III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator LifescapeB. Our Whole Scale EcosmoVerse Description Project Nadis, Steve. Diminishing Dark Energy May Evade the ‘Swampland’ of Impossible Universes.. Quanta. August 19, 2024. A science writer surveys these latest speculations as everything cosmic now seems in flux, open to question, and in need of revision due to the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) project 3D map findings of a variable dark energy. In this regard, an accelerating universe expansion may actually be receding. And may we again muse how incredible this whole scenario is whence a sentient collaborative bioworld is able to carry out such instrumental explorations, mathematic quantifications and successive iterations, by which, so it seems, some celestial reality is trying to represent, record and affirm itself. But if the initial DESI finding is confirmed, it will tell us something crucial about dark energy and its future. “Even more importantly,” Vafa said, “we can deduce that this is marking the beginning of the end of the universe. By ‘end,’ I don’t mean nothing happens after that. I’m saying something else happens that is very different from what we have now.” Perhaps dark energy will fall until it settles into a stabler, possibly negative value. With that, a new universe, with new laws, particles and forces, would replace the current one. Novosyadlyj, B., et al. The First Molecules in the Intergalactic Medium of the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn. arXiv:2205.03828. This contribution has an especial occasion because it is by Ukrainian scientists, along with a Chinese colleague. The coauthor credits are Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Jilin University, P.R. China, and Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU, Kharkiv. Even in the midst of absurd, malicious violence, our innate, deepest humane propensity to learn about this awesome and awful place proceeds apace. Here, our latest global collective acumen is able to reconstruct these primordial origins from universe to us Earthlings. Whatever great realization might at last illume and resolve, for the children’s sake? We study the formation and destruction of the first molecules at the epochs of the Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn to evaluate the luminosity of the protogalaxy groups (halos). A cosmological recombination is modeled by an effective three-level atom, while the chemistry is studied by thet basic kinetic equations. We show that the molecules H2 and HD are destroyed by photodissociation processes shortly before the full reionization in the inter-halo medium for all models of the first light. We estimated the brightness temperature in the rotational lines of H2, HD and HeH+ molecules at Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn redshifts. (Abstract excerpt)
Overbye, Dennis.
The Milky Way’s Black Hole Comes to Light..
New York Times.
May 13,
A science reporter lauds this discovery by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration team, which was announced last week. Several articles about it in the The Event Horizon Telescope is a large telescope array consisting of a global network of radio telescopes. The EHT project combines data from several very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) stations around Earth, which form a combined array with an angular resolution sufficient to observe objects the size of a supermassive black hole's event horizon. Park, Changbom, et al. Formation and Morphology of the First Galaxies in the Cosmic Morning. arXiv.2202.11925. We cite this paper by eleven astrophysicists based in Korea, the USA, France, and the UK as an example of novel 2020s collaborative abilities on an infinitesimal bioplanet to look back, reconstruct and learn how the stellar universe originally came into being. See also Impact of Cosmic Rays on the Global 21-cm Signal During Cosmic Dawn at 2202.12308 for a similar study. Ever again, how fantastic is it that a novel global sapiensphere is altogether to perform and achieve such ecosmic quantifications? Whom are we all to be able to do this, and what for? We investigate the formation and morphological evolution of the first galaxies in the cosmic morning using the Horizon Run 5 cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. For galaxies above the stellar mass M⋆=2×109M⊙, we classify them into disk, spheroid, and irregular types according to their asymmetry and stellar mass morphology. The large-scale tidal field imprinted in the initial conditions seems responsible for the dominance of disk morphology, and for the tendency of galaxies to re-acquire a disk post-distortion. (Abstract sample) Perlov, Delia and Alex Vilenkin. Cosmology for the Curious. International: Springer, 2017. This book is a gentle introduction about modern views of the cosmos. Our universe originated in a great explosion – the big bang. Cosmologists have studied the aftermath of this explosion: how the universe expanded and cooled down, and how galaxies were assembled by gravity. The nature of the bang is the subject of the theory of cosmic inflation and has led to a radically new global view of the universe. One of the book's central themes is the scientific quest to find answers to the ultimate cosmic questions: Is the universe finite or infinite? Has it existed forever? If not, when and how did it come into being? Will it ever end? The text is based on an undergraduate course taught by Alex Vilenkin at Tufts University. Pimentel, Guilherme, et al, eds. Inflation: Theory and Observations. arXiv:2203.008128. 21 scientists from across Europe and the USA, along with a page of some 200 endorsers, enter a white paper proposal for the Snowmass 2021 Proceedings of the US Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics project. We choose as one example of our intensifying Earthuman temporal and spatial universe endeavors into the 2020s and (hopefully) beyond forever. At once the work supports the current explosive point of origin model which it seeks to embellish. What are we saying? How amazing that a fittest bioworld can possess such abilities to act as a participant quantifier going forward. Cosmic inflation provides a window to the highest energy densities accessible in nature, far beyond those achievable in any realistic terrestrial experiment. Theoretical insights into the inflationary era and its observational probes may therefore shed unique light on the physical laws underlying our universe. This white paper describes our current theoretical understanding of the inflationary era, with a focus on the statistical properties of primordial fluctuations. With the requisite advancements in analysis techniques, the tremendous increase in the raw sensitivities of upcoming and planned surveys will translate to leaps in our understanding of the inflationary paradigm and could open new frontiers for cosmology and particle physics. (Abstract excerpt) Pranav, Pratyush, et al. The Topology of the Cosmic Web in Terms of Betti Numbers. arXiv:1608.04519. In 2016, a seven person astronomer team from the Netherlands and Austria can describe is mathematical detail how interstellar and intergalactic reaches are formed and distinguished by vast network “connectivities” which stretch across megaparsecs. Notable phrases are algebraic topology, persistent homology, computational formalism, and fractal, multiscale hierarchies. Search Coutinho for a similar posting in April as The Network Behind the Cosmic Web (1604.03236). But our further interest is a concurrent neuroscience entry Algebraic-Topological Tools for Understanding Higher-Order Structure in Neural Data (1601.01704, search Giusti), which uses the same technical phrases to describe the human connectome. In our midst, largely unbeknownst, are an appearance of inherent congruences between such widely separate realms. Might in turn we imagine a cosmic connectome, whereof our phenomenal purpose is to learn to decode, sequence, read, and continue? We introduce a multiscale topological description of the Megaparsec weblike cosmic matter distribution. Betti numbers and topological persistence offer a powerful means of describing the rich connectivity structure of the cosmic web and of its multiscale arrangement of matter and galaxies. Emanating from algebraic topology and Morse theory, Betti numbers and persistence diagrams represent an extension and deepening of the cosmologically familiar topological genus measure, and the related geometric Minkowski functionals. In addition to a description of the mathematical background, this study presents the computational procedure for computing Betti numbers and persistence diagrams for density field filtrations. The field may be computed starting from a discrete spatial distribution of galaxies or simulation particles. Pratt, Gabriel, et al. The Galaxy Cluster Mass Scale. Space Science Reviews. 215/25, 2019. In a topical collection, Clusters of Galaxies: Physics and Cosmology, we cite this entry by eight European astrophysicists for its discussion of how it might be possible to weigh the “total mass of a galactic cluster.” This value is said to be important because it will impact other “cosmological constraints.” We also wish to reflect on how fantastic it is that our worldwise collaborative sentient species can in a few decades be able to consider and achieve such quantifications of universal significance. Surely we peoples must possess some heretofore unrealized purpose and futurity. Rauf, Liana, et al. A Trifecta of Modelling Tools: Navigating COMPAS, Shark and Bayesian Inference for Binary Black Hole Model Selection.. arXiv:2406.11885.. We note this entry by four Australian astrophysicists among many mathematical methods to illustrate and record the present sophisticated capacity of our apparent, ordained project of Earthica universal Ecosmica self-description and affirmation. Gravitational waves (GWs) have revealed surprising properties of binary black hole (BBH) populations, but there is still mystery surrounding how these compact objects evolve. We apply Bayesian inference as an efficient method to calculate the BBH merger rates in the Shark host galaxies, to determine the combination of COMPAS parameters that outputs a population most like the GW sources from the LVK transient catalogue. (Gist) Regev, Oded. Chaos and Complexity in Astrophysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. A comprehensive text in two parts – a 250 page primer on complex systems theory, followed by 200 pages of cosmological applications. By these advances, a ‘hierarchical spatial clustering’ in both the interstellar medium and the distribution of galaxies is found to have a fractal self-similar geometry up to the largest cosmic scales. The most striking quality of this modern approach to dynamical systems theory is, in my view, its extremely diverse range of applicability. Mechanics, fluid dynamics, chemical kinetics, electronic circuits, biology and even economics, as well as astrophysics, are among the subjects in which chaotic behavior occurs. At the heart of the theory lies the quest for the universal and the generic, from which an understanding of complicated and seemingly heterogeneous phenomena can emerge. The ideas of bifurcations, strange attractors, fractal sets and so on, seem to provide the tools for such an unexpected conceptual unification. (ix) NOVA Universe Revealed: Age of Stars. kpbs.org/news/2021/10/21/universe-revealed-on-nova-age-of-stars. A home website for this autumn 2021, four part Universe Revealed series. The other three were about the Milky Way, the Big Bang, and Black Holes. By way of authoritative speakers and graphic imagery, this lead program achieved a latest epochal vista. As not possible earlier, a grand scenario was traced from an original point some 13.8 billion years ago all the wild way to our planetary sapience. A philoSophia view can then wonder how fantastic it is that a habitable speciesphere can altogether look back reconstruct from whence they came. We note also for its outlines of a second singularity cited at the close of our 2022 Introduction. But as still set in the old scheme of no greater reality, especially no purpose for peoples who incredibly can achieve this, we remain mere spectators. The sun is a constant presence in our lives and has been a lifegiving source of light, heat, and energy for 4.6 billion years. Yet we’ve only begun to learn about its past and its place among an even grander cycle of birth, death, and renewal that makes this the age of stars. Here we view a trail of evidence leads back to the first star nurseries, forging the elements that would make up planets and our own bodies. And for a final act, we glimpse billions of years into the future, when our sun and the age of stars will fade to darkness. Rosa, A. C. P., et al. Nonextensivity and Entropy of Astrophysical Sources. Physica A. Online July, 2013. We select this paper by Programa de Modelagem Computacional - SENAI - Cimatec, and Departamento de Fsica – UEFS, Brazil, physicists from a growing number that seek to describe such cosmic phenomena by way of the same complex, self-similar systems found everywhere in nature from biochemicals to civilizations. The work is based on the “nonextensive statistics” theory from Constantine Tsallis over the past two decades, see his Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics (Springer, 2009). While equilibrium thermodynamics applies to closed, short-range cases with an “extensive” entropy, in open natural realms as this, a far-from-equilibrium, “non-extensive” entropic version is rightfully required. Compare, for example, with Figueiredo, P. H., et al for proteins, Pittman-Polletta, Benjamin, et al for physiology, and Hu, Kun, et al for cerebral activities. We study the x-ray intensities of 142 light curves of cataclysmic variables, galaxies, pulsars, supernovae remnants and other x-ray sources present in the public data collected by the instrument All Sky Monitor on board of the satellite Rossi x-ray timing explorer. We show that the x-ray light curves coming from astrophysical systems obey Tsallis’s q-gaussian distribution as probability density. This fact strongly suggests that these astrophysical systems behave in a non-extensive manner. Furthermore, the q entropic index for these systems were obtained and they provide an indication of the nonextensivity degree of each one of these astrophysical systems. (Abstract)
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