VI. Life’s Cerebral Cognizance Becomes More Complex, Smarter, Informed, Proactive, Self-Aware1. Animal Intelligence, Persona and Sociality Enquist, Magnus and Stefano Ghirlanda. Neural Networks and Animal Behavior. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005. An exercise at applying this cognitive approach to animal evolution and learning capabilities. Falk, Dan. Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness, Experts Declare. Quanta. April 19, 2024. A science journalist reports that A group of prominent biologists and philosophers announced a new consensus: There’s “a realistic possibility” that insects, octopuses, crustaceans, fish and other overlooked animals experience consciousness. We post from the entry and the statement itself.
Gagliano, Monica. The Mind of Plants: Thinking the Unthinkable. Communicative & Integrative Biology. 10/2, 2017. We use this entry to gather and report recent contributions about these floral capacities. The University of Western Australia natural biologist is a leading advocate of a growing movement to extend animal cognitive abilities to this leafy realm. The title paper is a follow up to Learning by Association in Plants by MG, et al in Nature Scientific Reports (6/38427, 2016), see second quote. A prime reference is the work of Eva Jablonka and colleagues (search EJ, Simona Ginsburg) about life’s evolutionary preference for an associative knowledge gaining method. See also Plants Learn and Remember by MG in Oecologia (186/1, 2018), Ecological Justice for Nature in Critical Systems Thinking by Anne Stephens et al in Systems Research and Behavioral Science (I36/1, 2018, third quote), and Do Plants Have Something to Say? by Ellie Shechet in the New York Times (August 26, 2019) about Monica’s mission. Across all species, individuals thrive in complex ecological systems, of which they rarely have complete knowledge. To cope with this uncertainty and make good choices while avoiding errors, organisms are able to exploit key features within their environment. While it is well known that humans and other animals are quick to learn specific cues within locales and circumstances; the idea that plants are also capable of learning by association has not been proven until now. Here I comment on the recent paper (2016) that experimentally demonstrated associative learning in plants, thus qualifying them as proper subjects of cognitive research. (Abstract excerpt) Griffin, Donald. Animal Minds: From Cognition to Consciousness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001. An update of Griffin’s 1992 breakthrough book based on a lifetime of the study of perceptual and reflective states in animals who are in fact able to think, remember, plan, and deceive akin to humans. In view of the likelihood that all or at least a wide range of animals experience some form of subjective conscious awareness, it is both more parsimonious and more plausible to assume that the difference between human and other brains and minds is the content of conscious experience…..Rather that an absolute all-or-nothing dichotomy between human brains uniquely capable of producing conscious experience, on one hand, and all other brains that can never do so, on the other, this hypothesis is consistent with our general belief in evolutionary continuity. (18) Hauser, Marc. Wild Minds. New York: Henry Holt, 2000. Nonhuman creatures, in their specific habitat, are capable of similar mentation and emotion. “We share the planet with thinking animals.” Hersh, Taylor, et al. Hersh, Taylor, et al. Cetaceans are the next frontier for vocal rhythm research. PNAS. 121/25, 2024. . A senior international team of TH, Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University, Andrea Ravignani, Comparative Bioacoustics, MPI Psycholinguistics and Hal Whitehead, Dalhousie University report a novel quantification of the range repertoire by which these aquatic vocalists form and maintain a sophisticated culture. While rhythm can facilitate many aspects of behavior, its evolutionary course in vocal communication systems remains enigmatic. We can investigate occasions in different species, but research to date has focused on songbirds and primates. Here we present evidence that cetaceans — whales, dolphins, and porpoises — can help us learn why rhythm evolved. Cetaceans not only produce song-like vocalizations along with specific behaviors such as knowledge gain, breathing control, sexually select displays, mother–infant bonds, and group synchronization. By coupling an infraorder-level taxonomic array of rhythmic sounds compared to other species, we illustrate a more nuanced sense of the wide prevalence, enhancement, and many functions in animal communication. (Excerpt) Heyes, Cecilia. Four Routes of Cognitive Evolution. Psychological Review. 110/4, 2003. The study of how human faculties evolved is presently hampered by a “nativist” paradigm and its attribution to cerebral modules. A better approach is to include four domains: phylogenetic construction or inflection, and ontogenetic construction or inflection. Much of the article is about overcoming this misplaced emphasis with a more “constructivist” approach. A route is described as phylogenetic when the source is natural selection and as ontogenetic when the source is developmental selection. It is called construction when the locus is a cognitive mechanism and inflection when the locus is input to the cognitive mechanism. (714) Heyes, Cecilia and Ludwig Huber, eds. The Evolution of Cognition. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000. Studies by way of “evolutionary psychology” that imply the driving force toward homo sapiens is social interaction which builds bigger brains. Hurley, Susan and Matthew Nudds, eds. Rational Animals? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. An extensive, formal work, as scholars lately come around to admitting and qualifying that throughout Metazoan kingdoms, creatures indeed possess an active rationality and relative culture. Iacopini, Iacopo, et al. Not your private tête-à-tête: leveraging the power of higher-order networks to study animal communication.. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. May, 2024. An example by Northeastern University London, Algoma University, Canada, University of Tennessee and University of Montpelier, France behavioral biologists including Nina Fefferman which expands and explains how an intrinsic presence of communal connectivities can facilitate and enhance constant conversations Animal communication is usually studied with network representations that link pairs of individuals who interact, for example, through vocalization. However, acoustic signals often have multiple receivers who integrate information from several signallers so that interactions are not dyadic. By way of new work on non-dyadic, higher-order networks (simplicial complexes) we are able to provide new insights into animal vocal communication. Together, our test case findings highlight the potential power of higher-order networks to study animal vocal communication. (Excerpt) Japyassu, Hilton and Kevin Laland. Extended Spider Cognition. Animal Cognition. 20/3, 2017. Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and University of St. Andrews, UK social biologists cleverly perceive a natural propensity for informed intelligence which is seen to expand beyond a creature’s neural system only. In a broad evolutionary arc, life seems to have a persistent drive to gain an increasing beneficial knowledge. Our collaborative human sapiensphere lately seems to have attained an unlimited capacity for reconstructions from this vital microcosm to an infinite, conducive macrocosm. We cite the full Abstract to convey. There is a tension between the conception of cognition as a central nervous system (CNS) process and a view of cognition as extending towards the body or the contiguous environment. The centralised conception requires large or complex nervous systems to cope with complex environments. Conversely, the extended conception involves the outsourcing of information processing to the body or environment, thus making fewer demands on the processing power of the CNS. The evolution of extended cognition should be particularly favoured among small, generalist predators such as spiders, and here, we review the literature to evaluate the fit of empirical data with these contrasting models of cognition. Spiders do not seem to be cognitively limited, displaying a large diversity of learning processes, from habituation to contextual learning, including a sense of numerosity. Kabadayi, Can and Mathias Osvath. Ravens Parallel Great Apes in Flexible Planning for Tool-Use and Bartering. Science. 357/202, 2017. Lund University, Sweden, cognitive scientists offer more evidence about how animals are smart, clever, and indeed human-like in their creative behaviors. If a morsel is put in the middle of a one inch diameter, six inch long, horizontal tube on a post, the ravens manipulate handy twigs to push it out. The experience is then mentally stored for further usage. See also a commentary in the same issue A Raven’s Memories are for the Future by Markus Boeckle and Nicola Clayton. The ability to flexibly plan for events outside of the current sensory scope is at the core of being human and is crucial to our everyday lives and society. Studies on apes have shaped a belief that this ability evolved within the hominid lineage. Corvids, however, have shown evidence of planning their food hoarding, although this has been suggested to reflect a specific caching adaptation rather than domain-general planning. Here, we show that ravens plan for events unrelated to caching—tool-use and bartering—with delays of up to 17 hours, exert self-control, and consider temporal distance to future events. Their performance parallels that seen in apes and suggests that planning evolved independently in corvids, which opens new avenues for the study of cognitive evolution. (Abstract)
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