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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
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III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

1. Ecosmopoiesis: An Autocatalytic, Bootstrap Self-Made UniVerse

Weller-Davies, Oliver, et al. Combinatorial Results for Network-Based Models of Metabolic Origins. arXiv:1910.09051. Oxford University and University of Canterbury New Zealand (Mike Steel) researchers advance the case that autocatalytic phenomena, broadly conceived, played an important role as sustainable, complex living systems proceeded to boot themselves up and running.

Witzany, Guenther. Crucial Steps to Life: From Chemical Reactions to Code Using Agents. BioSystems. Online December, 2015. The Austrian natural philosopher (search) continues his endeavor to scope out and articulate a genesis evolutionary synthesis distinguished by 21st century appreciations of genetic phenomena. The 20th century DNA dogmas are set aside and surpassed by realizations, much due to geneticist James Shapiro, of self-reading and editing genomes and epigenomes which take on a language-like character. In this papers Witzany comes closer to recognizing an actual independent, universal cosmic genetic code.

Also, more recent approaches that identify the key players in the emergence of biological information such as polypeptides, RNA-like polymers, and lipids and the known parameters such as viable cores, connectivity kinetics, information control, scalability, resource availability, and compartmentalization which may guide the aggregate evolution of collectively autocatalytic sets remain on the molecular stage and cannot explain how the genetic code molecules emerged into a real natural code with three inherent levels of rules (syntax, pragmatics, semantics). Mathematical analyses of network formation cannot explain the rule-based real-life interactions of social groups that share genetic identities within historically grown ecospheres. (3)

The genetic code with its typical language-like features (characters adopt syntactic, semantic, pragmatic rules) take the stage of a real natural language with the interactional group building of various RNA stem loops. The interactional and group building cooperativity of the RNA stem loops constitute the genetic code as a real natural code, not its physico-chemical key characters alone. (9) The emergence of the genetic code is not the emergence of the nucleotides which constitute the code. The origin of the genetic code as a natural language occurs exclusively within cooperative interacting RNAs. So we can define life as an emergent property of social interacting RNAs. From this perspective life is coherent with the emergence of communication, i.e. interactions based on a natural code that underlies syntactic, pragmatic and semantic rules. (13)

Wolchover, Natalie. Cosmic Triangles Open a Window to the Origin of Time. Quanta. October 29, 2019. In this posting about the bootstrap universe revival, the physics journalist continues her report begun in Physicists Uncover Geometric “Theory Space” by NW in Quanta (February 23, 2017) and herein. This review covers new work by Nima Arkani-Hamed based on The Cosmological Bootstrap: Inflationary Correlators from Symmetries and Singularities at arXiv:1811.00024, A trio of young physicists David Baumann, Gui Pimentel, and Hayden Lee (search arXiv) are profiled next. See also The Hidden Pattern by Gabriel Popkin in New Scientist for February 18, 2017, and The Bootstrap: Building Nature from the Bottom Up by Lauren Greenspan (Google title, name).

The physicists employed a strategy known as the bootstrap, a term derived from the phrase “pick yourself up by your own bootstraps” (instead of pushing off of the ground). The approach infers the laws of nature by considering only the mathematical logic and self-consistency of the laws themselves, instead of building on empirical evidence. Using the bootstrap philosophy, the researchers derived and solved a concise mathematical equation that dictates the possible patterns of correlations in the sky that result from different primordial ingredients. (2)

Wolchover, Natalie. Physicists Uncover Geometric “Theory Space.”. Quanta. February 23, 2017. The science writer reviews the “bootstrap” concept, which was first proposed by Geoffrey Chew in the 1960s as a theory of a self-creative cosmic emergence. While respected, it was tabled until a 2010s burst of interest gave it a new currency. This entry is well paired with a 2019 update Cosmic Triangles Open a Window to the Origin of Time by NW (Quanta, October 29), also reviewed herein. An initial entry could be The Conformal Bootstrap by David Poland and David Simmons-Duffin in Nature Physics (12/535, 2016) about its latest insightful technicalities. The luminous work of Alexander Polyakov and Nima Arkani-Hamed, both now at IAS Princeton, is profiled next, again the unfolding advance is well posted on arXiv.

In the 1960s, the charismatic physicist Geoffrey Chew espoused a radical vision of the universe, and with it, a new way of doing physics. Theorists of the era were struggling to find order in an unruly zoo of newfound particles. They wanted to know which ones were the fundamental building blocks of nature and which were composites. But Chew, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, argued against such a distinction. “Nature is as it is because this is the only possible nature consistent with itself,” he wrote at the time. He believed he could deduce nature’s laws solely from the demand that they be self-consistent. Particles, Chew said, “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.” (1)

As the new generation of bootstrappers explores this abstract theory space, they seem to be verifying the vision that Chew, now 92 and long retired, laid out half a century ago — but they’re doing it in an unexpected way. Their findings indicate that the set of all quantum field theories forms a unique mathematical structure, one that does indeed pull itself up by its own bootstraps, which means it can be understood on its own terms. (2) As physicists use the bootstrap to explore the geometry of this theory space, they are pinpointing the roots of “universality,” a remarkable phenomenon in which identical behaviors emerge in materials as different as magnets and water. (2)

It’s far from clear whether our own universe holographically emerges from a conformal field theory in the way that AdS universes do, or if this is even the right way to think about it. The hope is that, by bootstrapping their way around the unifying geometric structure of possible physical realities, physicists will get a better sense of where our universe fits in the grand scheme of things — and what that grand scheme is. (5)

Xavier, Joana, et al. Autocatalytic Chemical Networks at the Origin of Metabolism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. March, 2020. Early evolution theorists posted in Germany, Austria, the USA, New Zealand and Portugal including Stuart Kauffman continue to highlight the intrinsic significance of nature’s self-activation propensity to get life going. A graphic image of a global oxygen-independent prokaryotic metabolism displays many instances where biochemical catalysts are in effect. Might we at some point gain a wider appreciation of a autocatalytic ecosmos which organizes itself at each scale? Are we peoples now the intended selves as cosmic catalysts to begin its future genesis phase by our own initiative the next step by our own initiative?

Modern cells embody metabolic networks containing thousands of elements and form autocatalytic sets of molecules that produce copies of themselves. How these self-sustaining networks arose at life's origin is an open question. Here we identify reflexively autocatalytic food-generated networks (RAFs) as self-sustaining networks that collectively catalyse all their reaction. Our studies suggest that RAFs identify attributes of biochemical origins conserved in metabolic networks. RAFs are consistent with an autotrophic origin of metabolism and indicate that autocatalytic chemical networks preceded proteins and RNA in evolution. RAFs uncover intermediate stages in the emergence of metabolic networks, narrowing the gaps between early Earth chemistry and life. (Abstract excerpt)

Xu, Zhongmin, et al. The Common Developmental Road: Tensions among Centripetal and Centrifugal Dynamics. National Science Review. Online April, 2017. In this Oxford Academic journal of advances in science, medicine, technology, and worldviews from China, a unique collaboration of five Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin researchers with the emeritus University of Maryland environmentalist and author Robert Ulanowicz (search) achieves a synthesis of Western theories with an Eastern sense of an organic, innately procreative nature. As the Abstract cites, a prime concept is an autocatalytic essence which engenders a spiral ascent via coming together and moving apart states, akin to Yin and Yang within a Tao unity. In our midst, if we could only stop fighting and globally contemplate, a palliative resolve is just becoming clear. Apropos, see also Ulanowicz’s latest papers: Process Ecology: Making Room for Creation in Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions (55/357, 2016) and Towards a More Global Understanding of Development and Evolution in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (Online July 2017) as he presses his mission beyond a vested mechanical reduction that cannot allow an integrative reciprocity.

Western thought since the Enlightenment has been predominantly linear in scope, while Eastern philosophy has focused mostly on the cyclical. Recent advances in complex systems, however, have highlighted the importance of cycles in nature, thereby opening an avenue for new common endeavors. This analysis centers on the role of autocatalytic loops and addresses the evolutionary relationship between competition and cooperation. It posits an evolutionary chain running from individual competition, to individual cooperation, to collective competition, to deep cooperation. We identify the centripetality that is consequent to autocatalysis and define three types of centrifugalities. Development is defined in the context of the tension between these opposing directions. Finally, we propose an evolutionary process consisting of four stages: 1. autognosis, 2. autocatalytic loop formation, 3. self-control, and 4. self-realization (sensu Taoism). The developmental narrative promises to become a useful tool for facilitating communication between Eastern and Western cultures. (Abstract)

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