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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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VIII. Earth Earns: An Open CoCreative Earthropocene to Astropocene PediaVerse

1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical, Astronomic Realms

Gebhart, Valentin, et al. Learning Quantum Systems. arXiv:2207.00298. We cite this paper by ten theorists posted in Austria, France, Italy, the UK, and Germany as a 2020s example of this welling revolution as this long arcane realm now becomes open for public development. See also Building a Quantum-ready Ecosystem by Abhishek, et al Purohit at arXiv:2304.06843 for another avocation. Altogether in accord with the Quantum Organics section above, these entries strongly attest to a whole scale synthesis of a human and universe cocreativit, going forward.

The future development of quantum technologies relies on facilitating system complexities with key applications in computation, simulation and sensing. But this task need deal with efficient control, calibration and validation of dynamic quantum states whereof classical methods still play an important role. Here, we review approaches that use classical post-processing techniques, along with adaptive optimization, to better study quantum correlation properties and environmental interactions. We discuss theoretical proposals and successful implementations across different multiple-qubit architectures such as spin qubits, trapped ions, photonic and atomic systems, and superconducting circuits. (2207.00298)

The emergence of quantum technologies has led to major advancements in computing, sensing, secure communications, and simulation of advanced materials with practical applications. In this paper, we present the current status of quantum technologies and the need for such a quantum-ready ecosystem. We introduce Quantum Technology Readiness Levels guidelines about specific quantum technology frontiers. We also discuss indicators for government, industry, and academia stakeholders, along with ethics and protocols of the readiness for beneficial achievements. (2304.06843)

Geng, Yina, et al. Engineering Entropy for the Inverse Design of Colloidal Crystals from Hard Shapes. arXiv:1712.02471. University of Michigan materials scientists including Sharon Glotzer and Greg van Anders continue with their frontier creations of novel structural forms by way of intentional applications of fundamental physical principles.

Throughout the physical sciences, entropy stands out as a pivotal but enigmatic concept that, in materials design, often takes a backseat to energy. Here, we demonstrate how to precisely engineer entropy to achieve desired colloidal crystals. We demonstrate the inverse design of hard particles that assemble six different target colloidal crystals due solely to entropy maximization. Our approach efficiently samples 108 particle shapes from 88- and 192-dimensional design spaces to discover thermodynamically optimal shapes. We design particle shapes that self assemble known crystals with optimized thermodynamic stability, as well as new crystal structures with no known atomic or other equivalent. (Abstract)

Gianfrate, Antonio, et al. Reconfigurable quantum fluid molecules of bound states in the continuum. Nature Physics. 20/1, 2024. We enter this work by thirteen nanoscientists mainly at CNR Nanotechnology, Italy and Princeton University as another instance of mid 2020s Earthuman abilities to learn all about and delve into any depth of as an evolitionary project to begin an new intentional quantum phase cocreation.

Topological bound states are confined wave-mechanical objects that offer advantageous ways to enhance light–matter interactions in photonic devices. Here we show that polariton condensation into a negative-mass bound state in the continuum exhibits interactive confinement to attain optically reprogrammable molecular arrays of quantum fluids of light. We demonstrate the scalability of our technique by extended mono- and diatomic chains of bound-state-in-the-continuum polariton fluids. (Excerpt)

Gilder, George. Microcosm. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. An early advocate of the global Internet revolution extols the triumph of emergent mind over recalcitrant matter which augurs for an exuberant recreation of the material realm.

Girovsky, Jan, et al. Emergence of Quasiparticle Bloch States in Artificial Crystals Crafted by Atom-by-Atom. SciPost Physics. 2/020, 2017. Quantum Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology and Iberian Nanotechnology, Portugal researchers including Sander Otte provide another example of a collaborative humanity commencing a second material creation. As this section reports, by virtue of deep quantum, atomic, molecular techniques, along with computational acumen, it increasingly seems, as seemingly intended, that human beings are meant to take it anew from here on. Visit the Otte Lab publications page for more articles such as Atomic Spin-Chain Realization of a Model for Quantum Criticality.

The interaction of electrons with a periodic potential of atoms in crystalline solids gives rise to band structure. The band structure of existing materials can be measured by photoemission spectroscopy and accurately understood in terms of the tight-binding model, however not many experimental approaches exist that allow to tailor artificial crystal lattices using a bottom-up approach. The ability to engineer and study atomically crafted designer materials by scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy helps to understand the emergence of material properties. Here, we use atom manipulation of individual vacancies in a chlorine monolayer on Cu(100) to construct one- and two-dimensional structures of various densities and sizes. Local STS measurements reveal the emergence of quasiparticle bands, evidenced by standing Bloch waves, with tuneable dispersion. (Abstract)

Giuliani, Sameul, et al. Superheavy Elements: Oganesson and Beyond. Reviews of Modern Physics. 91/011001, 2019. Nine physicists from the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, USA, University of Erlangen and Technical University Darmstadt, Germany, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India, and Massey University, New Zealand review the state of past, present and future art as human ingenuity, now of a global scale, has been able to discover, arrange, and begin to draw forth atomic elements. See also a special Periodic Table sections in Nature for January 31, 2019, and Science for February 1, 2019.

During the last decade, six new superheavy elements were added into the seventh row of the periodic table. This milestone was followed by proclaiming 2019 the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by the United Nations General Assembly. According to theory, due to their large atomic numbers, the new arrivals are expected to be qualitatively and quantitatively different from lighter species. The questions pertaining to superheavy atoms and nuclei are in the forefront of research in nuclear and atomic physics and chemistry. This Colloquium survey offers a broad perspective on the field and outlines future challenges. (Abstract)

Goral, Prashun, et al. Computationally Guided Discovery of Thermoelectric Materials. Nature Reviews Materials. 2/17053, 2017. We add this work by National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, researchers as a report of nascent abilities to delve into atomic and electronic structures so as to create novel, effective substances.

The potential for advances in thermoelectric materials, and thus solid-state refrigeration and power generation, is immense. Progress so far has been limited by both the breadth and diversity of the chemical space and the serial nature of experimental work. In this Review, we discuss how recent computational advances are revolutionizing our ability to predict electron and phonon transport and scattering, as well as materials dopability, and we examine efficient approaches to calculating critical transport properties across large chemical spaces. Through computational predictions for both materials searches and design, a new paradigm in thermoelectric materials discovery is emerging. (Abstract excerpt)

Greco, Ralph, et al, eds. Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2005. The latest advances with an emphasis on novel biomaterials and medical applications.

Gromski, Piotr, et al. How to Explore Chemical Space Using Algorithms and Automation. Nature Reviews Chemistry. 3/119, 2019. University of Glasgow computational chemists in coauthor Leroy Cronin’s lab explore the frontiers of novel material discovery, composition and enhanced utility.

Although extending the reactivity of a given class of molecules is relatively straightforward, the discovery of genuinely new reactivity and the molecules that result is a more challenging problem. Here, we describe how searching chemical space using automation and algorithms improves the probability of discovery. The former enables routine chemical tasks to be performed more quickly and consistently, while the latter uses algorithms to facilitate the searching of chemical knowledge databases. In order to find new chemical laws, we must seek to question current assumptions and biases. Accomplishing that involves algorithms to perform searches, and more general machine learning to predict the chemistry under investigation. (Abstract excerpt)

Gyongyosi, Laszlo and Sandor Imre. Multilayer Optimization for the Quantum Internet. Nature Scientific Reports. 8/12690, 2018. We enter this posting by University of Southampton and Budapest University of Technology systems physicists as a current example how quantum phenomena are being treated, availed, and creatively advanced in a similar manner to everywhere else.

We define a multilayer optimization method for the quantum Internet. Multilayer optimization integrates separate procedures for the optimization of the quantum layer and the classical layer of the quantum Internet. The multilayer optimization procedure defines advanced techniques for the optimization of the layers. The optimization of the quantum layer covers the minimization of total usage time of quantum memories in the quantum nodes, the maximization of the entanglement throughput over the entangled links, and the reduction of the number of entangled links between the arbitrary source and target quantum nodes. The objective of the optimization of the classical layer is the cost minimization of any auxiliary classical communications. The multilayer optimization framework provides a practically implementable tool for quantum network communications, or long-distance quantum communications. (Abstract)

Haba, Hiromitsu. A New Period in Superheavy Element Hunting. Nature Chemistry. 11/1, 2019. In a special issue for the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table, a RIKEN Materials Research Group scientist considers how human ingenuity might proceed to expand nature’s iconic array of 118 elements via “islands of stability” all the way to atomic number 172. In regard, we emergent Earthlings seem to have reached some kind of “second singularity” whence cosmic material creation may pass to our respective human intention. See also Making the Heaviest Elements in the Universe: A Review of the Rapid Neutron Capture Process by John Cowen, et al at arXiv:1901.01410.

Halal, William. Technology’s Promise. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. The George Washington University futurist extrapolates a worldwide recreation of body, mind, society and nature, notably not without ethnic and ethical dilemmas, to be achieved via computer, medicine, energy, transport, and biopsychic enhancements.

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