I. Planatural Genesis: A 21st Century Revolutionary, PhiloSophia, Earthumanity, Organismic EditionC. A Collective Earthtropocene Intelligence Begins to Find a Self-Organizing Personal Procreation Furtak, Marcin, et al. The Forest, the Trees, or Both? Hierarchy and Interactions between Gist and Object Processing during Perception of Real-world Scenes. Cognition. Vol. 221, April, 2022. Into this year, Polish Academy of Sciences and Tel Aviv University neuropsychologists can draw upon their own research along with a review of past 21st century work to an extent that they can presently reach a strong conclusion. Taken together, these studies join our results in supporting the global to local accounts, suggesting that gist (field) is processed more readily, and earlier, than objects. (5) As reported across the website, a temporal sequence appears to go on for both evolution and an entity. A sighted occasion is viewed by way of these dual archetypal modes, whereby a contextual scene is perceived first, after which item details are noticed and situated. The global-to-local theories of perception assume that the gist of a scene is computed early and automatically, whereas recognition of objects occurs at a later stage, requires attentional resources, and is primed by the representation of whole. To test these views, we investigated the sequence of gist- and object-recognition. We generally found that backgrounds were classified more accurately than foreground objects, while wider fields influenced object recognition. Thus these findings support global-to-local theories, implying that gists are more readily seen than details, and at an earlier stage. (Abstract excerpt) Gagler, David, et al. Scaling Laws in Enzyme Function Reveal a New Kind of Biochemical Universalit. PNAS. 119/9, 2022. Arizona State University bioscientists including Sara Walker, Chris Kempes and Hyunju Kim enter a good example of novel Earthuman abilities which can now find life’s deeper phases to also be distinguished by common, recurrent, self-similar patterns as everywhere else. A further implication is that such a result can be traced to and rooted in physical phenomena. A section heading is Universal Scaling Laws Define the Behavior of Enzyme Classes Across Diverse Biochemical Systems. A graphic depicts how the same forms hold from Archaea and Bacteria to Eukaryotes and Metagenomes, independently of specific components. We wonder again at our emergent EarthWise faculty whom can just now come to these discoveries. All life on Earth uses a shared set of chemical compounds and reactions which provides a detailed model for universal biochemistry. Here, we introduce a more generalizable concept that is more akin to the kind of universality found in physics. We show how enzyme functions form universality classes with common scaling behavior. Together, our results establish the existence of a new kind of biochemical universality, independent of the details of life on Earth’s component chemistry. (Abstract excerpt) Garcia-Sanchez, Miguel, et al. The Emergence of Interstellar Molecular Complexity Explained by Interacting Networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119/30, 2022. Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA), Torrejon de Ardoz, Spain and Swedish University of Agricultural Science researchers including Jacobo Aguirre contribute a frontier synthesis by adding and applying such equally real and vitally present interlinking webworks to nature’s intrinsic formation of nodal biomolecules. This integration is achieved and demonstrated by through novel NetWorld algorithmic computations. As the quote says, an especial value accrues by virtue of a quantified perception of commonly recurrent processes and vivifying anatomies. The road to life is punctuated by transitions toward complexity, from astrochemistry to biomolecules and eventually, to living organisms. But studies of these original phases remain a challenge to which complexity and network theory has not been much applied. We introduce a computational framework whereby simple networks simulate the most basic elements of life as they interact to form complex structures. We observe a resultant explosion of diversity when the parameter representing the environment reaches a critical value. While this model is abstract, its predictions well mimic the molecular evolution in the interstellar medium during the emergence of chemical complexity. Altogether our work suggests that the rules leading to biological complexity may be relatively simple as they engender universal patterns. (Abstract/Significance) Gontier, Nathalie, et al. Introduction: Language and Worldviews. Topoi. 41/3, 2022. University of Lisbon, Barcelona, Porto, Seville and Pavia scholars introduce the issue’s topical subject and survey some 15 contributions, see Abstract for more. Its reach by design traces all the way back to Animal Minds and the Evolution of Communication and Language. A major essay by the lead editor well summarizes, posted next. For example see Language: The Ultimate Artifact to Build, Develop and Update Worldviews by Lorenzo Magnani, The Work of Words: Poetry, Language and the Dawn of Community by Ricardo Santos-Alexandre and Language, Thought and the History of Science by Carmela Chateau-Smith. See also Evolutionary Epistemology by Nathalie Gontier and Michael Bradie in the Journal for General Philosophy of Science. (52/2, 2021) for an issue on this companion endeavor. This special issue on Language and Worldviews grew out of a workshop on Language Throughout the Ages (Google) that was organized by the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab (appeel.fc.ul.pt) at the University of Lisbon in 2019. Language and worldviews are favorite topoi for philosophers of language or mind, science, or religion, epistemology or logic. How language establishes, mediates, constructs, or enacts a contextual milieu amongst peoples, and between basic physical, sociocultural, and biological aspects is a huge, vital realm. (Excerpt) Gontier, Nathalie, et al, eds.. Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. The volume editors are NG, University of Lisbon, Andy Lock, Massey University, Australia and Chris Sinha, University of East Anglia, UK. The quotes next provide a good gist of this expansive scholastic collection as it has become newly enhanced by diverse global collaborations. Typical authoritative entries could be A Timeline for the Acquisition of Symbolic Cognition in the Human Lineage by Ian Tattersall, The Aboutness of Language and the Evolution of the Construction-ready Brain by Michael Arbib, The Evolution of Language and Speech by Antonio Benítez-Burraco and Dan Dediu, Animal Signals and Symbolism by Ulrike Griebel and D. Kimbrough Oller and Archewriting: The Symbolic Evolution of Script and Narrative by Rukmini Bhaya Nair. But from our late 2020s vantage, this historic collective cognitive sapience by which to accumulate a worldwise knowledge repository could be seen, in retrospect, as a intended descriptive re-presentation of a self-making participatory genesis to itself. The capacity to symbolize and the use of symbols concern every aspect of human life. This dedicated volume investigates how such a capability arose in human development and is expressed in many areas of societal life. Thirty-nine topical chapters grouped into six themes that focus on epistemological, psychological, anthropological, ethological, linguistic, and social-technological dimensions. The handbook presents an in-depth, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive overview of the state of the art and science of this premier distinction of our individual and collective Earthumanity. (Publisher) Gosak,, Marko, et al. Networks Behind the Morphology and Structural Design of Living Systems. Physics of Life Reviews. March, 2022. As a good example of timely abilities to achieve a convergent synthesis of nonlinear, animate complexities, five University of Maribor, Slovenia theorists including Matjaz Perc post a 40 page, 250 reference article with regard to life’s ubiquitous connectivities across every anatomic and physiological instance. For example intercellular and multicellular interaction patterns, fluid flows, neural nets and all else can be seen to exhibit similar topological dynamics. Today collaborative teams in every land, on a daily basis, altogether compose a speciesphere scientific endeavor going on by itself. But with insane carnage not far away, such a learning, thinking Earthuman faculty whom is achieving these revolutionary findings is still unknown. For such reasons, the evident presence of an independent, universal mathematic source in manifest effect still cannot be implied. See also Dynamics of Higher Order Networks by this collegial team including Matjaz Perc at arXiv:2203.06601 for a similar exercise. Advances in imaging techniques and biometric data methods have enabled us to apply the topological network properties to organelles, organs, and tissues, as well as the coordinations among them that yield a healthy, whole organism. We review research dedicated to these advances with a focus on networks between cells, the topology of multicellular structures, neural interactions, fluid transportation, and anatomies. The percolation of blood vessels, brain geometries, bone porosity, and relations between various parts of the human body are some examples we explore in detail. (Abstract excerpt)
Grossberg, Stephen.
Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each Brain Makes a Mind.
New York: Oxford University Press,,
The octogenarian Boston University poly-neuroscientist was often asked to write a summary work about his luminous studies (search). As a result, this large format, illustrated, 700 page volume proceeds to substantiate and explain his Complementary Computation theory of dynamic cerebral processes and cognitive features. As the quotes describe, into the 21st century and 2020s a vital finding can now be established. Our human neural facility, awareness and responsive behavior is distinguished by a double basis of opposite but reciprocal functions and qualities. One version is the What/Where model of object view and spatial place, which draws on dual cortical streams. Another instance, of course, is our hemispheric halves with their archetypal contrast of dot/connect, node/link, the litany goes all the way to male and female compete/cooperate aspects. The work embodies a revolutionary Principia of Mind that clarifies how autonomous adaptive intelligence is achieved. Because brains embody a universal developmental code, further insights emerge about shared law in living cells from primitive to complex and onto how networks of interacting cells support developmental and learning processes in all species. These novel brain design principles of complementarity, uncertainty, and resonance are then traced to the physical world with which our brains ceaselessly interact, and which enable our brains to incrementally learn to understand those laws, thereby enabling humans to understand the world scientifically. (Publisher) Grudic, Michael, et al. Does God Play Dice with Star Clusters?. arXiv:2307.00052.. We especially record this entry by Carnegie Observatories, UT Austin, Harvard Smithsonian, Northwestern University, and CalTech astrophysicsists including Stella Offner and Philip Hopkins because of an answer to this profound galactic question. By way of a mathematical finesse of a deep physical lawfulness, an intrinsic non-random process does seem to arrange and order natural stellar activities. As the second quote says, these findings were once masked by prior stochastic viewpoints, but have now become evident. So into 2023 might we Earthlings begin to realize that an innate provenance exist on its procreative own? It is common to assume that stellar masses are independently and identically distributed according to some population known as the universal initial mass function (IMF). However, stellar masses resulting from causal, long-ranged physics cannot be truly random and independent. To compare stochastic sampling with a physical model, we run a suite of 100 STARFORGE radiation magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of low-mass star cluster formations. In a sequence, massive stars start accreting sooner and finish later on average star. Therefore stochastic sampling may describe the end result fairly well, if the correct IMF -- and its environment-dependent upper cutoff -- are known. (Excerpt) Hausmann, Markus, e al. Laterality Entering the Next Decade: The 25th Anniversary of a Journal Devoted to Asymmetries of Brain, Behavior and Cognition. Laterality. 26/3, 2021. We cite this review/preview entry by Durham University (MH), Victoria University of Wellington (Gina Grinshaw) and University of New England, Australia (Lesley Rogers, search) scholars as a way in this late year to record the robust verification that has appeared on these scientific journal pages of an optimum bicameral asymmetry at each and every evolutionary phase and instance. As the citations note, and this resource documents, its vital occasion can be seen in effect from atomic light to (in)vertebrate animal organism all the ascendant way to our exemplary human faculties. Into these fraught 2020s, such an actual discovery of a natural complementarity between node - link, DNA – AND, dot – connect, me – We = US archetypes can now be achieved. As a result, it could at last bring these innate reciprocal attributes to inform and resolve political, engendered, combative, warlord cultures worldwide. In regard, Laterality remains the only journal of its kind dedicated to gather and report and this once and future Yang + Yin = Taome optimum poise. In 1996, Phil Bryden, Mike Corballis, and Chris McManus released the first issue of Laterality. These founding editors pointed out in their editorial how surprisingly long it took to have a journal devoted entirely to laterality, its unanswered questions and wide-ranging problems. They mentioned left-right asymmetries inside sub-atomic structures, the pharmacology of chiral molecules, anatomical asymmetries of the viscera, Broca's discovery of the left-brain dominance in language production, and so on. One-hundred and twenty-eight issues later, Laterality celebrates with a special Issue: Laterality research entering the next decade. It opens with an opinion paper by Sebastian Ocklenburg, et al which outlines ten trends going forward into the 2020s. (Excerpts) Heylighen, Francis, et al. The Third Story of the Universe: an evolutionary worldview for the noosphere. cris.vub.be/ws/portalfiles/portal/110058395/Third_Story_working_paper.pdf. Center Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel polyscholars FH, Shima Beigi and Clement Vidal achieve a March 2024 working paper synopsis to date of this unfolding worldwise 21st century life-centered revolution. A main guide is the visionary writings of the Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin about complexity, consciousness and the imminent collective noosphere. A presentation was made at The Noosphere at 100 conference, see Earth Learns for more. This report is a first survey of a new, evolutionary narrative, called the Third Story, intended to replace and complement the earlier religious (First) and mechanistic (Second) worldviews. We contend that confusions due to a world that is ever more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) have eroded people’s sense of the world as comprehensible and manageable. The First Story provides meaning and values, but they no longer provide an accurate guidance. The Second Story sees the universe as a clockwork mechanism governed by the laws that allow us to build technologies but without any basis. Our Third Story version views nature as organizing itself towards increasing complexity and consciousness so as to produce matter, life, mind and society. Its implicit value is to invite individuals to work towards a global integration of the noosphere as an Earthuman superorganic ecosystem. Hickey, Ravmond. Life and Language Beyond Earth.. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. An emeritus professor at the University of Duisburg and Essen, Germany and the University of Limerick, Ireland writes his comprehensive, up to date, survey of life’s evolutionary development both on our home bioworld and across analogous interstellar realms. The well researched and written text assumes that habitable planets will hold to a mainly similar Darwinian creaturely course as occurred on Earth. His especial emphasis is then a persistent appearance of communicative and language-like faculties for diverse social group viability. Visit the author’s website at raymondhickey.com for chapter abstracts and more. Here next is its full table of contents. Part I. Introduction: 1. Approaching the topic; 2. Looking beyond Earth; 3. Striving to understand; Part II. The Universe We Live In: 4. Trying to grasp size; 5. Star formation and planets; 6. The likelihood of life; 7. Possible conditions on an exoplanet?; 8. How and where to look for exolife; 9. The limits of exploration; 10. Assessing probabilities; Part III. Our Story on Earth: 11. The slow path of evolution; 12. How does the whole work?; 13. The road to Homo sapiens; 14. The rise of human societies; Part IV. The Runaway Brain: 15. The brain-to-body ratio; 16. How brains develop; 17. Our cognition; 18. Consciousness; 19. Artificial intelligence; Part V. Language, our Greatest Gift: 20. Looking at language; 21. Talking about language; 22. The view from linguistics; 23. The language faculty and languages; 24. Language and the brain; 25. Acquiring language; 26. Humans and animals; Part VI. Life and Language, Here and Beyond: 27. Preconditions for life; 28. What might exolife be like?; 29. Looking for signs of life; 30. The issue of first contact; 31. Language beyond Earth; 32. How human language arose; 33. The language of exobeings; 34. Looking forward. Hidalgo, Carlos, editor-in-chief.. EPS Grand Challenges: Physics for Society in the Horizon 2050.. Europe: IOP Science., 2024. The European Physics Society publishes a series of leading edge volumes as this, Google terms. This is an 800 page edition with over 100 senior authors such as Sara Seager, Jurgen Kurths, Frances Westall, Jacob Biamonte, Marc Barthelemy and Thiery Mora. Its relevance is evident by two main parts: Physics as global human enterprise for understanding Nature and Physics developments to tackling major issues affecting the lives of citizens. While a collection of disparate subjects, altogether as it looks ahead, one gets a sense of current advances and adventures by way of myriad planetary collaborations. There are many images of science and of scientists. Some would imply that science will eventually reach the limits of knowledge while others create an expectation of endless horizons. In this book, we will look at all these aspects, going from particles, to atoms, cells, organisms, stars, galaxies and our own place in the universe. We explore what makes us, human beings, unique by an ability to imagine and shape the future through the scientific method. The book is an EPS action designed to address the social dimension of science and the grand challenges in physics so to benefit developed societies, raise standards of living at the global scale, and provide basic understanding of nature on the 2050 horizon.
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