which is adjacent to iodine in the periodic table, and the lanthanides. Neutron-star collisions arise from energy loss due to gravitational-wave emission, leading us to suggest that they have played a key role in enabling human life by producing these certain elements. (Abstract) Evans, Constantine, et al. Pattern Recognition in the Nucleation Kinetics of Non-Equilibrium Self-Assembly. Nature. 625/500, 2024. This intricate, frontier posting by Cal Tech and University of Chicago computational biologists including Erik Winfree is able to graphically describe an expansive, self-similar consistency from molecules all the way to minds. Its deep neural net operations are found to well apply across these domains to an extent life’s spatial and temporal developmental panorama and self-observation well appears as a procreative genesis. Inspired by biology's best computer, the brain, neural networks achieve a profound reformulation of computational principles. Analogous high-dimensional, interconnected architectures also arise within information-processing molecular systems inside living cells,. Might neuromorphic collective modes be thus found broadly in other physical and chemical processes such as protein synthesis, metabolism, or structural self-assembly? Here we examine nucleation of animate structures to show that complex patterns can be classified similar to neural network computation. Specifically, we design a set of 917 DNA tiles that can self-assemble in three alternative ways such that competitive nucleation depends on the co-localization of tiles within the three structures. This success suggests that ubiquitous physical phenomena, such as nucleation, may hold powerful information processing capabilities when scaled up to more intricate systems. (Abstract excerpt) Fabbro, Franco. Biological and Neuroscientific Foundations of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2023. Into this year it seems a sage polyscholar is able to contribute his opus work as a whole scale course from matter, energy, space and time across Earth life’s evolutionary emergence all the way to our planetary intelligence. Chapters flow from Philutsophical Foundations of Science and the Origin of Knowledge to the Evolutionary History of Human Beings, Communication and Information, onto DNA as a Symbolic Domain of Life, and Psyche as a Domain of Imagination, and Language as Symbolic Sharing. With this current vantage, the author traces a central course as an increase in informational knowledge and relative literacy which then engenders more personal agency and shared imagination. Altogether the volume exemplifies an participatory perception that may just now be possible. Written by an expert scholar, the book draws together different strands to explore how scientific and neuropsychological discoveries are vital to our understanding of mind. A philosophical paradigm moves beyond physics and mathematics to embrace more complex frames of the knowledge of psychology and biology. The work reflects on the symbolic dimensions of "information" that characterize DNA genetics and the linguistic psyche involved with cognitive sociality, communication and consciousness. (Publisher) From Computation to Life: The Challenge of a Science of Organization. www.walterfontana.zone/writings. This entry is the Inaugural Lecture for the Chair in Informatics and Computational Sciences 2019-2020 at the Collège de France, Paris by the veteran Harvard Medical School systems biologist (see website). He was notably the coauthor with Leo Buss of The Arrival of the Fittest (1994, search) about an innate evolutionary course. Some 25 years later, this richly composed edition proceeds to describe a deep integration of chemical phenomena with complexity theories and physical substrates which altogether can be expressed b informative computer programs. As the quotes convey, along with a catalytic force, the whole package can well presage a natural genesis synthesis with a global 2020s research agenda. For a current example, see Representing Catalytic Mechanisms with Rule Composition by Jakob Andersen, WF, et al at arXiv:2201.04515, (3) In addition to statistical models, researchers also construct mechanistic models to gain insight into the dynamical processes that generate the system state reflected in the data. Analyzing the behavior of a molecular interaction network is helpful for understanding how and why a biological system might function. Such networks are modeled at various levels of abstraction. One recent approach represents each interaction as an instruction in a purpose-made programming language. A model then effectively represents a biological system as a program. This is more subtle than just using a computer; it is about representing a complex system using ideas from computation. (E-1) Frank, Adam, et al. Intelligence as a Planetary Scale Process. International Journal of Astrobiology. February, 2022. Veteran astroscholars AF, University of Rochester, David Grinspoon, Planetary Science Institute and Sara Walker, Arizona State University provide a latest admission, description and affirmation of the actual evolutionary emergence a worldwise cerebral faculty. As the quotes engage, a mindfulness to allow something going on by own agencies, such an appearance and fulfillment now becomes readily evident. Intelligence is usually seen as an individual faculty. Here, we broaden the idea of intelligence as a collective group property and extend it to the planetary scale. We consider the ways in which a relative technological intelligence may represent a kind of planetary scale transition, much as the origin of life itself may be seen as a global phenomenon. Our approach follows many researchers today that the correct scale to understand key aspects of life and its evolution is planetary, beyond traditional focus on individual species. (Abstract excerpt) Frank, Adam, et al. The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience.. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2024. . As this decade goes on, senior scholars AF, University of Rochester, MG, Dartmouth College and ET, University of British Columbia convened for some time to come to the realization that a main lacunae of 21st century thought was the exclusion of any human place and relevance in a cosmic to cultural scenario, which is then relegated to accidental. While scientific descriptions achieved by our sapient acumen run from muons to a multiverse, it is rarely imagined that our present learned occasion has any other phenomenal or participatory account. In The Blind Spot, astrophysicist Adam Frank, cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser, and philosopher Evan Thompson call for a revolutionary scientific worldview which includes humanity as a vital part of objective truth. For centuries people have looked to science to tell us who we are, where we come from, and where we’re going, but without our own inclusion. This Blind Spot impedes our learning about the universe, quantum physics, life, AI, mind, consciousness, and Earth as a precious planet. As a result, we can view ourselves as an intended source of nature’s self-understanding, going forward in the new millennium.
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