III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator LifescapeE. Systems Cosmology: Fractal SpaceTimeMatter Miniati, Francesco and Andrey Beresnyak. Self-Similarity of Dynamo Action in the Largest Cosmic Structures. Nature. 523/59, 2015. Amongst a current rush of reports which confirm this ubiquitous topology, ETH Zurich and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, physicists find galactic clusters, which are turbulent, magnetized media formed by gravitational instabilities, to exhibit a fractal topology. The permanent character of this hierarchy reflects yet another type of self-similarity in cosmology, while its structure, consistent with current data, encodes information about the efficiency of turbulent heating and dynamo action. The paper is also posted at arXiv:1507.01940. Miniati, Francesco and Andrey Brersnyak. Self-Similar Energetics in Large Clusters of Galaxies. Nature. 523/59, 2016. ETH Zurich and Stockholm University astrophysicists continue to quantify how dynamic celestial phenomena exhibit invariant processes and topologies. Massive galaxy clusters are filled with a hot, turbulent and magnetized intra-cluster medium. Still forming under the action of gravitational instability, they grow in mass by accretion of supersonic flows. These flows partially dissipate into heat through a complex network of large-scale shocks, while residual transonic (near-sonic) flows create giant turbulent eddies and cascades. Here we report that the energy components of the intra-cluster medium are ordered according to a permanent hierarchy, in which the ratio of thermal to turbulent to magnetic energy densities remains virtually unaltered throughout the cluster’s history, despite evolution of each individual component and the drive towards equipartition of the turbulent dynamo. The permanent character of this hierarchy reflects yet another type of self-similarity in cosmology, while its structure, consistent with current data, encodes information about the efficiency of turbulent heating and dynamo action. (Abstract excerpts) Mittal, A. K. and Daksh Lohiya. Fractal Dust Model of the Universe Based on Mandelbrot’s Conditional Cosmological Principle and General Theory of Relativity. Fractals. 11/2, 2003. By which certain problems of previous theoretical formulations with regard to a fractal cosmos are resolved. Murdzek, R. and O. Iftimie. The Self-Organizing Universe. Romanian Journal of Physics. 53/3-4, 2008. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University scientists contend that such nonlinear dynamics and geometries stretching across celestial reaches imply a cosmos whose own propensities proceed to structure itself. The full paper is available online as a previous arXiv posting. The most recently completed redshift surveys, such as 2dFGRS, reveal spectacularly complex structures in galaxy distribution. These structures are described in terms of filaments, clusters and voids and are usually characterized by using fractal geometry language. In this paper it is shown that the fractal dimension of the large scale distribution of galaxies presents scaling behavior well described by a Verhulst-type law. This result is in agreement with the idea that the Universe we observe today is a self-structured system which emerges from a nonlinear self-organizing phenomenon. (Abstract, 601) Nottale, Laurent. Scale Relativity and Fractal Space-Time. http://evodevouniverse.com/EDU2008Papers/NottaleSRTheoryApplicationsEDU2008.pdf. A lengthy paper summarized at the First International Conference on the Evolution and Development of the Universe by the CNRS physicist director, and also available at arXiv:0812.3857v1, wherein genotypes and phenotypes arise from quantum realms in a nested, self-similar sequence and procession. Luminous insights that do not yet get respect because they reveal and belong to the human genesis universe. Nottale, Laurent. Scale-relativistic Cosmology. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 16/4, 2003. This paper in a special issue entitled The New Cosmology, considers the scale-invariant, fractal geometry of space-time. Nottale, Laurent. The Relativity of All Things: Beyond Spacetime. Nashville, TN: Persistent Press, 2019. This is an English edition of a French science bestseller by a former French National Center for Scientific Research director. What is relativity. The word evokes thoughts of Einstein. What ultimately matters is the relationship between two objects, not their absolute properties. (xiii) Nottale’s studies go back to the 1980s, while this latest text braces a similar conclusion being availed via network complexity across many fields. The relational interactivity between particles, components, and entities, are equally real and altogether compose a creative ecosmos . One could cite Lee Smolin, Carlo Rovelli and many others who emphasize this universal quality. A prescient endorsement was made by Murray Gell-Mann in 1992 (search) that independent laws and principles do actually exist as they display into a fractally self-similar vitality. An example of a working usage of Nottale’s theories is Derivation of a Generalized Schrödinger Equation from the Theory of Scale Relativity by Pierre-Henri Chavanis at arXiv:1612.02323. The statement of the existence of laws, universal by nature, is sufficient in itself. It is the logic of the world’s organization that requires it. Said otherwise, the principle of relativity is reduced to the basic postulate upon which science is founded: There exist laws of nature. (72) Paczuski, Myra and David Hughes. A Heavenly Example of Scale-Free Networks and Self-Organized Criticality. Physica A. 342/1-2, 2004. The Imperial College, London, mathematical physicists find even the sun’s corona and its magnetic field network to exhibit these ubiquitous complex system properties. Palmer, Tim. Bell’s Theorem, Non-Computability and Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. arXiv:2108.10902. In this paper for Roger Penrose’s 90th birthday, he Oxford University polyphysicist (search) adds further reasons and evidence why a celestial reality may be most of all distinguished by a self-similar fractality across every expanse. See also Quantum Physics from Number Theory by TP (2209.05549) and Parametric Invariance by Mario de Oliveira (2203.07262) for further views. This paper draws on a number of Roger Penrose's ideas such as a Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, non-computability and gravitationally induced quantum state reduction so to propose an unconventional approach to quantum gravity: Invariant Set Theory (IST). In IST, the fundamental laws of physics describe the geometry of the phase portrait of the universe as a whole: "quantum" process are associated with fine-scale fractal geometry. With this, it can explain the experimental violation of Bell Inequalities. (Abstract excerpt) Palmer, Tim. Quantum Theory and the Symbolic Dynamics of Invariant Sets. arXiv: 1210.3940. Online October 2012, this follows up a 2009 paper “The Invariant Set Hypothesis: A New Geometric Framework for the Foundations of Quantum Theory and the Role Played by Gravity,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A (465/3165). Both run some 50 pages on arXiv. The author has a doctorate in statistical physics from Oxford University. In 2009 he was at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK, as group leader for the application of nonlinear complexity to climate studies, in 2012 at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford. The earlier work was extolled in the New Scientist (March 28, 2009) by Mark Buchanan as revealing a “Fractal Reality.” Palmer offers a revised fundamental basis of quantum physics via a “contextual,” self-similar, structure of space and time. The endeavor has been vetted by the Perimeter Institute in Canada, because a radical rethinking is seen as in order. See also Palmer’s note “Climate Extremes and the Role of Dynamics” in PNAS (110/5281, 2013). Such a robust mathematical articulation of a scale-invariant, repetitive cosmic emergence would add vital credibility to a natural genesis uniVerse, implying its own iterative genetic program. We include two quotes from each edition. For a 2017 edition, see A Gravitational Theory of the Quantum at arXiv:1709.00329. A realistic measurement-free theory for the quantum physics of multiple qubits is proposed. This theory is based on a symbolic representation of a fractal state-space geometry which is invariant under the action of deterministic and locally causal dynamics. This symbolic representation is constructed from self-similar families of quaternionic operators. Using number-theoretic properties of the cosine function, the statistical properties of the symbolic representation of the invariant set are shown to be consistent with the contextual requirements of the Kochen-Specker theorem, are not constrained by Bell inequalities, and mirror the statistics of entangled qubits. These number-theoretic properties in turn reflect the sparseness of the invariant set in state space, and relate to the metaphysical notion of counterfactual incompleteness. As a result, it is proposed that the complex Hilbert Space should merely be considered a computational convenience in the light of the algorithmic intractability of the invariant set geometry, and consequently the superposed state should not be considered a fundamental aspect of physical theory. Here some elements of an alternative ‘gravitational theory of the quantum’ are proposed, based on a deterministic and locally causal theory of gravity which extends general relativity by being geometric in both space-time and state. (2012 Abstract excerpt)
Pietronero, Luciano, et al.
Complexity in Cosmology.
Phuan Ong, N. and Ravin Bhatt, eds.
More Is Different.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.
By theory and observation, a growing comprehension is being achieved of a scale-invariant, self-organizing universe, which is seen as a “radically new and original” view of cosmic emergence. Powell, Devin. Physicists Net Fractal Butterfly. Science. 501/144, 2013. A report on the experimental verification of a phenomena proposed some 30 years ago by Douglas Hofstadter that even atomic electron trajectories in quantum realms will take upon such recursive fractal topologies.
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