III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape1. Quantum Cosmology Theoretic Unity Bojowald, Martin. The Universe: A View from Classical and Quantum Gravity. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2013. The Penn State physicist provides to date an expansive, topical survey from quantum cosmology, black holes, atomic particles, to relativity, waves, states, measurement, and stellar reaches from the big bang to unifications. In regard, a number of cosmic “singularities” are recognized. Now could these novel human abilities to achieve such descriptions, as the apparent way a genesis universe tries to quantify and perceive itself, be realized as a further “singularity” of spectacular import and promise? Bousso, Raphael. The Holographic Principle. Reviews of Modern Physics. 74/825, 2002. A technical paper on a discrete, information rich universe akin to a hologram wherein the information content or measure of a three dimensional volume of space is proportional to the area of its two dimensional outer surface. One popular writeup of this approach is Hogan, Craig. “First Light.” New Scientist. January 11, 2003. A New Scientist update of Bousso's thinking is Touching the Multiverse by Amanda Gefter in the March 6, 2010 issue. Bousso, Raphael and Geoff Pennington. Holograms in Our World. arXiv:2302.07892. We cite this entry by UC Berkeley physicists (search RB) as a way to record the latest frontier imaginaries in this fundamental realm. See also Quantum Singularities by RB and Arvin Shahbaxi-Moghaddam (Stanford) at 2206.07001 for earlier integral theoretics. But both papers have arcane, technical Abstracts so we did not include. Brahma, Suddhasattwa, et al. Universal Signature of Quantum Entanglement Across Cosmological Distances. arXiv:2107.06910. We cite this entry by McGill University and University of Edinburgh physicists as one example among many as an indication of how our collaborative sapiensphere proceeds apace to quantify quantomic, atomic and ecosmomic realms across any depth and breadth. Into the 2020s quantum network systems are coming to pervade and distinguish an organic genesis. universe originate from quantum fluctuations, most of the literature ignores the crucial role that entanglement between the modes of the fluctuating field plays in its observable predictions. In this paper, we import techniques from quantum information theory to reveal undiscovered predictions for inflation which, in turn, signals how quantum entanglement across cosmological scales can affect large structural formations. Our key insight is that observable long-wavelengths must be part of an open quantum system, so that the quantum fluctuations can decohere in the presence of an environment of short-wavelengs. (Abstract) Brumfield, Geoff. Cosmology Gets Real. Nature. 422/108, 2003. A news report on the growing affirmation by the worldwide astronomical community of the big bang evolutionary model of the universe. By clarifying the age and make-up of the Universe, researchers have ushered in an era of precision cosmology. (108) Calcagni, Gianluca. Classical and Quantum Cosmology. Europe: Springer, 2017. A Spanish National Research Council physicist provides an 800+ page, 3,500 reference text compendium for this 21st century unification of infinitesimal quantum phenomena with an inflationary and temporally dynamic universe of infinite expanse. See also Quantum Cosmology by Martin Bojowald (Springer, 2011) for another integral volume. This comprehensive textbook is devoted to classical and quantum cosmology, with an emphasis on quantum gravity and string theory and their observational imprint. It covers major challenges in theoretical physics such as the big bang and the cosmological constant. An extensive review of standard cosmology, the cosmic microwave background, inflation and dark energy sets the scene for the application of main quantum-gravity and string-theory models of cosmology. Cartlidge, Edwin. Microwaves Map Cosmic Origins. Physics World. June, 2001. The latest satellite results confirm the inflationary model and an appreciation of a “scale-invariant universe.” In the (inflation) process, quantum fluctuations were stretched out into density variations that eventually led to all the structure in the universe, from galaxies to humans. (5)
Castelvecchi, David.
Out of the Void.
New Scientist.
August 12,
I comment at length because this news article aptly suggests how physics, cosmology, and also philosophy have, mostly unbeknownst, taken leave of reality. Physical science, an almost totally male pursuit, after a century of plumbing the depths of space, time and matter, seems now stuck there. For this is where causal answers lie, its paradigm avers, since they will legislate any extant cosmos. But the implied result becomes an alien, pitiless, computing machine, with no place of human observers. Strings are out, it is said, only to be replaced by “tangles.” In Markopoulou and Krib’s version of loop quantum gravity the universe as a giant quantum computer, where each quantum of space is replaced by a bit of quantum information. (31) By replacing loop quantum gravity’s chunks of space with qubits, what used to be a frame of reference – space itself – becomes just a web of information. (31) If the new loop quantum gravity does go the distance, though, it could give us a new sense of our place in the universe. If electrons and quarks – and thus atoms and people – are a consequence of the way space-time tangles up on itself, we could be nothing more than a bundle of stubborn dreadlocks in space. (31) Castelvecchi, David. Shadow World. Science News. November 17, 2007. A report on the well-received ‘conjecture’ of Institute of Advanced Study physicist Juan Maldacena, that also offers a good review of quantum theory frontiers. Another entry is the article by Michael Dine on String Theory and the LHCollider in the December 2007 Physics Today. But are such gyrations akin to Ptolemaic epicycles which tried to prop up a fundamentally erroneous model? In his (Maldecena) vision, the mathematical machinery of strings completely translates into a more ordinary quantum theory of particles, but one whose would live in a universe without gravity. Gravity would be replaced by forces similar to the nuclear forces that prevailed in the universe’s first instants. And this would be a universe with fewer dimensions that the realm inhabited by strings. (315) Just as a hologram creates the illusion of the third dimension by scattering light off a 2-D surface, gravity and the however many dimensions of space could be a higher-dimensional projection of a drama playing out in a flatter world. (315) Chalmers, Matthew. Welcome to Quantum Gravity. Physics World. November, 2003. An introduction for a special issue on the frontiers of cosmological science with articles on string theory by Leonard Susskind, loop quantum gravity by Carlo Rovelli and on quantum gravity phenomenology by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia. In the same issue is a note on the work of Nobel laurate Geradus ‘t Hooft on a deterministic quantum physics. Chamcham, Khalil, et al, eds. The Philosophy of Cosmology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. With coeditors Joseph Silk, John Barrow, and Simon Saunders, the proceedings of a Templeton funded September 2014 conference organized by a group with this name (Google) based in New York City, Oxford, and Cambridge. At the outset, while a stellar array such as George Ellis, Bernard Carr, Joel Primack, James Hartle, Sean Carroll, Carlo Rovelli, and David Albert presented, the speakers were 30 men sans any women. Some chapters are The Domains of Cosmology by G. Ellis, Black Holes, Cosmology and the Passage of Time by B. Carr, and The Observer Strikes Back by J. Hartle and Thomas Hertog. While notice of the anthropic principle, and J. A. Wheeler’s “it from bit” circuit popped up, the collection remains fixated within an abstract cosmos devoid of a vivifying source, personal destiny or phenomenal essence of its own. Childs, Andrew, et al. Universal Computation by Multi-Particle Quantum Walk. Science. 339/791, 2013. We cite this work by University of Waterloo, Canada, scientists from Combinatorics & Optimization, Quantum Computing, and Physics & Astronomy departments as a good instance of this total rethinking and appropriation of nature’s essence as a communicative complex system, similar to every other strata from universe to us. A quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a given vertex to adjacent vertices in quantum superposition. Here we consider a generalization of quantum walk to systems with more than one walker. A continuous-time multi-particle quantum walk is generated by a time-independent Hamiltonian with a term corresponding to a single-particle quantum walk for each particle, along with an interaction term. Multi-particle quantum walk includes a broad class of interacting many-body systems such as the Bose-Hubbard model and systems of fermions or distinguishable particles with nearest-neighbor interactions. We show that multi-particle quantum walk is capable of universal quantum computation. Since it is also possible to efficiently simulate a multi-particle quantum walk of the type we consider using a universal quantum computer, this model exactly captures the power of quantum computation. (Abstract)
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