V. Life's Corporeal Evolution Develops, Encodes and Organizes Itself: An Earthtwinian Genesis Synthesis2. Microbial Colonies Macktoobian, Matin. Self-Organizing Nest Migration Dynamics Synthesis for Ant Colony Systems. arXiv:2210.03975. A University of Alberta, Canada computer scientist describes how even social insect movements like this can be found to express and exemplify nature’s universal mathematic generative source program by way of common, multiplex, entity/edge network topologies. In this study, we synthesize a novel dynamical approach for ant colonies enabling them to migrate to new nest sites in a self-organizing fashion. In other words, we realize ant colony migration as a self-organizing phenotype-level collective behavior. The proposed theoretic and empirical mechanism effectively shows that an ant colony can migrate to the vicinity of a new nest site in a self-organizing manner without any external supervision. Macktoobian, Matin. Self-Organizing Nest Migration Dynamics Synthesis for Ant Colony Systems. arXiv:2210.03975. A University of Alberta, Canada computer scientist describes how even social insect movements like this can be found to express and exemplify nature’s universal mathematic generative source program by way of common, multiplex, entity/edge network topologies. Once again, as everywhere, here is an archetypal instance. In this study, we synthesize a novel dynamical approach for ant colonies enabling them to migrate to new nest sites in a self-organizing fashion. In other words, we realize ant colony migration as a self-organizing phenotype-level collective behavior. The proposed theoretic and empirical mechanism effectively shows that an ant colony can migrate to the vicinity of a new nest site in a self-organizing manner without any external supervision. Maree, Athanasius and Paulien Hogeweg. How Amoeboids Self-organize into a Fruiting Body. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 98/3879, 2001. A paper which has become seen as one of the first achievements of a full mathematical, computational analysis of the emergence of a complex organic assembly. Marijuan, Pedro, et al. On Prokaryotic Intelligence. BioSystems. 99/2, 2010. A team from the Grupo de Bioinformación y Biología de Sistemas, Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, Zaragoza, Spain advocates a deep confluence between “the cellular way of life” and an innate creative self-organization. Drawing upon various theories from earlier autopoiesis and symbiogenesis to complex adaptive systems and biosemiotics, such constant, vital environment-sensing activity from genomes to ecosystems ought to be appreciated most of all as engaged in information-gaining, neural network cognition. See also Judith Armitage, et al. Marlow, Jeffrey and Rogier Braakman. Team Players. Scientific American. November, 2018. Harvard and MIT biologists present a popular, graphic article about how prevalent and important reciprocal cooperation is beyond a prior emphasis on competition among isolate microbes. McFall-Nagl, Margaret, et al. Animals in a Bacterial World, a New Imperative for the Life Sciences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110/3229, 2013. Some 26 biological and medical scientists at major institutions in the USA and Europe from Hawaii to Croatia, including Andrew Knoll, Scott Gilbert, and Angela Douglas, propose a novel vista of life’s temporal and spatial evolution as if a singular phylogenesis, suffused and informed by a proactive microbial milieu. In regard, features such as Interdomain Communication via quorum sensing, Nested Ecosystems, and pervasive Symbiosis would gain more inclusion and import. In the last two decades, the widespread application of genetic and genomic approaches has revealed a bacterial world astonishing in its ubiquity and diversity. This review examines how a growing knowledge of the vast range of animal–bacterial interactions, whether in shared ecosystems or intimate symbioses, is fundamentally altering our understanding of animal biology. Specifically, we highlight recent technological and intellectual advances that have changed our thinking about five questions: how have bacteria facilitated the origin and evolution of animals; how do animals and bacteria affect each other’s genomes; how does normal animal development depend on bacterial partners; how is homeostasis maintained between animals and their symbionts; and how can ecological approaches deepen our understanding of the multiple levels of animal–bacterial interaction. As answers to these fundamental questions emerge, all biologists will be challenged to broaden their appreciation of these interactions and to include investigations of the relationships between and among bacteria and their animal partners as we seek a better understanding of the natural world. (Abstract) Menon, Shakti, et al. Information Integration and Collective Motility in Phototactic Cyanobacteria. PLoS Computational Biology. April, 2020. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Tamil Nadu, India researchers describe how bacterial groupings can be seen to exhibit and be modeled by active matter phenomena. In regard, quorum sensing is interpreted to proceed by way of integrating relevant information. Altogether another manifestation of universal principles and formations. Microbial colonies in the wild often consist of large groups of heterogeneous cells that coordinate and integrate information across multiple spatio-temporal scales. We describe a computational model for the collective behavior of phototaxis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis that move in response to light. The results suggest that tracking individual cyanobacteria may provide a way to determine their mode of information integration. Our model allows us to address the emergent nature of this class of collective bacterial motion, linking individual cell response to the large scale dynamics of the colony. (Summary) Molina, Nacho and Erik van Nimwegen. Scaling Laws in Functional Genome Content Across Prokaryotic Clades and Lifestyles. Trends in Genetics. 25/6, 2009. University of Basel information biologists report finding constant, nested patterns throughout all manner of microbial, and microcellular life forms, quite suggestive of a universal generative source. (See also Beslin, G., et al “Scaling Laws in Bacterial Genomes” in BioSystems (102/1, 2010). For high-level functional categories that are represented in almost all prokaryotic genomes, the numbers of genes in these categories scale as power-laws in the total number of genes. We present a comprehensive analysis of the variation in these scaling laws across prokaryotic clades and lifestyles. For the large majority of functional categories, including transcription regulators, the inferred scaling laws are statistically indistinguishable across clades and lifestyles, supporting the simple hypothesis that these scaling laws are universally shared by all prokaryotes. (243) Nayfach, Stephen, et al. A Genomic Catalog of Earth’s Microbiomes. Nature Biotechnology. 39/4, 2021. A 35 member international team with affiliations such as the Integrated Microbial Genomes Data Consortium and Genomes from Earth’s Microbiomes report current progress as our EarthWise sapience proceeds to retro-quantify all the living systems that brought our presence to be here. The reconstruction of bacterial and archaeal genomes from shotgun metagenomes has enabled insights into the ecology and evolution of environmental and host-associated microbiomes. Here we applied this approach to >10,000 metagenomes collected from diverse habitats covering Earth’s continents and oceans, including human and animal hosts, and natural agricultural soils, so to capture microbial, metabolic and functional domains This comprehensive catalog includes 52,515 metagenomes for 12,556 species-level taxonomic units spanning 135 phyla. This resource highlights the value of genome-centric approaches for sequencing microorganisms that affect ecosystem processes. (Abstract excerpt) Niu, Ben, et al. Bacterial Foraging Based Approaches to Portfolio Optimization with Liquidity Risk. Neurocomputing. 98/90, 2012. An apropos entry for this section as Chinese computer scientists draw upon microbial colonies seen as an archetypal example of successful self-organizing systems. In regard, they are availed to similarly guide such financial foraging. FYI, the February 2013 issue of this journal is about “Advances in Extreme Learning Machines.” This website indeed forages the vast Rosetta-like literature now readily online - what discoveries might we altogether glean? Okie, Jordan, et al. Major Evolutionary Transitions of Life, Metabolic Scaling and the Number and Size of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283/20160611, 2016. Biologists Okie, Arizona State University, with Val Smith, University of Kansas, and Merccedes Martin-Cereceda, Complutense University of Madrid, suggest that endosymbiosis effects (as the late Lynn Margulis professed for decades) play a leading role in the evolutionary advances of free-living and communal bacteria. Penny, David. An Interpretive Review of the Origin of Life Research. Biology and Philosophy. 20/4, 2005. An extensive survey based on life as a natural property of matter. Four approaches are considered: the RNA-world hypothesis, intermediates between an RNA-world and organisms today via the evolution of protein synthesis, alternatives to an RNA-world, and the earliest stages from prebiotic systems to RNA. Penny concludes: My favored analysis at present is ‘metabolism, energy and organization first, metabolism makes RNA, RNA makes protein, and protein makes DNA.’
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