Natural PhiloSophia
A variation of the natural philosophy phrase which stood for scientific studies from Isaac Newton’s day into the 19th century. In our usage the S for Sophia is capitalized to newly indicate, along with a Philip, a bicameral, bigender parity.
Ubuntu UniVerse
Ubuntu is a central African word/image for village groupings distinguished by a reciprocity of free members in supportive communities. Since this me + We = US mutuality works so well, it is also a common formation across all manner of species. Ubuntu UniVerse would represent a sustainable ecosmos that is beneficially suffused and sustained by this optimum, complementary abide.
A 2020s Global Genius Glossary
When these definitions were first posted in 2004, Google and the Internet were just coming online. As viewers know, into the 2010s one could begin to enter any term, phrase, or name and get a short and longer description. Our home page query box can be used to search the wobsite references. Chapter IV contains many complexity terms, while Chapter V illumes a genesis synthesis.
An agent such as an organism may both adapt to and alter its environment through bodily and behavioral means.
Agent-Based Modeling
Another phrase for self-organizing complex adaptive systems which emphasizes the activity of independent agents such as people that are in constant creative dialogue with each other.
An Algorithm is a set of mathematical, procedural rules which specify a sequence of steps to be carried out to solve a problem or perform an operation. Algorithome is meant to represent its implied genetic-like content and function.
Anthropic Principle
A theory that the presence of human beings constrains the numerical parameters the universe can have. It the comes in 2 levels: the weak anthropic principle holds that the universe is the way it is because we are here; the strong version asserts that the universe was made to evolve into humans.
Our human industrial impact since circa 1950 has come to have this name, after the Holocene, see Chap. VIII. But it is not a natural phase, rather the period is most known for a rapacious aberration which fouls the land, seas and atmosphere. See Earthropocene Era herein for a subseguent sustained, whole world super-organic viability for both person and planet.
The study of and search for life elsewhere in the solar system and cosmos.
As Section III.E.2 Cosmopoiesis contributes, many biochemical reactivities from life’s origins to sequential layers of entities and ecosystems which act to initiate their own beneficial occasion has gained much scientific support. Other names are autopoiesis, self-making, semiopoiesis (Solyan) whence some internal proclivity and/or agency serves to enhance and empower
A term for the ability of living systems to recursively referr to their own internal description so as to organize and maintain themselves.
Bicameral, Bifocal, Bilateral
These terms designate an integral occasion of dual, parallel but opposite modes. Our website usage often refers to the hemispheric sides of a brain, which are distinguished by complementary traits such as node/link, object/field compete/cooperate, see outline sections. They also apply to governmental bodies which often have two sides or houses. However our USA case is anything but reciprocal, rather every aspect of our culture is locked into mutual, destructive conflict.
A branching split of a complex, dynamical system under critical threshold conditions.
One might also dub this persuasion an Evoinformatics whence living systems at all developmental and metabolic stages from origins through to communal organisms are graced by a diverse array of content-rich significations and communications Life’s quorum sensing crosstalk is conveyed by gestures, sounds onto markings, glyphs, and our alphabetic. textual forms.
The sum total of earth life from geological strata to its crustal surface and stratosphere.
Again a new word not found on Google which is meant to expand on John A. Wheeler’s “Bit to It” participatory universe so to convey its programmic usage. See also Generacy and Iteracy.
Cerebral Cortex
The outer layer of the bilateral hemispheres composed of grey matter concerned with coordination of higher central nervous system function.
Complex behavior now found to be characterized by predictable periodic domains along with much sensitivity to initial or external conditions.
Chimera State
Also noted in Chapter IV, this phrase from the later 2010s cites a tendency complex systems to reside at a dynamic poise between less or more order. This condition is distinguished by being in both modes at the same time. We note that the term differs from its biological usage whence a creature may have two distinct genomes.
A method of classifying organism into groups (taxa) based on recency of common descent as judged by the possession of shared, derived characteristics. Variously known as Systematics.
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