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III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape1. Quantum Cosmology Theoretic Unity Philcox, Oliver and Salvatore Torquato. The Disordered Heterogeneous Universe: Galaxy Distribution across Length Scales. arXiv.2007.00519. Reviewed in ExoUniverse Studies, this entry is a good example of current quantum - cosmology frontiers. See also in this regard Beyond the Stardard Model Cocktail by Yann Gouttenoire at 2207.01633 for fantastic abilities for infinite quantifications that peoples seem to innately possess. www.aip.org/pacs/index. . An extensive catolog by American Institute of Physics which contains hundreds of subfield entries. The main classes are cited below. One might then have these issues. Although philosophy is noted in passing in ‘00,’ there seems no sense that a greater creation is being studied, albeit not their charge. Yet one wonders if we have a situation akin to 1900 when the Newtonian model was secure except for some black-body radiation. In the scheme, Life does not enter until Section 87: Biological and Medical Physics, with ‘Complex systems,’ ‘Systems obeying scaling laws,’ relegated to deep within Section 89: Other Areas of Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics. Such ubiquitous phenomena will not be found in the mega Colliders yet they imply a radically different universe. PACS Category 00: General PACS Category 10: The Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields PACS Category 20: Nuclear Physics PACS Category 30: Atomic and Molecular Physics PACS Category 40: Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics, and Fluid Dynamics PACS Category 50: Physics of Gases, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges PACS Category 60: Condensed Matter: Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties PACS Category 70: Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties PACS Category 80: Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology PACS Category 90: Geophysics, Astronomy, and Astrophysics Poulin, Vivian, et al. Early Dark Energy can Resolve the Hubble Tension. arXiv:1811.04083. We cite this entry by Johns Hopkins University astrophysicists including Marc Kamionkowski as an example of the incredible abilities of worldwide research teams with instant shared contact to seemingly quantify any depth and reach of any universal phenomena. In perspective, we peoples seem to be carrying out an intended task, as yet unawares, of cosmic self-realization and individuation. See also Cosmological Constraints from the Hubble Diagram of Quasars at High Redshifts by G. Risaliti and E. Lusso in Nature Astronomy (3/272, 2019) and Have Dark Forces Been Messing with the Cosmos? by Dennis Overbye in the N. Y. Times (February 25, 2019). Pourhasan, Razieh, et al. Out of the White Hole: A Holographic Origin for the Big Bang. Journal of Cosmological and Astroparticle Physics. 04/005, 2014. With Niayesh Afshordi and Robert Mann, Perimeter Institute researchers wonder about this first instant, singular event from which a universe capable of achieving, via humankind, its own self-witness and realization initially arose. A popular article about this work by the authors is The Black Hole at the Beginning of Time in Scientific American for August, 2014. While most of the singularities of General Relativity are expected to be safely hidden behind event horizons by the cosmic censorship conjecture, we happen to live in the causal future of the classical big bang singularity, whose resolution constitutes the active field of early universe cosmology. Could the big bang be also hidden behind a causal horizon, making us immune to the decadent impacts of a naked singularity? We describe a braneworld description of cosmology with both 4d induced and 5d bulk gravity (otherwise known as Dvali-Gabadadze-Porati, or DGP model), which exhibits this feature: The universe emerges as a spherical 3-brane out of the formation of a 5d Schwarzschild black hole. (Abstract) Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda. Enter the Axion. American Scientist. May-June, 2021. The author is a University of New Hampshire professor of physics and of women’s gender studies. The accessible, illustrated article is the most comprehensive I have seen all about this evanescent particle which theoretically appears to be involved with cold dark matter. See also ‘Axion’ Particle Solves Three Mysteries of the Universe in Science Daily for March 10, 2021, and search herein for Matthew Kleban. Primack, Joel. Precision Cosmology. New Astronomy Reviews. 49/2, 2005. A summary update as astronomical theories and models become increasingly confirmed. Pylkkanen, Paavo. Mind, Matter, and the Implicate Order. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Jim Baggott has written that if David Bohm had preceded Niels Bohr in the 20th century, physics could have just as easily taken a Bohmian mold. A philosopher at the University of Skovde, Sweden here argues that Bohm’s independent “implicate order” from which arises “explicate” material reality can resolve many current problems of quantum theory. Akin to prior versions such as Leibniz’s harmonious monads, this adoption would affirm an “undivided wholeness of the universe” whereof each parcel enfolds this one source, thus solving the nonlocality issue. While rife with abstract terms, the work once more entertains a perennial sense of doubleness, whose “holomovement” toward collective consciousness, one may add, could be translated as genotype and phenotype. Reiss, Adam and Mario Livio. The Puzzle of Dark Energy. Scientific American. March, 2016. Adam Reiss, Johns Hopkins University, shared a 2011 Nobel Prize for the discovery of an increasingly accelerating universe. Mario Livio was a founding astrophysicist for the Hubble Space Telescope, and a popular science author. The article surveys the leading edge of cosmological conjecture as it tries to comprehend an apparent fantastic multiverse just being realized by theory and experiment. With regard to the title, three options, cited belowc are Cosmological Constant, Quintessence, and No Dark Energy. But the presence of our collaborative human sapiensphere which is able to explore and fathom such reaches is never considered or factored in, we are along for the ride. The most quintessential energy, mind, being, and becoming, if we might think to ask, could be an intended humanVerse significance to achieve such a self-discovery. Cosmological Constant If the vacuum of empty space has an inherent energy, it may push the universe to expand. Quintessence If dark energy comes from a field that fills the cosmos, its strength could change over time. No Dark Energy Dark energy may not exist at all, and the acceleration the universe’s expansion may instead indicate that gravity operates differently than we think on extremely large scales. (41)
Rickles, Dean, et al, eds.
The Structural Foundations of Quantum Gravity.
Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Philosophical physicists discuss what if anything is real. From the time of Newton and Leibniz, is space-time composed of monadic things, or do interrelations possess equal primacy. Are phenomena ‘background dependent,’ as string theory would have it, or is a preferred ‘background independence’ the case. Lee Smolin, John Stachel, and colleagues advance a ‘relational’ phase of quantum physics that converges on an obvious complementarity of part and field, node and link. There is a common core to the views expressed in these papers, which can be characterized as the stance that relational structures are of equal or more fundamental ontological status that objects. (Preface) A ‘stronger’ form of structuralism might urge a more radical reconceptualization of objects, such that they come to be understood as mere ‘nodes’ or ’intersections’ in the structure. More generally, objects might be understood as being secondary to the structure; the relations are then to be regarded as having ontological primacy over the objects. Alternatively, one might eschew talk of ’primacy’ and adopt a view that is committed to both categories but privileges neither over the other. (26) Robles-Perez, Salvador. Quantum Cosmology in the Light of Quantum Mechanics. Galaxies. 7/2, 2019. In this MDPI journal, a Spanish mathematician (search) continues his studies which are a good example of how human collective sapience can readily cast imaginative quantifications across any breadth and depth of this awesome presence. Again we beg to ask whoever are we infinitesimal peoples to be able to envision, describe and take forth this grand vista? There is a formal analogy between the evolution of the universe, when it is seen as a trajectory in the minisuperspace, and the worldline followed by a test particle in a curved spacetime. The analogy can be extended to the quantum realm, where the trajectories are transformed into wave packets that give us the probability of finding the universe or the particle in a given point of their respective spaces: spacetime in the case of the particle and minisuperspace for the universe. The wave function of the spacetime and the matter fields altogether can then be seen as a super-field that propagates in the minisuperspace. The super-field can thus be interpreted as made up of universes propagating, i.e., evolving, in the minisuperspace. (Abstract excerpt) Samuel, Eugene. What Lies Beneath. New Scientist. February 9, 2002. A report on the work of Nobel prize physicist Robert Laughlin who contends that the search for bottom level particles and laws is misconceived because they are not really there. Rather the universe is a spontaneous emergence which springs from quantum criticality. For example, in some magnetic solids individual spins become so highly correlated that the behavior of one affects them all, and the collective wavefunction of the material lacks any sense of scale….And to Laughlin, this is a highly desirable property, because scale invariance is also a fundamental property of space-time. (26) Sanchez, Norma. New Quantum Phase of the Universe before Inflation and its Cosmological and Dark Energy Implications. arXiv:1912.06655. A Sorbonne University, CNRS Observatory of Paris, astrophysicist posts a mathematical treatise with sections such as Classical-Quantum Duality through the Planck Scale and Total de Sitter Universe and its Dual Symmetry. These theories as displayed in a Fig. 1 become The Universe Completed by Quantum Physics in Terms of Gravity History (second quote). So by a natural philoSophia view, human women and men seem to be innately capable, whoever and wherever possible, of achieving cosmic quantifications across any depth and reach. By a further stretch, all spatial and temporal creation seems trying pass to and through our sapient acumen. See also New Quantum Structure of the Space Time by NS in Gravitation and Cosmology (25/2, 2019) and Predictive Physics of Inflation and Grand Unification at arXiv:2001.04795. The physical history of the Universe is completed by including the quantum planckian and trans-planckian phase before Inflation in the Standard Model of the Universe in agreement with observations. A new quantum precursor phase appears beyond the Planck scale. We extend de Sitter universe to the quantum domain: classical-quantum de Sitter duality. As a result, the classical and quantum dual de Sitter temperatures and entropies are naturally included, and the de Sitter regimes characterized in a precise and unifying way. Relevant cosmological phenomena then allow us to describe Quantum spectra and their CMB observables, including the classical Inflation spectra. A unifying picture for the Universe epochs and their quantum precursors emerges with the cosmological constant as the vacuum energy, entropy and temperature. (Abridged Abstract)
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