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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
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VIII. Earth Earns: An Open CoCreative Earthropocene to Astropocene PediaVerse

1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical, Astronomic Realms

Hickinbotham, Simon, et al. Maximizing the Adjacent Possible in Automata Chemistries. Artificial Life. 22/1, 2016. In a paper which is a good example of biological and cosmic evolution in passage to our human intentional furtherance, York University, UK computer scientists including Susan Stepney consider algorithmic programs, broadly conceived, so as to design and advance novel, salutary materials and organisms.

Automata chemistries are good vehicles for experimentation in open-ended evolution, but they are by necessity complex systems whose low-level properties require careful design. To aid the process of designing automata chemistries, we develop an abstract model that classifies the features of a chemistry from a physical (bottom up) perspective and from a biological (top down) perspective. There are two levels: things that can evolve, and things that cannot. We equate the evolving level with biology and the non-evolving level with physics. We design our initial organisms in the biology, so they can evolve. We design the physics to facilitate evolvable biologies. This architecture leads to a set of design principles that should be observed when creating an instantiation of the architecture. (Abstract)

Hillis, Danny. The Enlightenment is Dead, Long Live the Entanglement. www.jods.mitpress.mit.edu. Reviewed more in Current Vistas, a 2016 manifesto for this epochal worldwide new age of organic genesis procreation.

Hirst, S. and L. Stapley. Parasitology: The Dawn of a New Millennium. Parasitology Today. 16/1, 2000. One medical example. From our worldwide perspective, once humankind’s collective, transcribed knowledge has emerged from the evolved, besieged human body and brain, it can be can fedback to cure and draw up these constituent members.

Holmes, Bob. Alive!. New Scientist. February 12,, 2005. A number of independent groups are attempting to “create a new form of living being from non-living chemicals in the lab.” One team associated with Los Alamos Laboratories cites four necessary steps: Containment – a form of bounded entity, Heredity – some mode of replication, Metabolism – processes that maintain viability, and Evolution – a capacity to grow and evolve. But a concluding observation by theologian John Haught is of special note. Although this research is often viewed as the human take over of life, incongruent to a religious persuasion, within an appropriate genesis cosmology, integral human persons are simply God’s method today of continuing and fostering life’s creation.

We are fully a part of nature, and as natural beings who are living and creating synthetic life, we are in a sense life creating more life, which is what’s been going on in evolution for 4 billion years now. And that does not in principle rule out that God would still be creating life using natural causes – namely us – which is the way in which theology understands God as always operating in the world. (Haught 33)

Huang, Yufeng, at al. Fractal Self-Organization of Bacteria-Inspired Agents. Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals. 20/2, 2012. From Marc-Olivier Coppens biochemical engineering laboratory at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, it is mathematically proposed, and experimentally supported, that microbial colonies, as exemplars of nonlinear viability, can inspire novel, palliative organic creations. Professor Coppens dedicates the article and project to his mentor and advisor Benoit Mandelbrot.

We develop an agent-based model as a preliminary theoretical basis to guide the synthesis of a new class of materials with dynamic properties similar to bacterial colonies. Each agent in the model is representative of an individual bacterium capable of: the uptake of chemicals (nutrients), which are metabolized; active movement (part viscous, part diffusive), consuming metabolic energy; and cellular division, when agents have doubled in size. The agents grow in number and self-organize into fractal structures, depending on the rules that define the actions of the agents and the parameter values. The environment of the agents includes chemicals responsible for their growth and is described by a diffusion-reaction equation with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. These rules are modeled mathematically by a set of equations with five dimensionless groups that are functions of physical parameters. Simulations are performed for different parameter values. The resulting structures are characterized by their fractal scaling regime, box-counting and mass-radius dimensions, and lacunarity. (Abstract)

Inosov, Dmytro. Quantum Magnetism in Minerals. Advances in Physics. 68/1, 2019. A Ukrainian solid state physicist presently at the Technical University of Dresden posts a 115 page, 750 reference, survey of these frontier realizations that quantum phenomena and condensed matter can be seamlessly unified. It’s sections go from Coupled spin dimers and Kagone systems to Quasi-2D lattices and Molecular magnets. As violent strife continues to rage across eastern Europe, human acumen can yet be able to learn all about and take over cosmic material creation, going forward.

The discovery of magnetism by the ancient Greeks was enabled by the natural occurrence of lodestone. Nowadays, minerals continue to inspire the search for novel magnetic materials with quantum-critical behavior or exotic ground states such as spin liquids. The recent interest in magnetic frustration and quantum magnetism was encouraged by crystalline structures of minerals realizing pyrochlore, kagome, or triangular arrangements of magnetic ions. In some cases, their structures are too complex to be synthesized artificially in a chemistry lab, especially in single-crystalline form, with unusual magnetic properties. The present review attempts to embrace this quickly emerging interdisciplinary field that bridges mineralogy with low-temperature condensed-matter physics and quantum chemistry. (Abstract excerpt)

Jha, Dipendra, et al. ElemNet: Deep Learning the Chemistry of Materials from only Elemental Composition. Nature Scientific Reports. 8/17593, 2018. We add this entry by Northwestern University and University of Chicago researchers as an example going forward of how materials science from physical compounds to complex biochemicals are being treated as due to a mathematical program (aka genotype). In regard, they are also becoming amenable to analysis and design by cerebral, multi-layer network processes.

The field of computational molecular sciences (CMSs) has made innumerable contributions to the understanding of the molecular phenomena that underlie and control chemical processes, which is manifested in a large number of community software projects and codes. The CMS community is now poised to take the next transformative steps of better training in modern software design and engineering methods and tools, increasing interoperability through more systematic adoption of agreed upon standards and accepted best-practices, overcoming unnecessary redundancy in software effort. This in turn will have future impact on the software that will be created to address grand challenge science that we illustrate here: the formulation of diverse catalysts, descriptions of long-range charge and excitation transfer, and development of structural ensembles for intrinsically disordered proteins. (Abstract)

Jin, Ren-Hua, et al. Biomimetic Synthesis of Shaped and Chiral Silica Entities Templated by Organic Objective Materials. Chemistry: A European Journal. 20/7198, 2014. This contribution by Kanagawa University, Japan, chemists, among thousands of its kind across the literature, applies biological topologies toward the creation of a new natural materiality. In regard, this frontier work could be seen as an intended passage to conscious human continuance for a new genesis future.

Organic molecules with accompanying self-organization have been a great subject in chemistry, material science and nanotechnology in the past two decades. One of the most important roles of organized organic molecules is the capability of templating complexly structured inorganic materials. The focus of this Minireview is on nanostructured silica with divergent morphologies and/or integrated chirality directed by organic templates of self-assembled polyamine/polypeptides/block copolymers, chiral organogels, self-organized chiral amphiphiles and chiral crystalline complexes, etc., by biomimetic silicification and conventional sol–gel reaction. Among them, biosilica (diatoms and sponges)-inspired biomimetic silicifications are particularly highlighted. (Abstract)

Johnson, George. A Shortcut Through Time: The Path to a Quantum Computer. New York: Knopf, 2003. A science writer narrates the players and their imaginations that portend an immense computational ability on an atomic scale.

Jones, Matthew and Chad Mirkin. Self-Assembly gets a New Direction. Nature. 491/42, 2012. For another example, this reviews of a materials science advance “Colloids with Valence and Specific Directional Bonding” by Yufeng Wang in the same issue, which is seen to “greatly expand the range of structures that can be assembled from small components.” Might it again be broached who are we fledgling creatures to gain mindful knowledge over matter so to begin a second genesis? Could one say to a child starting school “God needs your help,” with theologian Philip Hefner (search) that you are an intended “co-creators?”

The ability to design and assemble three-dimensional structures from colloidal particles is limited by the absence of specific directional bonds. As a result, complex or low-coordination structures, common in atomic and molecular systems, are rare in the colloidal domain. Here we demonstrate a general method for creating the colloidal analogues of atoms with valence: colloidal particles with chemically distinct surface patches that imitate hybridized atomic orbitals, including sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2 and sp3d3. Functionalized with DNA with single-stranded sticky ends, patches on different particles can form highly directional bonds through programmable, specific and reversible DNA hybridization. These features allow the particles to self-assemble into ‘colloidal molecules’ with triangular, tetrahedral and other bonding symmetries, and should also give access to a rich variety of new microstructured colloidal materials. (Wang, et al, Abstract)

Jorgensen, Mathias, et al. Atomistic Structure Learning. Journal of Chemical Physics. 151/054111, 2019. Interdisciplinary NanoScience Center, Aarhus University, Denmark researchers describe the conceptual formation of novel materials via a 2019 synthesis of deep neural nets, algorithmic computation, and an iterative elemental and (bio)molecular stereochemistry. A typical section is Atomistic Reinforcement Learning. Might we then witness and surmise the advent of collaborative humankinder take up and over of cosmic condensed matter formularies, quite as a self-creative genesis intends and requires?

One endeavor of modern physical chemistry is to use bottom-up approaches to design materials and drugs with desired properties. Here, we introduce an atomistic structure learning algorithm (ASLA) that utilizes a convolutional neural network to build 2D structures and planar compounds atom by atom. The algorithm takes no prior data or knowledge on atomic interactions but inquires a first-principles quantum mechanical program for thermodynamical stability. Using reinforcement learning, the algorithm accumulates knowledge of chemical compound space for a given number and type of atoms and stores this in the neural network, ultimately learning the blueprint for the optimal structural arrangement of the atoms. (Abstract)

Kaku, Michio. Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100. New York: Doubleday, 2011. In his latest popular vista from the second decade of this century, the CCNY quantum physicist muses how we might become “the gods of our mythologies” with epic powers on the freeway to a new creation. While heavy on machine technologies, we note also for this summary quote.

All the technological revolutions described here are leading to a single point: the creation of a planetary civilization. This transition is perhaps the greatest in human history. In fact, the people living today are the most important ever to walk the surface of the planet, since they will determine whether we attain this goal or descent into chaos. (327)

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