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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

D. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Living Systems

Rovelli, Carlo. How Causation is Rooted into Thermodynamics. arXiv:2211.00888. The University of Toulouse polyphysicist contributes his latest deeply considerate insights about such an aimed arrow flight of time and fate. In regard, an allusion is offer that our beingness takes on a causal factor.

The notions of cause and effect are widely employed in science. I discuss why and how they are rooted into thermodynamics. The entropy gradient (i) explains in which sense interventions affect the future rather than the past, and (ii) underpins the time orientation of the subject of knowledge as a physical system. Via these two distinct paths, it is this gradient, and only this gradient, the source of the time orientation of causation, namely the fact the cause comes before its effects.

Hence the arrow of causation is rooted into the thermodynamic arrow via two different paths. Because in the macrophysics of our actual world, intervention does in fact affect the future. And because causation is the concern of the biological systems we are, time-oriented by the biosphere’s entropy gradient. For this second reason, causation is something we read in the worlds. Our own thinking is a dissipative process by the entropy gradient. So it is hard for our intuition to accept the fact that time orientation and hence the arrow of causation, are only thermodynamic, that is statistic, approximate, perspectival, phenomena. (6)

Rubi, J. Miguel. The Long Arm of the Second Law. Scientific American. November, 2008. The University of Barcelona physicist allows that although the cosmic tide of entropy surely flows, complexity and consciousness may arise via open non-equilibrium systems. Which seems basically the theoretical case made by Ilya Prigogine and colleagues some thirty years ago.

Waste is unavoidable—a sad fact of life quantified by the famous second law of thermodynamics. But if the world is steadily becoming more disordered, how do you explain the self-organization that often occurs in nature? At root, the trouble is that classical thermodynamics assumes systems are in equilibrium, a placid condition seldom truly achieved in the real world. A new approach closes this loophole and finds that the second law holds far from equilibrium. But the evolution from order to disorder can be unsteady, allowing for pockets of self-organization. (63)

Sagawa, Takahiro. Thermodynamics of Information Processing in Small Systems. Berlin: Springer, 2012. Due by November, a Kyoto University professor publishes his “best University of Toyko physics thesis of 2010.” As its synopsis notes, the work is seen as a novel formulation of a “nonlinear informational thermodynamics.”

This thesis presents a general theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for information processing. Ever since Maxwell's demon was proposed in the nineteenth century, the relationship between thermodynamics and information has attracted much attention because it concerns the foundation of the second law of thermodynamics. From the modern point of view, Maxwell's demon is formulated as an information processing device that performs measurement and feedback at the level of thermal fluctuations. By unifying information theory, measurement theory, and the recently developed theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, the author has constructed a theory of "information thermodynamics," in which information contents and thermodynamic variables are treated on an equal footing. One of the generalized equalities has recently been verified experimentally by using sub-micron colloidal particles. (Publisher)

Savissky, Zack. What Is Entropy? A Measure of Just How Little We Really Know. Quanta. December13, 2024. As his bio below notes, the Austrian science writer posts an extensive, well researched, two century review of this auspicious energetic phenomena. Yet it seems that its dour conclusions remain and confounds us to this day. Our intent in these thermodynamic sections is to post an array of worldwise, 21st century theoretic advances (Philip Ball) which are at last setting aside a physical view which has for a long time been a daunting weight on science and philosophy.

Exactly 200 years ago, a French engineer (Sadi Carnot) introduced an idea that would quantify the universe’s inexorable slide into decay. But entropy, as it’s currently understood, is less a fact about the world than a reflection of our growing ignorance. Embracing that truth is leading to a rethink of everything from rational decision-making to the limits of machines.

Carnot’s insight emerged from an attempt to exert control over the clockwork world in the Age of Reason. But as the concept of entropy diffused throughout the natural sciences, its purpose shifted. The refined view sheds the false dreams of total efficiency and perfect prediction and instead concedes an irreducible uncertainty.

I'm a freelance science journalist, specializing in physics and astronomy. I tell tales of discovery and innovation to help people understand their place in the universe. I was recently named the top early-career science journalist by the National Academies of Sciences. (zacksavitsky.com)

Schneider, Eric. Gaia: Toward a Thermodynamics of Life. Schneider, Stephen, et al, eds. Scientists Debate Gaia. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004. A survey of the history of thermodynamic thinking from the 19th century to its nonequilibrium ability today to articulate a fertile cosmos of open planetary systems becoming increasingly alive.

Instead of a second law portending the doom of life and the heat death of the universe, we propose an interpretation of the second law as an active participant in the emergence and evolution of dynamic dissipative systems. (50)

Schneider,, Eric and Dorion Sagan. Into the Cool: Energy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. Schneider, a veteran theorist of thermodynamics and ecology, and noted science writer Sagan join forces to achieve a novel synthesis of energy dynamics in life's origin, evolution and human affairs. In its broad compass, 19th century classical thermodynamics of a closed nature tending to equilibrium, codified in its second law which a cosmic heat death is lately superseded by a non- and far-from-equilibrium version. Living systems are actually open to a constant flow of energy and information which drives and sustains their complex viability and evolution. In order to give a proper appreciation we next quote from the publisher's website.

Scientists, theologians, and philosophers have all sought to answer the questions of why we are here and where we are going. Finding this natural basis of life has proved elusive, but in the eloquent and creative Into the Cool, Eric D. Schneider and Dorion Sagan look for answers in a surprising place: the second law of thermodynamics. This second law refers to energy's inevitable tendency to change from being concentrated in one place to becoming spread out over time. In this scientific tour de force, Schneider and Sagan show how the second law is behind evolution, ecology,economics, and even life's origin.

Working from the precept that "nature abhors a gradient," Into the Cool details how complex systems emerge, enlarge, and reproduce in a world tending toward disorder. From hurricanes here to life on other worlds, from human evolution to the systems humans have created, this pervasive pull toward equilibrium governs life at its molecular base and at its peak in the elaborate structures of living complex systems. Schneider and Sagan organize their argument in a highly accessible manner, moving from descriptions of the basic physics behind energy flow to the organization of complex systems to the role of energy in life to the final section, which applies their concept of energy flow to politics, economics, and even human health.

Sestak, Jaroslav. Science of Heat and Thermophysical Studies: A Generalized Approach to Thermal Analysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005. An internationally recognized scientist from the Czech Republic offers extensive theory and philosophical reflections on a thermodynamically self-organizing nature.

Sheehan, Daniel. Thermosynthetic Life. Foundations of Physics. 37/12, 2007. A special issue of papers from the 2006 The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Foundations and Status symposium, which the University of San Diego physicist edits. Grouped under three themes - ideal gases, quantum aspects, and interpretations - half support the 19th century inviolable axiom while the others post 21st century challenges. Sheehan’s contribution adds to chemosynthetic and photosynthetic life a third viable category that draws on available environmental heat sources.

Skene, Keith. Life’s a Gas: A Thermodynamic Theory of Biological Evolution. Entropy. Online July, 2015. The author has a doctorate in plant developmental biology from the University of Dundee, where he taught for 13 years. He is now director of the Biological Research Institute, a British virtual centre for global sustainability (BIOSRI). Its aim is an innovative synthesis of living, ecological systems with the natural vectors of energy and entropy. These dynamics are then seen in effect from DNA and amino acids all the way to biomes and the whole Earth system. An update is In Pursuit of the Framework behind the Biosphere in Biosystems (Vol. 190, 2020). The basic incentive is to get a read and bead on an evident innate motive force which strongly seems to drive life’s evolutionary advance and planetary florescence.

This paper outlines a thermodynamic theory of biological evolution. Beginning with a brief summary of the parallel histories of the modern evolutionary synthesis and thermodynamics, we use four physical laws and processes (the first and second laws of thermodynamics, diffusion and the maximum entropy production principle) to frame the theory. Given that open systems such as ecosystems will move towards maximizing dispersal of energy, we expect biological diversity to increase towards a level representing maximum entropic production. Based on this theory, we develop a mathematical model to predict diversity over the last 500 million years. This model combines diversification, post-extinction recovery and likelihood of discovery of the fossil record. We compare the output of this model with that of the observed fossil record. The model predicts that life diffuses into available energetic space (ecospace) towards a dynamic equilibrium, driven by increasing entropy within the genetic material through diffusion into available ecospace. Finally we compare and contrast our thermodynamic theory with the MES in relation to a number of important characteristics of evolution (progress, evolutionary tempo, form versus function, biosphere architecture, competition and fitness). (Abstract)

The idea for BIOSRI came from a frustrated academic, Dr Keith Skene, who felt that the specialized, isolated and reductionist world of much academic thinking was failing to explore adequately the challenges and solution space relating to the major issues facing our world today. BIOSRI attempts to create space to think, and encourage thinkers to explore beyond their immediate neighbourhoods so as to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and collective resolution of problems, to communicate cutting edge concepts from across the intellectual and experiential world, and to contribute to policy-making bodies at local, national and international levels. (Web page)

Smith, Eric. Thermodynamics of Natural Selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 252/2, 2008. This is the title of three linked papers with these subtitles: Energy Flow and the Limits on Organization; Chemical Carnot Cycles; and Landauer’s Principle in Computation and Chemistry. The abstract below from the first paper gives an overview. See also Smith’s popular article “Before Darwin” in The Scientist cited in the An Organic Universe section.

This is the first of three papers analyzing the representation of information in the biosphere, and the energetic constraints limiting the imposition or maintenance of that information. Biological information is inherently a chemical property, but is equally an aspect of control flow and a result of processes equivalent to computation. The current paper develops the constraints on a theory of biological information capable of incorporating these three characterizations and their quantitative consequences. The paper illustrates the need for a theory linking energy and information by considering the problem of existence and resilience of the biosphere, and presents empirical evidence from growth and development at the organismal level suggesting that the theory developed will capture relevant constraints on real systems. The main result of the paper is that the limits on the minimal energetic cost of information flow will be tractable and universal whereas the assembly of more literal process models into a system-level description often is not. The second paper in the series then goes on to construct reversible models of energy and information flow in chemistry which achieve the idealized limits, and the third paper relates these to fundamental operations of computation. (185)

spier, Fred. Complexity in Big History. Cliodynamics: Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History. 2/1, 2011. The University of Amsterdam historian expands on the Eric Chaisson’s vectorial thermodynamics to interpret a processional passage from cosmos to civilization by way of increasingly effective energy usage. See also Spier’s opus Big History and the Future of Humanity, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

Big history can also be summarized as providing an overview of the rise and demise of complexity in all its forms and manifestations ever since the beginning of the universe. If we want to pursue this approach to big history, we need a theoretical framework that facilitates us to do so. In this article I propose such a scheme based on energy flows through matter that are needed for complexity to emerge, and often also to continue to exist, within certain favorable boundaries. (Abstract, 146)

spinney, Richard, et al. Thermodynamics and the Dynamics of Information in Distributed Computation. arXiv:1712.09715. Spinney, Joseph Lizier and Mikhail Prokopenko, University of Sydney, Complex Systems Research Group, (search each), contribute to an imminent synthesis by tracing theoretical affinities between stochastic energies, informational aspects, and how nature seems to be engaged in a self-generating computation. See also above Nonequilibrium Entropic Bounds for Darwinian Replicators by Pinero and Sole for a companion take.

Information dynamics is an emerging description of information processing in complex systems. In this paper we make a formal analogy between information dynamics and stochastic thermodynamics. As stochastic dynamics increasingly concerns itself with the processing of information we suggest such an analogy is instructive in providing hitherto unexplored insights into the implicit information processing that occurs in physical systems. Information dynamics describes systems in terms of intrinsic computation, identifying computational primitives of information storage and transfer. This opens up the possibility of describing all physical systems in terms of computation. (Abstract excerpts)

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