IV. Ecosmomics: Independent Complex Network Systems, Computational Programs, Genetic Ecode Scripts2. The Innate Affinity of Genomes, Proteomes and Language Majewski, Maciej, et al. Machine Learning Coarse-Grained Potentials of Protein Thermodynamics. arXiv:2212.07492. We note this work by eleven bioinformatic researchers from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Rice University, Houston, FU Berlin, Princeton University and Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK as an example of the latest integrations of biological studies (e.g. genes, cells, metabolism), neural net methods, and deep rootings in a conducive physical origin. We note this work by eleven bioinformatic researchers from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Rice University, Houston, FU Berlin, Princeton University and Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK as an example of the latest integrations of biological studies (e.g. genes, cells, metabolism), neural net methods, and deep rootings in a conducive physical origin. Marin, Frederikke, et al.. BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on biologically meaningful tasks. arXiv:2311.12570. At a time when prior sequence techniques have run their course, this paper by Novozymes A/S, Denmark, University of Copenhagen, and Computational Health Center, Munich researchers proposes a turn to natural language processing and large languages models by which enter a new advanced phase of rapid readings of whole genomes in their many functions. In regard, as novel protein linguistics, deep neural network, and AI capabilities come altogether in 2023, they also begin to imply the actual presence of an intrinsic textual, source code-script domain. As a result, biomolecular, genetic, linguistic, and cerebral phases, broadly conceived, gain a text-like similarity. Such a common vernacular has been a metaphor since the 1960s and maybe just now its verity and import can be realized. The genome sequence contains the blueprint for governing cellular processes. However, experimental annotation of functional, non-coding and regulatory elements encoded in the DNA sequence remains both costly and difficult. This has sparked interest in language modeling of genomic DNA, which has seen much success for protein sequence data. In this study, we introduce BEND, a Benchmark for DNA language models, featuring a collection of realistic downstream tasks defined on the human genome. We find that embeddings from current DNA language models can approach performance of expert methods on some tasks, but only capture limited information about long-range features. (Abstract) Markos, Anton and Dan Faltynek. Language Metaphors of Life. Biosemiotics. Online August 14, 2010. Charles University (Prague) scientist, and Palacky University (Olomouc, Czech Republic, where I once gave a keynote, see home page) philosopher argue that not only is communication the essence of livingness, it involves constant “readings” by all manner of creatures. Verily a greater, textual nature is revealed that evolved, emergent beings, now we phenomenal humans, are invited to read. We believe that linguistic processes are present at all levels of life’s organization in the biosphere. Ecosystems, for example, do not build their homes – oikos – for ever; they maintain them by incessant communications games, reading included. We tend to read like our contemporaries, and from this common ground there often emerges something new unique; understanding the text is a unique performance of the reader. The same holds, we believe, for the members of any living species – in a species-specific way. Moghaddasi, Hanieh, et al. Distinguishing Functional DNA Words. Nature Scientific Reports. 7/41543, 2017. With Khosrow Khalifeh and Amir Darooneh (search), University of Zanjan, Iran biophysicists discuss similar algorithmic ways to parse genetic and written textualities, whence both are seen as an extension of statistical mechanics and Tsallis entropy. In an evolutionary perspective such archetypal, generative inscriptions strongly imply a common, exemplary source. OK Functional DNA sub-sequences and genome elements are spatially clustered through the genome just as keywords in literary texts. Therefore, some of the methods for ranking words in texts can also be used to compare different DNA sub-sequences. In analogy with the literary texts, here we claim that the distribution of distances between the successive sub-sequences (words) is q-exponential which is the distribution function in non-extensive statistical mechanics. (Abstract) Muskhelishvili, Georgi. DNA Information: Laws of Perception. Berlin: SpringerBriefs in Biology, 2015. A Jacobs University professor of molecular genetics offers a 100 page essay on his view, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge biologist Andrew Travers, that genomes are composed of distinct complementary phases of diverse “digital” nucleotides and integral “analog” networks. By this notice, another notable insight is gained of how these archetypal, gender modes are present in and distinguish genetic phenomena. An extrapolation, as stated throughout this site, would be that nature’s ubiquitous self-organized, complex systems with dual agency and relation is ultimately genetic in essence. See also by GM with Travers the papers Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Properties of the DNA Code Reveals Chromosomes as Thermodynamic Machines Converting Energy into Information in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (70/4555, 2013), and DNA Information: From Digital Code to Analogue Structure in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (370/2960, 2012). This book explores the double coding property of DNA, which is manifested in the digital and analog information types as two interdependent codes. This double coding principle can be applied to all living systems, from the level of the individual cell to entire social systems, seen as systems of communication. Further topics discussed include the ubiquitous problem of logical typing, which reflects our inherent incapacity to simultaneously perceive the distinction between discontinuity and continuity, the problem of time, and the peculiarities of autopoietic living systems. (Publisher) Nelson-Sathi, Shijulal, et al. Networks Uncover Hidden Lexical Borrowing in Indo-European Language Evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Vol. 278/Iss. 1713, 2011. Heinrich Heine University, Ulm University, and University of Auckland linguists including William Martin and Russell Gray find that genomes and languages evolve with a parallel correspondence. This paper makes the case by way of similar network phylogenies found to apply in both instances. Genome evolution and language evolution have a lot in common. Both processes entail evolving elements—genes or words—that are inherited from ancestors to their descendants. The parallels between biological and linguistic evolution were evident both to Charles Darwin, who briefly addressed the topic of language evolution in The Origin of Species, and to the linguist August Schleicher, who in an open letter to Ernst Haeckel discussed the similarities between language classification and species evolution. Computational methods that are currently used to reconstruct genome phylogenies can also be used to reconstruct evolutionary trees of languages. However, approaches to language phylogeny that are based on bifurcating trees recover vertical inheritance only, neglecting the horizontal component of language evolution (borrowing). Horizontal interactions during language evolution can range from the exchange of just a few words to deep interference. (1794) Outeiral, Carlos and Charlotte Deane. Codon language embeddings provide strong signals for use in protein engineering.. Nature Machine Intelligence. 6/2, 2024. We enter this note by Oxford University biostatisticians because it treats this metabolic regime as if it can be typically parsed by various grammatical methods. Protein representations from deep language models have achieved good performance in computational protein studies surpassing the datasets they were trained on. But here we propose an alternative direction. We show that LLMs trained on codons, instead of amino acid sequences, provide high-quality results that outperform across a variety of tasks. For species recognition, prediction of protein and transcript abundance or melting point estimation, we show that a codon language surpasses every other published version. This topical shift indicates that the information content of biological data provides an orthogonal direction to expand the utility of machine learning in biology. (Excerpt) Romero-Romero, Sergio, et al. Exploring the Protein Sequence Space with Global Generative Models. arXiv:2305.01941. We note this entry by University of Bayreuth, Heidelberg, and Barcelona researchers as an early example of efforts to integrate and enhance life’s new intentional phase by way of deep neural machine language resources. See also, for another example, General Mechanism of Evolution Shared by Proteins and Words by Li-Min Wang, et al at arXiv:2012.14309. Recent advancements in large-scale architectures for training images and languages have taken over the field of computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). The recent ChatGPT and GPT4 models have exceptional capabilities to process, translate, and generate textual scripts.. As a result these advances are also aiding protein research wby way of rapid development of new methods with unprecedented performance. Language models have been utilized to embed proteins, generate novel ones, and predict tertiary structures. In this book chapter, we discuss 1) language models for the design of novel artificial proteins, 2) works that use non-Transformer architectures, and 3) applications in directed evolution approaches. (Abstract) Ros, Enric, et al. Learn from Nature to Expand the Genetic Code. Trends in Biotechnology. 19/5, 2021. Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology system geneticists post a latest note on how easy it has become for researchers to treat genomes as written texts and thus modify their relative nucleotide alphabets and form “designer proteins.” By way of a natural philoSophia view, a smartest, fittest speciesphere reaches a stage of being able to decipher, sequence, read, and write a natural genetic code script. See also Reprogramming the Genetic Code by Daniel de la Torre and Jason Chin in Nature Review Genetics (March 2021). The genetic code is the manual that cells use to incorporate amino acids into proteins. It is possible to artificially expand these instructions through cellular, molecular, and chemical manipulations to improve protein functionality. Here, we review the approaches used to incorporate noncanonical amino acids into designer proteins through the manipulation of the translation machinery and draw parallels between these methods and natural adaptations. Following this logic, we propose new nature-inspired tactics to improve genetic code expansion (GCE) in synthetic organisms. (Abstract excerpt) Scaiewicz, Andrea and Michael Levitt. The Language of the Protein Universe. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 35/1, 2015. In one of the strongest comparisons to date, Stanford University biologists illume the deep correspondence between these metabolic biochemicals and linguistic dialogue. Levitt won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discoveries in structural biology. A graphic illustration is included which compares human and protein language with regard to alphabet, syntax, grammar, vocabulary, semantics and pragmatics, a quite common affinity of proteins and prose/poetry. The 75 references include several that cite a “protein universe.” By literary license might one imagine a lively conducive cosmos which is innately organic, anatomic, physiological, and written in a genomic script? Proteins, the main cell machinery which play a major role in nearly every cellular process, have always been a central focus in biology. We live in the post-genomic era, and inferring information from massive data sets is a steadily growing universal challenge. The increasing availability of fully sequenced genomes can be regarded as the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of the protein universe, allowing the understanding of genomes and their evolution, just as the original Rosetta Stone allowed Champollion to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. In this review, we consider aspects of the protein domain architectures repertoire that are closely related to those of human languages and aim to provide some insights about the language of proteins. (Abstract) Searls, David. A Primer in Macromolecular Linguistics. Biopolymers. 99/3, 2013. The philosophical geneticist (bio below) has been a prescient observer (search) that nature’s dual domains of informational nucleotides and literary discourse are innately similar in kind. This entry describes via graphic, evidential visuals their parallel, self-similar essence. The import is that if the relation could move from metaphor to analogy to factual, both the genetics and linguistics endeavors could much benefit from cross-applications of methods and analytic techniques. Polymeric macromolecules, when viewed abstractly as strings of symbols, can be treated in terms of formal language theory, providing a mathematical foundation for characterizing such strings both as collections and in terms of their individual structures. In addition this approach offers a framework for analysis of macromolecules by tools and conventions widely used in computational linguistics. This article introduces the ways that linguistics can be and has been applied to molecular biology, covering the relevant formal language theory at a relatively nontechnical level. Analogies between macromolecules and human natural language are used to provide intuitive insights into the relevance of grammars, parsing, and analysis of language complexity to biology. (Abstract) Searls, David. Reading the Book of Life. Bioinformatics. 17/7, 2001. A report on a conference between geneticists and linguists to explore the systematic affinities between the DNA molecular code and human language.
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