III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape3. Earth Alive: An Ovular GaiaSphere Sustains Her/His Own Viability Staley, Mark. Darwinian Selection Leads to Gaia. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 218/1, 2002. The adaptation to organisms to their environment leads in turn to an influence on their biotic niche. Steffen, Will, et al. The Emergence and Evolution of Earth System Science. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 1/1, 2020. In this inaugural issue of a new Nature journal, eight veteran Earth scientists including Jane Lubchenco, Hans Schellnhuber, and Tim Lenton provide a status report from V. Vernadsky’s biosphere to J. Lovelock’s Gaia alive model and onto current needs to foster an ecosphere vitality. See also Genealogies of Earth System Thinking by Giulia Rispoli in the same issue. Earth System Science (ESS) is an emerging transdisciplinary endeavour aimed at appreciating the structure and function of the Earth as a complex, adaptive system. Here, we discuss this integral merit of ESS, and it’s value for understanding global change. Inspired by early work on biosphere–geosphere interactions and by novel perspectives such as the Gaia hypothesis, ESS emerged in the 1980s to meet the need for a new ‘science of the Earth’. ESS has produced new concepts and frameworks which much serve environmental issues, such as the Anthropocene phase, tipping points and planetary boundaries. Moving forward, the grand challenge for ESS is to integrate biophysical processes with populous human dynamics to attain a truly unified vision of the Earth System. (Abstract) Stewart, Iain and John Lynch. Earth: The Biography. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2007. A well done coffee table book as if the common cognitive intellect of Earthkind awakens to witness, with wonder and worry, its cosmic environs, harrowing past, and life’s perilous prognosis. Stueken, Eva, et al. Did Life Originate from a Global Chemical Reactor? Geobiology. 11/2, 2013. As “bioinformatics meets geochemistry,” astrobiologists from the University of Washington, McGill University, and NASA Exobiology, including William Brazelton and John Baross, describe an early earth scenario that seems primed and favorable for living systems to rise and prosper. Main prerequisites are: energy, organic carbon compound synthesis, catalysis, concentration, magma-hydrothermalism, metamorphic terrains, and more, as if an innate incubator. Many decades of experimental and theoretical research on the origin of life have yielded important discoveries regarding the chemical and physical conditions under which organic compounds can be synthesized and polymerized. However, such conditions often seem mutually exclusive, because they are rarely encountered in a single environmental setting. As such, no convincing models explain how living cells formed from abiotic constituents. Here, we propose a new approach that considers the origin of life within the global context of the Hadean Earth. We review previous ideas and synthesize them in four central hypotheses: (i) Multiple microenvironments contributed to the building blocks of life, and these niches were not necessarily inhabitable by the first organisms; (ii) Mineral catalysts were the backbone of prebiotic reaction networks that led to modern metabolism; (iii) Multiple local and global transport processes were essential for linking reactions occurring in separate locations; (iv) Global diversity and local selection of reactants and products provided mechanisms for the generation of most of the diverse building blocks necessary for life. We conclude that no single environmental setting can offer enough chemical and physical diversity for life to originate. Instead, any plausible model for the origin of life must acknowledge the geological complexity and diversity of the Hadean Earth. (Abstract) Stueken, Eva, et al. Mission to Planet Earth: The First Two Billion Years. Space Science Reviews. 216/Art. 31, 2020. As if some global cognitive faculty has landed on this world and is retrospectively trying to learn how it all came to be, nine astroscientists with postings in Scotland, Austria, Germany, Japan, and the USA, including Helmut Lammer discuss features such as From Magma to a Water Ocean, Onset of Plate tectonics, and more. Solar radiation and geological processes over the early million years of Earth’s history, along with the origin of life, steered our planet towards a long evolutionary course of habitability and the emergence of complex life. Crucial aspects included: (1) the redox state and volatile content of Earth’s geology, (2) the timescale of atmospheric oxygenation; (3) the origin of autotrophy, biological N2 fixation, and oxygenic photosynthesis; (4) strong stellar UV radiation on the early Earth, and (5) photochemical effects on Earth’s sulfur cycle. The early Earth presents as an exoplanet analogue that can be explored through the existing rock record, allowing us to identify atmospheric signatures diagnostic of biological metabolisms that may be detectable on other inhabited planets with next-generation telescopes. (Abstract excerpt) Tamura, Yoshihiko, et al. Advent of Continents: A New Hypothesis. Nature Scientific Reports. 6/33517, 2016. The entry reports three papers over ten years that quantify how unique is our planetary mantle of one-third mobile land forms amidst oceans over the crustal sphere beneath. This 2016 lead from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology cites a latest version. Formation and Evolution of the Continental Crust by the University of Grenoble geoscientist Nicholas Arndt in Geochemical Perspectives (2/3, 2013) is an 130 page essay fully available online. And thirdly, Evolution of the Continental Crust by the British earth scientists C. Hawkesworth and A. Kemp in Nature (443/811, 2006).
Taylor, Stuart Ross and Scott McLennan. Planetary Crusts: Their Composition, Origin and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. With the burst of exoearth findings expanding and invigorating such studies, geologists from the Australian National University, and SUNY Stony Brook, here consider the wide range of coalesced, frozen surfaces around the fluid cores of orbital objects. Where are we anyway? Van der Gulik, Peter. On the Origin of Sequence. Life. 5/1629, 2015. A Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Netherlands mathematics and computer science institute) systems biologist focuses on the appearance of peptide biochemicals, which are short chains of amino acid monomers linked by amine bonds. Their vital occasion on Earth is facilitated by three coordinate aspects: mineralogical composition (re Robert Hazen), a large, close Moon, and suitable ocean, atmosphere and continent environment. This unique concatenation is then taken to imply that a similar origin and complex evolution anywhere else is a rare improbability. Further requirements such as feedback loops, lipid membranes, binary codes, error robustness and metabolisms increase the odds. The result is another 2015 surmise that while cosmic physics and chemistry have deep propensities to generate living, evolving systems, we may conclude that “Earth is a very special planet.” This study is not the first to point out that enthusiasm about extraterrestrial life is misplaced when all that is found is a simple compound. Fluid water is very special, but our beautiful Earth-Moon-Double-Planet-System has more aspects that are special. The Earth-Moon-Double-Planet-System is a rare oasis in a barren Universe. Since Pasteur, we no longer believe that mice or bacteria can very easily develop from just dead dirt. The present review has tried to point out what it is exactly which makes living organisms so special. It has been argued that from a very early stage in prebiotic/biotic evolution, a feedback loop has been in existence in which peptides and RNA were both involved. The circumstances which created that feedback loop (lipid presence among them) might have been very rare on the scale of the Universe. (1635) Vanhoenacker, Mark. Digital Globes: A New Way to View the World. New York Times. January 8, 2013. An extensive report on novel technologies that allow brilliant spherical graphics of all kinds of earth system phenomena. For one example, streaming videos can be viewed of an oceanic earthquake and consequent tsunami wave as its spreads across seven seas and makes landfalls. For starters, try the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA “Science on a Sphere” site for some 300 datasets. Whom then might we imagine is collectively, collaboratively, accomplishing, seeing, learning, such global cognitive vista, and to then hopefully remediate wherever needed? Vernadsky, Vladimir. Geochemistry and the Biosphere. Santa Fe, NM: Synergistic Press, 2007. The volume is the first English translation of the 1967 Russian edition of Selected Works, here translated by Olga Barash and edited by Frank Salisbury. Vernadsky (1863 - 1945), noted elsewhere, was a Renaissance person whose scientific interests over a long career ranged across nested earthly realms from strata to sentience. These essays, some technical, offer insights into his novel vision of an organic cosmos whose “living matter,” “a planetary phenomenon of cosmic character,” complexifies along with an increasing intelligence and reason, much akin to the work of his contemporary and collaborator Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. In Paris in the mid 1920’s, with Edouard Le Roy, they conceived and foresaw a further emergent stage of a worldwide cerebral faculty, the Noosphere. A friend of Leo Tolstoy, Vernadsky strongly opposed Marxist totalitarianism, which he could get away with because of his international stature. Man is commonly referred to as an individual, freely living and moving over our planet and freely building his history. Up till now, historians, and humanitarians in general, and to some extent biologists, consciously disregarded the natural laws of the biosphere, the only terrestrial envelope where life can exist. Naturally Man cannot be separated from it. And this inseparable connection is becoming clear to us only at present. (407) In the geological history of the biosphere, a great future is opened to Man if he realizes it and does not direct his mind and work to self-destruction. (414) Vilovic, Iva, et al. Variations in climate habitability parameters and their effect on Earth's biosphere during the Phanerozoic Eon. arXiv:2308.08470. Technical University of Berlin, MPI and Gottingen University astrobiologists Iva Viloviæ, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, and René Heller post a latest, deeply sophisticated reconstructuin into better or worse phases for life's occasion. At once, an arduous trek is revealed to show how variable the course can be. We ask whom is our long emergent global knowsphere that can then retrospectively achieve this? As a philosophia witness, whatever manner of fantastic reality might we find this place to be? Might it imply an especial, Earthmost candidate? We compiled environmental and biological properties of the Phanerozoic Eon from various data sets and did a correlation analysis to assess changes relevant to the habitability of Earth's biosphere. We showed that environmental parameters such as oxygen, global surface temperatures, runoff rates and carbon dioxide are interrelated. There were several periods with a thriving biosphere, with present day biodiversity and biomass. High oxygen contents are diagnostic of continental plant life and can provide an even more habitable environment compared to today. Beyond Earth, these results will help us to understand how environmental parameters affect extra solar biospheres and guide our search for extraterrestrial life. (Abstract) Volk, Tyler. Gaia’s Body. New York: Copernicus Books, 1998. An earth scientist elucidates an anatomy and physiology of the biosphere through its atmospheric, oceanic, vegetative, geological and chemical cycles and their intricate interplay.
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