Recent Additions: New and Updated Entries in the Past 60 Days
Displaying entries 16 through 30 of 99 found.
A Learning Planet > Mindkind Knowledge > CI
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Heyman, Jennifer, et al. Supermind Ideator: How scaffolding Human-AI collaboration can increase creativity. Collective Intelligence. December 2024..
Collective Intelligence.
Volume 51, December,
Nine scholars at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence including Thomas Malone, along with Max Sina Knicker, Ecole Polytechnique, France and Younes Jeddi, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco consider ways that novel deep neural net learning facilities can be availed to advance our active collaborative cognizance.
Previous efforts at creative problem-solving have included brainstorming and design thinking to record and share these ideas. Today, generative AI can suggest new methods not possible earlier. In regard, we developed a system called Supermind Ideator that uses a large language model (LLM) and adds prompts, fine tuning, and a user interface to formulate problem statements and engender solutions. This approach provides a scaffold to guide users through creative innovations so to empower groups and/or computers (“superminds”). (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > Organic
Aschwanden, Martin.
Aschwanden, Martin. Universal Constants and Energy Integral in Self-Organized Criticality Systems.
The veteran astrophysicist based at Lookheed Martin continues apace to discern the presence of nature’s preferred poise in every dynamic stellar and galaxy wide occasion, so it seems See also Testing the Universality of Self-Organized Criticality in Galactic, Extra-Galactic, and Black-Hole Systems by AM and Ersin Gogus at arXiv:2412.03499 for more. His new Power Laws in Astrophysics book is due in 2025. And on the same day (12/24/24) I am also logging Information structure of heterogeneous criticality in a fish school in (Scientific Reports, 14/29758, 2024) onto the site. So it seems at years end a natural recurrence in kind from stars to starlings and starfish is indeed being affirmed.
The occurrence frequency distributions of fluxes (F) and energies (E) in astrophysical observations are found to be consistent with the fractal-diffusive self-organized criticality (FD-SOC) model. This theoretical frame approximates the microscopic cellular automaton models satisfactorily with the macroscopic scaling law of classical diffusion. The universal scaling laws predict the size distributions of many celestial phenomena, such as solar flares, auroras, blazars, galactic bursts, active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts and black-hole systems. (2412.03481 Excerpt)
Future efforts on self-organized criticality may focus on (i) improved precursor background subtraction errors. (ii) inadequate fitting ranges (iii) combined fitting of power law functions and exponential fall-offs near the largest events, and (iv) small-number statistics. Other research subjects in SOC statistics are the extreme events of natural catastrophes, such as earthquakes, forest fires, wild fires, mountain slides, hurricanes, global climate changes, epidemics (Covid-19), for which SOC models have been found to be relevant. (7)
Animate Cosmos > Organic
Whalen, Daniel, et al.
Habitable Worlds Formed at Cosmic Dawn.
This paper by nine University of Portsmouth, University of Vienna, United Arab Emirates University, Kyoto University, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, University of Virginia and University of Exeter astroscientists can well represent the depth and breadth of the latest Earthuman instrumental and analytic capabilities which indicate how readily these first starry galaxies began to form orbital objects along with an aqueous supply. See also Whalen, Daniel, et al. Abundant Water from Early Supernovae at Cosmic Dawn by Daniel Whalen, et al at arXiv:2501.02051. Altogether it could be said that these findings can factually affirm that life and maybe hope does spring eternal.
Primordial supernovae were the first nucleosynthetic engines in the Universe, forging the elements for the later occasion of planets and life. Here we show that planetesimals, the precursors of terrestrial planets, formed around low-mass stars in the first cosmic explosions 200 Myr after the Big Bang. A dense core collapsed to a protoplanetary disk in which Earth planetesimals arose from their parent star in water fractions similar to the Solar System today. Habitable worlds thus formed among the earliest generation of stars in the Universe, before the advent of the first galaxies. (Abstract)
Animate Cosmos > Organic > quantum CS
Ayachi, Fadwa, et al.
Quantum neural networks to detect entanglement transitions in quantum many-body systems.
Physica Scripta..
We record this contribution by Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco physicists for two significant reasons. Its technical content provides a good instance of how readily that brain-like multiplex architectures can be adapted and applied to nature’s substantial realms. And into this Earthuman year, the work also shows how our enveloping knowsphere makes it possible for researchers anywhere, if they are allowed, to have to access to global scientific resources and subsequent publication.
Quantum entanglement becomes increasingly complex to analyze in many-body systems due to exponential growth in complexity with system size. In this work, we explore the potential of quantum machine learning (QML) to circumvent this. We train a quantum neural network (QNN) to detect transitions in the entanglement properties of the ground state in a multi-spin Ising model. Our results demonstrate that QML can effectively simplify the classification process and overcome the complexity challenges encountered by classical algorithms. (Excerpts)
Animate Cosmos > Organic > Gaia
Godfrey-Smith, Peter.
Living on Earth: Forests, Corals, Consciousness, and the Making of the World. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2024..
New York: Farrar Straus Giroux,
The naturalist author (search) is a professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Sydney. In regard, he advises that along with his two prior books, Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness, and Metazoa: Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind this new work can be seen to altogether survey, articulate and document a second brain-based emergent course over and above bones and bodies. As Chapter VI: Life’s Cerebral Cognizance Becomes Complex, Smarter, Informed, Proactive, Self-Aware covers in detail, a primary path of heightened intelligence, cumulative knowledge, collective groupings, and beneficial behaviors can now be traced.
Peter Godfrey-Smith takes us on a grand tour of the history of life on earth. He visits Rwandan gorillas, Australian bowerbirds and coral reefs, considers the impact of language and writing, and weighs our responsibilities as they relate to factory farming, habitat preservation, climate change, and so on. Ranging from animate matter’s first appearance to future perils, Godfrey-Smith illumes a novel evolutionary course all the way to these Anthropocence challenges.
This book originated in an attempt to work through those themes: the history of action and how life has changed the Earth. My aim was to see the history of life through that lens, to work through organisms as causes, rather than as evolutionary products. This gave us, in some sense, an alternative history on the what-is-done side, not a what comes-to-exist side. It’s not really another version but a new perspective on a single course. The two modes are in there together, the constructive activities of animals is part of the whole evolutionary process. (7)
The idea of a history that puts minds, especially human minds, into a lineage of transforming agents, and treats these agents as part of the history of Earth, was the seed of this book and gave rise to its central stem. As that stem extended, other themes branched off from it. A place reached along the main development of ideas offered a vantage point from which to view other developments. (9)
Animate Cosmos > Organic > Gaia
Jones, Christopher K., et al.
Setting the stage: Building and maintaining a habitable world and the early conditions that could favor life's beginnings on Earth and beyond.
UC, Riverside astroresearchers including Tim Lyons survey new retrospective findings about this primordial era by which they come to realize that these ancient environs were less inhospitable and more conducive to life’s early rudiments than has long been thought.
The Hadean eon (4.6 – 4.0 by ago), which has long been seen as fiery and uninhabitable, is lately viewed as a clement period when oceans, land, and life first appeared. This chapter for The Archean Earth (2024) volume traces threads from planet formation to the origin of life. We also discuss solar system contexts, crustal covers and atmospheres. Prebiotic chemistry is considered with regard to photochemistry, wet-dry and freeze-thaw cycles, and hydrothermal vents. We conclude by showing how Hadean asteroid and comet impacts may have affected early Earth’s chemical composition. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > Organic > Gaia
Sowinski, Damian, et al.
Exo-Daisy World: Revisiting Gaia Theory through an Informational Architecture Perspective..
As the quote notes, University of Rochester astroecologists including Adam Frank propose an expanded version of this thought model set in a celestial realm so to gain further appreciations of how biospheres tend to self-regulate and maintain their organic viability.
The Daisy World model has long provided a frame for understanding the self-regulation and feedback mechanisms of planetary biospheres. In this study, we extend the classic version through the lens of Semantic Information Theory (SIT), so to include the information flow between the biosphere and Earthly environment. Our aim is to develop novel methodologies to analyze the evolution of coupled planetary systems, with implications for astrobiological observations. Our Exo-Daisy World model reveals how correlations between the biosphere and environment intensify with rising stellar luminosity. Finally, we discuss the broader implications of our approach for developing detailed ExoGaia models of inhabited exoplanetary systems. (Abstract)
Animate Cosmos > Organic > Gaia
Tang, Qing, et al.
Quantifying the global biodiversity of Proterozoic eukaryotes..
Vol 386/Iss 6728,
At years end, a global team of twenty Nanjing University, UC Santa Barbara and Riverside, University of Hong Kong and University of Missouri researchers provide a comprehensive empirical reconstruction of how life’s earliest prokaryote rudiments came to be and proceed on their arduous course to cells and organisms. In regard, a whole temporal scenario from this fraught advent all the precarious, meandering way to our worldwise description record just now being filled in. How rare and especial must our Earthuman ability to accomplishment of such an this ecosmic self-observation and record truly be, at the edge of 2025.
The Proterozoic Eon [2500 to 539 Ma] is marked by many transformative evolutionary, environmental, and tectonic events. Here we report an analysis of the diverse evolutionary dynamics of Proterozoic and Cambrian eukaryotes. Our results provide deep insights into the coevolution of Earth and life in the Proterozoic Eon not possible earlier. The rise of animals coincided with the Shuram excursion (574 to 567 Ma) indicating a causal relationship between oceanic oxygenation. These various evolutionary fits and starts trajectories thus can now reveal the complex interplay in the Proterozoic Earth-life system. (Excerpts)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
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Xiao, Mengyuan, et al. PANORAMIC: Discovery of an Ultra-Massive Grand-Design Spiral Galaxy at z∼5.2..
We cite this entry by twenty nine astroscientists in Switzerland, USA, Denmark, UK, the Netherlands, Australia, and France as one example among many collaborative findings each day of the FANTASTIC spatial and temporal, breadth and depth of our mid 2020s exploratory, instrumental and analytic astroscientific capabilities. Whom then are we Earthuman beings that can so readily accomplish such ecosmic descriptive self-discoveries?
We report the discovery of an ultra-massive red spiral galaxy, named Zhúlóng (Torch Dragon), in the JWST PANORAMIC survey, as the most distant spiral galaxy to date. Zhúlóng displays extraordinary properties: 1) a classical bulge in a exponential stellar disk, 2) a transition from the quiescent core with high stellar mass surface density 3) a high stellar mass, and a baryon-to-star conversion efficiency, and (4) a modest overall star formation rate. Altogether, Zhúlóng shows that mature galaxies emerged much earlier in the first billion years through rapid morphological evolution. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
Mandel, Ilya, ed..
Encyclopedia of Astrophysics..
Amsterdam: Elsevier,
This copious volume edited by a Monash University astro-authority is expected by September 25. Several entries have already been posted on the arXiv.com preprint site.
Encyclopedia of Astrophysics will be a comprehensive reference work consisting of with some 150 articles, overseen by an editorial board of veteran astrophysicists. With a logical template binding all chapters, with main sections, such as: Cosmology: Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, CMB, lensing, general relativity; Galaxies: morphology, galaxy zoo, AGN, star formation, chemical evolution, ISM; Stars: stellar evolution, the Sun, asteroseismology; and (Exo)planets: Solar system, comets / meteors, dynamics, observations, transits.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos
Wang, Bitao, et al.
Universal bimodality in kinematic morphology and the divergent pathways to galaxy quenching..
We post this entry by Peking University and Oxford University astrophysicists as an occasion to wax from a natural philoSophia view about how fantastic it is that an infinitesimal yet uniquely sentient bioworld can be readily as a global genius to explore, comprehend, quantify any breadth and depth of a miltiUniVersal expanse. In regard, it seems that our Earthuman sapiensphere might be achieving some vital descriptive, observant record that a self-organizing ecosmos needs in order to select and affirm itself.
The hierarchical structure formation of our Universe inherently involves violent and chaotic episodes of mass assembly such as galaxy mergers. The level of bulk rotation of the stellar systems of galaxies reflects to what extent the galaxies, on the other hand, have assembled their stars during tranquil and ordered formation history, which fosters the growth of cohesively rotating structures. Observationally, galaxy populations show a wide spectrum of morphology and shapes, with different levels of rotational support.
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > Quantum Cosmology
Freundlich, Jonathan, et al.
Measures of luminous and dark matter in galaxies across time.
Seventeen astrophysicists with postings in France, Austria, India, the USA, UK and RSA, Burina Faso, Spain and the Netherlands including Katherine Freese present highlights of this title Focus Meeting 9 at the XXXII IAU General Assembly in Cape Town, August 2024. We include as a frontier example of our awesome Earthuman abilities to search and quantify any and every infinity as they proceed and prosper. See also Dark Matter production during Warm Inflation via Freeze-In by Katherine Freese et al. arXiv:2401.17371.
Dark matter is a pillar of the current standard model of structure formation. However, it can so far only be probed indirectly through its gravitational effects. In this focus meeting, we discussed methods to estimate galaxies' visible and dark matter masses in the nearby and distant Universe. We discussed how robust mass measurements can help plan, perform, and refine particle dark matter searches, along with warm, self-interacting, and fuzzy dark matter, and modified gravity. Finally, we discussed prospects and strategies that could be implemented to reveal the nature of this crucial component of the Universe. (Abstract)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > Chemistry
Fu, Yue, et al.
Supramolecular Systems Chemistry Based on the Interplay Between Peptides and Porphyrins..
October 23,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing biochemists describe some latest integrative advances in this primary scientific endeavor. Once again, the presence of catalytic processes are included in the mixture.
Supramolecular systems chemistry holds great promise for creating life-like systems. In this review, we highlight the use of peptides and porphyrins as evidence for self-assembled occasions in nonequilibrium conditions. Notably, when characterized by kinetic traps, feedback loops, and dissipative conditions, system-level properties emerge including transient catalysis, metabolic self-replication, and Darwinian-like evolution. Supramolecular systems chemistry provides a valuable framework for exploring new physicochemical spaces of peptides and porphyrins, and may offer distinct advantages and extensive applications across diverse fields. (Abstract)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > Chemistry
Luigi Gentili, Pier and Pasquale Stano.
Empowering Chemical AI Through Systems Chemistry.
University of Perugia and University of Salento biochemists, whose website research studies go from life’s origin to synthetic models, broach a promising interface between this historic pursuit and novel 2020s Earthificial frontiers.
This work presents some perspectives on how Systems Chemistry can contribute to a Chemical Artificial Intelligence (CAI) which involves liquid chemical systems mimicking biological and human intelligence. The development of these autonomous chemical systems will be guided by an intent to better human well-being. In addition, this research line could foster a deeper comprehension of the origin of life and how cognitive capabilities emerge at a basic physico-chemical level. (Excerpt)
Animate Cosmos > cosmos > Chemistry
Restrepo, Guilleromo.
Spaces of mathematical chemistry.
Theory in Biosciences.
A MPI Mathematics in the Sciences chemical historian and natural philosopher explains how these geometric properties can serve to scope out new research trajectories going forward in a systemic mode.
In an effort to expand the domain of mathematical chemistry and inspire research beyond the realms of graph theory and quantum chemistry, we explore five mathematical chemistry spaces and their interconnectedness. These spaces comprise the chemical space, which encompasses substances and reactions; the space of reaction conditions, spanning the physical and chemical aspects involved in chemical reactions; the space of reaction grammars, which encapsulates the rules for creating and breaking chemical bonds; the space of substance properties, covering all documented measurements regarding substances; and the space of substance representations, composed of the various ontologies for characterising substances.
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