Recent Additions: New and Updated Entries in the Past 60 Days
Displaying entries 16 through 30 of 98 found.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
McGaugh, Stacey, et al..
Accelerated Structure Formation: The Early Emergence of Massive Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies. arXiv:2406.17930..
This entry by Western Reserve University, University of Oregon and INAF, Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Italy is a current example of the spatial breadth and spacetime duration of the observations that the James Webb Space Telescope is constantly achieving across the vast universe. How incredible is it that a minute biospheric collective sapience and capability can yet provide such vivid images and entire cosmic knowledge.
Galaxies in the early universe appear to have grown too big too fast into massive, monolithic objects in the hierarchical ΛCDM structure formation paradigm. The available data are consistent with a population that forms early and follows a star formation history to become full galaxies. Observations of the kinematics of spiral galaxies as a function of redshift show that massive disks and their scaling relations were in place at early times. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
Nadis, Steve.
Diminishing Dark Energy May Evade the ‘Swampland’ of Impossible Universes..
August 19,
A science writer surveys these latest speculations as everything cosmic now seems in flux, open to question, and in need of revision due to the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) project 3D map findings of a variable dark energy. In this regard, an accelerating universe expansion may actually be receding. And may we again muse how incredible this whole scenario is whence a sentient collaborative bioworld is able to carry out such instrumental explorations, mathematic quantifications and successive iterations, by which, so it seems, some celestial reality is trying to represent, record and affirm itself.
But if the initial DESI finding is confirmed, it will tell us something crucial about dark energy and its future. “Even more importantly,” Vafa said, “we can deduce that this is marking the beginning of the end of the universe. By ‘end,’ I don’t mean nothing happens after that. I’m saying something else happens that is very different from what we have now.” Perhaps dark energy will fall until it settles into a stabler, possibly negative value. With that, a new universe, with new laws, particles and forces, would replace the current one.
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) (search) is a scientific research instrument for conducting spectrographic astronomical surveys of distant galaxies. Its main components are a focal plane containing 5,000 fiber-positioning robots, and a bank of spectrographs. The instrument enables an experiment to probe the expansion history of the universe and the mysterious physics of dark energy.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
Sawala, Till, et al.
Distinct distributions of elliptical and disk galaxies across the Local Supercluster as a ΛCDM prediction.
Nature Astronomy..
We enter this article by University of Helsinki and Durham University, UK astrophysicists including Carlos Frenk for its content and as an example of apparently limitless 21st century Earthuman stellar abilities to explore, instrument, quantify, compute and record by way of data, image, graph, equation, theory any celestial spacescape dimension and temporal dynamic animation.
Galaxies of different types are not equally distributed in the Local Universe. In particular, the supergalactic plane is prominent among the brightest ellipticals, but inconspicuous among the brightest disk galaxies. This striking difference provides a unique test for our understanding of galaxy and structure formation. Here we use the SIBELIUS DARK constrained simulation to confront the predictions of the standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model and standard galaxy formation theory with these observations. We find that SIBELIUS DARK reproduces the spatial distributions of disks and ellipticals and, in particular, the observed excess of massive ellipticals near the supergalactic equator. (Excerpt).
Carlos S. Frenk is Director of the Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham University's world-renowned theoretical cosmology research group. Along with collaborators from all over the world, he builds model universes in state-of-the-art supercomputers.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > physics
Brouillet, Matthew and Georgi Georgiev.
Why and How do Complex Systems Self-Organize at All?.
Assumption University, Worcester, MA physicists (search GG) provide a latest theoretic grounding of nature’s spontaneous animate development from a conducive universe to our societal retrospect. The paper’s subtitle is Average Action Efficiency as a Predictor, Measure, Driver, and Mechanism of Self-Organization which then informs some 40 pages of mathematical proofs.
Self-organization in complex systems is a process in which randomness is reduced and emergent structures appear due to energy gradients and dynamic principles. In regard, positive feedback loops connect this measure with all provide these complex systems with exponential growth, and power law relationships. In this study, we also proceed to model agent-based simulations, measure action efficiency and consider intentional applications. (Excerpt)
Self-organization is key to understanding the existence of, and the changes in all systems that lead to higher levels of complexity and perfection in development and evolution. It is a scientific as well as a philosophical question as our realization and understanding of this robust, resilient, competitive, vital process grows. Our goal is a better explanation that drives Cosmic Evolution from the Big Bang to the present, and into the future. Self-organization has a universality independent of the substrate of the system - physical, chemical, biological, or social - and explains all of its structures. (1)
Overview of the Theoretical Framework: We use the extension of Hamilton’s Principle of Stationary Action to a Principle of Dynamic Action, according to which action in self-organizing systems is changing in two ways: decreasing the average action for one event and increasing the total amount of action in the system during the process of self-organization, growth, evolution, and development. This view can lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of nature’s self-organization, evolution, and development in the universe, ourselves, and our society. (2)
Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying self-organization and offer a novel, quantitative approach to measuring organization in complex systems. This research opens up exciting possibilities for further exploration and practical applications, enhancing our ability to design and manage complex systems across various domains. By providing a quantitative measure of organization that can be applied universally, we enhance our ability to design and manage complex systems across various domains. Future research can build on our findings to explore the dynamics of self-organization in greater detail, develop new optimization strategies, and create more efficient and resilient systems. (45)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > physics
Martin, David, et al.
Fluctuation-induced first order transition to collective motion..
Journal of Statistical Mechanics.
University of Chicago, Sorbonne, Paris-Saclay and MIT biophysicists including Frédéric van Wijland give another twist to matter on the move by way ofdiscerning turbulences which seem to percolate through the stream.
The nature of the transition to collective motion in assemblies of aligning self-propelled particles remains an open issue. In this article, we focus on dry active matter and show that weak fluctuations suffice to turn mean-field transitions into a 'discontinuous' coexistence scenario. Our theory shows how a density-dependence of the polar-field mass is induced which in turn, triggers a feedback loop between ordering and advection motion and the emergence of inhomogeneous travelling bands. Finally, we confirm our predictions by numerical simulations of fluctuating hydrodynamics as well as of topological particle models. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > Chemistry
Koppayithodi, Sudeep, et al.
Life in Lab: Chemically Fueled Systems Chemistry for Emergent Properties..
July 9,
In this Chemistry Europe journal, we cite this entry by PhD students SK and Prerna Ranasingh and their advisor Nishant Singh because it exemplifies the novel application of complex self-organizing system phenomena as their presence now becomes evident everywhere. In regard, this contribution belongs to the 21st century ecosmic genesis revolution as it may proceed with an informed organic procreativity.
Understanding the emergence of complex properties in dissipative non-equilibrium systems is crucial for unraveling the mysteries of life processes. The review focuses on the documented research on chemically fueled autonomous systems, self-sorting towards compartmentalization, self-replication via autocatalysis, and rhythmic chemical oscillators. In addition to that, the review also discusses newly introduced reactions and dynamic combinatorial libraries in dissipative systems. (Abstract)
Emergence of self-organization with regulated complex functional and structural dynamics from a soup of simpler elements is essential for the sustenance of life. From synchronous flocking murmuration in birds, and Turing patterns on animals and fish for camouflage to cell division, motility and transcription are all self-assembly examples scaling dimensions and functions otherwise impossible by the constituent building blocks. In cells, complex interplay of reaction networks and feedback loops are driven by metabolites and signal molecules which direct crucial transformations in meso-scale self-assemblies of DNA, RNA, and proteins. (1)
In this mini-review we have discussed emergent properties in dissipative non-equilibrium systems, ranging from autonomously operated reaction cycles to compartmentalization through self-sorting, to self-replication by autocatalysis, and finally chemical and supramolecular oscillations. These documented examples with emergent life-like properties bring us a step closer to complex natural systems and will contribute to advance the field of Systems Chemistry in the future. (10)
Jaume I University (UJI) is located in the city of Castelló de la Plana, Spain. It was founded in 1991, and it has some 14,000 students. It is named after James I of Aragon who founded the Kingdom of Valencia. Nishant Singh received his PhD in organicchemistry in 2016 from UJI. He since was at the University of Strasbourg in 2018 to work on non-equilibrium self-assemblies and reaction cycles.. In 2022, he returned to UJI to start an Institute of Advanced Materials which studies dynamic self-assembly.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > exouniverse
Trivedi, Oem and Maxim Khlopov.
On rips and cosmological singularities in a universe merging with baby universes.
We record this entry by Ahmedabad University, India and Southern Federal University, Russia astroscientists as Earthuman abilities have now become able to achieve mathematical conceptions of entire, unitary cosmoses. In consideration, they seem to be engaged in interactions with other multiversal entities as each spatially and temporally bubble in and out of existence. I recall seeing Andrei Linde in 1983 at Harvard present this very scenario which he saw as taking on a fractal scale. Some four decades later, our global theoretic and instrumental collaborations can verify these far flung vistas. See also The long freeze: an asymptotically static universe from holographic dark energy by Oem Trivedi and Robert J. Scherrer at arXiv:2409.11420.
Understanding the late-time acceleration of the universe and its subtleties is one of the biggest mysteries in cosmology. Recently an interesting approach to explaining the late time acceleration has been put forward, where the expansion of the universe is driven by mergers with other "baby" universes by way of new observational data. In this work we examine various rip scenarios and other future cosmological singularities in such a "multiversal" scenario.
Animate Cosmos > Fractal
Alimi, Jean-Michel and Remy Koska.
The shape of dark matter halos: a new fundamental cosmological invariance..
As these 21st century worldwise studies gain wider and deeper findings, Laboratoire Univers et Théories, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris astronomers describe a persistent self-similarity to hold even across this esoteric realm. And in a philosophic sense, when will such whole scale verifications begin to reveal the existence of a greater independent reality, from which we arise so to achieve its own self-witness?
We focus on the complex relationship between the shape of dark matter halos and the celestial models underlying their formation. We used three realistic versions from the Dark Energy Universe Simulation suite. Our results show that a wide-spread invariance is a consequence of the matter field non-linear dynamics as the universe evolves. From this correspondence, we can reconstruct the complex variance of the cosmic matter field and its power spectrum. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > Fractal > autocat
Lipka-Bartosik, Patryk, et al.
Catalysis in quantum information theory..
Reviews of Modern Physics.
PL-B, University of Geneva, Henrik Wilming, Leibniz University and Nelly H. Y. Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore post the latest glimpses of nature’s universal self-making propensities as they even become evident in these deepest realms. See also All states are universal catalysts in quantum thermodynamics by Pl-B and Paul Skrzypczyk at arXiv:2006.16290.
Catalysts open up new reaction pathways that can speed up chemical reactions while not consuming the catalyst. A similar phenomenon has been discovered in quantum information science, where physical transformations become possible by utilizing a quantum degree of freedom that returns to its initial state at the end of the process. In this review, a comprehensive overview of the concept of catalysis in quantum information science is presented and its applications in various physical contexts are discussed.
In this section we formalize the concept of catalysis in a general manner. We then describe the paradigm of resource theories, and argue that it provides a convenient set of tools allowing for a systematic study of catalytic effects. Finally, we summarize the most relevant mathematical tools and techniques that will be used throughout this review. We emphasize that this section focuses on generic features of catalysis which are valid irrespectively of the particular physical setting. (4)
Animate Cosmos > Fractal > autocat
Peng, Zhen, et al.
Assessment of Stoichiometric Autocatalysis across Element Groups.
Journal of the American Chemical Society.
PZ, Zach Adam, Betul Kacar, University of Wisconsin, and Albert Fahrenbach, University of New South Wales astrobiologists provide more extensive evidence of nature’s innate self-making propensities in active effect across prebiotic origins. See also Catalysis in quantum information theory by Lipka-Bartosik, Patryk, et al in Reviews of Modern Physics (96/025005, 2024). As a planetwise science now enters the mid-2020s, these realizations of a true ecosmopoietic universe which proceeds to procreate itself are becoming evident everywhere.
Autocatalysis is now seen to play primary roles during life’s early abiogenesis. In this study, we consider the stoichiometries of autocatalytic chemical systems through comproportionation (sy evident everywhere.ee below). If the product of such a reaction can be coupled with an auxiliary oxidation or reduction pathway that furnishes a reactant, then a Comproportionation-based Autocatalytic Cycle (CompAC) can exist. Using this strategy, we surveyed the literature for reactions that can be organized into CompACs. Our findings show that stoichiometric relationships for abiotic autocatalysis could broadly exist across a range of geochemical and cosmochemical conditions. (Excerpt)
Comproportionation is a chemical reaction where two reactants containing the same element but with different oxidation numbers, form a compound having an intermediate oxidation number.
Animate Cosmos > Astrobiology
Colzi, L., et al.
Astrochemistry on Galactic Scales.
This chapter for the 2024 National Congress of (proto-) Planetary Astrochemistry Proceedings by Centro de Astrobiologıa (CSIC-INTA), Spain, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy, European Southern Observatory, Germany, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and MPI Extraterrestrische Physik astrophysicists extols the current cornucopia of over 300 molecules that have now been detected across these celestial reaches. Cosmic rays are now also seen to play a vital part. Thus, it seems our starry heavens are suffused by an inherent propensity to synthesize compositions that will serve subsequent living systems on their evolutionary course. See also another chapter Planet Formation and Disk Chemistry: Dust and Gas Evolution during Planet Formation herein at arXiv:2407.03520.
Many observations in Milky Way environs, as well as theoretical and experimental works, are revealing astrochemical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM). In this chapter we describe some main projects to study the chemical complexity and isotopic ratios across the Galaxy. High-sensitivity spectral surveys covering broad bandwidths towards molecular clouds and star-forming regions are very rich astrochemical, prebiotic reservoirs, which include molecules of prebiotic interest. At the same time, isotopic ratios can inform Galactic chemical evolution. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > Astrobiology
Van de Sande, Marie.
Chemical complexity and dust formation around evolved stars.
In a paper for the conference proceedings of the IAU Symposium 383 - Astrochemistry VIII: From the First Galaxies to the Formation of Habitable Worlds, a Leiden Observatory astrochemist explains why these celestial environs provide a fertile laboratory to study prebiotic processions toward planetary cellular organisms. Once again we record how readily we ultimate beings can now individually and collectively carry out any scale of ecosmic retrospective. In regard, the result seems to be an imminent revolutionary realization and discovery of an actual organic procreativity.
The outflows of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are rich astrochemical laboratories from non-equilibrium chemistry close to the star, to dust formation further out, and photochemistry in the outer regions. However, exactly how dust condenses from the gas phase and grows is still unknown. Disagreements between observations and the predictions of chemical model contribute toward help to learning the link between these formations and to a 3D hydrochemical model. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > exoearths
Cloutier, Ryan.
Exoplanet Demographics: Physical and Orbital Properties..
A McMaster University astronomer provides a comprehensive survey to appear in the 2025 Encyclopedia of Astrophysics to be published by Elsevier all about the ever expanding proliferation of a world bearing universe. This preprint contains an extensive glossary along with visuals and graphs as an Earthuman sapience begins our ecosmokinder quest.
The discovery of over 5700 exoplanets has led to the field of exoplanet demographics over the past decade. Astronomers have been conducting statistical studies in search of trends in various planetary and host stellar parameters. In this chapter, we review many major features for physical and orbital conditions of known exoplanets including the Radius Valley, the Neptunian Desert, the Peas in a Pod pattern, dynamical properties that point toward likely formation/migration mechanisms, as well as trends with host stellar parameters such as the time-evolution of exoplanetary systems and the search for planets within the Habitable Zone. The overarching theme is that exoplanetary systems exhibit an incredible diversity of planet properties and system architectures that do not exist within our own solar system.
Animate Cosmos > exoearths
Haqq-Misra, Jacob, et al..
Projections of Earth's technosphere. Scenario modeling, worldbuilding, and overview of remotely detectable technosignatures..
Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center consider project plans in search of near and far exocivilizations that could be detectable as atmospheres and geoengineering here spread over a millennium span. See also Waste Heat and Habitability: Constraints from Technological Energy Consumption by Amedeo Balbi and Manasvi Lingam at arXiv:2409.06737.
This study uses methods from futures studies to develop a set of ten self-consistent scenarios for Earth's 1000-year future, which can serve as examples for defining search strategies. We consider worldbuilding scenarios that evaluate the human needs as to define the observable civilization. Our scenarios include three with zero-growth stability, two that have collapsed into a stable state, one that oscillates between growth and collapse, and four that continue to grow. Only one scenario includes rapid growth that could lead to interstellar expansion. We have looked at a wide array as a basis for systematic thinking about technosignature detection as well as imagining a broad range of for Earth's future.
Animate Cosmos > exoearths
Lai, Yanhong, et al..
Ocean Circulation on Tide-locked Lava Worlds, Part II: Scalings..
We cite this work by Climate and Ocean-Atmosphere Studies, Peking University and Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Science, MIT astronomers for its content and in a philoSophia view to glimpse the present spacescape vista whereof a collaborative sapiensphere has at last formed over an infinitesimal bioplanet and in a few decades learned to explore, quantify an infinity of vicarious global, solar and galactic phenomena. See also Lapi, Andrea, et al. Semi-empirical Estimates of the Cosmic Planet Formation Rate by Andrea, Lapi, et al at 2408.08611 for another example of our Earthuman multiversal acumen.
On tidally locked lava planets, a magma ocean can form on the permanent dayside. Its circulation can be driven by stellar radiation and atmospheric winds. In this study, we develop scaling laws for the magma ocean depth, oceanic current speed, and heat transport convergence driven by stellar and wind forcings in three different dynamic regimes: non-rotating viscosity-dominant Regime I, non-rotating inviscid limit Regime II, and rotation-dominant Regime III. (Excerpt)
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