IV. Ecosmomics: Independent Complex Network Systems, Computational Programs, Genetic Ecode Scripts4. Universality Affirmations: A Critical Complementarity Rulands, Steffen, et al. Universality of Clone Dynamics during Tissue Development. Nature Physics. 14/5, 2018. We recall hardly a decade ago when cellular self-organization was just a glimmer. For this ten person team from Cambridge University and the Free University of Brussels, it has become a tacit, intrinsic paradigm of creative effect across life’s developmental physiology., to which they contribute. In regard, systemic tendencies to reach a critical poise are reported, akin to other fields such as neuroscience, which are then traced to condensed matter physical energies. The entry can stand as iconic evidence for an imminent 21st century consonant genesis synthesis. The emergence of complex organs is driven by the coordinated proliferation, migration and differentiation of precursor cells. The fate behaviour of these cells is reflected in the time evolution of their progeny, termed clones, which serve as a key experimental observable. But what can be learnt from clonal dynamics in development, where the spatial cohesiveness of clones is impaired by tissue deformations during tissue growth? Drawing on the results of clonal tracing studies, we show that, despite the complexity of organ development, clonal dynamics may converge to a critical state characterized by universal scaling behaviour of clone sizes. Our study shows the emergence of core concepts of statistical physics in an unexpected context, identifying cellular systems as a laboratory to study non-equilibrium statistical physics. (Abstract) Santos, Vagner, et al. Riddling: Chimera’s Dilemma. Chaos. 28/081105, 2018. State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, University of Aberdeen, Xian University of Technology, and Federal University of Paraná, Brazil researchers including Jurgen Kurths provide a general analysis of nature’s pervasive propensity to seek and reside in a dynamic duality of more and less orderly states at the same time. Life and mind increasingly seem to be attracted to and prefer this optimum condition in every case from quantum to cerebral phases. We investigate the basin of attraction properties and its boundaries for chimera states in a circulant network of Hénon maps. It is known that coexisting basins of attraction lead to a hysteretic behaviour in the diagrams of the density of states as a function of a varying parameter. Chimera states, for which coherent and incoherent domains occur simultaneously, emerge as a consequence of the coexistence of basin of attractions for each state. Consequently, the distribution of chimera states can remain invariant by a parameter change, and it can also suffer subtle changes when one of the basins ceases to exist. A similar phenomenon is observed when perturbations are applied in the initial conditions. By means of the uncertainty exponent, we characterise the basin boundaries between the coherent and chimera states, and between the incoherent and chimera states. This way, we show that the density of chimera states can be not only moderately sensitive but also highly sensitive to initial conditions. This chimera’s dilemma is a consequence of the fractal and riddled nature of the basin boundaries. (Abstract) Satz, Helmut. Self-Organized Criticality. arXiv:2003.08130. This is an invited talk at the 40th Max-Born-Symposium, Wroclaw/Poland in October 2019 by the University of Bielefeld, Germany physicist. Its brief summary is We apply the concept of self-organized criticality in statistical physics to the study of multihadron production in high energy collisions. As its first paragraph below says, the posting is another notice of nature’s preferential occasion and resolve at this optimum balance at every such instantiation. (Per) Bak went on to ask: How can the universe start with a few types of elementary particles at the big bang, and end up with life, history, economics and literature? Why did the big bang not form a simple gas of particles or condense into one big crystal? In other words, the issue was to understand how the structured complexity of the world around us could arise. Thus, new concepts of the past twenty years are emergence, complexity, fractality, chaos; non-equilibrium behavior, self-organization. In physics, this has led to intensive studies of emergent phenomena in non-equilibrium processes, and in mathematics to fractal structures. It has also led to a general framework applicable to swarm formation in biology and to financial market patterns. In this talk, I want to show how it can provide a new view of multihadron production in high energy collisions. (1-2) Scheffer, Marten, et al. Inequality in Nature and Society. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 114/13154, 2017. Wageningen University ecologists and a Utrecht University historian describe another independent, recurrent pattern of animal and human groupings across scales which reverts to a relatively rich, privileged few and poor, wretched masses. But the higher the stage, such as a nation, the harder it becomes to intentionally correct, mitigate and level out for mutual, palliative benefit. Inequality is one of the main drivers of social tension. We show striking similarities between patterns of inequality between species abundances in nature and wealth in society. We demonstrate that in the absence of equalizing forces, such large inequality will arise from chance alone. While natural enemies have an equalizing effect in nature, inequality in societies can be suppressed by wealth-equalizing institutions. However, over the past millennium, such institutions have been weakened during periods of societal upscaling. Our analysis suggests that due to the very same mathematical principle that rules natural communities (indeed, a “law of nature”) extreme wealth inequality is inevitable in a globalizing world unless effective wealth-equalizing institutions are installed on a global scale. (Significance) Scheper, Tjeerd. Criticality Analysis: Bio-Inspired Nonlinear Data Representation. arXiv:2305.14361. An Oxford Brookes University computational mathematician describes another method by which to identify and evaluate the ubiquitous presence of nature’s preferred, optimum middle balance state. See Controlled Bio-Inspired Self-Organized Criticality by the author in PLoS One (January 24, 2022) for an earlier treatment. The representation of statistical data in a biological system remains an elusive element of biological information processing. Here we propose Criticality Analysis (CA) as a bio-inspired method of information representation within an amenable, scale-free self-organised critical system. It is based on the concept of a reservoir of dynamic behaviour whose self-similar content will create dynamic nonlinear descriptions. The CA method allows for a biologically relevant encoding mechanism for biosystems, which creates a suitable model for information processing in complex organisms and also adapts to machine learning. (Abstract excerpt) Schlapfer, Markus, et al. The Hidden Universality of Movement in Cities. arXiv:2002.06070. Santa Fe Institute, MIT, ETH Zurich, and University of Copenhagen theorists including Geoffrey West consider urban intensities such as social media, innovation, productivity, epidemics and much more across four continents. As this project to treat cities as complex fractal systems reaches two decades, it is now possible to robustly confirm the presence of common mathematic spatial patterns and temporal dynamics. Once more this year, an unseen generative invariance every case and place becomes quite apparent. As other planners variously perceive, our larger and smaller human habitations gain a predictability and preference which can be availed for betterment. See also The Spectral Dimension of Human Mobility by this group at 2002.06740. The interaction of all mobile species within an environment hinges on their movement patterns. In human society, where the prevalent form of cohabitation is in cities, the dynamic and diverse movement of people affects every aspect of socio-economic life and the evolution of urban infrastructure, productivity, innovation and technology. However, the laws that govern the variation of population flows to specific locations have remained elusive. Here we show that behind their apparent complexity a simple universal scaling relation drives the flow of individual based on both frequency of visitation and distance travelled. We demonstrate that population flows obey this theoretical prediction in all tested areas across the globe, ranging from Europe and America to Asia and Africa, regardless of the geographies, cultures or levels of development. (Abstract excerpt) Sherman, Nicholas, et al. Universality of Critical Dynamics with Finite Entanglement. arXiv:2301.09681. An example of 2023 integrative frontiers as UC Berkeley physicists find a 21st century quantum organics to be robustly distinguished by critically poised states for optimum performance across a wide array of occasions and applications. At the same while, we post Fish Shoals Resemble a Stochastic Excitable System (Gomez-Nava) about similar criticalities which grace and serve animal groups. So in this discovery year, our Earthwise pedia sapience is indeed finding proof of nature’s innate preference everywhere. When a system is swept through a quantum critical point, the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism makes universal predictions for the number and energy of excitations produced. In this work, we study how low-energy dynamics of quantum systems near criticality are modified by finite entanglement, using invariant critical points. Our result establishes the precise role played by entanglement in time-dependent critical phenomena and has direct implications for quantum state preparation and classical simulation of quantum states. (Excerpt for essence) Shmulevich, Ilya, et al. Eukaryotic Cells are Dynamically Ordered or Critical but Not Chaotic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102/13439, 2005. We cite this entry with Stuart Kauffman as a coauthor as an early notice of the tendency for gene regulatory networks to arrive and perform at this critical cusp between stability and openness. The many 2018 – 2020 entries herein and throughout which robustly quantify this common state give proof to its prescience. Sivaram, Chandra, et al. Bioenergetics and Stellar Luminosities. International Journal of Astrobiology. Online October, 2017. Bangalore based Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Christ Junior College, and St. Joseph Indian College researchers comment upon a curious affinity across these widest reaches between creaturely physiologies and cosmic dynamics. We draw attention to a curious coincidence wherein the most (steadily emitting) luminous objects in the Universe from stellar X-ray sources to ultra-luminous quasars and Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies, steadily emit a power per unit mass, which is just the same value as the maximal metabolic rate in (warm-blooded) bio-organisms. (Abstract) Sole, Ricard, et al. Synthetic Criticality in Cellular Brains. Journal of Physics: Complexity. 2/4 December, 2021. In a companion paper to Christopher Dunham, et al in this issue, seven Barcelona complexity scientists continue to show how this common, active optimum poise can find beneficial application to a range of novel neural designs. Cognitive networks have evolved to cope with uncertain environments in order to make reliable responses. Such decision making circuits need adapt to the external world in efficient and flexible ways. Mounting evidence has shown that brains generally operate in a broad self-organized criticality (SOC) mode. We ask how might this phenomena occur in small-scale living systems such as cells? We explore a recent model of engineered gene networks that avail the feedback between order and control parameters to achieve a SOC state. We suggest that a dynamic criticality could serve novel adaptive synthetic cellular and multicellular organisms. (Abstract excerpt) Sorbaro, Martino, et al. Statistical Models of Neural Activity, Criticality, and Zipf’s Law. arXiv:1612.09123. We note this contribution by University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics researchers MS, Michael Herrmann and Matthias Hennig because it draws parallel between cerebral dynamics, their critical attractor state, and G. K. Zipf’s (second quote) linguistic origin. See also Statistical Criticality Arises in Maximally Informative Samples by Ryan Cubero, et al (1808.0249) for another take upon this synthesis. In this overview, we discuss the connections between the observations of critical dynamics in neuronal networks and maximum entropy models that are often used as models of neural activity, focusing on the relation between "statistical" and "dynamical" criticality. We then discuss the emergence of Zipf’s law in neural activity, verifying their presence in retinal activity under a number of conditions. In the second part we review statistical criticality and the structure of the parameter space, as described by Fisher information. (Abstract excerpt) Stanoev, Angel, et al. Organization at Criticality Enables Processing of Time-Varying Signals by Receptor Networks. Molecular Systems Biology. 16/2, 2020. As we cite many papers about self-organized criticalities in neural systems, here MPI Molecular Physiology cell biologists report the presence of nature’s optimum biochemical balance has similarly been found in cellular information processing. Circa 2020, increasingly across in every realm, a common, independent generative pattern seems to be in exemplary evidence. How cells utilize surface receptors for chemoreception is an open issue spanning physics and biology. For example, the dynamical mechanism for processing time‐varying signals is still unclear. Using a dynamical formalism to describe criticality in non‐equilibrium systems, we propose a generic principle for temporal information processing through phase space trajectories with transient memory. In contrast to short‐term memory, dynamic memory generated via a “ghost” attractor enables signal integrations and interprets complex temporal growth factor signals. We propose how recycling provides self‐organized maintenance of the critical receptor concentration at the plasma membrane through a fluctuation‐sensing mechanism. Processing of non‐stationary signals, a feature previously attributed only to neural networks, thus uniquely emerges for receptor networks organized at criticality. (Abstract excerpt)
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