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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

VII. Our Earthuman Ascent: A Major Evolutionary Transition in Twindividuality

3. A Complementary Brain and Thought Process: A Family Mind

Fisher, Martin. On the embodied nature of knowledge: From neurons to numbers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. June, 2024. A University of Potsdam psychologist shows how right and left hemispheric proclivities of vision and detail align with the relative perception of textual versions and digital items. In consequence, these qualities can then be given an embodied occasion.

• Interdisciplinary investigations of the human mind through the cognitive sciences has found a key role of the body in representing knowledge at grounded and situated levels. Specifically number knowledge is analyzed from this hierarchical perspective. Lateralized cortical processing of coarse versus fine detail is then identified as a substrate for the population norm of few/left, many/right, which contributes to number-related sensory and motor biases in their embodiment. Implications of these findings for education and rehabilitation are discussed. (Excerpt)

Importantly, vision is also cross-lateralized in a differentiated fashion: As you read this text, visual information in the left and right spaces behind this page is projected into your right and left occipital cortices, respectively. This spatial frequency representation of the amount of detail in the visual input is again lateralized, such that the left hemisphere preferentially codes high frequencies with fine detail, while the right hemisphere views lower frequencies, whole patterns. Altogether this results in an anatomy-based predisposition to associate a few visual elements with left space and many visual elements with right space. (3)

Fitch, W. Tecumseh. Dance, Music, Meter and Groove. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. March 1, 2016. The University of Vienna cognitive biologist (search) is a leading theorist and mentor for the sequential, complementary evolution of rhythmic prosody and literal language. After some years of research and reports, such as The Evolution of Language in Biology and Philosophy (20/193, 2005) and The Biology and Evolution of Music in Cognition (100/173, 2006), he is at the forefront of the current synthesis of these complementary modes of communication.

I argue that core aspects of musical rhythm, especially “groove” and syncopation, can only be fully understood in the context of their origins in the participatory social experience of dance. Musical meter is first considered in the context of bodily movement. I then offer an interpretation of the pervasive but somewhat puzzling phenomenon of syncopation in terms of acoustic emphasis on certain offbeat components of the accompanying dance style. The reasons for the historical tendency of many musical styles to divorce themselves from their dance-based roots are also briefly considered. To the extent that musical rhythms only make sense in the context of bodily movement, researchers interested in ecologically valid approaches to music cognition should make a more concerted effort to extend their analyses to dance, particularly if we hope to understand the cognitive constraints underlying rhythmic aspects of music like meter and groove. (Abstract)

Forster, Jens and Laura Dannenberg. GLOMO: A Systems Account of Global Versus Local Processing. Psychological Science. 21/3, 2010. While the study of reciprocal cognitive modes by bicameral hemisphere and dual process approaches has been underway for some time, in this paper and other writings, University of Amsterdam social psychologists make a strong, cumulative statement of their validity and value. An initial motive is David Navon’s classic paper “Forest before Trees” in Cognitive Psychology (9/3, 1977). As supported by many references, a concise case can now be made for definitive integral holistic and/or separate discrete, distinctions. These attributes are also seen to distinguish Eastern interdependent and Western individualist cultures. See also Forster’s paper “GLOMO: The How and Why of Global and Local Processing” in Current Directions in Psychological Science (21/1, 2012) with a long listing of global right (feminine) and local left (masculine) traits. So may it finally be known that we human epitome contain this very cosmic complementarity in our own heads?

In sum, the current analysis suggests two psychological processing systems, the global system (glo-sys) that processes novel events and the local system (lo-sys) that processes familiar events. Whereas glo-sys integrates, lo-sys differentiates. Whenever something is novel, unfamiliar, ambiguous, complex, uncertain, distant, vague, abstract, or otherwise represents an information gap, glo-sys tries to make sense of it by integrating it into superordinate, inclusive knowledge structures. Upon a global understanding, lo-sys takes over, reflecting a global to local sequence. Whenever something is experienced as familiar, clear, close, proximal, or concrete, lo-sys may simply accept this event as “understood” or may search further for informative details that differentiate this event from others. (190)

High spatial frequency images that contain fine-grained and detailed information seem to benefit from left hemisphere processing, whereas low spatial frequency images that are usually perceived as more “blurry” convey global configurational or gestalt information are processed better in the right hemisphere. (190)

Friederici, Angela. Language in Our Brain: The Origins of a Uniquely Human Capacity. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2017. The MPI Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences neuroscientist director and MPI vice president surveys the past 35 years of her own work from MIT (her mentor/colleague Noam Chomsky writes a preface) and the full literature into 2010s as the cerebral nature of our unique linguistic abilities became clearly evident. Rather than a left side trait, as long held, it is lately realized that both complementary hemispheres are actively involved in speaking and hearing. As Dr. Friederici well conveys, it is now confirmed that an on-going interplay of a left syntactic, lexical, rapid frequency mode and prosodic, semantic, complex pitch right input achieves a whole, fast and slow, brain system. Her studies of infants and children reveal a holistic right side start which later transitions in the second year to a left side emphasis. Ontogeny and phylogeny parallels accrue by way of gestural, melodic evolutionary origins for animal and primate communications.

With the development of new neuroscientific methods, the relation between language and the brain could be observed in living persons while processing language. Today the language network can be described to consist of a number of cortical regions in the left and right hemispheres. These interact in time under the involvement of some subcortical structures that are not specific for language but may serve as a relational systems between the network and its sensory input systems and its output systems. In this book I primarily focus on the cortical regions of the neural language network, which I will discuss with respect to their particular function in the adult brain and the developing brain. (8)

Pitch information is crucial in linguistic prosody and emotional prosody, but also in processing music melody. In this section I reviewed the neuroscientific studies on prodessing prosody during speech perception and of music. The processing of prosodic information during speech comprehension crucially involves the right hemisphere, whereas syntax is processed in the left hemisphere. During speech the left and right hemisphere interact online to assign phrase boundaries as the borders of constituents. They do this via the corpus callosum – a white matter structure that connects the two sides. In sum these studies conclude that although pure pitch may be processed in the right superior temporal gyrus, the localization of higher pitch-related processes is dependent on the particular function that pitch conveys: lexical tone in the left hemisphere, linguistic prosody bilaterally with a leftward lateralization, and music with a rightward path. (81)

Friederici, Angela and Kai Alter. Lateralization of Auditory Language Functions: A Dynamic Dual Pathway Model. Brain and Language. 89/2, 2004. We refer in 2018 to a prior entry by MPI Cognitive Neuroscience neuropsychologists as an original posting of these now well documented left ventral and right dorsal areas and streams. Their popular What (separate detail - seeds, words), and Where/Why (integral field - forest, meaning) terms define another evidential way that human, and creaturely brains are distinguished by archetypal complements. See also The Language Network in Current Opinion in Neurobiology (23/250, 2013), and White Matter Pathways for Prosodic Structure Building in Brain and Language (183/1, 2018) which each have A. Friederici as a coauthor.

Spoken language comprehension requires the coordination of different subprocesses in time. After the initial acoustic analysis the system has to extract segmental information such as phonemes, syntactic elements and lexical-semantic elements as well as suprasegmental information such as accentuation and intonational phrases, i.e., prosody. According to the dynamic dual pathway model of auditory language comprehension syntactic and semantic information are primarily processed in a left hemispheric temporo-frontal pathway whereas sentence level prosody is processed in a right hemispheric temporo-frontal pathway. The observed interaction between syntactic and prosodic information during auditory sentence comprehension is attributed to dynamic interactions between the two hemispheres. (Abstract)

Funnell, Margaret. The Interpreting Hemispheres. Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia, et al, eds. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010. A Dartmouth College neuropsychologist, and former doctoral student of Michael Gazzaniga, contributes a cogent chapter to this volume about his work. With Stephen Kosslyn below, and others, a new clarity is lately reached with regard to our dual but complementary brain. In this case, to prior proposals of a left side “interpreter” with a fine focus is added a right counterpart that importantly weighs in with a relational, contextual view.

Although the left hemisphere is clearly capable of sophisticated visual processing – after all, reading is predominantly a left-hemisphere function, we found that it represents spatial information relatively crudely compared to the right hemisphere. The right hemisphere is vastly superior to the left in a variety of visuospatial tasks, including mirror image discrimination, simple perceptual discriminations, such as orientation, vernier-offset, and size discrimination, and in temporal discrimination. These studies led Paul Corballis to theorize a right-hemisphere interpreter that complements Mike Gazzaniga left-hemisphere interpreter. Whereas the left-hemisphere interpreter makes sense of the congnitive and linguistic world, the right-hemisphere interpreter makes sense of the visuospatial world, with both making inferences and filling missing information about their specialized domain. (74-75)

The right hemisphere, however, has its own, albeit different, interpretive capacity that the left hemisphere does not possess. The right hemisphere, but not the left, is able to fill in missing information and draw conclusions about visuospatial information. This right hemisphere capacity for interpretation in the visuospatial domain is likely based on its superior visuospatial processing abilities. In the intact brain, these two interpreters work together seamlessly to make sense of the world around us. (84-85)

Furtak, Marcin, et al. The Forest, the Trees, or Both? Hierarchy and Interactions between Gist and Object Processing during Perception of Real-world Scenes. Cognition. Vol. 221, April, 2022. Into this year, Polish Academy of Sciences and Tel Aviv University neuropsychologists can draw upon their own research along with a review of past 21st century work to an extent that they can presently reach a strong conclusion. Taken together, these studies join our results in supporting the global to local accounts, suggesting that gist (field) is processed more readily, and earlier, than objects. (5) As reported across the website, a temporal sequence appears to go on for both evolution and an entity. A sighted occasion is viewed by way of these dual archetypal modes, whereby a contextual scene is perceived first, after which item details are noticed and situated.

The global-to-local theories of perception assume that the gist of a scene is computed early and automatically, whereas recognition of objects occurs at a later stage, requires attentional resources, and is primed by the representation of whole. To test these views, we investigated the sequence of gist- and object-recognition. We generally found that backgrounds were classified more accurately than foreground objects, while wider fields influenced object recognition. Thus these findings support global-to-local theories, implying that gists are more readily seen than details, and at an earlier stage. (Abstract excerpt)

Gabora, Liane and Diederik Aerts. A Model of the Emergence and Evolution of Integrated Worldviews. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 53/5, 2009. University of British Columbia, and Free University of Brussels, scientists provide another vista upon the ascendant passage of a cerebral complementarity from early, integral “associative” phases to a later “analytical” fine-focus. Not only do these archetypal modes grace our modern minds, their sequential heritage can be reconstructed and traced in similar fashion to ancient evolutionary origins. As noted below, “It is widely believed that there are two forms of thought,…” which, as found to pervade every corner and crux of space and time, they attest to, in a human genesis universe, the evidential occasion and consequence of its reciprocal genetic code. However today may its latest cultural manifestation be associated with, to beneficial advantage, our bilateral earthkind?

It is proposed that the ability of humans to flourish in diverse environments and evolve complex cultures reflects the following two underlying cognitive transitions. The transition from the coarse-grained associative memory of Homo habilis to the fine-grained memory of Homo erectus enabled limited representational redescription of perceptually similar episodes, abstraction, and analytic thought, the last of which is modeled as the formation of states and of lattices of properties and contexts for concepts. The transition to the modern mind of Homo sapiens is proposed to have resulted from onset of the capacity to spontaneously and temporarily shift to an associative mode of thought conducive to interaction amongst seemingly disparate concepts, modeled as the forging of conjunctions resulting in states of entanglement. The fruits of associative thought became ingredients for analytic thought, and vice versa. The ratio of associative pathways to concepts surpassed a percolation threshold resulting in the emergence of a self-modifying, integrated internal model of the world, or worldview. (Abstract, 434)

It is suggested that the transition from a mimetic to a modern form of cognition is what gave rise to the cultural transition of the Middle/Upper Paleolithic, and that this came about through onset of the capacity to subject different situations to different kinds of cognitive processing. It is widely believed that there are two forms of thought, or that thought varies along a continuum between two extremes. At one end of the continuum is an analytic mode of thought conducive to deduction and to describing and analyzing relationships of cause and effect. At the other end of the continuum is an intuitive, overinclusive, or associative mode of thought conducive to finding subtle relationships; i.e. connections between items that are correlated, but not necessarily causally related. (444)

Gazzaniga, Michael. Cerebral Specialization and Interhemispheric Communication. Brain. 123/7, 2000. The renowned neuroscientist, presently (2010) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, makes a case that a distinguishing trait of human cognition, in an evolutionary train, is a relatively larger corpus callosum, an interbridging bundle of fibers that serve to connect the left and right hemispheres.

Gibbon, Dafydd. The Future of Prosody: It’s About Time. arXiv:1804.09543. A posting of a keynote to the Speech Prosody 2018 conference in Ponzan, Poland, see below. The emeritus Bielefeld University, Germany linguist adds a temporal aspect which covers discourse, personal, social, historical, and evolutionary phases for this rhythmic complement to good communication. Into the 21st century it is being realized that along with syntax and grammar verbiage, another mutual mode of analog, gestural and facial (body language) is necessary for full, meaningful conveyance. See also Rhythm Zone Theory: Speech Rhythms are Physical After All by DG and Xuewei Lin at 1902.01267.

Prosody is usually defined in terms of the three distinct but interacting domains of pitch, intensity and duration patterning, or, more generally, as phonological and phonetic properties of 'suprasegmentals', speech segments which are larger than consonants and vowels. Rather than taking this approach, the concept of multiple time domains for prosody processing is taken up, and methods of time domain analysis are discussed: annotation mining with timing dispersion measures, time tree induction, oscillator models in phonology and phonetics, and finally the use of the Amplitude Envelope Modulation Spectrum (AEMS). While pitch tracking is a central issue in prosodic analysis, here amplitude envelope demodulation and frequency zones in the long time-domain spectra of the demodulated envelope are of interest. (Abstract)

Glatzeder, Britt. Two Modes of Thinking: Evidence from Cross-Cultural Psychology. Han, Shihui and Ernst Poppel, eds.. Culture and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication. Berlin: Springer, 2011. The Parimenides Center philosopher and publication director notes dual process schools which join on an evolutionary scale an earlier holistic, slower mode with a later rapid, linguistic focus. A viewer may variously attend to either pond or fish. From a 2010 vista, history’s resolve then ought to be a palliative, vital individual and global complementarity.

The long history of the study of human thought is shaped by a dichotomy of two different views of the nature of thinking: the logical, analytical, rule-following thinking on the one hand, and the intuitive, and holistic, experiential thinking on the other. Recently, a lot of empirical evidence has been accumulated for the dual mode view of thinking. In this chapter, I shall highlight some of this evidence and interpret findings in cross-cultural research on thinking in order to better understand and train holistic thinking, which has been neglected in our logocentric Western culture. The underlying claim is that thinking draws on both modes and that, instead of prioritizing one of the two, we are challenged to develop both concerted expert analytical thinking and expert intuitive–holistic thinking and to master their interplay. (Abstract, 233)

Glezerman, Tatyana and Victoria Balkoski. Language, Thought and the Brain. New York: Kluwer Academic, 1999. Cognition and speech involve reciprocal activities of an analytic left side and a synthetic right, which is reflected in their neural substrates.

Modern anatomical data regarding cortical connections have tended to support the concept ‘two hemispheres - two cognitive styles.’ For example, in the right hemisphere the dendritic overlap among cortical columns is greater than in the left hemisphere, allowing for the possibility of more joint (synchronous) responses, which may correspond to a more ‘holistic processing’ style. The much greater center-center distance between columns in the left hemisphere is consistent with a better segregation of input and more independence in the left. (22)

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