V. Life's Corporeal Evolution Develops, Encodes and Organizes Itself: An Earthtwinian Genesis SynthesisC. Evoinformatics: Biosemiotic Code-Scripts Everywhere Pattee, Howard. Physical and Functional Conditions for Symbols, Codes and Languages. Biosemiotics. 1/2, 2008. We cite this paper by the emeritus SUNY Binghamton physicist, biologist and logician as an entry to a lifetime of deep insights and theories that are gaining recognition such as in M. Gazzaniga’s 2018 The Consciousness Instinct. A 2012 edited volume, Laws, Language and Life, noted herein, provides a half-century collection of his writings. Their key essence is that natural reality is to be seen as graced by dual modes or phases of an animate materiality and a textual, informative quality. Within this perception, a bicameral, matter/symbol, genotype/phenotype complementary code is in evidential effect at every scale and instance. By this grand synthesis, the genetic and linguistic domains become inherently similar. All sciences have epistemic assumptions, a language for expressing their theories or models, and symbols that reference observables that can be measured. In most sciences the language in which their models are expressed are not the focus of their attention. On the contrary, biosemiotics, by definition, cannot escape focusing on the symbol–matter relationship. Symbol systems first controlled material construction at the origin of life. At this molecular level it is only in the context of open-ended evolvability that symbol–matter systems and their functions can be objectively defined. While this partial description holds for all symbol systems, cultural languages are much too complex to be adequately described only at the molecular level. Genetic language and cultural languages have common basic requirements, but there are many significant differences in their structures and functions. (Abstract excerpt) Pattee, Howard and Joanna Raczaszek-Leonardi. Laws, Language and Life. Berlin: Springer, 2012. The book subtitle is Howard Pattee’s classic papers on the physics of symbols with contemporary commentary. As the lifetime corpus of the emeritus SUNY Binghamton physicist, biologist and logician gains 21st century currency, it became evident to the second author, a Warsaw University psychologist and linguist, that his work should be collected in one place from disparate academic journals. The 17 papers proceed from The Physical Basis of Coding and Reliability in Biological Evolution (1967) to Instabilities and Information in Biological Self-Organization (1987) to The Necessity of Biosemiotics: Matter-Symbol Complementarity (2007, search). A new introduction by HP summarizes and updates so to avow natural reality as linguistic and genetic in kind via common complements of a material basis (words, things) and symbolic content (informed narrative. JR-L concludes with her own chapter whence a third way unity of both archetypal modes is proposed. Prosdocimi, Francisco and Savio Torres de Farias. Life and Living Beings under the Persepctive of Organic Macrocodes. Biosystems. May, 2021. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Brazil finesse and advance Marcello Barbieri’s conception (search) that life and evolution is most distinguished by an effective array of specific code. Our comment is that if every creature including us is suffused by such genetic, metabolic, neural “codes” at every moment, then it would seem that life’s entire evolutionary development should similarly possess its own, distinct informative codification. See also Organic Codes: A Unifying Concept for Life by the authors in Acta Biotheoretica for July 2021. Among biologists, accepted views define life by a top-down strategy and shared characteristics in all cellular organisms. This is often highlights (i) autonomy and (ii) evolutionary capacity as fundamental traits. For the present work, we take a code biology perspective such that life arose with the emergence of the first organic code by self-organization. We propose that life’s conceptual structure should be reallocated from the ontology class of Matter to its sister aspect of Process. Living beings appeared when nucleic acids with coding properties became encapsulated, which led to viruses and of cells. Thus, life appears with the self-assembly of a genetic code and evolves by the emergence of a variety of overlapping codes. (Abstract excerpt) Raczaszek-Leonardi, Joanna. Complementarity of Description and the Promise of Semiotics.. Biosemiotics. December, 2021. The University of Warsaw linguist and editor of the Howard Pattee (search) comments on Terrence Deacon’s October paper How Molecules Became Signs in this journal with a strong endorsement of a universal presence of coincident, archetypal opposites. Here I wish to underscore that this general principle of complementarity, demonstrated by Deacon at the level of molecular biology, pertains to all levels of organization engaged in the process of adaptive complexification, and thus has profound consequences for other domains of cognitive and language science. (3) Romanini, Vinicius and Eliseo Fernandez, eds. Peirce and Biosemiotics: A Guess at the Riddle of Life. Netherlands: Springer, 2014. Volume 11 in the Springer Biosemiotics series considers roots and relations between a new 21st century emphasis on organism and evolutionary communications and Charles Peirce’s (1839-1914) 19th century logical philosophy of semiotic significance. We note The Intelligible Universe by Nathan Houser, Semeiotic Causation and the Breath of Life by Menno Hulswit and Vinicius Romanini, and The Life of Symbols and Other Legisigns by Winfried Noth. The consensus could be a bio-cosmo-semiotics, an essential textual narrative of an organic genesis uniVerse. This volume discusses the importance of Peirce´s philosophy and theory of signs to the development of Biosemiotics, the science that studies the deep interrelation between meaning and life. Peirce considered semeiotic as a general logic part of a complex architectonic philosophy that includes mathematics, phenomenology and a theory of reality. The authors are Peirce scholars, biologists, philosophers and semioticians united by an interdisciplinary endeavor to understand the mysteries of the origin of life and its related phenomena such as consciousness, perception, representation and communication. Sharov, Alexei. Evolutionary Biosemiotics and Multilevel Construction Networks. Biosemiotics. Online August, 2016. The Russian-American, National Institute of Aging (NIA/NIH), research theorist (see third quote) continues his natural philosophy of a creative, lively cosmos which seems to be evolving, developing, and organizing itself by way of communicative qualities. Life’s emergence is seen to proceed by a series of major metasystem transitions (V. Turchin) from coenzyme biomolecules to civilizations. On the author’s website can be found a steady flow of essays since 1977, along with his scenic watercolor paintings. The analysis of sign dynamics requires constructivism (in a broad sense) to explain how new components such as subagents, sensors, effectors, and interpretation networks are produced by developing and evolving organisms. Semiotic networks that include signs, tools, and subagents are multilevel, and this feature supports the plasticity, robustness, and evolvability of organisms. The origin of life is described here as the emergence of simple self-constructing semiotic networks that progressively increased the diversity of their components and relations. Semiotic networks are based on sequential and recursive construction, where each step produces components (i.e., agents, scaffolds, signs, and resources) that are needed for the following steps of construction. Multilevel semiotic networks reshape the phenotype of organisms by combining a mosaic of features developed via learning and evolution of cooperating and/or conflicting subagents. (Abstract) Svorcova, Jana and Anton Markos. Closures as a Precondition of Life, Agency and Semiosis. Biosemiotics. February, 2023. Charles University, Prague philosophers (search) provide some latest insights about how a communicative facility ought to be given more significance as live evolves, develops, and talks to itself. In this paper, we seek to orient and explain the evolution of life by way of cellular and supra-cellular closures as distinct boundary against the surroundings. Such compartments are a precondition of organisation, semiosis, and agency. We contend that dynamic, second-order closures (cell communities) also exist. These second-order closures further organise and form the core bonds that hold the biosphere together. We provide examples of many relationships and point to an elaborate network connecting all denizens of Earth’s living, well informed systems. Swan, Liz Stillwaggon and Louis Goldberg. Introduction: Mentis Naturalis. Biosemiotics. Online March, 2013. Noted more in Intrinsic Consciousness and Intelligence, this special Origins of Mind issue follows a book with the same title edited by LS (search), to explore how the emergence of knowing sentience in entities and nature need be grounded in, indeed requires, a creative mind-suffused cosmos to arise from. Taborsky, Edwina. Rational Decision Making in Biological Systems. Biosystems. April, 2022. The veteran Canadian semiotics theorist (search) provides a latest integral articulation of life’s deeply encoded, communicative, textual essence. See also How an Information Perspective Helps Overcome the Challenge of Biology to Physics by Keith Farnsworth in this same journal and month as another example of this narrative nature appreciation. This article presents an outline of biological systems that understands them as self-organizing informational or semiosic systems operating pragmatically and therefore intelligently with their environments. Peircean semiosis, a key analytic method, is a triadic networking function which can be seen as a fundamental natural process within the universe of energy, matter, and mind. In this regard, it generates all morphological forms, both material and conceptual, as they enable adaptation and evolution. (Abstract) Tournebize, Remi and Cedric Gaucherel. Language: A Fresh Concept to Integrate Syntactic and Semantic Information in Life Sciences. Biosystems. 160/1, 2017. CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) ecologists propose novel insights and clarifications for organisms and environments by the presence of an intrinsic linguistic activity. This additional quality then need be seen as composed of two complementary aspects. As the quotes cite, a syntactic mode tends more to “what” entities, while semantics allows a “where/why” capacity. And we further note that these tendencies well match cerebral left/right, ventral/dorsal reciprocities (Grossberg, et al). See also, e.g. Towards a Landscape Language by C. Gaucherel in PLoS One (7/9. 2012). Several fields in biology tend to view the concept of information from one or the other of two extreme positions. Exclusionists base their stance of total rejection on gene-centrism and gene-determinism, typified by the recently-established endo-Darwinist school of life sciences. At the other end of the spectrum, there is total acceptance, as in the newly developed information-centered paradigms that populate biosemiotics. We propose in this paper to split the informational concepts into two irreducible (but linked) poles: the syntactic (concerned with the quantification of the information structure or complexity in a system), and the semantic (concerned with the organization rules and causality weights of interactions in a system). We claim that the past and present uses of the concept could then be classified as various degrees of oscillation between the two poles. The concept of language presents itself as a good tool with which to bridge the syntactic and the semantic poles, combining as it does the form-related and the meaning-related aspects of information, while methodologically supporting formal grammatical models in life sciences.. (Abstract) Velmezova, Ekaterina, et al, eds. Biosemiotic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics. International: Springer, 2015. With coeditors Kalevi Kull and Stephen Cowley, a collection to join this growing sense of natural origins for life’s communicative qualities with our human propensities to speak and write. Among chapters are Language and Biosphere by Anton Markus, Deep Congruence between Linguistic and Biotic Growth by Jamin Lelkey, Before Babel: The Evolutionary Roots of Human Language by Piera Filippi, and Language as Primary Modeling and Natural languages by Susan Petrilli. Without biosemiosis, there could be no human language. The volume presents international perspectives that have been inspired by this simple idea. The contributors open up new methods, directions and perspectives on both language in general and specific human languages. Many commonplace notions (language, dialect, syntax, sign, text, dialogue, discourse, etc.) have to be rethought once due attention is given to the living roots of languages. Accordingly, the contributors unite “eternal” problems of the humanities (such as language and thought, origin of language, prelinguistic meaning-making, borders of human language and “marginal” linguistic phenomena) with new inspirations drawing from natural science. Biosemiotics connects the sciences with the humanities while offering a new challenge to autonomous linguistics by pointing towards new kinds of interdisciplinary fusion. Westling, Louise. The Logos of the Living World: Merleau-Ponty, Animals and Language. New York: Fordham University Press, 2014. Reviewed more in Rosetta Cosmos, the work is a perceptive synthesis of French phenomenology and current semiotic views.
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