VIII. Earth Earns: An Open CoCreative Earthropocene to Astropocene PediaVerseA. The Old World: Its Archaic, Polar, War Torn, Rapacious Critical Life Support Condition Hunter, Robert. Thermageddon: Countdown to 2030. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2003. A Canadian activist, ecologist and writer dramatizes the dangers of out-of-control climate change, which begs a planetwide incentive to back off.
Johansen, Bruce.
Global Warming in the 21st Century.
Westport, CT: Praeger,
A three volume resource by the Research Professor of Communication and Native American Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha which covers these areas: Vol. 1: Our Evolving Climate Crisis, Vol. 2: Melting Ice and Warming Seas Kieran, David and Edwin Martini, eds. At War: The Military and American Culture in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2018. The editors are Washington and Jefferson College and Western Michigan University historians. We note as one volume among a growing number (survey Amazon) that try to identity and indict how much the United States has been taken over and defines itself by an extreme obsession with perpetual global warfare. The country’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, its interventions around the world, and its global military presence make war, the military, and militarism defining features of contemporary American life. The armed services and the wars they fight shape all aspects of life—from the formation of racial and gendered identities to debates over environmental and immigration policy. Warfare and the military are ubiquitous in popular culture. At War offers short, accessible essays addressing the central issues in the new military history—ranging from diplomacy and the history of imperialism to the environmental issues that war raises and the ways that war shapes and is shaped by discourses of identity, to questions of who serves in the U.S. military and why and how U.S. wars have been represented in the media and in popular culture. Knight, Jasper. Rapid Climate Change. Global and Planetary Change. 54/3-4, 2006. An introduction to a special issue on research findings about abrupt shifts in climatic states in the past. For example, Wallace Broecker connects the cold weather of Younger Dryas some 12,000 years ago to a sudden influx in tropical waters of sea ice from Greenland. Kolbert, Elizabeth. Fields Notes from a Catastrophe. London: Bloomsbury, 2006. A book length version of a series of articles that appeared in The New Yorker. A similar case is made to Flannery and Linden that as we fiddle the world is on the perilous verge of unpredictable and irreversible change. Altogether, these works move beyond any argument about validity and call for, in both developed and emerging lands, an imperative ecologically sane life style. But they also decry that vested politicians, many industrialists, and the consumer juggernaut will have none of this. Krugman, Paul. Betraying the Planet. New York Times. June 29, 2009. One of the most trenchant columns by the Nobel laureate economist about a precipitous worsening of global climate change, and its political ridicule and denial. While the U. S. House of Representatives did pass the Waxman-Markey climate remediation bill, some 212 members voted against it. But the latest findings from thousands of scientists worldwide warn of an even more rapid loss of polar ice and mean temperature increase. But speakers still cried ‘hoax,’ which was met by applause, that Krugman indicts as a treasonous betrayal. Kunstler, James. The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005. The artificial bubble of cheap oil is finally bursting which will bring the demise predicted by Malthus some two centuries ago of population outrunning resources. After providing much documentation for this scenario, the veteran journalist offers ways that individuals and societies can sensibly adapt to sustain a decent local and global life style. Lawton, J., et al, eds. Abrupt Climate Change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A. 361/3, 2003. An introduction to a special issue to explore the realisation that rather than a gradual warming or cooling, climates can drastically shift their attractor point over just a few years. Typical subjects are paleoclimate data, temperatures of the North Atlantic and sea-ice ratios. Leiderman, S. Discovering the “New World” of Environmental Refugees. International Conference on Complex Systems. May 23, 2000. The slow apocalypse of habitat destruction due to more volatile weather such as the floods that devasted Mozambique drives an exodus to the shrinking percentage of livable areas, a “remainder earth scenario.” The author, from the Natural Resources Dept. of the University of New Hampshire, warns we are in a race between a corrective mentality and irrevocable loss. Letcher, Trevor, ed. Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015. A University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban, RSA environmental chemist edits a comprehensive, 600 page collection from Climate Change Through Earth’s History by Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams to Arctic Sea Ice (David Schroeder(, Bird Ecology (Wolfgang Fiedler, Sea Life Ecosystems (Martin Edwards) to Lichens, Acidification, Plant Pathogens, Aerosols, Solar Radiation, Agriculture, and all else. Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth serves as a broad, accessible guide to the science behind this often political and heated debate by providing scientific detail and evidence in language that is clear to both the climatologist and the non-specialist. The book contains 35 chapters on all scientific aspects of climate change, written by the world's authority of each particular subject. It collects the latest information on all of these topics in one volume. In this way, readers can make connections between the various topics covered in the book, leading to new ways of solving problems and looking at related issues. The book also contains major references and details for further research and understanding on all issues related to climate change, giving a clear indication of a looming crisis in global warming and climate change. (Publisher) Levy, Barry and Victor Sidel, eds. Terrorism and Public Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. In an age of economic and conceptual discontinuities leading to vicarious acts of terror, much of which is fueled by the proliferation of weaponry, 19 papers on how the global public health system can respond and cope. Linden, Eugene. The Winds of Change. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. A much documented cautionary work within an epochal historical view braced by carefully marshalled evidence.
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