VIII. Earth Earns: An Open CoCreative Earthropocene to Astropocene PediaVerse
A new introduction is being written for multifaceted chapter which is now posted as a 21st century expansion of the earlier Anthropo Cosmic Vision, recorded in Chapter II.
The worldwise collaborative vista we have so far documented over 3,500 pages is hopefully meant to inform and serve a humane, peaceful, egalitarian, viable local, global and ecosmic society going forward. A prime guide is a nested genesis which occurs by an iterative repetition of the same genomic, cellular, network pattern and process at each and every stage. The promise is that intended, phenomenal human beings can respectfully continue and carry forth its complementary organic creativity of free individuals in supportive groups. An example could be ubuntu “proto-cellular” communities as noted in Sustainable Ecovillages. But as a malestrom of barbarians, weaponry, viral epidemics and perils devastate, it requires an epochal unity of peoples and civilizations altogether. In relative regard, we propose to dub as Pedia Sapiens.
As readers well know, into 2021 we are far from any aware, agreed transformation. The Old Earth: Our Critical Life Support Condition cites overshot biospheric, physiological, homeostatic systems of climate, water, pollutants, biodiversity, coral reefs, cash economies, gundemics, the whole nuclear litany. Unless we can advance beyond archaic religious, tribal, sectarian, ethnic, cultural and political chasms, driven by warlords and weaponry, along with the awful subjugation of women (half the ecosmos), we will surely perish. Anthropocene Moment: Kinder or Cinder follows with discourses upon this popular moniker. Global Climate as a Complex Dynamical System moves on to efforts to better understand weather by way of these sciences. The topical subjects in A New CoCreation: A Singular Evolitionary Advance proceeds with an array of representative aspects. Mind Over Matter cites how collective human acumen can lately delve into any depth so as to begin anew. Second Genesis: presents similar findings and daunting abilities at life’s open frontier. Positive Personal Enhancement within Community looks at an historic turn from maladies of body, brain, and psyche to respectful ways to achieve integral selves in viable societies. To this avail, the next three sections - Sustainable Ecovillages: me + We = US, A Naturome Bicameral Democracy, and A Viable Gaiasphere – survey diverse views, endeavors, projects, pathways and more in quest of better tomorrows. A further section was added in 2017 as An Earthropic Principle: Novel Evidence for a Special Planet so to document this auspicious possibility. Over the past decade, many satellite, telescopic, instrumental and computational achievements have quantified a plethora of planets and solar systems across the galaxy and beyond. But an incredible finding seems to grow in veracity. By way of some 17 check points for a universe to human evolution, it might well be the case that only our home Earth has been able to attain our global self-witness. Could Earth Aware be one in a quintillion, maybe the first, best, or last, with all that would imply?
A. The Old World: Its Archaic, Polar, War Torn, Rapacious Critical Life Support Condition
In regard, a 1994 an article of mine, Environmental Ethics and the Question of Cosmic Question, in an academic journal by that first phrase name (search Fabel), contended that we will not be able to achieve a living, sustainable Earth within a doomed, dead universe model. Some 25 years later this scientific verdict is more entrenched (Brian Greene, Yuval Harari, et al), while the decisive moment is upon us. As an Earthomo sapiens may learn on her/his own, this website resource seeks to report and document a revolutionary organic, encoded genesis with our special bioplanet at its ordained cocreative edge. Please see the opening essay for this 2020 bidecadal review and preview for much more content.
2020: When this section was first posted in the early 2000s, it cited a usual litany of climate change, militarism and wars, resource usage, plastics waste, energy excesses, economic corruption. By this late year these unmitigated perils put us in a terminal biospheric life-support condition. If not enough, authoritarian, barbaric dictators have come to rule more than half the world population. (In the USA we had a narrow escape, but the siege goes on.) Vast fires, pestilences, super storms, arctic meltings, compounded by a raging viral pendemic daunt and overwhelm. Current works such as The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells and Falter by Bill McKibben sound alarms. Many more studies and Greta Thunberg shout “our house is on fire.” We leave prior citations in place.
2023: As readers well know from the daily news, the years since 2020 have been filled with an apocalyptic onslaught from multiple pandemics and deranged warlords to national violence and extreme climate disaster. Everyone already is familiar with their documentation. A main intent of this whole resource website in some way is to gather, highlight alternative paths - peaceable ecovillages, an organic Earthropocene era, a participatory purpose.
Brooks, Rosa. How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016.
Caldicott, Helen, ed. Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation. New York: New Press, 2017.
Diamond, Jared. Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis. New York: Little, Brown, 2019.
Hansen, James, et al. Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 16/3761, 2016.
Lenton, Timothy, et al. Survival of the Systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. January 2021.
Mora, Camilo, et al. Broad Threat to Humanity from Cumulative Climate Hazards. Nature Climate Change. November, 2018.
Otto, Ilona, et al. Social Tipping Dynamics for Stabilizing Earth’s Climate by 2050. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 117/2354, 2020.
Schneider, Tapio, et al. Possible Climate Transitions from Breakup of Stratocumulus Decks under Greenhouse Warming. Nature Geoscience. Online February, 2019.
Turner, Monica, et al. Climate Change, Ecosystems and Abrupt Change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. January, 2020.
Vallacher, Robin, et al. Attracted to Conflict: Dynamic Foundations of Destructive Social Relations. Berlin: Springer, 2013.
Wallace-Wells, David. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming. New York: Tim Duggan/Crown, 2019.
View the 124 Bibliographic Entries
1. An Anthropocene Age: Human Civilization Takes Over and Changes Every Feature
This section is being revised in midsummer 2023 so to gather, report and move beyond the many terminal global perils and outrages of this year. An Earthropocene Era section below is also being rewritten to respectfully propose a novel, procreative sustainable path future forward.
We add a 2010s section for references in consideration of a latest evolutionary epoch signified by a human name so to supersede the Holocene of the last 10,000 years. A generic web definition is: The Anthropocene defines Earth's most recent geologic time period as being human-influenced, or anthropogenic, based on overwhelming global evidence that atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic, biospheric and other earth system processes are now altered by humans. As disparate entries convey, while a Anthropo Sapiens hyper-civilization impact is obviously modifying everything, how to situate its origins, and to recognize the geologic, oceanic, environmental, biodiverse, sustaniability influences and perils remains much underway. But as I write in 2016, it would seem we are cutting it much too close. In reality, civilizations are madly clashing and crashing across the globe. Rather than a 21st century worldwide wisdom and concerted mission to select and save this precious bioplanet, we seem bent on going back to barbaric dark ages, this time armed with terminal weapons. The goal and promise of an integral planetary scale and vision would be a phenomenal organic vitality and sustanence for all creatures and children. Maybe we men have made such a mess, as time immemorial only women can save us.
2020: We here wish to propose an Earthropocene era beyond and encompassing an earlier individual and composite homo/anthropo stage. This new word would seem more appropriate for this whole precious ecosphere, which altogether is our proper abide. But a revolutionary shift from an old age of materialist, purposeless models, barbaric warlords, nuclear nations, the list goes on as the citations aver, is immediately imperative.
Chure, Griffin, et al. The Anthropocene by the Numbers: A Quantitative Snapshot of Humanity’s Influence on the Planet. arXiv:2101.09620. Donges, Jonathan, et al. Reconnecting Human Dynamics to Earth System Dynamics. Anthropocene Review. August, 2017. Frank, Adam, et al. Earth as a Hybrid Planet: The Anthropocene in an Evolutionary Astrobiological Context. Anthropocene August, 2017. Kemp, Luke, et al. Climate Endgame: Exploiting Catastrophic Climate Change Scenarios. PNAS. 119/34, 2022. Lewis, Simon and Mark Maslin. The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. Oppermann, Serpil and Serenella Iovino, eds. Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Shoshitaishvili, Boris. Gaia, Globalization and Anthropocene Planetary Superorganisms. Anthropocene Review. April, 2022. Sigurdsson, Geir. Anthropocosmic Processes in the Anthropocene: Revisiting Quantum Mechanics vs. Chinese Cosmology Comparison. Bala, Arun and Prasenjit Duara, eds. The Bright Dark Ages: Comparative and Connective Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
Steffen, Will, et al. Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115/8252, 2018.
View the 58 Bibliographic Entries
2. Global Climate Change as a Complex Dynamical System
This is new subsection added in 2011 about how the hyper-complex intricacy of world weather, which is traced from paleological times, is coming to be appreciated, distinguished, and quantified by the same nonlinear critically self-organizing, scalar dynamics as everywhere else. Again the universal one code is present even in this stormy realm. In regard, "global warming" phase is an unfortunate misnomer for these nonlinear currents then portend abrupt, catastrophic change as more likely. It would serve climate scientists, under siege from well-funded deniers, to cite themselves say as “physicians of the planet” givine wellness and illness reports. See Geosphere, Hydrospehre, and Atmosphere for further entries.
2020: As a viral pandemic ravages, it is said that the intense scientific and public effort being marshalled ought to next be applied to deal with and migate wild atmospheric climate changes, indeed a planetdemic for which we similarly need adapt sensible behaviors and expenditures.
Boers, Niklas, et al. Complex Networks Reveal Global Pattern of Extreme Rainfall Teleconnections. Nature Climate Change. January 30, 2019. Cheung, Kevin and Ugur Osturk. Synchronization of Extreme Rainfall During the Australian Monsoon: Complex Network Perspectives. Chaos. 30/6, 2020. Fan, Jingfang, et al. Statistical Physics Approaches to the Complex Earth System. arXiv:2009.04918. Franzke, Christian and Terence O’Kane, eds. Nonlinear and Stochastic Climate Dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Ghil, Michael and Valerio Lucarini. The Physics of Climate Variability and Climate Change. Reviews of Modern Physics. Online March, 2020. Holme, Petter and Juan Rocha. Networks of Climate Change arXiv:2105.12537.
Lucarini, Valerio. Introduction to the Special Issue on the Statistical Mechanics of Climate. Journal of Statistical Physics. 179/5-6, 2020. Selvam, Amujuri Mary. Self-Organized Criticality and Predictability in Atmospheric Flows: The Quantum World of Clouds and Rain. International: Springer, 2017. Singh, Martin and Morgan O’Neill. The Climate System and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Reviews of Modern Physics. 94/015001, January, 2022. Yao, Qing, et al. Emergence of Universal Scaling in Weather Extreme Events. arXiv:2209.02292.
View the 79 Bibliographic Entries
B. Earthborne: A Person/Planet, Local/Global, Precestral, Evolitionary Twinfinity
Now for some good news. This multi-phase section was surveyed in the Genesis Future introduction and proceeds from physical matter and genomic curation onto person well-fare, protocell ecovillages, an organic democracy, so as to reach a peoples sustainable ecosphere. The Evolution to “Evolition” phase is meant to convey an epochal singularity in the course of ecosmic and biological development from myriad precarious candidates to a self-selected volitional, informed diversity and unity within a familial genesis. We use this certain module to collect recent entries about life's apparent open-ended creative potentials going forward.
Adams, Alyssa, et al. Physical Universality, State-Dependent Dynamical Laws and Open-Ended Novelty. Entropy. 19/9, 2017
Banzhaf, Wolfgang, et al, eds. Evolution in Action: Past, Present and Future. International: Springer, 2020.
Davies, Paul. Does New Physics Lurk Inside Living Matter? Physics Today. August 2020.
Packard, Norman, et al. Open-Ended Evolution and Open-Endedness. Artificial Life. 25/1, 2019.
View the 10 Bibliographic Entries
1. Mind Over Matter and Energy: Quantum, Atomic, Chemical, Astronomic Realms
This section gleans and glosses about how our collective human acumen has become able to learn all about and delve into any depth and breadth of quantum, physical and material realms, along with vivifying atomic and solar energies. Through computation, visualization, instrumentation, satellites, daily web postings, iterative theories, global collaborations and so on, our supermindful capacity seems poised and primed to begin a second intentional phase. For example, an active method is to apply a sense of “material genomes” in prescriptive effect. Into 2021, the Royal Society has commenced an Animate Materials perspective (Google) so that organic-like matters can proceed on their own. But as a caveat, we do not mean any artificial technology take over in this occasion. In essence, human beings in local and global community may now take up their intended purpose as the temporal center and leading edge of a genesis procreation.
2020: In the past few years, building on decades before, a strong capability has arisen to delve deeply into any substantial domain so as to wholly quantify by theory and experiment. By this information and empowerment, an inviting frontier opens to begin a new intentional cocreation. As the bibliography samples and conveys, it is apparent across these no longer inorganic title phases that our collective human acumen can consider quantum computational systems, “artificial” atomic elements, tailored chemical compositions, and more. In a widest view, at the same time Earth is beset by so many perils, an ecosmos genesis might be trying, by its innate nature, to pass on its procreative futurity to our respectful, encoded “evolutionary” continuance.
As we fittest. valiant Earthuman cocreators may begin and take up an ordained epochal turn from tinkered happenstance to an intentional, participatory, geonomic, beneficial makeover of matter, energy, spacetime, information we just post these samples from a vast literature.
Adams, Fred, et al. Energy Optimization in Extrasolar Planetary Systems. arXiv:2002.10661. Armstrong, Rachel, ed. Star Ark: A Living, Self-Sustaining Spaceship. International: Springer Praxis, 2017. Ball, Philip. Coming Alive. Nature Materials. March, 2021. Canfield, Paul. New Materials Physics. Reports on Progress in Physics. 83/016001, 2020. Cronin, Leroy, et al. Catalyst: The Metaphysics of Chemical Reactivity. Chem. 4/8, 2018. Deane-Drummond, Celia, et al, eds. Technofutures, Nature and the Sacred. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2015. Das, Anirban, et al. Dark Matter Induced Power in Quantum Devices. arXiv:09313. Dyson, Freeman. A Vision of a Green Universe. New York Review of Books.October 13, 2016. Haba, Hiromitsu. A New Period in Superheavy Element Hunting. Nature Chemistry. 11/1, 2019.
Jorgensen, Mathias, et al. Atomistic Structure Learning. Journal of Chemical Physics.151/054111, 2019. Khajetoorians, Alexander, et al. Designer Quantum States of Matter Created Atom-by-Atom. arXiv:1904.11680. Maniscalco, Sabrina, et al. Quantum Network Medicine. arXiv:2206.12405. Norreys, Peter, et al. Prospects for High Gain Inertial Fusion Energy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. October, 2020. Prokopenko, Mikhail, ed. Guided Self-Organization: Inception. Berlin: Springer, 2014. Ravoo, Bart. Frontiers of Molecular Self-Assembly. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 59/868, 2019. Shayeghi, Armin, et al. Matter-Wave Interference of a Native Polypeptide. arXiv:1910.14538.
View the 185 Bibliographic Entries
2. Second Genesis: EarthWise LifeKinder Transitions to a New Intentional, BioGenetic Questiny
While Mind Over Matter reviews new abilities to fathom and restart an animate physical creation, Second Genesis will here report and document similar natural palliative and positive genetic and biological capabilities. At the outset as these potentials suddenly open and beckon we cite ethical concerns, more so throughout this site, which need play a guiding role. As evolution may finally reach its emergent term of geonatal (cosmonatal) self-cognizance, our collective, sapient knowledge can help mitigate, revise, and enhance life’s genotype source and phenotype cellular beingness. Life’s long, arduous contingent phase, a cobbled, tinkered, brutal yet an oriented development, might at last reach its intended curative and creative resolve and fulfillment. A Second Genesis phrase is proffered as distinguished by a successful passage of the parental cosmome bigender endowment to our future kinderkind edification.
2020: While Mind/Matter above was about a conducive substantiality, this section surveys how our Earthomo MindKinder is achieving similar understandings and abilities to take up and over life’s prior trial and error contingency in an intentional, directed and respectful way. As the entries convey, all manner of cellular, metabolic, network anatomy and physiology can be healed and enhanced. A prime breakthrough is the editing ease of CRISPR genetics. Beyond this, new ways to expand and rewrite life’s genomic source code seem to be patentially passing, as intended, to our wumanwise futurity.
Once again, as for each section there is a vast, multifaceted bibliography in this intense endeavor as life begins to make itself wholly over in an informed, directed, evolition. Here is a small sampling.
Bekiaris, Pavlos and Steffen Klamt. Designing Microbial Communities to Maximize the Thermodynamic Driving Force for the Production of Chemicals. PLoS Computational Biology. June, 2021. Bianco, Simone, et al. Towards Computer-aided Design of Cellular Structure. Physical Biology. 17/2, 2020. Cable, Jennifer, et al. Synthetic Biology: At the Crossroads of Genetic Engineering and Human Therapeutics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. November, 2021. Davies, Jamie. Real-World Synthetic Biology. Life. 9/1, 2019. De la Torre, Daniel and Jason Chin. Reprogramming the Genetic Code. Nature Reviews Genetics. 22/3, 2021. Hernandez-Espinosa, Nancy, et al. Stimulus-responsive Self-assembly of Protein-based Fractals by Computational Design. Nature Chemistry. 11/7, 2019.
Lale, Rahmi, et al. A Universal Approach to Gene Expression Engineering. Synthetic Biology. 7/1, 2022. Ostrov, Nili, et al. Synthetic Genomes with Altered Genetic Codes. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. October 2020. Qiu, Yuchi, et al. Cluster Learning-Assisted Directed Evolution. Nature Computational Science. December, 2021 Scalise, Dominic and Rebecca Shulman. Controlling Matter at the Molecular Scale with DNA Circuits. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering. 21/469, 2019. Vidiella, Blai, et al. Engineering Self-Organized Criticality in Living Cells. Nature Communications. I12/4415, 2021 Yilmaz, Suzzan, et al. Towards Next-Generation Cell Factories by Rational Geome-Scale Engineering Nature Catalysis. 5/9, 2022 Vibhute, Mahesh and Hannes Mutschler. A Primer on Building Life-Like Systems. ChemSystemsChem. December, 2022
View the 152 Bibliographic Entries
3. Sustainable Ecovillages: Social Protocell Communities
It is vital to appreciate that humankind has not only realized an overall genesis cosmology but one whose nested development proceeds by the same creative complementary system at each and every stage. A dynamic, emergent scale of being and becoming accrues as the formative principles infuse and empower everywhere. The great benefit is that once discovered, these common themes can be respectfully carried forth to a genesis futurity. As the Major Evolutionary Transitions Scale module above notes, a next planetary phase is not meant to be a uniform globalization. Rather akin to life’s origin, a next phase would seem to be viable “protocell” communities (search Claes Andersson, Robin Dunbar, et al). Rather than a uniform globalization, often misunderstood, a new evolitionary stage might actually be a biospheric network of myriad urban and rural communities. Examples of constant guiding principles might be:
• An equitable, reciprocal partnership of women and men. (Complementarity)
• A mutuality of free individuals joined in shared relationship. (Creative Union)
• Spontaneous free association without central authority. (Self-organization)
• Modular personal diversity in a beneficial social unity. (Symbiosis)
• Coherent boundaries for self-referential communities. (Autopoiesis)
In an epilogue to The Human Web (2003), the eminent historian William McNeill makes just such a proposal. For thousands of years, homo sapiens dwelt in familial bands of 50 to 100 members. But with the fragmentation, diaspora and suburbanization of modern societies, this identity and cohesion has been lost. Based on an organic evolution with a recurrence of the same cellular form, McNeill advises that our social future should again be composed of “primary communities” of similar number of participants. Such a 21st century recovery of African ubuntu wisdom of “I am because We are” would be wonderful. These books, magazines and websites herein introduce a vital option to a consumptive, unjust, violent and unsustainable civilization. Also included are entries to an organic, environmental architecture.
2020: As the extended introduction cites, by way of 21st century findings about an organic genesis whose developmental emergence proceeds by nested symbiotic member/group cellular unions, a next appropriate phase can be sighted. At our consequent whole Earth moment, appears that supportive communities of a nominal one hundred at liberty members might be an appropriate “social protocell” version. Andersson, Claes and Petter Tornberg. Toward a Macroevolutionary Theory of Human Evolution: The Social Protocell. Biological Theory. December, 2018. Bohm, Steffen, et al. Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities. London: Routledge, 2014. Foster, Sheila and Christian Iaione. Co-Cities: Innovative Transitions Toward Just and Self-Sustaining Communities Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022. Kammen, Daniel. Sustainable Communities. Scientific American. December, 2017. Litfin, Karen. Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community. London: Polity Books, 2014. Miller, Frederica. Ecovillages Around the World: 20 Regenerative Designs for Sustainable Communities. Scotland: Findhorn Press, 2018. Wilson, David Sloan and Dag Olav Hessen. Blueprint for the Global Village. Cliodynamics. 5/1, 2015.
View the 64 Bibliographic Entries
4. A Natural Genocratic Complementarity: me + We = US
A crucial benefit would be to apply the abiding universal bigender principles to the United States and national elections everywhere. As viewers know, this country ever splits into right/left, Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal, red/blue, COVID mask or baldface destructive polarization. These preferences align with individual autonomy or communal support, militarism/negotiation, conflict/tolerance, past/future, see Complementarity of Civilizations for more. For example, the 2000 election between Al Gore and George Bush divided to a few votes out of a 100 million. Recent elections in Germany, France, Mexico, Africa, have similarly split, often with violent results. From another perspective, the United States constitution was based by Thomas Jefferson upon 18th century Newtonian mechanics. Could we altogether imagine a natural governance guided by a 21st century scientific organic, self-organizing, symbiotic, entity and empathy reciprocity? Our two parties are locked either-or, conserve/create, warrior/worrier gridlock conflict. An obvious, “naturome” resolve, it is respectfully proposed, would be me + We = US as a truly unified, familial, participatory, egalitarian, peaceable resolve.
2020: In this Chapter VIII about a better future which is informed and guided by a a newly found universal genetic-like, bigender code, a public segment in most need is that of local and national political governance everywhere. As we sadly know, this social domain is torn apart, rent in half by bipolar fixations locked in mutual, violent conflict. In June 2021, a fight over USA2020 results still rages. How obvious does it have to be for anyone to realize that the two opposite halves are archetypical, critically poised, complements. Thus we beg to dub a novel Genocracy name to convey its actual genetic occesion.
Abele, Andrea, et al. Facets of the Fundamental Content Dimensions: Agency with Competence and Assertiveness – Communion with Warmth and Morality. Frontiers in Psychology. November, 2016. Arash, Abizadeh. Representation, Bicameralism, Political Equality, and Sortition. Perspectives on Politics. January, 2020. Asir, M. Paul, et al. Critical Transition Influenced by Dynamic Quorum Sensing in Nonlinear Oscillators. European Physical Journal Special Topics. 230/3211, 2021. Bokanyi, Eszter, et al. Universal Scaling Laws in Metro Area Election Results. PLoS One. February 28, 2018. Fiske, Susan. Political Cognition Helps Explain Social Class Divides. Cognition. 188/108, 2019. Galesic, Mirta and Daniel Stein. Statistical Physics Models of Belief Dynamics. arXiv:1706.02287 Grossmann, Matt and David Hopkins. Asymmetric Politics: Ideological Republicans and Group Interest Democrats New York: Oxford University, 2017.arXiv:1706.02287. Levin, Simon, et al. The Dynamics of Political Polarization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118/50, 2021. Piketty, Thomas. Long Life Participatory Socialism. Noema Magazine. November 10, 2021. Wiesner, Karoline, et al. Stability of Democracies: A Complex Systems Perspective. European Journal of Physics. 40/1, 2019.
View the 79 Bibliographic Entries
C. Hearthica: Astro Sapiens Achieves a Unified, Peaceful, Gaiable,Worthy, Home Base
This section is Base also being revised in midsummer 2023 so to gather, report and move beyond the many terminal global perils and outrages of this year. It will seek to propose and introduce a subsequent Earthropocene resolve as a geonatal, geonomic sustainable futurity. We further amend in November and suggest a referral to the soon to be posted PediaPedia 2024 content.
2020: After some 85 chapters, sections and subsections we reach an Earthwise imperative to achieve a sustainable MEGA-Earthica (Make Earth Great Always). This module is concerned (as is the whole site) with how to gain a knowledgeable awareness and decisive initiative so as to heal, mitigate, stabilize and foster our rarest bioabide. With some 8,500 annotated references in place, we here seek to offer ways that a revolutionary cocreative, encoded genesis uniVerse which our Earthomo sapience has found could inform, inspire and guide. It is said that along with ending the viral pandemic, another intense effort need be embarked upon to similarly deal with and mitigate climate change. One example from Ecovillages above could be an interlinked local/continental/global profusion of these “protocellular” communities.
Ayton-Shenker, Diana, ed. A New Global Agenda: Priorities, Practices, and Pathways of the International Community Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. Brown, Valerie and John Harris. The Human Capacity for Transformational Change: Harnessing the Collective Mind.. London: Routledge, 2014. Everard, Mark. The Ecosystems Revolution. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Kelbessa, Workineh. African Environmental Ethics. Environmental Ethics. 37/4, 2016. Kothari, Ashish. A Tapestry of Alternatives. Scientific American. July, 2022. Lenton, Timothy, et al. Survival of the Systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. January 2021 Lewin, Harris, et al. Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing Life for the Future of Life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115/4325, 2018.
Nelson, David, et al. Clinical Ecology: Transforming 21st Century Medicine with Planetary Health in Mind. Challenges. 10/1, 2019. Nguyen, Thank, et al. Spatial Patterns of Urbanising Landscapes in the North Indian Punjab Show Features Predicted by Fractal Theory.. Nature Scientific Reports. 12/1819, 2022. Sachs, Jeffery, et al. Six Transformations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability. 2/9, 2019. Som, Sanjoy. Common Identity as a Step to Civilization Longevity. Futures. Online August, 2018. Sole, Ricard and Simon Levin. Ecological Complexity and the Biosphere: The Next 30 Years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. July, 2022. Yeang, Ken. Saving the Planet by Design: Renewing Our World Through Ecomimesis. London: Routledge, 2019.
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