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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

VII. Our Earthuman Ascent: A Major Evolutionary Transition in Twindividuality

5. Half the UniVerse: A Woman's 2020 Wisdome

Luders, Eileen, et al. Parasagittal Asymmetries of the Corpus Callosum. Cerebral Cortex. 16/3, 2006. UCLA and University of Zurich neuropsychologists, including Eric Zaidel, avail 21st century MRI imaging methods and enhanced computer analysis to gain novel insights into the role of this significant bundle of fibers connecting our complementary brain hemispheres. Among the results reported, additional proof is given for the gender tendencies of a main left side emphasis in males, while female brains tend to evenly balance left and right modes. We add that this increasingly verified finding ought to now be appreciated as a major scientific distinction and discovery. It is commonly held that men deal in dots, but miss connections. But women do not employ a right bias of sensitive, “irrational,” holistic emotions only, as long defined, rather both competitive entity and cooperative empathy are equally integrated.

In regard, a popular quip is that if Lehman Brothers were Sisters, they would not have gone bankrupt through reckless, myopic, self-serving investments. Might an obvious application be to view the United States “bicameral” two party government, “two sides of the aisle,” as similar to brain hemispheres, but that are trapped in gridlock opposition. A truly organic, intelligent democracy would join both right Republican “me” individual with left Democratic “We” community. A worldwide bilateral brain, and her/his consequent genesis universe discovery, would thus be more feminine in natural kind and in humane peacefulness.

The present study revealed distinctive and extensive asymmetries in the anterior body and additionally in a small and less significant region in the anterior third of the CC of males. In contrast, asymmetry in females was less significant in general and applied to smaller callosal regions in the anterior body, in the anterior third and additionally at the border between the isthmus and splenium. (352) Our findings are of particular interest considering previous results which indicated that right-handed males show significantly different depths of the central sulcus in the two hemispheres, whereas no interhemispheric asymmetry was found in females. Similarly, functional imaging revealed sex differences in peri-rolandic asymmetries in a tactile discrimination task, where females predominantly activated both premotor cortices but males showed an asymmetric activation. (352)

MacDonald, Kerri. High in Nepal, a Lowly Status for Women. New York Times. October 21, 2013. A National Geographic reporter describes the awful, worsening conditions for women in this remote Himalayan land, which are seen as a microcosm of the subhuman, servitude way this gender complement is viewed and (mal)treated. A major aim of this website is to identify and document a 21st century scientific, philosophical, and cultural recovery of “half the universe.” In regard, a cosmological sanction for the archetypal feminine principle could mitigate and harmonize the male individual entity with relation group empathy. And only such a global recovery of this perennial Yin and Yang litany, anima with animus, right and left at peace, can save person and planet, for the sake of the children.

A woman crouches in a doorway, hay at her sandaled feet and a cow to her left. She looks ahead, a pained stare on her face. This is where she lives, for now. “She’s not allowed to go back in the house because she’s impure,” said Marie Dorigny, a French photographer who photographed the woman in Nepal this year. Members of the Hindu community in some parts of western and central Nepal still practice Chhaupadi, a custom that forces women to live in the stable while menstruating and just after giving birth. They are forbidden to cook and eat with their families.

“I have a dream of a world, a planet where woman and men would be equal — different, but equal,” she said. “And I would love to see it at least in one country before I die. And I’m (Marie Dorigny) already 53 and I’m desperate because I don’t think I’ll see this in my lifetime.”

MacGregor, Sherilyn, ed. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment. London: Routledge, 2017. To wit, men have made such a mess of the world, from time immemorial only women can clean it up. A luminous collection of 33 chapters go from Rachel Carson was Right – Then, and Now by Joni Seager, The Dilemma of Dualism by Freya Mathews, and Ecofeminist Political Economy: A Green Agenda by Mary Mellor to Gender and Environmental Justice by Julie Size, Gender, Livelihoods, and Sustainability by Maria Cruz-Torres and Pamela McElwee, and Feminist Futures by Meike Schalk, et al. With her constant lucidity the Australian environmentalist Freya Mathews (search) advises leavening agental individual men with a women’s penchant for contextual integrity, so as a bigender archetypal complementarity just in time.

Manrique, Pedro et al. Women’s Connectivity in Extreme Networks. Science Advances. 2/6, 2016. In a companion paper to New Online Ecology of Adversarial Aggregates: ISIS and Beyond, search Neil Johnson, the same team with colleagues finds that social media dynamics reveal a salient contribution by feminine proclivities. This contribution is phrased as a “betweenness centrality” over and against dominant male manias for separatist destruction.

A popular stereotype is that women will play more minor roles than men as environments become more dangerous and aggressive. Our analysis of new longitudinal data sets from offline and online operational networks [for example, ISIS (Islamic State)] shows that although men dominate numerically, women emerge with superior network connectivity that can benefit the underlying system’s robustness and survival. Our observations suggest new female-centric approaches that could be used to affect such networks. They also raise questions about how individual contributions in high-pressure systems are evaluated. (Abstract)

Masters, Robert. Gender and Political Cognition: Integrating Evolutionary Biology and Political Science. Politics and the Life Sciences. 8/1, 1989. The Dartmouth University political scientist describes research studies on how men and women appear to think and vote in dichotomous ways.

Males are more likely to process a cue independently of the field in which it is found; females are preferentially skilled in tasks that require the interpretation of field-dependent cues.

Montero, Maritza and Christopher Sonn, eds. Psychology of Liberation. New York: Springer, 2009. The editors are respectively from Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, and Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Essays about the ways of praxis and empowerment across the spectrum of oppression and exploitation from Latin America and South Africa to Middle East cultures, with an attention to gender issues.

Moschella, Mary Clark. A Radical Revolution in the Making? Reflections. Fall, 2018. In a Sex, Gender, Power: A Reckoning edition of this Yale Divinity School publication, an YDS professor of pastoral care and counseling cites how a concept of gender complementarity has long been endorsed by Christian theology, but since Eve is derivative from Adam (or so the story goes, see Maulana Karenga herein for an African take) women are secondary and subservient to men. As everything about bigender has just now come under full review, Professor Mary advises that a egalitarian feminine and masculine complementarity can yield a true witness. She then identifies a strong scriptural basis, if one so chooses to allow and read.

Murphy, Patrica and Frederick Abraham. Feminist Psychology: Prototype of the Dynamical Revolution in Psychology. Abraham, Frederick and A. Gilgen, eds. Chaos Theory in Psychology. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. An early integration of feminine wisdom with the sciences of complexity.

Feminist psychology is generating a revolution in the field of psychology, not just in its demand for an egalitarian, gender-complete program for its subject matter but in the demand for an improved methodology and conceptual framework. With an emphasis on a holistic, process-oriented psychology that considers the contextual social system as well as individuals, it should find a powerful ally in the dynamical systems approach, which provides a theoretical modeling strategy and an experimental design and analysis strategy appropriate to the feminist program. (295)

Naranjo, Claudio Benjamin. The Patriarchal Mind as the Ignored Root of Interpersonal and Social Pathologies. World Futures. Online November, 2017. We cite because it is amazing that this octogenarian sage and author (see bio below) calls out this male, left brain, fast action, baseless, aberrant mental incapacity as the root cause of a pathological, terminal world. One wrong half of the universe is seen to rule and rampage over women, children and this fraught, precious Earth. The Abstract ought to be an Op Ed in the New York Times for its desperate accuracy.

The article begins with an integrative theory of neurosis and with the notion of the “patriarchal mind,” which I conceive as the psycho-social foundation of what we call “civilization” and proceed to characterize as a despotic and repressive activity of the father on the mother and on the child in the family. Next, I propose that patriarchy entails four interrelated problems: (1) violent authority; (2) the eclipse of caring; (3) the repression of instinct; and (4) the invalidation of intuition; and point out that since these are evident in our well-recognized social problems, these may be traced down to the “patriarchal complex” that in turn defines patriarchal society. Finally, I develop the idea that not only is the patriarchal mind is embodied in each of the known interpersonal or character pathologies, but that each of these pathologies contributes to the systemic and cultural presence of the patriarchal mind. (Abstract)

Claudio Benjamín Naranjo Cohen (born 1932) is a Chilean-born psychiatrist of Arabic/Moorish, Spanish and Jewish descent who is a pioneer in integrating psychotherapy and the spiritual traditions. He is one of the three successors named by Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt Therapy), a principal developer of Enneagram of Personality theories, and a founder of the Seekers After Truth Institute. He is also an elder statesman of the US and global human potential movement and the spiritual renaissance of the late 20th century. (Wikipedia)

Newman, Barbara. God and Goddesses. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. In this study of the historical sway of masculine and feminine deities, the author notes that the image of the Trinity began as the familial archetype of father, mother and child.

Nicholson, Shirley, ed. The Goddess Reawaking: The Feminine Principle Today. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 1989. These essays chide the long partiarchical phase while looking toward traditional feminine empathy as a way to a more peaceful, nurturing “planetary consciousness,” by virtue of mutually shared contributions.

Nussbaum, Martha and Jonathan Glover, eds. Women, Culture and Development. Oxford, UK: Clarendon, 1995. An international effort to document the brutal treatment of women and to offer some paths toward its cessation. Seyla Benhabib calls for a “global dialogical community” to address these issues. Xiaorong Li cites the long history of Confucian gender inequality and the option of a Taoist sense of complementary feminine values.

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