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A Sourcebook for the Worldwide Discovery of a Creative Organic Universe
Table of Contents
Genesis Vision
Learning Planet
Organic Universe
Earth Life Emerge
Genesis Future
Recent Additions

III. Ecosmos: A Revolutionary Fertile, Habitable, Solar-Bioplanet, Incubator Lifescape

1. Quantum Organics in the 21st Century

Martyn, John, et al. Grand Unification of Quantum Algorithms. PRX QUANTUM. 2/040203,, 2021. We cite this 40 page entry in a new Physical Review journal by four MIT physicists as an example of the extent that this deepest phenomenal domain has become as amenable to our Earthuman collaborations and cocreative take over, so it seems, after heand in accord with t long prior classical stage.

Quantum algorithms offer significant speed-ups over classical counterparts as evident by their advantage for quantum search, quantum phase estimation, and Hamiltonian simulation by way of composite algorithm subroutines. Here, we provide a tutorial through these developments, illustrating how quantum signal processing may be generalized to the Quantum Singular Value Transformation method. This overview illustrates how QSVT can operate as an overall framework so as to suggest a grand unification of quantum algorithms. (Abstract)

Melko, Roger, et al. Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Quantum Physics. Nature Physics. 15/9, 2019. While a 20th century mindset that this field of study is so strange as to be beyond comprehension persists, we cite this entry by Perimeter Institute, Flatiron Institute (Giuseppe Carleo), MPI Quantum Physics, and Vector Institute for AI, Toronto, researchers as another example of its worldwide 21st century reconception. While still foundational, it is being widely treated by the same complex network phenomena akin to every other macro-phase. See Philip Ball’s and Lee Smolin’s 2019 books for a full length treatment. See also Quantum Natural Gradient by GC, et al at arXiv:1909.02108 for similar excursions.

A type of stochastic neural network called a restricted Boltzmann machine has been widely used in artificial intelligence applications for decades. They are now finding new life in the simulation of complex wavefunctions in quantum many-body physics.

To solve all these issues, we need to wipe the data clean, go back to the first principles of quantum theory and general relativity, decide which are necessary and which are open to question, and see what new principles we might need. Do that, and an alternative description of physics becomes possible, one that explains things not in terms of objects situated in a pre-existing space as we do now, but in terms of events and the relationships between them. (Lee Smolin, New Scientist, August 24, 2019, 36)

Meng, Xiangyi, et al.. Percolation Theories for Quantum Networks.. arXiv:2310.18420. We enter this item by Northeastern, Jiangsu, Stockholm, Oxford and Bar-Ilan University (Shlomo Havlin) system scientists as a current case of how nature’s ubiquitous cellular network complexities are even being found and finessed even in these deepest realms as they become neoclassical in similar kind.

Quantum networks have advanced in both theoretical and experimental domains over the last decade. There is now a need to understand their large-scale features by way of statistical physics. Here we discuss how entanglement can be effectively distributed between distant nodes in a quantum network which is partially entangled. We draw on mappings to percolation theory, a branch of statistical physics for network connectivity. Our approach leads to a “concurrence percolation'' which uncovers a quantum advantage. This suggests that quantum networks are more resilient within classical percolation contexts, which offers insights into future network design. (Abstract)

Norrman, Andreas and Lukasz Rudnicki. Quantum Correlations and Complementarity of Vectorial Light Fields. arXiv:1904.07533. MPI Science of Light researchers advance the 2019 frontier of quantum comprehensions by way of adding, as the quotes say, a third, integral aspect to the standard particle-wave pairing. This unifying quality is dubbed a “triality,” a novel word which well serves. Our interest is to see natural light and vision gain a correspondent wholeness and affinity, for example, with the perennial yang-yin Tao image.

We explore quantum correlations of general vector-light fields in multi-slit interference and show that the nth-order field-coherence matrix is directly linked with the reduced n-photon density matrix. The connection is utilized to examine photon wave-particle duality in the double-slit configuration, revealing that there is a hidden information-theoretic contribution that complements the standard inequality associated with such duality by transforming it into a strict equality, a triality identity. We also establish a general quantum complementarity relation among the field correlations and the particle correlations which holds for any number of slits, correlation orders, and vector-light states. (Abstract)

The quantum theory of optical coherence, dealing with field correlations of light, is ubiquitous in the physical sciences; it is widely exploited in quantum optics, atomic physics, optomechanics, quantum simulation, quantum electronics, and cosmology, among other research areas. Recently quantum coherence of genuine vector-light fields was examined in double-slit interference, revealing a new fundamental aspect of photon wave-particle duality. The rapid progress in quantum information science has at the same time led to an ever-growing interest towards nonclassical correlations that may prevail in multipartite quantum compositions of diverse physical nature. (1)

In this Letter, we investigate the relationship between field correlations and particle correlations of true vectorial light of any quantum state in multi-slit interference. We show that the nth-order field correlations are directly connected to the particle correlations among n photons. This relationship is especially employed to explore quantum complementarity in the celebrated double-slit setup, resulting in the discovery of a tight equality which may be interpreted as describing photon wave-particle triality (1)

Orus, Roman. Tensor Networks for Complex Quantum Systems. Nature Reviews Physics. 1/9, 2019. We cite this extensive, well referenced paper by the Spanish physicist with postings such as Barcelona Supercomputing Center and CSO Multiverse Computing (see RO’s site) for how it treats this quantum domain in several nonlinear ways. The author goes on to develop affinities with Chomsky linguistics, machine learning, chemistry, neural net topologies and more. In regard, the entry exemplifies progress toward our current micro quantum and macro classical integral unification.

Tensor network states and methods have advanced in recent years. Originally developed in condensed matter physics and based on renormalization group ideas, tensor networks are being revived thanks to quantum information theory and understandings of entanglement in quantum many-body systems. Tensor network states play a key role in other disciplines such as quantum gravity and artificial intelligence. In this context, we provide an overview of basic concepts and key developments such as structures and algorithms, global and gauge symmetries, fermions, topological order, classification of phases, entanglement Hamiltonians, AdS/CFT, conformal field theory, quantum chemistry, disordered systems, and many-body localization. (Abstract excerpt)

Overbye, Dennis. Quantum Trickery. New York Times. December 27, 2005. From Einstein and Bohr to today’s theorists, the quantum realm seems to resist comprehension. The article touches many bases to convey an uneasy sense of something being missed, that fundamental conjectures still need revision. Are we finding irreducible randomness, or is reality in some way informational in essence.

Paparo, Giuseppe, et al. Quantum Google in a Complex Network. arXiv:1303.3891. Mathematicians Paparo, with Mark Muller and Miguel Martin-Delgado, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, and Francesc Comellas, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, make a quantum leap from this deep domain to the algorithmic worldwide web to propose that the same dynamic computational systems can be found in effect in both cases. In any event, the latest inklings of a grand unitary scale of nature and society, universe to human, as long intimated and sought, as must be there and true.

We investigate the behavior of the recently proposed quantum Google algorithm, or quantum PageRank, in large complex networks. Applying the quantum algorithm to a part of the real World Wide Web, we find that the algorithm is able to univocally reveal the underlying scale-free topology of the network and to clearly identify and order the most relevant nodes (hubs) of the graph according to their importance in the network structure. Moreover, our results show that the quantum PageRank algorithm generically leads to changes in the hierarchy of nodes. In addition, as compared to its classical counterpart, the quantum algorithm is capable to clearly highlight the structure of secondary hubs of the network, and to partially resolve the degeneracy in importance of the low lying part of the list of rankings, which represents a typical shortcoming of the classical PageRank algorithm. (Abstract)

It is of great interest to explore and classify the large amount of information that is stored in huge complex networks like the World Wide Web (WWW). A central problem of bringing order to classical information stored in networks such as the WWW amounts to rank nodes containing such information according to their relevance. A highly successful and nowadays widespread tool for this purpose has been the PageRank algorithm, which lies at the core of Google's ranking engine. In the foreseeable future where large-scale quantum networks have become a reality, classifying the quantum information stored therein will become a priority. It is in this sense that the recently introduced quantum PageRank algorithm is an important achievement as it constitutes a quantization of the classical PageRank protocol. This new quantum algorithm has shown, applied to small networks, a striking behavior with respect to its classical counterpart, such as producing a different hierarchy of nodes together, paired with a better performance. In this paper we investigate the properties of the quantum algorithm for networks which model large real-world complex systems. (1)

Paparo, Paparo, Giuseppe, et al. Quantum Speedup for Active Learning Agents. Physical Review X. 4/031002, 2014. A team of European systems physicists applies the Projective Simulation method of co-author Hans Briegel (search) to quantum phenomena which is similarly seen as capable of modifying responses and behaviors by reference to past experience. We note in another venue how it is vital to be able to accord novel events with familiar memory to effectively learn and succeed.

One of the defining characteristics of intelligent behavior is the capacity to learn from experience. However, a major bottleneck for agents to learn in any real-life situation is the size and complexity of the corresponding task environment. Even for a moderate task environment, it may simply take too long to rationally respond to a given situation. Here we show that quantum physics can help and provide a significant speed-up for active learning as a genuine problem of artificial intelligence. We introduce a large class of quantum learning agents for which we show a quadratic boost in their active learning efficiency over their classical analogues. This result will be particularly relevant for applications involving complex task environments. (Abstract)

In conclusion, it seems to us that the embodied approach to artificial intelligence acquires a further fundamental perspective by combining it with concepts from the field of quantum physics. The implications of embodiment are, in the first place, described by the laws of physics, which tell us not only about the constraints but also the ultimate possibilities of physical agents. In this paper, we have shown an example of how the laws of quantum physics can be fruitfully employed in the design of future intelligent agents that will outperform their classical relatives in complex task environments. (5)

Pseiner, Johannes, et al.. Quantum interference between distant creation processes.. arXiv:2304.03683. We record this entry by University of Vienna and MPI Science of Light physicists including Mario Krenn as an example in these 2020s of how research endeavors are able to freely range about and apply this foundational quantascape.

The search for macroscopic quantum phenomena is a fundamental pursuit in quantum mechanics. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to generate macroscopic quantum systems by demonstrating that the creation process of a quantum system can span a macroscopic distance. This new approach not only provides an exciting opportunity for foundational experiments in quantum physics.

Rispoli, Matthew, et al. Quantum Critical Behavior at the Many-Body-Localization Transition. arXiv:1812.06959. While equilibrium quantum systems are said to be well quantified, non-equilibrium phenomena have not yet been. Here seven Harvard University physicists describe how these active phases can be explained by better measurements of their entanglement properties. We cite to record how the arcane quantum realm is being parsed by the same critically poised systems theory as everywhere else. And from the Abstract: Our results unify the system's microscopic structure with its macroscopic quantum critical behavior, and they provide an essential step towards understanding criticality and universality in non-equilibrium systems.

Rotter, Ingrid and J. P. Bird. A Review of Progress in the Physics of Open Quantum Systems. Reports on Progress in Physics. 78/114001, 2015. MPI Physics of Complex Systems and SUNY Buffalo scientists survey the 21st century, worldwide revolutionary understanding of this most fundamental micro-realm. As yet mostly unnoticed, an arcane, off-putting 20th century version has been set aside for the presence of complex networks similar to every other classical macro-stage.

Sachdev, Subir and Bernhard Keimer. Quantum Criticality. Physics Today. February, 2011. Harvard University and Max Planck Institute physicists are able to deeply glimpse into material realm whose phases of large numbers of particles interact at low enough temperatures that quantum effects produce the title phenomena. An expanded technical version can be found at arxiv:1102.4628.

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