The tendency of complex, evolving, self-organizing systems such as brains or genomes to form differentiated functional modules.
The sequential anatomical development of the bodily morphology of an organism.
The ensemble of all possible universes that might exist, most of which would not allow life and human intelligence to appear.
Whence the word Natural with an added letter so to convey the actual presence of phenomenal, encompassing animate reality. See then how it applies to the Nactural PhiloSophia phrase.
The most recent evolutionary addition to the brain’s cerebral cortex.
Neural Network
An interconnected, variable mesh of sensitive neurons in the brain or an information processing circuit in computer. These can be self-organizing and self-learning by means of giving “weights” to processed information whereby stronger or more prevalent inputs are reinforced.
A basic nerve cell in brains with an emitter extension and a receiving dendrite.
An environmental habitat to which an organism is adapted and within which it evolves.
NK Landscapes
A term from Stuart Kauffman whereby the fitness of N genes depends on the state of K other genes. Altogether their interaction gnerates an evolving fitness landscape.
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
A theoretical basis for the movement and transfer of energy in open systems and environments such as organisms and societies that are maintained in a state far from thermal equilibrium.
A property of complex activities whereby the output is not directly proportional to the input such as linear cause and effect and can give rise to unexpected results.
The quantum mechanical property whereby elements separated over any distance are instantaneously interrelated. The phenomenon is also known as entanglement.
A term for an emerging brain-like envelope over the earth due to the increased composite contributions of all peoples. Mainly derived from Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
The developmental life history of an individual organism.
Open System
An entity or process such as planet earth that receives inputs of matter and energy from external sources.
Parallel Distributed Processing
From cognitive science, whereby information is handled more efficiently by the use of many modular processing units connected in parallel. Also applies to many simpler computers conntected together to accomplish a more complicated data processing task.
Participatory Planet
In some real way it seems that our Earthuman presence has a cocreative significance to the fate and future of the entire genesis ecosmos. The phrase is drawn from J. A. Wheeler's participatory universe which comes to this conclusion.
The word is here availed in a similar way as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin did in The Phenomenon of Man so to imply a greater genesis reality that exists on its own of which we human beings are to be appreciated as an ordained, central manifestation
The observable characters of a specific organism - macromolecules, cells, structures, metabolism, energy utilization, tissues, organs, reflexes and behaviors. Their manifestation is dependent upon genotype and environment.
The full range of evolutionary stages involved in the formation of a species.
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