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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

B. Our Whole Scale EcosmoVerse Description Project

Boguna, Marian, et al. Cosmological Networks. New Journal of Physics. 16/093031, 2014. Physicists Marian Boguna, University of Barcelona, Maksim Kitsak, Northeastern University, and Dmitri Krioukov, University of California, San Diego continue their “Network Cosmology” project (search authors). As usual, the first paragraph notes how every other natural and social domain has been found to be distinguished and sustained by nodes and links in dynamic associations, except for the physical universe. By applying condensed matter methods, the same web phenomena can be discerned across celestial reaches from particles to galaxies. And by natural philosophy view, a cosmic Copernican revolution appears in our worldwide midst by way of these universally animate recursive iterations, which come to life and mind in our worldwide midst.

Networks often represent systems that do not have a long history of studies in traditional fields of physics, albeit there are some notable exceptions such as energy landscapes and quantum gravity. Here we consider networks that naturally arise in cosmology. Nodes in these networks are stationary observers uniformly distributed in an expanding open FLRW universe with any scale factor, and two observers are connected if one can causally influence the other. We show that these networks are growing Lorentz-invariant graphs with power-law distributions of node degrees. New links in these networks not only connect new nodes to existing ones, but also appear at a certain rate between existing nodes, as they do in many complex networks. (Abstract)

Network science is intrinsically multidisciplinary because the systems it studies come from different domains of science. Complex networks are everywhere indeed in communication technologies, social and political sciences, biology and medicine, economics, or even linguistics. That is why many fields of science – computer science, social sciences, biology, statistics, mathematics, and certainly physics - have contributed tremendously over the last decade to network research. Surprisingly, even though statistical physics has been applied with great success to understanding complex networks, the systems that these networks represent can rarely display a long history of broad interest and focused research in traditional fields of physics. (1)

Here we add to this relatively short list of complex physical networks, a class of networks that naturally arise in cosmology. Specifically, we consider evolving networks of causal connections among stationary (comoving) observers, homogeneously distributed in any open Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. These networks are purely classical. Nodes can represent a dust of classical particles, or galaxies, or indeed imaginary observers, scattered randomly throughout the space. (1)

Boyle, Rebecca. The ‘Beautiful Confusion’ of the First Billion Years Comes into View. Quanta. October, 2024. The astroscience writer reports on a recent Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics conference in Santa Barbara where participants reveled in this first incredible phase of the James Webb Space Telescope’s plethora of data, images and novel discoveries about this early formative epoch of cosmic history.

JWST is singular in its ability to see the young cosmos, which has drifted far away from us in both space and time. Its infrared sensors, its ultracold location in space, and sunshield are suited to resolve the first galaxies and their stars, which are too faint to be seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. For astronomers, the vibe is collegial. Many presentations at the KITP conference included pleas for collaborators and partners in brainstorming. The astrophysicist Rachel Somerville, who co-organized the meeting, said the community is scrambling to absorb both JWST’s data and its implications. Observers see things that are not explained in current theories about the evolution of the young cosmos.

Eighty-three years ago, during World War II, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the nearby Santa Barbara airport using land dredged from Mescalitan Island, site of a Chumash Indian settlement. Indigenous peoples had lived there for at least 11,000 years. Some 340 million years earlier, the lunar tide periodically stranded backboned fish on a beach just like this one. Over millennia, those fish began to walk on land. About 4 billion years before that, a passing star or supernova material stirred the gaseous remains of a star some astronomers call Coatlicue, and the gas collapsed, igniting our sun. Nearly 9 billion years earlier, light from the galaxy now called JADES-GS-z14-0 shone forth.

Brandenburg, Brandenburg, Axel and Evangelia Ntormousi.. Galactic Dynamos. arXiv:2211.03476.. Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy post a 2023 entry for the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics as a thorough 40 page, 230 reference, survey all about this important magnetic phenomena. By our Planatural PhiloSophia vista, we are moved to wonder how fantastic it is that we infinitesimal curious, collaborative beings can yet proceed to quantify any infinite phase and feature.

Bromonte, Joseph and Nirmal Raj.. Dark matter in compact stars. Physics Reports. December, 2023. A select entry by Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ontario and Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru theorists as one example of the seemingly infinite breadth and depth that such E,arthumanity, global genius, collaborative efforts can readily achieve today. It might well serve this open project if some manner of a worldwise personal sapienssphere identity could be alluded (EarthStein, Earthwin, Ecopernicus).

White Dwarfs (WDs) and neutron stars are far-reaching and multi-faceted laboratories in the hunt for dark matter. We review detection prospects of wave-like, particulate, macroscopic and black hole dark matter that make use of several exceptional properties of compact stars, such as ultra-high densities, deep fermion degeneracies, low temperatures, strong magnetic fields, high rotational regularity, and significant gravitational wave emissivity. (Excerpt)

Calle, Carlos. The Universe: Order without Design. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2009. To assess many books it often helps to know in what context they are written. This publisher promotes works that tout atheism, but the view carries over into scientific volumes that deny any abiding purpose to cosmos or human. That is, an author comes from this initial premise which then colors all that follows. As the director of NASA’s Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory, Calle is credible but assumes the string theory multiverse model devoid of any cause and destiny of its own. We people are here because our one of 10 to the 500th bubble cosmoses just happens to have parameters that makes life and sentience possible. The book covers the latest theories such as self-organization, but tends to technical jargon. How might such sheer chance yet engender the periodic table of elements and observant physicists, indeed a “self-selected universe,” and still be dismissed?

A new paper by Lee Smolin “The Unique Universe” in Physics World for June 2009 rejects the whole multiverse notion because it does not properly deal with the time dimension. Still again Marseille physicist Carlo Rovelli, in a recent posting arXiv:0903.3832 “Forget Time,” argues for another version that sets time aside. Is this a ‘Ptolemaic physics’ still adding epicycles. A sign of a major paradigm shift, it has been said, is when scientists deeply disagree. A cosmic Copernican revolution via a worldwide, bicameral imagination, aka natural philosophy, to a genesis creation may be in our midst, if we might just allow it.

The possibility that the universe self-organized spontaneously will bring us closer to solving the problem of origins. The model, however, still requires the preexistence of the arrow of time and the value of the cosmological constant. The top-down Euclidean quantum model of Hawking and Hertzog gives us a model of a universe without origin in Euclidean time that selects its own history through the observations of intelligent observers. The cosmological constant, the number of dimensions, and the laws of physics, including the arrow of time, are final boundaries selected by observers and become part of the history of the universe. (243)

Carroll, Sean. Dark Energy & the Preposterous Universe. Sky & Telescope. March, 2005. The surprise discovery in 1998 that the universe is growing larger at an accelerating rate of expansion has lead researchers to postulate a novel force driving it. Candidates are a global or local vacuum energy, dynamical dark (unexplained) energy or a modified gravity. A good popular introduction.

About 70 percent of our universe takes the form of an unknown energy field that is accelerating cosmic expansion. (32)

Casey, Caitlin, et al. COSMOS-Web: An Overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins Survey. arXiv:2211.07865. A report by fifty researchers from every continent of early synoptic results as our EarthSphere satellite begins to observe any phase and aspect of the galactic uniVerse. How is it that our especial bioworld can be enabled to build and launch such an instrument so ascontribute to its retrospective self-description? Whom altogether are we functional entities to do this, and for what purpose?

We present the survey design, implementation, and outlook for COSMOS-Web, a 255 hour treasury program conducted by the James Webb Space Telescope in its first cycle of observations. The design of COSMOS-Web is motivated by three prime goals: (1) to discover thousands of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization and to map its spatial environments, (2) to identify rare quiescent galaxies along with the formation of massive galaxies and (3) to measure the evolution of the stellar mass to halo mass relation to star formation histories and morphologies. (Excerpt)

Cen, Renyue. Temporal Self-Organization in Galaxy Formation. Astrophysical Journal Letters. 785/L21, 2014. We note this article by a Princeton University Observatory astronomer not only as evidence of nature’s generative dynamics on this cosmic scale, but as another example of the vast expanses that global collaborations of human intellect can achieve. Such a self-revealing cosmos is surely not nothing, nor are valiant peoples an accident as we fulfill a literate work unto discovery and choice as we are meant to do.

We report on the discovery of a relation between the number of star formation (SF) peaks per unit time, νpeak, and the size of the temporal smoothing window function, Δt, used to define the peaks: νpeak∝Δt1−ϕ (ϕ∼1.618). This relation holds over the range of Δt=10 to 1000Myr that can be reliably computed, using a large sample of galaxies obtained from a state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamic simulation. This means that the temporal distribution of SF peaks in galaxies as a population is fractal with a Hausdorff fractal dimension equal to ϕ−1. This finding reveals, for the first time, that the superficially chaotic process of galaxy formation is underlined by a temporal self-organization up to at least one gigayear. It is tempting to suggest that, given the known existence of spatial fractals (such as the power-law two-point function of galaxies), there is a joint spatio-temporal self-organization in galaxy formation. From an observational perspective, it will be urgent to devise diagnostics to probe SF histories of galaxies with good temporal resolution to facilitate a test of this prediction. If confirmed, it would provide unambiguous evidence for a new picture of galaxy formation that is interaction driven, cooperative and coherent in and between time and space. Unravelling its origin may hold the key to understanding galaxy formation. (Abstract)

Cimatti, Andrea, et al. Introduction to Galaxy Formation and Evolution: From Primordial Gas to Present-Day Galaxies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. University of Bologna and Kapteyn Astronomical Institute astrophysicists provide a latest, comprehensive edition with regard to a cosmic propensity to fill itself out with trillion stellar spirals of a widest stochastic array

Present-day elliptical, spiral and irregular galaxies are large systems made of stars, gas and dark matter. Their properties result from a variety of physical processes that have occurred during the nearly fourteen billion years since the Big Bang. This comprehensive textbook bridges the gap between introductory and specialized texts as it explains the formation of galaxies from the cosmological recombination of primordial gas to the evolution of the various forms we observe in the Universe today.

Clarke, J. R., et al. COSMOS 2020: A Panchromatic View of the Universe. arXiv:2110.13923. Some 50 astrophysicists with European, USA and international postings present the latest Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) which has become a leading reference for extragalactic astronomy. Since its 2015 catalog edition, a wealth of new imaging and spectroscopic data has been drawn and collected by way rapidly advancing instrumentation and computational analysis.

Codello, Alessandro and Rajeev Kumar Jain. A Unified Evolution of the Universe. arXiv:1603.00028. In these 2010s, University of Southern Denmark, CP3 Origins (Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology) astrophysicists post a comprehensive survey of the depth and breadth of a temporally developmental cosmos whereof a planetary sapience, billions of years along, can achieve its own self-description. This vista begs a natural philosophy reflection whence we peoples seem to have an awesome significance to its nature, fate and future. See also from CP3 Origins the paper Duality and Scale Invariant Magnetic Fields from Bouncing Universes at 1604.02143.

We present a unified evolution of the universe from very early times until the present epoch by including both the leading local correction R2 and the leading non-local term R1/2R to the classical gravitational action. We find that the inflationary phase driven by R2 term gracefully exits in a transitory regime characterized by coherent oscillations of the Hubble parameter. The universe then naturally enters into a radiation dominated epoch followed by a matter dominated era. At sufficiently late times after radiation-matter equality, the non-local term starts to dominate inducing an accelerated expansion of the universe at the present epoch. We further exhibit the fact that both the leading local and non-local terms can be obtained within the covariant effective field theory of gravity. Our scenario thus provides a unified picture of inflation and dark energy in a single framework by means of a purely gravitational action without the usual need of a scalar field. (Abstract)

Codis, Sandrine, et al. On the Connectivity of the Cosmic Web: Theory and Implications for Cosmology and Galaxy Formation. arXiv:1803.11477. Astrophysicists with postings in France, Canada, and Korea advance applications of network theories to dynamic celestial topologies (search Barabasi) as this vast multiuniversal realm becomes akin to everywhere else from quantum to language. In this expanse, we proffer a “cosmic connectome” for our Network Physics section.

Cosmic connectivity and multiplicity, i.e. the number of filaments globally or locally connected to a given cluster, is a natural probe of the growth of structure and in particular of the nature of dark energy. It is also a critical ingredient driving the assembly history of galaxies as it controls mass and angular momentum accretion. The connectivity of the cosmic web is investigated here via the persistent skeleton. This tool identifies topologically the set of ridges of the cosmic landscape which allows us to investigate in details how the nodes of the cosmic web are connected together. Implications on galactic scales are discussed. (Abstract excerpt)

Over the course of the last decades, our understanding of the extragalactic universe has significantly evolved: the description of its components has evolved from being isolated to being multiply connected both on large scales, cluster scales and galactic scales. This model predicts a certain shape for the initial conditions, leading to a hierarchical formation scenario, which produces the large scale structure, the most striking feature in the distribution of matter on mega-parsecs scale. The “Cosmic Web” picture was developed to explain the origin this network: it relates the observed clusters of galaxies, and filaments that link them, to the geometrical properties of the initial density field that are enhanced but not yet destroyed by the still mildly non-linear evolution on those scales. (1-2)

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